and lenders must disclose the true cost of borrowing the moneythey mak terjemahan - and lenders must disclose the true cost of borrowing the moneythey mak Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

and lenders must disclose the true

and lenders must disclose the true cost of borrowing the money
they make available to customers who purchase merchandise on
In addition, manufacturers must inform consumers about the
potential dangers of using their products. Manufacturers that fail
to provide such information can be held responsible for personal
injuries suffered because of their products. For example, Maytag
provides customers with a lengthy booklet that describes how they
should use an automatic clothes washer. Sometimes such warnings
seem excessive, but they are necessary if user injuries (and resulting
lawsuits) are to be avoided.
the Right to Choose The right to choose means that consumers
must have a choice of products, offered by different manufacturers
and sellers, to satisfy a particular need. The government has done
its part by encouraging competition through antitrust legislation.
The greater the competition, the greater is the choice available to
Competition and the resulting freedom of choice provide
additional benefits for customers by reducing prices. For example, when personal computers were introduced, they cost more than $5,000. Thanks
to intense competition and technological advancements, personal computers today
can be purchased for less than $500.
the Right to Be heard This fourth right means that someone will listen and take
appropriate action when customers complain. Actually, management began to listen
to consumers after World War II, when competition between businesses that manufactured and sold consumer goods increased. One way that firms got a competitive edge
was to listen to consumers and provide the products they said they wanted and needed.
Today, businesses are listening even more attentively, and many larger firms have consumer relations departments that can be contacted easily via toll-free telephone numbers. Other groups listen, too. Most large cities and some states have consumer affairs
offices to act on citizens’ complaints.
additional Consumer Rights In 1975, President Gerald Ford added to the
Consumer Bill of Rights the right to consumer education, which entitles people to be
fully informed about their rights as consumers. In 1994, President Bill Clinton added a
sixth right, the right to service, which entitles consumers to convenience, courtesy, and
responsiveness from manufacturers and sellers of consumer products.
Major Consumerism forces
The major forces in consumerism are individual consumer advocates and organizations,
consumer education programs, and consumer laws. Consumer advocates, such as
Ralph Nader, take it on themselves to protect the rights of consumers. They band
together into consumer organizations, either independently or under government
sponsorship. Some organizations, such as the National Consumers’ League and the
Consumer Federation of America, operate nationally, whereas others are active at
state and local levels. They inform and organize other consumers, raise issues, help
businesses to develop consumer-oriented programs, and pressure lawmakers to enact
consumer protection laws. Some consumer advocates and organizations encourage
consumers to boycott products and businesses to which they have objections. Today,
the consumer movement has adopted corporate-style marketing and addresses a broad
range of issues. Current campaigns include efforts (1) to curtail the use of animals for
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
and lenders must disclose the true cost of borrowing the moneythey make available to customers who purchase merchandise oncredit.In addition, manufacturers must inform consumers about thepotential dangers of using their products. Manufacturers that failto provide such information can be held responsible for personalinjuries suffered because of their products. For example, Maytagprovides customers with a lengthy booklet that describes how theyshould use an automatic clothes washer. Sometimes such warningsseem excessive, but they are necessary if user injuries (and resultinglawsuits) are to be avoided.the Right to Choose The right to choose means that consumersmust have a choice of products, offered by different manufacturersand sellers, to satisfy a particular need. The government has doneits part by encouraging competition through antitrust legislation.The greater the competition, the greater is the choice available toconsumers.Competition and the resulting freedom of choice provideadditional benefits for customers by reducing prices. For example, when personal computers were introduced, they cost more than $5,000. Thanksto intense competition and technological advancements, personal computers todaycan be purchased for less than $500.the Right to Be heard This fourth right means that someone will listen and takeappropriate action when customers complain. Actually, management began to listento consumers after World War II, when competition between businesses that manufactured and sold consumer goods increased. One way that firms got a competitive edge
was to listen to consumers and provide the products they said they wanted and needed.
Today, businesses are listening even more attentively, and many larger firms have consumer relations departments that can be contacted easily via toll-free telephone numbers. Other groups listen, too. Most large cities and some states have consumer affairs
offices to act on citizens’ complaints.
additional Consumer Rights In 1975, President Gerald Ford added to the
Consumer Bill of Rights the right to consumer education, which entitles people to be
fully informed about their rights as consumers. In 1994, President Bill Clinton added a
sixth right, the right to service, which entitles consumers to convenience, courtesy, and
responsiveness from manufacturers and sellers of consumer products.
Major Consumerism forces
The major forces in consumerism are individual consumer advocates and organizations,
consumer education programs, and consumer laws. Consumer advocates, such as
Ralph Nader, take it on themselves to protect the rights of consumers. They band
together into consumer organizations, either independently or under government
sponsorship. Some organizations, such as the National Consumers’ League and the
Consumer Federation of America, operate nationally, whereas others are active at
state and local levels. They inform and organize other consumers, raise issues, help
businesses to develop consumer-oriented programs, and pressure lawmakers to enact
consumer protection laws. Some consumer advocates and organizations encourage
consumers to boycott products and businesses to which they have objections. Today,
the consumer movement has adopted corporate-style marketing and addresses a broad
range of issues. Current campaigns include efforts (1) to curtail the use of animals for
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
dan pemberi pinjaman harus mengungkapkan biaya sebenarnya dari pinjaman uang
mereka membuat tersedia untuk pelanggan yang membeli barang dagangan di
Selain itu, produsen harus menginformasikan konsumen tentang
potensi bahaya dari menggunakan produk mereka. Produsen yang gagal
untuk memberikan informasi tersebut dapat bertanggung jawab atas pribadi
cedera menderita karena produk mereka. Misalnya, Maytag
menyediakan pelanggan dengan buklet yang panjang yang menggambarkan bagaimana mereka
harus menggunakan mesin cuci pakaian otomatis. Kadang-kadang peringatan seperti
tampak berlebihan, tetapi mereka diperlukan jika luka pengguna (dan mengakibatkan
tuntutan hukum) yang harus dihindari.
Hak Pilih Hak untuk memilih berarti bahwa konsumen
harus memiliki pilihan produk, yang ditawarkan oleh produsen yang berbeda
dan penjual, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tertentu. Pemerintah telah melakukan
bagiannya dengan mendorong persaingan melalui undang-undang antitrust.
Semakin besar kompetisi, semakin besar pilihan yang tersedia untuk
Persaingan dan kebebasan yang dihasilkan dari pilihan memberikan
manfaat tambahan bagi pelanggan dengan mengurangi harga. Misalnya, ketika komputer pribadi diperkenalkan, mereka biaya lebih dari $ 5.000. Terima kasih
untuk persaingan yang ketat dan kemajuan teknologi, komputer pribadi saat ini
dapat dibeli untuk kurang dari $ 500.
Hak untuk Didengar kanan keempat Ini berarti bahwa seseorang akan mendengarkan dan mengambil
tindakan yang tepat ketika pelanggan mengeluh. Sebenarnya, manajemen mulai mendengarkan
kepada konsumen setelah Perang Dunia II, ketika kompetisi antara perusahaan yang memproduksi dan barang konsumsi yang dijual meningkat. Salah satu cara bahwa perusahaan mendapat keunggulan kompetitif
adalah untuk mendengarkan konsumen dan memberikan produk yang mereka mengatakan mereka inginkan dan butuhkan.
Hari ini, bisnis yang mendengarkan bahkan lebih penuh perhatian, dan banyak perusahaan besar memiliki departemen hubungan konsumen yang dapat dihubungi dengan mudah melalui bebas pulsa nomor telepon. Kelompok lain mendengarkan, juga. Kebanyakan kota-kota besar dan beberapa negara memiliki urusan konsumen
kantor untuk bertindak atas keluhan warga.
Tambahan Hak Konsumen Pada tahun 1975, Presiden Gerald Ford ditambahkan ke
Konsumen Bill of Rights hak untuk pendidikan konsumen, yang memberikan hak orang untuk menjadi
sepenuhnya informasi tentang hak-hak mereka sebagai konsumen. Pada tahun 1994, Presiden Bill Clinton menambahkan
tepat keenam, hak untuk layanan, yang memberikan hak konsumen untuk kenyamanan, sopan santun, dan
respon dari produsen dan penjual produk konsumen.
Mayor Konsumerisme memaksa
Pasukan utama dalam konsumerisme adalah advokat konsumen individu dan organisasi,
konsumen program pendidikan, dan hukum konsumen. Pendukung konsumen, seperti
Ralph Nader, bawa pada diri mereka sendiri untuk melindungi hak-hak konsumen. Mereka band
bersama-sama ke organisasi konsumen, baik secara mandiri atau di bawah pemerintah
sponsor. Beberapa organisasi, seperti National League Konsumen dan
Federasi Konsumen Amerika, beroperasi secara nasional, sedangkan yang lain aktif di
tingkat negara bagian dan lokal. Mereka menginformasikan dan mengatur konsumen lainnya, mengangkat isu-isu, membantu
perusahaan untuk mengembangkan program berorientasi konsumen, dan anggota parlemen tekanan untuk memberlakukan
undang-undang perlindungan konsumen. Beberapa pendukung konsumen dan organisasi mendorong
konsumen untuk memboikot produk-produk dan bisnis yang mereka memiliki keberatan. Hari ini,
gerakan konsumen telah mengadopsi perusahaan-gaya pemasaran dan alamat yang luas
berbagai isu. Kampanye saat ini mencakup upaya (1) untuk mengurangi penggunaan hewan untuk
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