Hi and Welcome to the Community! Yes, that does indeed sound like a nu terjemahan - Hi and Welcome to the Community! Yes, that does indeed sound like a nu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Hi and Welcome to the Community! Ye

Hi and Welcome to the Community!

Yes, that does indeed sound like a nuisance...so I suggest some things you did not mention...starting with a clean OS reload. Please prepare by reviewing/conducting a full backup...you can find complete instructions via the link in my auto-sig on this post.

Please refer to this official download portal as you proceed. It is sorted first by carrier -- so if all you want are the OS levels your carrier supports, your search will be quick. However, some carriers are much slower than others to release updates. To truly seek out the most up-to-date OS package for your BB, you must dig through and find all carriers that support your specific model BB, and then compare the OS levels that they support.


From a PC, you can install any compatible (e.g., for your exact BB Model Number) OS package to a BB via this procedure:


Note that while written for "reload" and the Storm, it can be used to upgrade, downgrade, or reload any BB device model -- it all depends on the OS package you download and install to your PC. After installing the OS package to your PC, please remeber to delete, on your PC, all copies of VENDOR.XML...there will be at least one, and perhaps 2, and they will be located in or similarly to (it changes based on your Windows version) these folders:

C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesResearch In MotionAppLoader
C:Users(your Windows UserName)AppDataRoamingResearch In MotionBlackBerryLoader XML

Be sure that you remove, from your PC, any other BB device OS packages as having more than one installed to the PC can cause conflicts with this procedure.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hi dan Selamat datang di komunitas! Ya, itu memang terdengar seperti gangguan... jadi saya menyarankan beberapa hal Anda tidak menyebutkan... dimulai dengan reload OS bersih. Harap disiapkan dengan meninjau/melakukan full backup... Anda dapat menemukan petunjuk lengkap melalui link di auto-sig saya di posting ini.Silakan merujuk ke portal download resmi ini ketika Anda melanjutkan. Itu adalah diurutkan pertama oleh pembawa--sehingga jika semua yang Anda inginkan adalah tingkat OS Anda mendukung pembawa, pencarian Anda akan cepat. Namun, beberapa operator jauh lebih lambat daripada yang lain untuk melepaskan update. Benar-benar mencari paket OS terkini untuk BB Anda, Anda harus menggali melalui dan menemukan semua operator yang mendukung model spesifik BB, dan kemudian membandingkan tingkat OS yang mereka mendukung. http://US.BlackBerry.com/support/Downloads/download_sites.jspDari PC, Anda dapat menginstal setiap paket OS yang kompatibel (misalnya, untuk nomor Model BB tepat) untuk BB melalui prosedur ini: http://supportforums.BlackBerry.com/T5/BlackBerry-Device-Software/How-to-reload-Your-Operating-Syste...Perhatikan bahwa sementara ditulis untuk "reload" dan badai, dapat digunakan untuk meng-upgrade, menurunkan atau reload setiap model perangkat BB--itu semua tergantung pada paket OS Anda men-download dan menginstal PC. Setelah menginstal paket OS ke PC Anda, ingatlah untuk menghapus, pada PC Anda, semua salinan VENDOR.XML... akan ada setidaknya satu, dan mungkin 2, dan mereka akan terletak di atau sama untuk (itu perubahan berdasarkan versi Windows) folder ini: C:Program Files (x 86) Common FilesResearch di MotionAppLoader C:Users(Your Windows username) AppDataRoamingResearch In MotionBlackBerryLoader XMLPastikan bahwa Anda menghapus, dari PC Anda, apapun BB perangkat OS paket lain sebagai memiliki lebih dari satu terinstal ke PC dapat menyebabkan konflik dengan prosedur ini.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hi and Welcome to the Community!

Yes, that does indeed sound like a nuisance...so I suggest some things you did not mention...starting with a clean OS reload. Please prepare by reviewing/conducting a full backup...you can find complete instructions via the link in my auto-sig on this post.

Please refer to this official download portal as you proceed. It is sorted first by carrier -- so if all you want are the OS levels your carrier supports, your search will be quick. However, some carriers are much slower than others to release updates. To truly seek out the most up-to-date OS package for your BB, you must dig through and find all carriers that support your specific model BB, and then compare the OS levels that they support.


From a PC, you can install any compatible (e.g., for your exact BB Model Number) OS package to a BB via this procedure:


Note that while written for "reload" and the Storm, it can be used to upgrade, downgrade, or reload any BB device model -- it all depends on the OS package you download and install to your PC. After installing the OS package to your PC, please remeber to delete, on your PC, all copies of VENDOR.XML...there will be at least one, and perhaps 2, and they will be located in or similarly to (it changes based on your Windows version) these folders:

C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesResearch In MotionAppLoader
C:Users(your Windows UserName)AppDataRoamingResearch In MotionBlackBerryLoader XML

Be sure that you remove, from your PC, any other BB device OS packages as having more than one installed to the PC can cause conflicts with this procedure.
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