Pamela (Supercell)Sep 02 19:17Hello Nadratul,Thanks for contacting Hay terjemahan - Pamela (Supercell)Sep 02 19:17Hello Nadratul,Thanks for contacting Hay Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Pamela (Supercell)Sep 02 19:17Hello

Pamela (Supercell)
Sep 02 19:17

Hello Nadratul,

Thanks for contacting Hay Day Support!

I am sorry to hear that you have lost your farm. As a fellow farmer, I know how much time and effort is needed to reach your level and I would try my best to ensure all your hard work and time does not go in vain. I just need a little help from you so I can locate and recover your farm. When I was going your accounts, I see that you have raised multiple tickets about this issue and one of my Colleague Megan had requested you for the information required to recover your lost farm. Please respond to this email with the details mentioned below so I can continue to assist you:

Name of the neighborhood your lost farm was part of

Are you writing to us now from the device on which you want to recover your farm?

This information will help us investigate the issue. We'll be looking forward to hearing from you, I will be happy to help you with this! :)

In the meantime, have a Hay-ppy Day!

Pamela | Supercell | Player Support

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pamela (Supercell)
September 02 19:17

Halo Nadratul,

terima kasih telah menghubungi dukungan hari Hay!

aku menyesal mendengar bahwa Anda telah kehilangan peternakan Anda. Sebagai sesama petani, aku tahu berapa banyak waktu dan usaha yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai tingkat Anda dan saya akan mencoba yang terbaik untuk memastikan semua kerja keras dan waktu tidak pergi sia-sia. Aku hanya perlu sedikit bantuan dari Anda sehingga saya dapat mencari dan memulihkan peternakan Anda. Ketika saya akan account, saya melihat bahwa Anda telah mengangkat beberapa tiket tentang masalah ini dan salah satu Megan rekan saya telah meminta Anda untuk informasi yang diperlukan untuk memulihkan peternakan Anda hilang. Silahkan merespon email ini dengan rincian yang disebutkan di bawah ini agar saya dapat melanjutkan untuk membantu Anda:

nama lingkungan pertanian hilang adalah bagian dari

Anda menulis kepada kita sekarang dari perangkat yang Anda inginkan untuk memulihkan pertanian?

informasi ini akan membantu kami menyelidiki masalah. Kita akan melihat ke depan untuk mendengar dari Anda, saya akan senang untuk membantu Anda dengan ini! :)

Sementara, memiliki hari Hay-ppy!

Pamela | Supercell | Player dukungan

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pamela (Supercell)
Sep 02 19:17

Hello Nadratul,

Thanks for contacting Hay Day Support!

I am sorry to hear that you have lost your farm. As a fellow farmer, I know how much time and effort is needed to reach your level and I would try my best to ensure all your hard work and time does not go in vain. I just need a little help from you so I can locate and recover your farm. When I was going your accounts, I see that you have raised multiple tickets about this issue and one of my Colleague Megan had requested you for the information required to recover your lost farm. Please respond to this email with the details mentioned below so I can continue to assist you:

Name of the neighborhood your lost farm was part of

Are you writing to us now from the device on which you want to recover your farm?

This information will help us investigate the issue. We'll be looking forward to hearing from you, I will be happy to help you with this! :)

In the meantime, have a Hay-ppy Day!

Pamela | Supercell | Player Support

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