Can re­store 4.3 W HP every sec­ond in luck­ily, this makes me sup­por terjemahan - Can re­store 4.3 W HP every sec­ond in luck­ily, this makes me sup­por Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Can re­store 4.3 W HP every sec­ond

Can re­store 4.3 W HP every sec­ond in luck­ily, this makes me sup­port re­luc­tantly, the dou­ble sword at­tacks from time to time de­fends from time to time, at this time was also saw clearly, Red­ding the anger and the thun­der clouds in­can­ta­tion of thun­der be­longed to the magic at­tack, is un­able to de­fend, but the end­less crazy later tom­a­hawk ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally and other skills be­longed to the phys­i­cal at­tack of gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices, but I have been able to de­fend under the 150% strength pro­mo­tion of King do­main re­luc­tantly, at least can MISS fall over 30% in­juries, liv­ing blood that like this our prac­tic­ing med­i­cine also al­most can draw.
„Bang bang”
The tom­a­hawk of Red­ding shells sud­denly twice in my front, spat­tered in all di­rec­tions Lei Guang, HP fell a big trun­ca­tion, was in im­mi­nent dan­ger.
Nearby, god of death elegy fierce brave raises the shield to hit BOSS, town Yue Dao sweeps away two blades, with di­verted justly has shared sev­eral sec­onds of in­jury for me force­fully, the rem­nant blood drew back, on the face full was the elec­tric­ity glow, stern-faced said: „This BOSS was too mis­er­able, in my mem­ory, guild­mas­ter has not killed BOSS to kill that mis­er­able sit­u­a­tion for a long time”
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled dis­tant is stand­ing, said: „Ap­prox­i­mately also only then ram­bled to be able to block the at­tack of Red­ding.”
I re­treat slightly sev­eral steps, with­stood an at­tack of round thun­der clouds in­can­ta­tion, com­plain­ing con­stantly said: „Can­not with­stand to be good, re­mote pre­ci­sion fol­lows, we have 10 min­utes of pre­cious Cooldown!”
The mur­der­ing god three ar­tillery of fox are un­ceas­ing, but Lin Wan Er the edges , the bright moon storms var­i­ous god and other skill falling con­stantly on BOSS, Yue Qing Qian do not want to bring the treat­ment pres­sure to every­body, there­fore is only grasp­ing and the icy cold awl dis­tant re­lease red fox, Lin Xi­aowu, hun­dred li (0.5km), if wind et al. rapidly pull out the arrow to build the bow to keep fir­ing, can these 10 min­utes were too to us pre­cious, al­most bet all large-scale stunts, mas­sacre Red­ding to look at these 10 min­utes of out­puts.
Fi­nally every­body has not dis­ap­pointed Red­ding, from the be­gin­ning to 17 min­utes that the King do­main fin­ished, un­ex­pect­edly stiffly pro­jected on Red­ding had 14% HP.
„It is not won­der­ful, Li Xiao Yao King do­main BUFF must van­ish.” Jian Feng Han looks at Red­ding with clenched jaws, this BOSS has mas­sa­cred us to be much in­fe­rior, Jian Feng Han also hangs under his hand 2 times.
Yanzhao does not have the two roads: „With­out the means that can only use the huge-crowd strat­egy, all knights are the player pre­pare, every­one must with­stand BOSS to sur­pass 5 sec­onds of in­jury with the just di­ver­sion, the as­cetic per­son also, with putting aside the butcher knife at­trac­tion ha­tred, I num­bers, once the ram­ble has the dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion to at­tract the BOSS ha­tred in turn, do not hes­i­tate!”
Had not said that one minute, with­out me of King do­main BUFF ef­fect the rem­nant blood, „bang” had been chopped the Shuan­g­long pas­sive ef­fect im­me­di­ately, fi­nally Shuan­g­long has not van­ished, Red­ding roars a tom­a­hawk to sweep three times, the tom­a­hawk ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally skill, at pre­sent one black, my this had been mas­sa­cred the third time by Red­ding!
Wait­ing re­ac­ti­vat­ing time, the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled order knight and play­ers of as­cetic per­son for­ma­tion got up, is uni­form pulls the skill force­fully, knight de­part­ment the suc­cess ratio of over 80% of just di­ver­sion at least to BOSS, even if Red­ding is also same, be­fore ball ball not silly first raises the shield to rush, bel­lows to start the just di­ver­sion, at­tracted Red­ding at­tacked con­sec­u­tively for three tom­a­hawks!
„Bang bang bang”
Mars spat­ter in all di­rec­tions
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Can re­store 4.3 W HP every sec­ond in luck­ily, this makes me sup­port re­luc­tantly, the dou­ble sword at­tacks from time to time de­fends from time to time, at this time was also saw clearly, Red­ding the anger and the thun­der clouds in­can­ta­tion of thun­der be­longed to the magic at­tack, is un­able to de­fend, but the end­less crazy later tom­a­hawk ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally and other skills be­longed to the phys­i­cal at­tack of gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices, but I have been able to de­fend under the 150% strength pro­mo­tion of King do­main re­luc­tantly, at least can MISS fall over 30% in­juries, liv­ing blood that like this our prac­tic­ing med­i­cine also al­most can draw.„Bang bang”The tom­a­hawk of Red­ding shells sud­denly twice in my front, spat­tered in all di­rec­tions Lei Guang, HP fell a big trun­ca­tion, was in im­mi­nent dan­ger.Nearby, god of death elegy fierce brave raises the shield to hit BOSS, town Yue Dao sweeps away two blades, with di­verted justly has shared sev­eral sec­onds of in­jury for me force­fully, the rem­nant blood drew back, on the face full was the elec­tric­ity glow, stern-faced said: „This BOSS was too mis­er­able, in my mem­ory, guild­mas­ter has not killed BOSS to kill that mis­er­able sit­u­a­tion for a long time”Yanzhao un­par­al­leled dis­tant is stand­ing, said: „Ap­prox­i­mately also only then ram­bled to be able to block the at­tack of Red­ding.”I re­treat slightly sev­eral steps, with­stood an at­tack of round thun­der clouds in­can­ta­tion, com­plain­ing con­stantly said: „Can­not with­stand to be good, re­mote pre­ci­sion fol­lows, we have 10 min­utes of pre­cious Cooldown!”The mur­der­ing god three ar­tillery of fox are un­ceas­ing, but Lin Wan Er the edges , the bright moon storms var­i­ous god and other skill falling con­stantly on BOSS, Yue Qing Qian do not want to bring the treat­ment pres­sure to every­body, there­fore is only grasp­ing and the icy cold awl dis­tant re­lease red fox, Lin Xi­aowu, hun­dred li (0.5km), if wind et al. rapidly pull out the arrow to build the bow to keep fir­ing, can these 10 min­utes were too to us pre­cious, al­most bet all large-scale stunts, mas­sacre Red­ding to look at these 10 min­utes of out­puts.Fi­nally every­body has not dis­ap­pointed Red­ding, from the be­gin­ning to 17 min­utes that the King do­main fin­ished, un­ex­pect­edly stiffly pro­jected on Red­ding had 14% HP.„It is not won­der­ful, Li Xiao Yao King do­main BUFF must van­ish.” Jian Feng Han looks at Red­ding with clenched jaws, this BOSS has mas­sa­cred us to be much in­fe­rior, Jian Feng Han also hangs under his hand 2 times.Yanzhao does not have the two roads: „With­out the means that can only use the huge-crowd strat­egy, all knights are the player pre­pare, every­one must with­stand BOSS to sur­pass 5 sec­onds of in­jury with the just di­ver­sion, the as­cetic per­son also, with putting aside the butcher knife at­trac­tion ha­tred, I num­bers, once the ram­ble has the dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion to at­tract the BOSS ha­tred in turn, do not hes­i­tate!”Had not said that one minute, with­out me of King do­main BUFF ef­fect the rem­nant blood, „bang” had been chopped the Shuan­g­long pas­sive ef­fect im­me­di­ately, fi­nally Shuan­g­long has not van­ished, Red­ding roars a tom­a­hawk to sweep three times, the tom­a­hawk ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally skill, at pre­sent one black, my this had been mas­sa­cred the third time by Red­ding!„On!”Wait­ing re­ac­ti­vat­ing time, the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled order knight and play­ers of as­cetic per­son for­ma­tion got up, is uni­form pulls the skill force­fully, knight de­part­ment the suc­cess ratio of over 80% of just di­ver­sion at least to BOSS, even if Red­ding is also same, be­fore ball ball not silly first raises the shield to rush, bel­lows to start the just di­ver­sion, at­tracted Red­ding at­tacked con­sec­u­tively for three tom­a­hawks!„Bang bang bang”Hujan rintik-rintik Mars dalam segala arah
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dapat mengembalikan 4,3 W HP setiap detik dalam Untungnya, ini membuat saya mendukung enggan, serangan pedang ganda dari waktu ke waktu membela dari waktu ke waktu, saat ini juga melihat jelas, Redding kemarahan dan awan guntur mantra guntur milik serangan sihir, tidak dapat membela, tapi gila tak berujung kemudian tomahawk secara vertikal dan horizontal dan keterampilan lainnya milik serangan fisik barang asli dengan harga yang wajar, tapi aku telah mampu mempertahankan bawah promosi kekuatan 150% dari Raja domain enggan , setidaknya dapat LEWATKAN jatuh di atas luka 30%, darah yang seperti ini obat berlatih kami juga hampir dapat menarik hidup.
"Bang bang"
The tomahawk kerang Redding tiba-tiba dua kali di depan saya, terpercik ke segala arah Lei Guang, HP jatuh besar pemotongan, adalah dalam bahaya.
Terdekat, dewa kematian elegi sengit berani mengangkat perisai untuk memukul BOSS, kota Yue Dao menyapu dua bilah, dengan dialihkan adil telah berbagi beberapa detik cedera bagi saya paksa, darah sisa mundur, pada wajah penuh adalah cahaya listrik, buritan berwajah mengatakan: "BOSS ini terlalu menyedihkan, dalam memori saya, Guildmaster tidak membunuh BOSS untuk membunuh situasi menyedihkan untuk waktu yang lama"
Yanzhao tak tertandingi jauh berdiri, mengatakan: "Kira-kira juga hanya kemudian mengoceh untuk dapat memblokir serangan dari Redding ".
aku mundur sedikit beberapa langkah, bertahan serangan putaran awan petir mantra, mengeluh terus-menerus mengatakan:" tidak bisa menahan untuk menjadi baik, presisi jarak jauh berikut, kami memiliki 10 menit berharga cooldown! "
The pembunuhan secara dewa tiga artileri dari fox yang tak henti-hentinya, tapi Lin Wan Er tepi, badai bulan terang berbagai dewa dan keterampilan lainnya jatuh terus-menerus pada BOSS, Yue Qing Qian tidak ingin membawa tekanan pengobatan untuk semua orang, karena itu hanya menggenggam dan es dingin penusuk rilis jauh rubah merah, Lin Xiaowu, seratus li (0.5km), jika et angin al. cepat menarik keluar panah untuk membangun haluan tetap aktif, bisa ini 10 menit terlalu ke kami yang berharga, hampir taruhan semua stunts skala besar, pembantaian Redding untuk melihat rute 10 menit dari output.
Akhirnya semua orang memiliki tidak kecewa Redding, dari awal untuk 17 menit bahwa domain Raja selesai, tiba-tiba kaku diproyeksikan pada Redding memiliki 14% HP.
"Hal ini tidak indah, Li Xiao Yao Raja domain BUFF harus lenyap." Jian Feng Han terlihat di Redding dengan rahang terkatup, BOSS ini memiliki membantai kita untuk menjadi lebih rendah, Jian Feng Han juga menggantung di bawah tangannya 2 kali.
Yanzhao tidak memiliki dua jalan: "Tanpa sarana yang hanya bisa menggunakan strategi besar-orang, semua ksatria adalah pemain mempersiapkan, setiap orang harus menahan BOSS mengungguli 5 detik dari cedera dengan hanya pengalihan, orang pertapa juga, dengan mengesampingkan daging pisau tarik kebencian, nomor saya, sekali pelancongan memiliki situasi yang berbahaya untuk menarik kebencian BOSS pada gilirannya, jangan ragu-ragu! "
Had tidak mengatakan bahwa satu menit, tanpa aku Raja efek domain BUFF darah sisa, "bang" telah cincang yang Shuanglong efek pasif segera, akhirnya Shuanglong belum lenyap, Redding mengaum tomahawk untuk menyapu tiga kali, tomahawk secara vertikal dan horizontal keterampilan , saat ini salah satu hitam, saya ini telah membantai ketiga kalinya oleh Redding!
Menunggu waktu mengaktifkan, yang Yanzhao tertandingi rangka ksatria dan pemain pembentukan orang pertapa bangun, seragam menarik keterampilan paksa, departemen ksatria keberhasilan rasio lebih dari 80% dari hanya pengalihan setidaknya untuk BOSS, bahkan jika Redding juga sama, sebelum bola bola tidak konyol pertama menimbulkan perisai untuk terburu-buru, bellow untuk memulai hanya pengalihan, menarik Redding menyerang berturut-turut selama tiga tomahawk!
"Bang Bang bang "
Mars hujan rintik-rintik di semua arah
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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