No notifications or new messages appearing in chomp?See device setting terjemahan - No notifications or new messages appearing in chomp?See device setting Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

No notifications or new messages ap

No notifications or new messages appearing in chomp?

See device settings > apps/apps management > chompSMS > notifications ON.

Also check none of the following apps or apps of this nature are interfering.

* IntelliRing (uncheck the box for it to manage notification volume)
* ExceptMe
* After School
* Light Manager
* Lightflow
* Cleanmaster, check quiet notifications is OFF
* General Settings > Sound & notification > Advanced options, ensure Less frequent notification sounds is set to Default Behaviour

Or typically it's another SMS app (e.g. Textra, Handcent, Go SMS, Contacts+, Hangouts, Verizon Messages etc) interfering.

Please disable/uninstall updates (typically found in your device settings > app management/apps etc) or completely uninstall/remove the culprit and chompSMS should work perfectly!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
No notifications or new messages appearing in chomp?See device settings > apps/apps management > chompSMS > notifications ON.Also check none of the following apps or apps of this nature are interfering.* IntelliRing (uncheck the box for it to manage notification volume)* ExceptMe * After School * Light Manager* Lightflow* Cleanmaster, check quiet notifications is OFF* General Settings > Sound & notification > Advanced options, ensure Less frequent notification sounds is set to Default BehaviourOr typically it's another SMS app (e.g. Textra, Handcent, Go SMS, Contacts+, Hangouts, Verizon Messages etc) interfering.Please disable/uninstall updates (typically found in your device settings > app management/apps etc) or completely uninstall/remove the culprit and chompSMS should work perfectly!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tidak ada pemberitahuan atau pesan baru muncul di chomp?

Lihat manajemen pengaturan perangkat> apps / apps> chompSMS> pemberitahuan ON.

Lihat juga tidak mengikuti aplikasi atau aplikasi dari alam ini yang mengganggu.

* IntelliRing (hapus centang pada kotak untuk itu untuk mengelola volume suara )
* ExceptMe
* After School
* Cahaya Manajer
* Lightflow
* Cleanmaster, memeriksa notifikasi tenang adalah OFF
* Setelan Umum> Suara & pemberitahuan> Pilihan lanjutan, memastikan Kurang sering notifikasi suara diatur ke default Perilaku

Atau biasanya itu aplikasi SMS lain (misalnya Textra, Handcent, Go SMS, Kontak +, Hangouts, Verizon Messages dll) campur.

nonaktifkan / uninstall update (biasanya ditemukan dalam pengaturan perangkat Anda> manajemen aplikasi / aplikasi dll) atau benar-benar uninstall / menghapus pelakunya dan chompSMS harus bekerja dengan sempurna!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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