As hypothesized, this study found a significantnegative relationship b terjemahan - As hypothesized, this study found a significantnegative relationship b Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

As hypothesized, this study found a

As hypothesized, this study found a significant
negative relationship between the newly
recognized PsyCap of employees and their
perceived symptoms of job stress. This finding
contributes to the understanding that
today’s employees need to draw from heretofore
unrecognized and largely untapped positive
resources, such as psychological capital,
to help them combat the dysfunctional effects
of stress, such as turnover. Supporting
this impact on turnover, the study findings
also indicate that employees’ PsyCap has a
significant negative relationship with both
their intentions to quit and job search behaviors,
both indicators of voluntary turnover.
Armed with the implications of this empirical
evidence, we propose that HR training
and development efforts that recognize and
enhance the underemphasized positive resources
of efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience
and the core construct of psychological
capital may help employees combat stress
and, in turn, reduce voluntary turnover.
Workplace stress management programs
often focus on working conditions, such as
providing flexible work schedules, creating
employee assistance and wellness programs,
and redesigning jobs. Organizational policies
that encourage social support from supervisors
and coworkers also are offered to help
buffer employees from stress. Participation in
recreational sports is still another avenue that
allows employees to release stress and interact
with one another in positive ways, and
recent studies suggest that organization-sponsored
play can have a positive impact on
employee stress levels (Nel & Spies, 2007).
Although stress management programs
that focus on the organizational context can
be effective, Nelson and Sutton’s (1990) longitudinal
study indicates the importance of
recognizing dispositional as well as situational
effects on work stress. Their findings suggest
personal characteristics may predispose a person
to stress, thereby limiting the effectiveness
of such environmental interventions as
job redesign and company programs. Research
has shown that certain personality
variables do relate to the appraisal and effects
of stressful events, negative affectivity (Brief,
Burke, George, Robinson, & Webster, 1988),
neuroticism (McRae, 1990), and conscientiousness
(O’Brien & DeLongis, 1996). Type A
and Type B personality differences also have
been correlated to work stress, with the impatient
and overly aggressive Type A personality
particularly susceptible to dissatisfaction and
stress (Mathews, 1982). This research has
prompted personality testing to become a
common (albeit somewhat controversial) HR
selection tool. Although the use of personality
testing for selection must have predictive
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Seperti dihipotesiskan, studi ini ditemukan signifikannegatif hubungan barudiakui PsyCap karyawan dan merekagejala yang dirasakan pekerjaan stres. Temuan inimemberikan kontribusi terhadap pemahaman yanghari ini karyawan perlu menarik dari sebelumnyatidak dikenal dan sebagian besar belum dimanfaatkan positifsumber daya, seperti modal psikologis,untuk membantu mereka mengatasi dampak disfungsionalstres, seperti omset. Mendukungini berdampak pada omset, temuan penelitianjuga menunjukkan bahwa memiliki PsyCap karyawanhubungan negatif yang signifikan dengan keduaniat mereka untuk berhenti dan job Cari perilaku,kedua indikator pergantian sukarela.Bersenjata dengan Implikasi-implikasi ini empirisbukti, kami mengusulkan bahwa HR pelatihandan perkembangan usahanya yang mengenali danmeningkatkan sumber daya positif underemphasizedKhasiat, harapan, optimisme, dan ketahanandan membangun inti psikologismodal dapat membantu karyawan melawan stressdan, pada gilirannya, mengurangi pergantian sukarela.Tempat kerja stres manajemen programsering fokus pada kondisi kerja, sepertimenyediakan jadwal kerja yang fleksibel, menciptakanBantuan karyawan dan program-program kesehatan,dan mendesain ulang pekerjaan. Kebijakan organisasiyang mendorong dukungan sosial dari pengawasdan rekan kerja juga ditawarkan untuk membantupenyangga karyawan dari stres. Partisipasi dalamolah raga rekreasional adalah jalan masih lain yangmemungkinkan karyawan untuk melepaskan stres dan berinteraksidengan satu sama lain dalam cara yang positif, danstudi terbaru menunjukkan bahwa organisasi yang disponsoriBermain dapat memiliki dampak positif padatingkat stres karyawan (Nel & Spies, 2007).Walaupun stres manajemen programyang fokus pada konteks organisasi dapatmenjadi efektif, Nelson dan Sutton's (1990) longitudinalstudi menunjukkan pentingnyamengenali dispositional sebagai situasionalEfek stres kerja. Temuan mereka menunjukkanKarakteristik pribadi dapat mempengaruhi seseorangstres, sehingga membatasi efektivitasintervensi seperti lingkungan sebagaipekerjaan mendesain ulang dan perusahaan program. Penelitiantelah menunjukkan bahwa kepribadian tertentuvariabel berhubungan dengan penilaian dan efekperistiwa stres, efektifitas negatif (singkat,Burke, George, Robinson, & Webster, 1988),neuroticism (McRae, 1990), dan kehati-hatian(O'Brien & DeLongis, 1996). Tipe Adan perbedaan kepribadian tipe B juga memilikiberkorelasi untuk bekerja stres, dengan tidak sabardan terlalu agresif tipe A kepribadiansangat rentan terhadap ketidakpuasan danstres (Mathews, 1982). Penelitian ini telahdiminta kepribadian pengujian untuk menjadiHR Umum (meskipun agak kontroversial)pemilihan alat. Meskipun penggunaan kepribadianpengujian untuk pilihan harus prediktif
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
As hypothesized, this study found a significant
negative relationship between the newly
recognized PsyCap of employees and their
perceived symptoms of job stress. This finding
contributes to the understanding that
today’s employees need to draw from heretofore
unrecognized and largely untapped positive
resources, such as psychological capital,
to help them combat the dysfunctional effects
of stress, such as turnover. Supporting
this impact on turnover, the study findings
also indicate that employees’ PsyCap has a
significant negative relationship with both
their intentions to quit and job search behaviors,
both indicators of voluntary turnover.
Armed with the implications of this empirical
evidence, we propose that HR training
and development efforts that recognize and
enhance the underemphasized positive resources
of efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience
and the core construct of psychological
capital may help employees combat stress
and, in turn, reduce voluntary turnover.
Workplace stress management programs
often focus on working conditions, such as
providing flexible work schedules, creating
employee assistance and wellness programs,
and redesigning jobs. Organizational policies
that encourage social support from supervisors
and coworkers also are offered to help
buffer employees from stress. Participation in
recreational sports is still another avenue that
allows employees to release stress and interact
with one another in positive ways, and
recent studies suggest that organization-sponsored
play can have a positive impact on
employee stress levels (Nel & Spies, 2007).
Although stress management programs
that focus on the organizational context can
be effective, Nelson and Sutton’s (1990) longitudinal
study indicates the importance of
recognizing dispositional as well as situational
effects on work stress. Their findings suggest
personal characteristics may predispose a person
to stress, thereby limiting the effectiveness
of such environmental interventions as
job redesign and company programs. Research
has shown that certain personality
variables do relate to the appraisal and effects
of stressful events, negative affectivity (Brief,
Burke, George, Robinson, & Webster, 1988),
neuroticism (McRae, 1990), and conscientiousness
(O’Brien & DeLongis, 1996). Type A
and Type B personality differences also have
been correlated to work stress, with the impatient
and overly aggressive Type A personality
particularly susceptible to dissatisfaction and
stress (Mathews, 1982). This research has
prompted personality testing to become a
common (albeit somewhat controversial) HR
selection tool. Although the use of personality
testing for selection must have predictive
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