Critical Chain (CC) is the TOC application for project management.13It terjemahan - Critical Chain (CC) is the TOC application for project management.13It Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Critical Chain (CC) is the TOC appl

Critical Chain (CC) is the TOC application for project management.13
It was originally invented to manage engineering projects in a manufacturing
environment, but it has since been used by enterprises in virtually
all goods and services sectors.
Critical Chain gets its name from the specific manner in which projects
are planned and executed. As with the previous TOC applications,
it is easier to appreciate Critical Chain in the context of the problems it
was originally intended to solve. Some aspects of Critical Chain have
been widely adopted and are no longer distinctive, but most still struggle
to gain acceptance. The following review of the state of the art compares
Critical Chain to the older and still dominant project management
method, Critical Path.
A simple project plan based on the Critical Path method is illustrated
in Figure 3-5. Each block represents one task. The width of each block
against the timeline at the bottom shows its planned duration. Adjacent
blocks have a finish-start relationship: The task on the left must be finished
before the task on the right can start. Where more than one task
must be completed before another can start, this precedence relationship
is shown with arrows. Precedence arrows between adjacent blocks are
implied rather than explicit.
Each task is numbered, but the numbers are merely identifiers. They
do not imply sequence. Subscripts on the task numbers indicate which
resource is assigned to each task. Assume in this example that only one
resource is assigned to each task.
Red tasks are critical, which means that if any of them are completed
late, the entire project will be late unless some other critical tasks are
completed early. Yet early task completions rarely happen. Thus, the set
of all red tasks is the critical path.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Critical Chain (CC) is the TOC application for project management.13It was originally invented to manage engineering projects in a manufacturingenvironment, but it has since been used by enterprises in virtuallyall goods and services sectors.Critical Chain gets its name from the specific manner in which projectsare planned and executed. As with the previous TOC applications,it is easier to appreciate Critical Chain in the context of the problems itwas originally intended to solve. Some aspects of Critical Chain havebeen widely adopted and are no longer distinctive, but most still struggleto gain acceptance. The following review of the state of the art comparesCritical Chain to the older and still dominant project managementmethod, Critical Path.A simple project plan based on the Critical Path method is illustratedin Figure 3-5. Each block represents one task. The width of each blockagainst the timeline at the bottom shows its planned duration. Adjacentblocks have a finish-start relationship: The task on the left must be finishedbefore the task on the right can start. Where more than one taskmust be completed before another can start, this precedence relationshipis shown with arrows. Precedence arrows between adjacent blocks areimplied rather than explicit.Each task is numbered, but the numbers are merely identifiers. Theydo not imply sequence. Subscripts on the task numbers indicate whichresource is assigned to each task. Assume in this example that only oneresource is assigned to each task.Red tasks are critical, which means that if any of them are completedlate, the entire project will be late unless some other critical tasks arecompleted early. Yet early task completions rarely happen. Thus, the setof all red tasks is the critical path.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Rantai Kritis (CC) adalah aplikasi TOC untuk proyek management.13
Ini pada awalnya diciptakan untuk mengelola proyek-proyek rekayasa dalam pembuatan
lingkungan, tetapi sejak itu telah digunakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan di hampir
semua barang dan jasa sektor.
Rantai Kritis mendapatkan namanya dari cara tertentu di mana proyek-proyek
yang direncanakan dan dilaksanakan. Seperti dengan aplikasi TOC sebelumnya,
lebih mudah untuk menghargai Rantai Kritis dalam konteks masalah itu
pada awalnya ditujukan untuk memecahkan. Beberapa aspek Rantai Kritis telah
diadopsi secara luas dan tidak lagi khas, namun sebagian besar masih berjuang
untuk mendapatkan penerimaan. Review berikut dari keadaan seni membandingkan
Rantai Kritis untuk manajemen proyek yang lebih tua dan masih dominan
metode, Critical Path.
Sebuah rencana proyek sederhana berdasarkan metode Critical Path diilustrasikan
pada Gambar 3-5. Setiap blok merupakan satu tugas. Lebar setiap blok
terhadap timeline di bagian bawah menunjukkan durasi yang direncanakan. Berdekatan
blok memiliki hubungan finish-start: Tugas di sebelah kiri harus selesai
sebelum tugas di sebelah kanan bisa mulai. Di mana lebih dari satu tugas
harus diselesaikan sebelum yang lain bisa mulai, hubungan diutamakan ini
ditunjukkan dengan panah. Panah didahulukan antara blok yang berdekatan
tersirat daripada eksplisit.
Setiap tugas diberi nomor, tetapi jumlahnya hanya pengidentifikasi. Mereka
tidak menyiratkan urut. Subskrip pada nomor tugas menunjukkan yang
sumber daya ditugaskan untuk setiap tugas. Asumsikan dalam contoh ini bahwa hanya satu
sumber daya ditugaskan untuk setiap tugas.
Tugas Merah sangat penting, yang berarti bahwa jika salah satu dari mereka selesai
akhir, seluruh proyek akan terlambat kecuali beberapa tugas penting lainnya yang
selesai awal. Namun penyelesaian tugas awal jarang terjadi. Dengan demikian, himpunan
dari semua tugas merah adalah jalur kritis.
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