“Live with no regrets.”“What was that, sweetheart?”I slowly raised my  terjemahan - “Live with no regrets.”“What was that, sweetheart?”I slowly raised my  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Live with no regrets.”“What was th

“Live with no regrets.”
“What was that, sweetheart?”
I slowly raised my gaze from the blank spot on the grass I’d been staring at for the last five minutes and saw the tall silhouette of a man as he crossed in front of the floodlights, coming toward me. I blinked a few times then looked back to the ground. His face was in shadows but I knew who he was. His Scottish accent told me everything I needed to know.
I cleared my throat and finished off the glass of wine in my hand. The raucous sounds of the wedding were dying down and I was surprised that Bram McGregor was still here. He was the best man while I was the maid of honor, but I never pegged him to be the type to stick around for very long, even at his own brother’s wedding. Bram’s eyebrows had been wagging at every female that walked within a five-meter distance, myself included, and he’d seemed so bored during the ceremony that it looked like he was trying to stifle a permanent yawn.
“Sorry,” I said, clearing my throat. “Talking to myself.”
“I can see that,” he said, sitting down beside me on the stone bench and bringing with him a whiff of cigars and sandalwood.
We were around the side of the Tiburon Yacht Club’s lawn where the wedding had taken place. I had stumbled upon the bench and the garden, with the lights of the city across San Francisco Bay twinkling in the background. I was ready to call it a night and just wanted to be alone before I headed back to my apartment to relieve the babysitter. Even though my best friend Stephanie was getting married to a great guy, Bram’s brother Linden—and don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t be happier for her—it was a wedding, I was single and feeling worse about it every minute that passed.
“So, live with no regrets,” he repeated, casually leaning forward on his knees and lacing his fingers together. If I was sober I would have felt a bit embarrassed that he had caught me talking to myself, but as it was I couldn’t care less. What Bram thought of me was the least of my problems.
I shrugged. “It’s my motto.”
He snorted and I immediately glared at him.
“Hey,” I said, my face growing hot. “Most people have mottos.”
The corner of his lips twitched up into a smile. He was a handsome man, I had to give him that. But after my ex fucked me over so loyally when I was pregnant, leaving me alone to raise our daughter, playboys were on my hit list and Bram McGregor was definitely a playboy. Which meant he was public enemy number one and nothing but a whole lot of trouble and hot air.
I’d made it my goal in life to avoid trouble. I wasn’t about to start now, just because of his Scottish brogue, grey eyes, dimpled smile and built physique. And, you know, other terrible attributes.
“I don’t,” he informed me, as his eyes slid to mine, mouth lifting up. “But does it count if other people have mottos about you?”
I didn’t want to ask him what he meant by that, yet somehow my mouth was opening and I was taking the bait.
“People have mottos about you?” I asked.
His smirk deepened. “Women do.”
“I see,” I said, trying to think of something clever that would take him down a peg. “Once you go Bram…”
“You won’t give a damn,” he filled. He looked up at the dark sky and tilted his head, considering. “Or I’ve heard one night in my bed and your legs are forever spread.”
My lip curled in mild disgust. “That’s terrible.”
He shrugged. “Don’t knock it till you try it, sweetheart.” He paused. “I guess that’s another motto for you.”
He eyed the empty glass in my hands, then me, and blinked as if seeing me for the first time tonight. For a hot second I was glad that Stephanie had picked out the most flattering cocktail-type bridesmaids dress from Anthropologie. Then I had to remind myself, once again, that I didn’t care what he thought of me.
“What?” I asked, my skin prickling at the fact that his gaze was skirting over my body for just a little too long.
“Why are you out here alone and sober?”
I twirled the stem of the wine glass between my fingers. “I’m not sober.”
“I suppose you’re not alone either,” he said. “Can I get you another drink?”
“You’re offering?” I don’t know why that surprised me but it did.
He stared at for me for a moment, his dark brows knit together. Then he relaxed, his grin widening lazily. It reminded me of a cat stretching after a nap.
“I never let a beautiful woman pay for a drink,” he said.
Though part of me (a small part) thrilled at the fact that he called me beautiful, especially after how rough my dating life had been lately and how the only person that called me beautiful lately was Ava (okay, and Steph before the wedding, once I was magically transformed through hair and makeup), I wasn’t about to let his slick words charm me.
I gave him a steady look. “Do you really think I’m going to fall for that pick-up line?”
He let out a laugh, eyes twinkling in the dark. “Pick-up line? The best man can’t get the best woman a drink? You know, I heard you were no fun, I just didn’t believe it. Not with that body.”
I was stunned. My face flushed hot and somehow I found my words. “Who told you I was no fun?”
His smile was softer now but it still looked like he was having the time of his life toying with me. “It doesn’t matter. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but I guess they were right after all.”
“Was it Linden?” I asked, feeling nauseous. I liked Linden a lot, and though his own personal opinion of me didn’t really matter, I hated the idea that I was known for something negative, especially if it was something I feared. I used to be fun at some point, I swear to God, but when life gets hard, fun becomes something that gets swept under the rug along with manicures, one-night stands and eating at nice restaurants.
Bram didn’t say anything to that, so I knew it was his brother.
“It’s hard to tell, is your face going red?” he asked, peering at me closely. The mellow scent of cigars wafted to me again.
“I am fun,” I told him, inching myself away from him. It was pointless but I still had to defend myself.
“And that’s why you’re out here alone with an empty drink?”
“Just because I’m not getting shitfaced and spreading my legs in your bed, doesn’t make me a square.”
Oh geez, a square? Now I was talking like I was from the 50’s.
“No,” he said slowly and leaned in closer. “But that does sound like fun, doesn’t it?” His breath was hot on my cheek and I resisted the urge to turn and look at him. There was something about his eyes that felt vaguely X-Ray-ish, like he could see right through you. Already, I knew he was probably imagining what I looked like naked under this dress. I didn’t need him to look any deeper and see what kind of no-fun mess I really was.
“I like it when you look embarrassed,” he said, voice lower, that accent roughing up each syllable. “I bet you look the same when you’re about to come. Caught off-guard and exposed.”
And again, I was speechless. My eyes bugged out and I almost slapped him in the face and ran away, because that’s what I’ve been taught to do with men like him. Deflect them. Let them know what they’ll never have, what they’ll never deserve.
But I didn’t do that. Because against everything I hold dear, his words did this slinky thing in my brain, sliding down into my heart and between my legs. It made me want to clench my thighs together to keep the heat building even though it had nowhere to go.
It revved an engine inside that I tried my hardest not to think about.
I swallowed hard and kept my eyes focused on the shrubs in front of me. The wedding sounded even further away, as if it were leaving in order to get us alone.
Bram gently placed two fingers underneath my chin and slowly turned my head, so I had no choice but to look at him. “If I tell you you’re beautiful again,” he said, whispering, “will you blush? Or will you believe it?”
Damn. Damn, damn, damn. I’d be a fool for falling for this swarmy little act, but boy did I want to believe it.
At least I didn’t blush. There wasn’t any time to.
Before I knew what was happening, Bram leaned in a millimeter and kissed me. His lips were soft and wet, tasting like rich tobacco and mint. I sucked in a breath, my body frozen and caught-off guard, exactly what he wanted. The back of my brain screamed, “The best man and maid of honor, hooking up at a wedding, what a cliché!” and “He’s a player and he’s playing you” while my lips, spurred by alcohol and a deep-rooted ache for something, kissed him back.
It all went in slow motion. The voices in my head quieted down, turning to a hazy hush, and all that was left was this stoked fire burning deep inside. His hands went to the sides of my face and he held me there with strong, warm fingers. It steadied me as his tongue slipped against mine and our mouths danced with each other in perfect rhythm. If I could have formed any thoughts, I would have considered that this wasn’t at all what I thought kissing Bram McGregor would be like. This was soft, sensual and, dare I say it, meaningful.
Just as I found myself relaxing into his body, though, wanting more from his hands, wanting to slip my own underneath the tuxedo jacket and feel the hardness of his chest, he pulled back, eyes closed and breath ragged.
“You’re beautiful,” he said, clearing his throat. His eyes opened, gazing at me lazily through long, dark lashes, lashes I would kill for. “You’re still blushing, though. Actually, you seem a little more than flushed.” He raised a brow, his face still inches from mine. “Did I turn you on?”
My God, this guy was forward. I know that Linden had always been rather lewd and definitely very vocal with Steph, but Bram was taking it to another level.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Live with no regrets.”“What was that, sweetheart?”I slowly raised my gaze from the blank spot on the grass I’d been staring at for the last five minutes and saw the tall silhouette of a man as he crossed in front of the floodlights, coming toward me. I blinked a few times then looked back to the ground. His face was in shadows but I knew who he was. His Scottish accent told me everything I needed to know.I cleared my throat and finished off the glass of wine in my hand. The raucous sounds of the wedding were dying down and I was surprised that Bram McGregor was still here. He was the best man while I was the maid of honor, but I never pegged him to be the type to stick around for very long, even at his own brother’s wedding. Bram’s eyebrows had been wagging at every female that walked within a five-meter distance, myself included, and he’d seemed so bored during the ceremony that it looked like he was trying to stifle a permanent yawn.“Sorry,” I said, clearing my throat. “Talking to myself.”“I can see that,” he said, sitting down beside me on the stone bench and bringing with him a whiff of cigars and sandalwood.We were around the side of the Tiburon Yacht Club’s lawn where the wedding had taken place. I had stumbled upon the bench and the garden, with the lights of the city across San Francisco Bay twinkling in the background. I was ready to call it a night and just wanted to be alone before I headed back to my apartment to relieve the babysitter. Even though my best friend Stephanie was getting married to a great guy, Bram’s brother Linden—and don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t be happier for her—it was a wedding, I was single and feeling worse about it every minute that passed.“So, live with no regrets,” he repeated, casually leaning forward on his knees and lacing his fingers together. If I was sober I would have felt a bit embarrassed that he had caught me talking to myself, but as it was I couldn’t care less. What Bram thought of me was the least of my problems.I shrugged. “It’s my motto.”He snorted and I immediately glared at him.“Hey,” I said, my face growing hot. “Most people have mottos.”The corner of his lips twitched up into a smile. He was a handsome man, I had to give him that. But after my ex fucked me over so loyally when I was pregnant, leaving me alone to raise our daughter, playboys were on my hit list and Bram McGregor was definitely a playboy. Which meant he was public enemy number one and nothing but a whole lot of trouble and hot air.I’d made it my goal in life to avoid trouble. I wasn’t about to start now, just because of his Scottish brogue, grey eyes, dimpled smile and built physique. And, you know, other terrible attributes.“I don’t,” he informed me, as his eyes slid to mine, mouth lifting up. “But does it count if other people have mottos about you?”I didn’t want to ask him what he meant by that, yet somehow my mouth was opening and I was taking the bait.“People have mottos about you?” I asked.His smirk deepened. “Women do.”“I see,” I said, trying to think of something clever that would take him down a peg. “Once you go Bram…”“You won’t give a damn,” he filled. He looked up at the dark sky and tilted his head, considering. “Or I’ve heard one night in my bed and your legs are forever spread.”My lip curled in mild disgust. “That’s terrible.”He shrugged. “Don’t knock it till you try it, sweetheart.” He paused. “I guess that’s another motto for you.”He eyed the empty glass in my hands, then me, and blinked as if seeing me for the first time tonight. For a hot second I was glad that Stephanie had picked out the most flattering cocktail-type bridesmaids dress from Anthropologie. Then I had to remind myself, once again, that I didn’t care what he thought of me.“What?” I asked, my skin prickling at the fact that his gaze was skirting over my body for just a little too long.“Why are you out here alone and sober?”I twirled the stem of the wine glass between my fingers. “I’m not sober.”“I suppose you’re not alone either,” he said. “Can I get you another drink?”“You’re offering?” I don’t know why that surprised me but it did.He stared at for me for a moment, his dark brows knit together. Then he relaxed, his grin widening lazily. It reminded me of a cat stretching after a nap.“I never let a beautiful woman pay for a drink,” he said.Though part of me (a small part) thrilled at the fact that he called me beautiful, especially after how rough my dating life had been lately and how the only person that called me beautiful lately was Ava (okay, and Steph before the wedding, once I was magically transformed through hair and makeup), I wasn’t about to let his slick words charm me.I gave him a steady look. “Do you really think I’m going to fall for that pick-up line?”He let out a laugh, eyes twinkling in the dark. “Pick-up line? The best man can’t get the best woman a drink? You know, I heard you were no fun, I just didn’t believe it. Not with that body.”I was stunned. My face flushed hot and somehow I found my words. “Who told you I was no fun?”His smile was softer now but it still looked like he was having the time of his life toying with me. “It doesn’t matter. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but I guess they were right after all.”“Was it Linden?” I asked, feeling nauseous. I liked Linden a lot, and though his own personal opinion of me didn’t really matter, I hated the idea that I was known for something negative, especially if it was something I feared. I used to be fun at some point, I swear to God, but when life gets hard, fun becomes something that gets swept under the rug along with manicures, one-night stands and eating at nice restaurants.Bram didn’t say anything to that, so I knew it was his brother.“It’s hard to tell, is your face going red?” he asked, peering at me closely. The mellow scent of cigars wafted to me again.“I am fun,” I told him, inching myself away from him. It was pointless but I still had to defend myself.“And that’s why you’re out here alone with an empty drink?”“Just because I’m not getting shitfaced and spreading my legs in your bed, doesn’t make me a square.”Oh geez, a square? Now I was talking like I was from the 50’s.“No,” he said slowly and leaned in closer. “But that does sound like fun, doesn’t it?” His breath was hot on my cheek and I resisted the urge to turn and look at him. There was something about his eyes that felt vaguely X-Ray-ish, like he could see right through you. Already, I knew he was probably imagining what I looked like naked under this dress. I didn’t need him to look any deeper and see what kind of no-fun mess I really was.“I like it when you look embarrassed,” he said, voice lower, that accent roughing up each syllable. “I bet you look the same when you’re about to come. Caught off-guard and exposed.”
And again, I was speechless. My eyes bugged out and I almost slapped him in the face and ran away, because that’s what I’ve been taught to do with men like him. Deflect them. Let them know what they’ll never have, what they’ll never deserve.
But I didn’t do that. Because against everything I hold dear, his words did this slinky thing in my brain, sliding down into my heart and between my legs. It made me want to clench my thighs together to keep the heat building even though it had nowhere to go.
It revved an engine inside that I tried my hardest not to think about.
I swallowed hard and kept my eyes focused on the shrubs in front of me. The wedding sounded even further away, as if it were leaving in order to get us alone.
Bram gently placed two fingers underneath my chin and slowly turned my head, so I had no choice but to look at him. “If I tell you you’re beautiful again,” he said, whispering, “will you blush? Or will you believe it?”
Damn. Damn, damn, damn. I’d be a fool for falling for this swarmy little act, but boy did I want to believe it.
At least I didn’t blush. There wasn’t any time to.
Before I knew what was happening, Bram leaned in a millimeter and kissed me. His lips were soft and wet, tasting like rich tobacco and mint. I sucked in a breath, my body frozen and caught-off guard, exactly what he wanted. The back of my brain screamed, “The best man and maid of honor, hooking up at a wedding, what a cliché!” and “He’s a player and he’s playing you” while my lips, spurred by alcohol and a deep-rooted ache for something, kissed him back.
It all went in slow motion. The voices in my head quieted down, turning to a hazy hush, and all that was left was this stoked fire burning deep inside. His hands went to the sides of my face and he held me there with strong, warm fingers. It steadied me as his tongue slipped against mine and our mouths danced with each other in perfect rhythm. If I could have formed any thoughts, I would have considered that this wasn’t at all what I thought kissing Bram McGregor would be like. This was soft, sensual and, dare I say it, meaningful.
Just as I found myself relaxing into his body, though, wanting more from his hands, wanting to slip my own underneath the tuxedo jacket and feel the hardness of his chest, he pulled back, eyes closed and breath ragged.
“You’re beautiful,” he said, clearing his throat. His eyes opened, gazing at me lazily through long, dark lashes, lashes I would kill for. “You’re still blushing, though. Actually, you seem a little more than flushed.” He raised a brow, his face still inches from mine. “Did I turn you on?”
My God, this guy was forward. I know that Linden had always been rather lewd and definitely very vocal with Steph, but Bram was taking it to another level.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Hidup tanpa penyesalan."
"Apa itu, Sayang?"
Aku perlahan mengangkat pandanganku dari titik kosong di rumput saya telah menatap selama lima menit terakhir dan melihat siluet tinggi dari seorang pria saat ia melintas di depan lampu sorot, datang ke arahku. Aku mengerjap beberapa kali kemudian melihat kembali ke tanah. Wajahnya di bayangan tapi aku tahu siapa dia. Aksen Skotlandia nya mengatakan kepada saya semua yang saya perlu tahu.
Aku berdeham dan selesai dari segelas anggur di tangan saya. Suara parau pernikahan sedang sekarat bawah dan saya terkejut bahwa Bram McGregor masih di sini. Dia adalah orang terbaik sementara aku adalah pelayan kehormatan, tapi saya tidak pernah dipatok dia menjadi tipe untuk tetap sekitar untuk waktu yang lama, bahkan di pernikahan adiknya sendiri. Alis Bram telah bergoyang-goyang di setiap perempuan yang berjalan dalam jarak lima meter, termasuk saya sendiri, dan ia tampak begitu bosan selama upacara bahwa itu tampak seperti dia berusaha untuk menahan menguap permanen.
"Maaf," kataku, kliring tenggorokan saya. "Berbicara dengan diri saya sendiri."
"Aku bisa melihat itu," katanya, duduk di samping saya di bangku batu dan membawa bersamanya bau cerutu dan cendana.
Kami berada di sisi halaman Tiburon Yacht Club di mana pernikahan memiliki terjadi. Saya telah tersandung pada bangku dan taman, dengan lampu-lampu kota di San Francisco Bay bersinar di latar belakang. Aku sudah siap untuk menyebutnya malam dan hanya ingin sendirian sebelum saya kembali ke apartemen saya untuk meringankan babysitter. Meskipun sahabatku Stephanie akan menikah dengan pria yang baik, Bram kakak Linden-dan jangan salah, saya tidak bisa lebih bahagia untuknya-itu pernikahan, saya masih lajang dan merasa buruk tentang hal itu setiap menit yang lulus.
"Jadi, hidup tanpa penyesalan," ulangnya, dengan santai bersandar ke depan berlutut dan mengikat tali jari-jarinya. Jika saya tidak mabuk saya akan merasa sedikit malu bahwa ia telah menangkap saya berbicara pada diri sendiri, tetapi seperti itu saya tidak peduli. Apa Bram memikirkan saya adalah sedikit masalah saya.
Aku mengangkat bahu. "Ini moto saya."
Dia mendengus dan saya langsung memelototinya.
"Hey," kataku, wajahku tumbuh panas. "Kebanyakan orang memiliki motto."
Sudut bibirnya bergerak-gerak menjadi tersenyum. Dia adalah pria yang tampan, aku harus memberinya itu. Tapi setelah mantan saya kacau saya lebih jadi setia ketika saya hamil, meninggalkan aku sendirian untuk meningkatkan putri kami, playboy berada di daftar hit saya dan Bram McGregor pasti playboy. Yang berarti ia musuh publik nomor satu dan tidak ada tapi seluruh banyak masalah dan udara panas.
Saya telah membuat tujuan saya dalam hidup untuk menghindari masalah. Aku tidak akan memulai sekarang, hanya karena aksen nya Skotlandia, mata abu-abu, senyum berlesung pipit dan dibangun fisik. Dan, Anda tahu, atribut mengerikan lainnya.
"Saya tidak," dia memberitahu saya, sebagai matanya meluncur ke saya, mulut mengangkat. "Tapi apakah itu dihitung jika orang lain memiliki motto tentang Anda?"
Aku tidak ingin bertanya padanya apa yang dimaksud dengan itu, namun entah bagaimana mulutku membuka dan saya mengambil umpan.
"Orang-orang memiliki motto tentang Anda?" Saya tanya.
seringai Nya diperdalam. "Perempuan lakukan."
"Saya lihat," kataku, mencoba memikirkan sesuatu yang cerdas yang akan membawanya kesombongan. "Setelah Anda pergi Bram ..."
"Anda tidak akan peduli," dia mengisi. Ia menatap langit gelap dan memiringkan kepalanya, mengingat. "Atau aku pernah mendengar satu malam di tempat tidur dan kaki Anda selamanya menyebar."
Bibir saya meringkuk dengan jijik ringan. "Itu mengerikan."
Dia mengangkat bahu. "Jangan mengetuk sampai Anda mencobanya, Sayang." Dia berhenti. "Saya rasa itu moto lain untuk Anda."
Dia menatap gelas kosong di tangan saya, kemudian saya, dan berkedip seakan melihat saya untuk pertama kalinya malam ini. Untuk kedua panas Saya sangat senang bahwa Stephanie telah memilih yang paling bagus koktail-jenis pengiring pengantin gaun dari Anthropologie. Kemudian saya harus mengingatkan diri saya, sekali lagi, bahwa aku tidak peduli apa yang dia pikir saya.
"Apa?" Tanyaku, kulit saya menusuk-nusuk pada kenyataan bahwa pandangannya itu menyusuri seluruh tubuh saya untuk hanya sedikit terlalu lama.
"Mengapa kau di sini sendirian dan mabuk?"
Aku memutar-mutar batang gelas anggur antara jari-jari saya. "Aku tidak mabuk."
"Saya kira Anda tidak sendirian baik," katanya. "Bisakah saya mendapatkan minuman lain?"
"Kau menawarkan?" Aku tidak tahu mengapa yang mengejutkan saya tapi itu.
Dia menatap bagi saya untuk sesaat, alis gelap merajut bersama-sama. Lalu ia santai, senyumnya melebar malas. Itu mengingatkan saya kucing peregangan setelah tidur siang.
"Saya tidak pernah membiarkan seorang wanita membayar indah untuk minum," katanya.
Meskipun bagian dari saya (sebagian kecil) senang pada fakta bahwa dia menelepon saya indah, terutama setelah bagaimana kasar hidup kencan saya telah akhir-akhir ini dan bagaimana satu-satunya orang yang menelepon saya indah akhir-akhir ini adalah Ava (oke, dan Steph sebelum pernikahan, setelah saya ajaib berubah melalui rambut dan makeup), aku tidak akan membiarkan kata licin nya pesona saya .
Aku menatapnya mantap. "Apakah Anda benar-benar berpikir aku akan jatuh untuk garis pick-up?"
Dia mengeluarkan tertawa, mata bersinar dalam gelap. "Pick-up line? Orang terbaik tidak bisa mendapatkan wanita terbaik minum? Kau tahu, aku mendengar kau tidak menyenangkan, saya hanya tidak percaya. Tidak dengan tubuh.
"Aku tertegun. Wajahku memerah panas dan entah bagaimana saya menemukan kata-kata saya. "Siapa yang bilang aku tidak menyenangkan?"
Senyumnya lembut sekarang tapi masih tampak seperti dia memiliki waktu hidupnya bermain-main dengan saya. "Tidak masalah. Saya memberi Anda manfaat dari keraguan, tapi kurasa mereka benar setelah semua.
"" Apakah itu Linden? "Tanya saya, merasa mual. Saya menyukai Linden banyak, dan meskipun pendapat pribadi sendiri saya tidak benar-benar peduli, aku benci gagasan bahwa aku dikenal karena sesuatu yang negatif, terutama jika itu adalah sesuatu yang saya takut. Aku digunakan untuk menjadi menyenangkan di beberapa titik, aku bersumpah demi Tuhan, tapi ketika hidup menjadi sulit, menyenangkan menjadi sesuatu yang akan disembunyikan bersama dengan manikur, berdiri satu malam dan makan di restoran yang bagus.
Bram tidak mengatakan apa-apa untuk itu, jadi saya tahu itu saudaranya.
"Sulit untuk mengatakan, adalah wajah Anda akan merah?" ia bertanya, menatap lekat-lekat. Aroma mellow cerutu melayang ke saya lagi.
"Saya senang," saya mengatakan kepadanya, beringsut diri darinya. Itu sia-sia tapi aku masih harus membela diri.
"Dan itulah mengapa Anda di sini sendirian dengan minuman kosong?"
"Hanya karena aku tidak mendapatkan shitfaced dan menyebarkan kaki saya di tempat tidur Anda, tidak membuat saya persegi.
"Oh ya ampun, persegi? Sekarang saya sedang berbicara seperti aku dari 50-an.
"Tidak," katanya pelan dan membungkuk lebih dekat. "Tapi itu terdengar seperti menyenangkan, bukan?" Napasnya panas di pipi saya dan saya menahan diri untuk berbalik dan menatapnya. Ada sesuatu tentang matanya yang terasa samar-samar X-Ray-ish, seperti dia bisa melihat langsung melalui Anda. Sudah, aku tahu ia mungkin membayangkan apa yang saya tampak seperti telanjang di bawah gaun ini. Aku tidak butuh dia untuk melihat lebih dalam dan melihat apa jenis no-menyenangkan berantakan Aku benar-benar.
"Aku suka kalau Anda melihat malu," katanya, suara lebih rendah, dan aksen hidup seadanya sampai setiap suku kata. "Saya yakin Anda terlihat sama bila Anda tentang untuk datang. Tertangkap off-penjaga dan terbuka.
"Dan lagi, aku berkata-kata. Mataku disadap keluar dan saya hampir menampar wajahnya dan melarikan diri, karena itulah yang saya telah diajarkan untuk melakukan dengan laki-laki seperti dia. Menangkis mereka. Biarkan mereka tahu apa yang mereka tidak akan pernah, apa yang mereka tidak akan pernah layak.
Tapi aku tidak melakukan itu. Karena melawan semua yang saya sayangi, kata-katanya melakukan hal Slinky ini di otak saya, meluncur ke dalam hatiku dan di antara kedua kaki saya. Itu membuat saya ingin mengepalkan paha saya bersama-sama untuk menjaga bangunan panas meskipun punya tempat untuk pergi.
Ini revved mesin dalam bahwa saya berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk tidak memikirkan.
Aku menelan ludah dan terus mata saya terfokus pada semak di depan dari saya. Pernikahan terdengar bahkan lebih jauh, seolah-olah itu meninggalkan untuk mendapatkan kita sendiri.
Bram lembut menempatkan dua jari di bawah dagu saya dan perlahan-lahan menoleh, jadi aku tidak punya pilihan selain untuk menatapnya. "Jika saya memberitahu Anda kau cantik lagi," katanya, berbisik, "akan Anda memerah? Atau akan Anda percaya?
"Sialan. Sialan, sialan, sialan. Aku akan menjadi bodoh untuk jatuh untuk tindakan kecil swarmy ini, tapi anak laki-laki saya ingin percaya.
Setidaknya aku tidak malu. Tidak ada waktu untuk.
Sebelum aku tahu apa yang terjadi, Bram membungkuk milimeter dan menciumku. Bibirnya lembut dan basah, mencicipi seperti tembakau kaya dan mint. Aku menarik napas, tubuh saya penjaga beku dan menangkap-off, persis apa yang dia inginkan. Bagian belakang otak saya berteriak, "Orang terbaik dan pendamping, hooking up di pesta pernikahan, apa yang klise!" Dan "Dia pemain dan dia bermain Anda" sementara bibirku, didorong oleh alkohol dan sakit yang mengakar untuk sesuatu, menciumnya kembali.
Semuanya berjalan dalam gerakan lambat. Suara-suara di kepala saya tenang, beralih ke kabur diam, dan semua yang tersisa adalah ini memicu api membakar jauh di dalam. Tangannya pergi ke sisi wajah saya dan dia memelukku di sana dengan kuat, jari hangat. Ini memantapkan saya sebagai lidahnya tergelincir terhadap saya dan mulut kita berdansa dengan satu sama lain dalam irama yang sempurna. Jika saya bisa membentuk pikiran, saya akan dianggap bahwa ini sama sekali tidak apa yang saya pikir mencium Bram McGregor akan seperti. Ini adalah lembut, sensual dan, saya berani mengatakan itu, berarti.
Sama seperti aku menemukan diriku santai ke dalam tubuhnya, meskipun, menginginkan lebih dari tangannya, ingin menyelinap saya sendiri di bawah jaket tuksedo dan merasakan kekerasan dadanya, ia ditarik kembali, mata tertutup dan napas compang-camping.
"Kau cantik," katanya, berdeham. Matanya terbuka, menatapku malas melalui panjang, bulu mata gelap, bulu mata saya akan membunuh. "Kau masih memerah, meskipun. Sebenarnya, Anda tampak sedikit lebih dari memerah. "Dia mengangkat alisnya, wajahnya masih inci dari tambang. "Apakah saya mengubah Anda?"
Ya Tuhan, orang ini maju. Saya tahu bahwa Linden selalu agak cabul dan pasti sangat vokal dengan Steph, tapi Bram mengambil ke tingkat lain.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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