In the midst of the fasting month of Ramadhan practiced by Muslims, qu terjemahan - In the midst of the fasting month of Ramadhan practiced by Muslims, qu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the midst of the fasting month o

In the midst of the fasting month of Ramadhan practiced by Muslims, question arises which is addressed to Christians: "Should Christians practice fasting or not?"

The origin of fasting command in the Old Testament is unclear, it is recorded that when Israel faced the Philistines they are urged to repent and fast (1Sem.7:6). Although not referred to as fasting, Moses didn’t eat or drink for 40 days (Ex.34:28). When Nehemiah heard the situation of Jerusalem, he prayed and fast (Neh.1:4). Joel told the people to repent and fast (Jl.2:12). There are also many other verses that show the practice of fasting in the OT.

In the New Testament practice of fasting is also mentioned. Jesus is recorded once as practicing fasting by not eat any food for 40 days (Matt.4:2) as a preparation to face temptations and tests. When Paul and Barnabas were sent to preach the gospel the others fast (Acts.13:3). Fasting is usually associated with repentance and is raised by a prayer in an effort to draw closer contact to God (1Kings.2:27; Psalm.35:13), or request for a miraculous power to fight the devil (Matt.17:21; Mark.9:29).

As with many things in the Torah where the spiritual meaning of the law is buried by what is outwardly appeared, so too with fasting. It was not practiced as an expression of repentance, but the people of Israel make it as claims to obtain something (Isa.58:3) so that God accepted (Isa.58:5). Fasting often downgraded as mere ritual ceremony without surrendering to God (Za.7:5), and becomes hypocritical behavior (Matt.16:6) to justify oneself (Luke.18:12).

Moses and Jesus fasted for 40 days not because of religious law, but as a time of preparation for facing temptation and test before they were sent in a heavy ministry. The background shown a mountainous desert atmosphere where food & drink are not available, and there was no hint that Jesus brought any food even though it was said that Jesus was simply 'not eat' (Matt.4:2).

Fasting in the practice of Torah Law of Israel has degenerated into legalistic habit in specific days, time, and in a certain way but has lost its meaning, therefore Isaiah strongly rebuked & emphasized the true meaning of fasting. He said the word of God:

"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter — when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?(NIV, Isa 58:6-7)

Even though Jesus had fasted for 40 days, he had not commanded his disciples to fast as a law, and since the disciples did not fast they were blamed by the Pharisees (Mark.2:18), but Jesus said that they will fast whenever Jesus had left them (Mark.2:20). Thus, fasting according to Jesus is no longer a religious law but particularly when the inner preparation and repentance are needed in dealing with tough issues such as his departure later or in asking for miracles or to fight against the devil (Matt.17:21;Mark.9:29).

Jesus did not justify the Pharisees who runs the religious law including fasting who did with pride, but He justifies the tax collector who did not fast (Luke.18:9–14) but repented. Thus, Jesus did not tell people to fast neither forbade people if they do it for special purposes.

Accordingly we know that fasting has a deep and special meaning in mastering one's inner relationship with God who is holy and true, but fasting tends to fall just as a religion of legalism in the form of outwardly looking religious practice but without an in depth meaning. Isaiah clearly told the people of Israel (Isa.58) that fasting should be done inwardly, i.e. fasting from the behavior of despotism, torturing and enslaving people. Fasting from the selfishness into feeding the hungry, the homeless, and the nudes (comp.Matt.24:31–46).

Jesus also does not teach people to fast, not even justify a snob who fasted, but he also does not prohibit people for fasting. Thus, fasting in itself has no meaning if not an expression of a broken heart and humbled oneself before God.

Redemption by Jesus on the cross fulfilled the OT Law which depended on human effort to save themselves by doing religious law (circumcision, burn offering, Sabbath keeping, fasting, clean food etc.), but instead becomes God's grace given to every person who believes and repents (John.3:16; Efh.2:8–10; Tit.2:11–15). This is perfected by the arrival of the 'Holy Spirit' who strengthened & filled the believers which was fulfilled at the Day of Pentecost (Acts.2; cf.Matt.28:20).

From this teaching of Jesus, to answer the question "Should Christians practice fasting?" in the light of the NT we can answer 'no' and 'yes', it means that Christians (except Catholics) 'not' practice the obligation of fasting as a religious law at the specified and defined times, and 'yes' that any time Christians can practice fasting for special purposes in earnest when he needed, but we need to realize that 'fasting practice' in itself is not a charity – a good ritual that brings a reward for those who do it, but for 'one’s preparation.'

Fasting is an expression born out of a broken heart that repented and humbled oneself before God. The outward practice means nothing without inward repenting, otherwise without outward expression it does not matter as long as there is a repenting heart, because this is the true essence of fasting. Although the Christian congregation in the New Testament is mentioned as occasionally practice fasting, this is merely continuing the habit of Jewish tradition but not as a religious law to get a reward as in the Old Testament but voluntarily practice and preparation for ministry. ***
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]

In the midst of the fasting month of Ramadhan practiced by Muslims, question arises which is addressed to Christians: "Should Christians practice fasting or not?"

The origin of fasting command in the Old Testament is unclear, it is recorded that when Israel faced the Philistines they are urged to repent and fast (1Sem.7:6). Although not referred to as fasting, Moses didn’t eat or drink for 40 days (Ex.34:28). When Nehemiah heard the situation of Jerusalem, he prayed and fast (Neh.1:4). Joel told the people to repent and fast (Jl.2:12). There are also many other verses that show the practice of fasting in the OT.

In the New Testament practice of fasting is also mentioned. Jesus is recorded once as practicing fasting by not eat any food for 40 days (Matt.4:2) as a preparation to face temptations and tests. When Paul and Barnabas were sent to preach the gospel the others fast (Acts.13:3). Fasting is usually associated with repentance and is raised by a prayer in an effort to draw closer contact to God (1Kings.2:27; Psalm.35:13), or request for a miraculous power to fight the devil (Matt.17:21; Mark.9:29).

As with many things in the Torah where the spiritual meaning of the law is buried by what is outwardly appeared, so too with fasting. It was not practiced as an expression of repentance, but the people of Israel make it as claims to obtain something (Isa.58:3) so that God accepted (Isa.58:5). Fasting often downgraded as mere ritual ceremony without surrendering to God (Za.7:5), and becomes hypocritical behavior (Matt.16:6) to justify oneself (Luke.18:12).

Moses and Jesus fasted for 40 days not because of religious law, but as a time of preparation for facing temptation and test before they were sent in a heavy ministry. The background shown a mountainous desert atmosphere where food & drink are not available, and there was no hint that Jesus brought any food even though it was said that Jesus was simply 'not eat' (Matt.4:2).

Fasting in the practice of Torah Law of Israel has degenerated into legalistic habit in specific days, time, and in a certain way but has lost its meaning, therefore Isaiah strongly rebuked & emphasized the true meaning of fasting. He said the word of God:

"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter — when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?(NIV, Isa 58:6-7)

Even though Jesus had fasted for 40 days, he had not commanded his disciples to fast as a law, and since the disciples did not fast they were blamed by the Pharisees (Mark.2:18), but Jesus said that they will fast whenever Jesus had left them (Mark.2:20). Thus, fasting according to Jesus is no longer a religious law but particularly when the inner preparation and repentance are needed in dealing with tough issues such as his departure later or in asking for miracles or to fight against the devil (Matt.17:21;Mark.9:29).

Jesus did not justify the Pharisees who runs the religious law including fasting who did with pride, but He justifies the tax collector who did not fast (Luke.18:9–14) but repented. Thus, Jesus did not tell people to fast neither forbade people if they do it for special purposes.

Accordingly we know that fasting has a deep and special meaning in mastering one's inner relationship with God who is holy and true, but fasting tends to fall just as a religion of legalism in the form of outwardly looking religious practice but without an in depth meaning. Isaiah clearly told the people of Israel (Isa.58) that fasting should be done inwardly, i.e. fasting from the behavior of despotism, torturing and enslaving people. Fasting from the selfishness into feeding the hungry, the homeless, and the nudes (comp.Matt.24:31–46).

Jesus also does not teach people to fast, not even justify a snob who fasted, but he also does not prohibit people for fasting. Thus, fasting in itself has no meaning if not an expression of a broken heart and humbled oneself before God.

Redemption by Jesus on the cross fulfilled the OT Law which depended on human effort to save themselves by doing religious law (circumcision, burn offering, Sabbath keeping, fasting, clean food etc.), but instead becomes God's grace given to every person who believes and repents (John.3:16; Efh.2:8–10; Tit.2:11–15). This is perfected by the arrival of the 'Holy Spirit' who strengthened & filled the believers which was fulfilled at the Day of Pentecost (Acts.2; cf.Matt.28:20).

From this teaching of Jesus, to answer the question "Should Christians practice fasting?" in the light of the NT we can answer 'no' and 'yes', it means that Christians (except Catholics) 'not' practice the obligation of fasting as a religious law at the specified and defined times, and 'yes' that any time Christians can practice fasting for special purposes in earnest when he needed, but we need to realize that 'fasting practice' in itself is not a charity – a good ritual that brings a reward for those who do it, but for 'one’s preparation.'

Fasting is an expression born out of a broken heart that repented and humbled oneself before God. The outward practice means nothing without inward repenting, otherwise without outward expression it does not matter as long as there is a repenting heart, because this is the true essence of fasting. Although the Christian congregation in the New Testament is mentioned as occasionally practice fasting, this is merely continuing the habit of Jewish tradition but not as a religious law to get a reward as in the Old Testament but voluntarily practice and preparation for ministry. ***
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Di tengah-tengah bulan puasa Ramadhan yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam, timbul pertanyaan yang ditujukan kepada orang-orang Kristen: "Haruskah Kristen mempraktekkan puasa atau tidak?" Asal perintah puasa dalam Perjanjian Lama jelas, tercatat bahwa ketika Israel menghadapi filistin mereka didesak untuk bertobat dan cepat (1Sem.7: 6). Meskipun tidak disebut sebagai puasa, Musa tidak makan atau minum selama 40 hari (Ex.34: 28). Ketika Nehemia mendengar keadaan Yerusalem, ia berdoa dan cepat (Neh.1: 4). Joel mengatakan kepada orang-orang untuk bertobat dan cepat (Jl.2: 12). Ada juga banyak ayat lain yang menunjukkan praktek puasa dalam PL. Dalam praktek Perjanjian Baru puasa juga disebutkan. Yesus dicatat sekali sebagai berlatih puasa dengan tidak makan makanan selama 40 hari (Matt.4: 2) sebagai persiapan untuk menghadapi godaan dan ujian. Ketika Paulus dan Barnabas dikirim untuk memberitakan Injil yang lain cepat (Acts.13: 3). Puasa biasanya berhubungan dengan pertobatan dan dibesarkan oleh doa dalam upaya untuk menarik kontak yang lebih dekat kepada Allah (1Kings.2: 27; Psalm.35: 13), atau permintaan untuk kekuatan ajaib untuk melawan iblis (Matt.17: 21; Mark.9: 29). Seperti banyak hal dalam Taurat di mana makna spiritual hukum dimakamkan oleh apa yang secara lahiriah muncul, begitu juga dengan puasa. Itu tidak dilakukan sebagai ekspresi pertobatan, tetapi orang-orang Israel menjadikannya sebagai klaim untuk memperoleh sesuatu (Isa.58: 3), sehingga Allah menerima (Isa.58: 5). Puasa sering diturunkan sebagai upacara ritual belaka tanpa menyerah kepada Allah (Za.7: 5), dan menjadi perilaku munafik (Matius 16: 6) untuk membenarkan diri sendiri (Luke.18: 12). Musa dan Yesus berpuasa selama 40 hari bukan karena hukum agama, tetapi sebagai waktu persiapan untuk menghadapi godaan dan ujian sebelum mereka dikirim dalam pelayanan berat. Latar belakang menunjukkan gurun suasana pegunungan di mana makanan & minuman tidak tersedia, dan tidak ada tanda-tanda bahwa Yesus membawa makanan meskipun dikatakan bahwa Yesus hanya 'tidak makan' (Matt.4: 2). Puasa dalam praktek Taurat Hukum Israel telah berubah menjadi kebiasaan legalistik dalam hari-hari tertentu, waktu, dan dengan cara tertentu, tetapi telah kehilangan maknanya, karena itu Yesaya sangat menegur & menekankan arti sebenarnya dari puasa. Dia mengatakan firman Allah: "Bukankah ini jenis puasa aku telah memilih: kehilangan rantai ketidakadilan dan melepaskan tali kuk, untuk mengatur tertindas gratis dan mematahkan setiap kuk Apakah tidak berbagi makanan Anda dengan lapar dan untuk memberikan pengembara miskin dengan shelter - ketika Anda melihat telanjang, untuk pakaian dia, dan tidak berpaling dari daging Anda sendiri dan darah (NIV, Yes 58: 6-7)? Meskipun Yesus berpuasa untuk 40 hari, dia tidak memerintahkan murid-muridnya untuk berpuasa sebagai hukum, dan karena para murid tidak berpuasa mereka disalahkan oleh orang-orang Farisi (Mark.2: 18), tetapi Yesus mengatakan bahwa mereka akan berpuasa setiap kali Yesus telah meninggalkan mereka (Markus .2:. 20) Dengan demikian, puasa menurut Yesus tidak lagi menjadi hukum agama, tetapi terutama ketika persiapan batin dan pertobatan yang diperlukan dalam menangani isu-isu yang sulit seperti keberangkatannya nanti atau meminta mukjizat atau melawan iblis ( Matt.17: 21; Mark.9: 29). Yesus tidak membenarkan orang-orang Farisi yang menjalankan hukum agama termasuk puasa yang melakukan dengan bangga, tetapi Dia membenarkan pemungut cukai yang tidak berpuasa (Luke.18: 9-14) tapi bertobat. Dengan demikian, Yesus tidak memberitahu orang-orang untuk berpuasa tidak orang melarang jika mereka melakukannya untuk tujuan khusus. Dengan demikian kita tahu bahwa puasa memiliki makna yang dalam dan khusus dalam menguasai hubungan batin seseorang dengan Allah yang kudus dan benar, tetapi puasa cenderung turun hanya sebagai agama legalisme dalam bentuk lahiriah mencari praktik keagamaan tetapi tanpa makna mendalam. Yesaya jelas mengatakan kepada orang Israel (Isa.58) puasa yang harus dilakukan dalam hati, yaitu puasa dari perilaku despotisme, menyiksa dan memperbudak orang. Puasa dari keegoisan dalam memberi makan yang kelaparan, gelandangan, dan telanjang (comp.Matt.24: 31-46). Yesus juga tidak mengajarkan orang untuk berpuasa, bahkan tidak membenarkan sombong yang berpuasa, tapi ia juga tidak melarang orang untuk berpuasa. Dengan demikian, puasa itu sendiri tidak ada artinya jika tidak ekspresi patah hati dan merendahkan diri di hadapan Allah. Redemption oleh Yesus di kayu salib memenuhi Hukum PL yang bergantung pada usaha manusia untuk menyelamatkan diri dengan melakukan hukum agama (sunat, membakar korban, Sabat menjaga, puasa, makanan bersih dll), melainkan menjadi rahmat Allah yang diberikan kepada setiap orang yang percaya dan bertobat (John.3: 16; Efh.2: 8-10; Tit.2: 11-15). Hal ini disempurnakan oleh kedatangan 'Roh Kudus' yang diperkuat & mengisi percaya yang dipenuhi pada hari Pentakosta (Acts.2; cf.Matt.28: 20). Dari ajaran ini Yesus, untuk menjawab pertanyaan "Haruskah Kristen mempraktekkan puasa?" dalam terang PB kita bisa menjawab 'tidak' dan 'ya', itu berarti bahwa orang-orang Kristen (kecuali Katolik) 'tidak' berlatih kewajiban puasa sebagai hukum agama pada waktu yang ditentukan dan ditetapkan, dan 'ya' bahwa setiap Waktu Kristen dapat berlatih puasa untuk tujuan khusus dengan sungguh-sungguh ketika ia membutuhkan, tetapi kita perlu menyadari bahwa 'praktek puasa' itu sendiri bukanlah amal - ritual baik yang membawa hadiah bagi mereka yang melakukannya, tapi untuk 'persiapan seseorang. " Puasa adalah ekspresi yang lahir dari hati yang rusak yang bertobat dan merendahkan diri di hadapan Allah. Praktek luar berarti apa-apa tanpa ke dalam bertobat, sebaliknya tanpa ekspresi yang keluar itu tidak masalah selama ada hati bertobat, karena ini adalah esensi sejati dari puasa. Meskipun jemaat Kristen dalam Perjanjian Baru disebutkan sebagai kadang-kadang berlatih puasa, ini hanya melanjutkan kebiasaan tradisi Yahudi, tetapi bukan sebagai hukum agama untuk mendapatkan hadiah seperti dalam Perjanjian Lama, tetapi secara sukarela berlatih dan persiapan untuk pelayanan. ***

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