Reaching out at someone can make a world of difference on his or her f terjemahan - Reaching out at someone can make a world of difference on his or her f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Reaching out at someone can make a

Reaching out at someone can make a world of difference on his or her future . Torey L.Hayden was a teacher who worked with kids who are emotionally disturbed . She made a big impact on a little girl named sheila , a six years old who was put into her class because of her disorder . Some teacher thought that Torey could get trough to her .
Sheila didn’t listen to anyone this innocent little girl lived a hard life that no six years old should have to go through . She grew up in poverty and her mom abandoned her when she was too little to understand . She was left with her alcoholic father who always thought that spanking was the answer to everything . Kids don’t know how lucky they are to have parents who care about them and their futures , until they actually read this story.
A teacher who sacrifices a lot just to reach one child , Torey could fit under that category . She inspires teachers to keep on teaching . Even though they feel like giving up on their students , because they feel like they can’t reach them . Torey is faced with difficult decision , either she could stick with her principles or change the way she handles things . If she changes the way she handles things , then she would have a higher chance of reaching out to sheila .
Have you ever put your whole heart into something and then finally achieved it ? In this book the characters did the same . This book is very inspiring . It presents good examples , to have compassion for other people .
This book is filled with a lot emotion ; some parts of this book may make you cry a little . When you read this book , you actually feel like you are going through he same experience along with sheila . It makes you want to reach out to her , and let her know that everything to be okay
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Reaching out at someone can make a world of difference on his or her future . Torey L.Hayden was a teacher who worked with kids who are emotionally disturbed . She made a big impact on a little girl named sheila , a six years old who was put into her class because of her disorder . Some teacher thought that Torey could get trough to her .Sheila didn’t listen to anyone this innocent little girl lived a hard life that no six years old should have to go through . She grew up in poverty and her mom abandoned her when she was too little to understand . She was left with her alcoholic father who always thought that spanking was the answer to everything . Kids don’t know how lucky they are to have parents who care about them and their futures , until they actually read this story.A teacher who sacrifices a lot just to reach one child , Torey could fit under that category . She inspires teachers to keep on teaching . Even though they feel like giving up on their students , because they feel like they can’t reach them . Torey is faced with difficult decision , either she could stick with her principles or change the way she handles things . If she changes the way she handles things , then she would have a higher chance of reaching out to sheila .Have you ever put your whole heart into something and then finally achieved it ? In this book the characters did the same . This book is very inspiring . It presents good examples , to have compassion for other people . This book is filled with a lot emotion ; some parts of this book may make you cry a little . When you read this book , you actually feel like you are going through he same experience along with sheila . It makes you want to reach out to her , and let her know that everything to be okay
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menjangkau pada seseorang dapat membuat dunia perbedaan pada masa depannya. Torey L.Hayden adalah seorang guru yang bekerja dengan anak-anak yang secara emosional terganggu. Dia membuat dampak besar pada seorang gadis kecil bernama sheila, berusia enam tahun yang dimasukkan ke dalam kelasnya karena gangguan nya. Beberapa guru berpikir bahwa Torey bisa melalui padanya.
Sheila tidak mendengarkan orang gadis kecil tak berdosa ini menjalani kehidupan keras yang ada berusia enam tahun harus harus melalui. Dia dibesarkan dalam kemiskinan dan ibunya ditinggalkan ketika dia masih terlalu kecil untuk mengerti. Dia ditinggalkan dengan ayah alkohol nya yang selalu berpikir bahwa memukul adalah jawaban untuk segala sesuatu. Anak tidak tahu betapa beruntungnya mereka memiliki orang tua yang peduli tentang mereka dan masa depan mereka, sampai mereka benar-benar membaca cerita ini.
Seorang guru yang mengorbankan banyak hanya untuk mencapai satu anak, Torey bisa muat dalam kategori tersebut. Dia menginspirasi guru untuk terus mengajar. Meskipun mereka merasa ingin menyerah pada siswa mereka, karena mereka merasa seperti mereka tidak bisa menjangkau mereka. Torey dihadapkan dengan keputusan yang sulit, baik dia bisa tetap dengan prinsip dia atau mengubah cara dia menangani hal. Jika dia mengubah cara dia menangani hal-hal, maka dia akan memiliki kesempatan lebih tinggi untuk menjangkau sheila.
Pernahkah Anda menempatkan seluruh hati Anda menjadi sesuatu dan kemudian akhirnya mencapai hal itu? Dalam buku ini karakter melakukan hal yang sama. Buku ini sangat inspiratif. Hal ini menyajikan contoh yang baik, memiliki belas kasih bagi orang lain.
Buku ini penuh dengan emosi banyak; beberapa bagian dari buku ini dapat membuat Anda menangis sedikit. Ketika Anda membaca buku ini, Anda benar-benar merasa seperti Anda akan melalui dia pengalaman yang sama bersama dengan sheila. Itu membuat Anda ingin menjangkau nya, dan membiarkan dia tahu bahwa segala sesuatu baik-baik saja
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