Um, an show man ag­gres­sive time to!Puts out a hand to em­brace the L terjemahan - Um, an show man ag­gres­sive time to!Puts out a hand to em­brace the L Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Um, an show man ag­gres­sive time t

Um, an show man ag­gres­sive time to!
Puts out a hand to em­brace the Lin Wan Er slen­der waist, the princess hugs her hugs in the bosom, grad­u­ally moves to­ward the bed­side, only thought that under foot „”, es­pe­cially, by the line of land­ing desk lamp im­ped­ing, the good re­ac­tion rate is fast, lifted the hand to throw Lin Wan Er by the sup­ple strength gen­tly on the bed, I „bang” a fore­head hit in the bed­side, al­though was away from the wool blan­ket, but felt on as be­fore fore­head burn­ing ache, stood up from fail­ure hur­riedly, all right!
Lin Wan Er crawls to the bed­side vis­its me, say­ing that loves dearly: „Are you in­jured?”
I touch the fore­head, said: „All right, I prac­tice the per­son who builds up the body limit, physique and steel and iron are equally firm, what was this small hit con­sid­ered as?”
„But your tears fell” Lin Wan Er to put out a hand in my cor­ner of the eye to wipe, then placed the mouth to taste, said: „Salty”
I am very speech­less, put out a hand and hug her, said with a smile: „Wan Er is clever, a bit faster went to bed to rest, I helped you take off coat”
„Um, good”
Puts out a hand to loosen her coat, hangs on the side clothes rack, is in­side white woolen sweater, when takes off she only wears a frail shirt, I beat a drum, felt one soon can­not cross this to close, some palm shiv­er­ing helps her give to slip off thou­sand skirts again, then the young girl­friend al­most only wears the un­der­wear to lie down in my arms, the Lin Wan Er cheek blushes, if still the rosy-col­ored clouds at dawn, the body shiv­ers slightly, said: „Good, this suf­ficed”
I am thick the fa­cial skin say­ing: „, Has not re­moved com­pletely”
„Cry­ing foul, you wants to do to me!” Lin Wan Er charm­ing vis­its me with a smile, I know, so long as I want, she cer­tainly will not re­ject, a girl likes you, you can only see from her look that but Lin Wan Er looks at my look gen­tly such as a deep pool of water, the af­fec­tion such as the con­tin­u­ous rosy cloud, if I can­not un­der­stand, that was re­ally an idiot.
How­ever today in the Lin Wan Er fam­ily, Lin Tian­nan and his one group of body­guards also, me, if does any sound to come not quite to be as if good, ok, has a lot of time for that!
Also helped Lin Wan Er cover the quilt, but I was not as be­fore will­ingly, there­fore put out a hand to try to find out in the bed­ding, grasped Lin Wan Er, the hard sled­ding helped her untie the scal­lop of un­der­wear, „” has un­tied, put out a hand to be able touch­ing of non- im­ped­i­ment she ten­der soft charm­ing stature, my pal­pi­ta­tion also stopped, the breath also quickly ob­structed to stop, will gather sev­eral sec­onds later be­fore up, a kiss on her lip, said with a smile gen­tly: „I rest, when to­mor­row will de­cide to go back?”
Lin Wan Er said: „Fin­ished eat­ing the lunch, ac­com­pa­nies the fa­ther to eat meal, after the lunch, goes back, I know that your this fel­low af­firmed sharply was going back to make the daily train­ing task of palace guard, right?”
I smile awk­wardly: „Um, in your fa­ther makes my se­ries play seven big em­pires, this duty is not sim­ple, I must make full use of the strength of good palace guard army, oth­er­wise uni­fies seven big em­pires is a dream, is im­prac­ti­cal.”
Lin Wan Er made an ef­fort to nod, re­turns to kiss my, said: „Relax the fool, I and leans shal­lowly, Li Mu, Wang Jian this group of peo­ple to help your, you are not a per­son are try­ing hard!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Um, an show man ag­gres­sive time to!Puts out a hand to em­brace the Lin Wan Er slen­der waist, the princess hugs her hugs in the bosom, grad­u­ally moves to­ward the bed­side, only thought that under foot „”, es­pe­cially, by the line of land­ing desk lamp im­ped­ing, the good re­ac­tion rate is fast, lifted the hand to throw Lin Wan Er by the sup­ple strength gen­tly on the bed, I „bang” a fore­head hit in the bed­side, al­though was away from the wool blan­ket, but felt on as be­fore fore­head burn­ing ache, stood up from fail­ure hur­riedly, all right!Lin Wan Er crawls to the bed­side vis­its me, say­ing that loves dearly: „Are you in­jured?”I touch the fore­head, said: „All right, I prac­tice the per­son who builds up the body limit, physique and steel and iron are equally firm, what was this small hit con­sid­ered as?”„But your tears fell” Lin Wan Er to put out a hand in my cor­ner of the eye to wipe, then placed the mouth to taste, said: „Salty”I am very speech­less, put out a hand and hug her, said with a smile: „Wan Er is clever, a bit faster went to bed to rest, I helped you take off coat”„Um, good”Puts out a hand to loosen her coat, hangs on the side clothes rack, is in­side white woolen sweater, when takes off she only wears a frail shirt, I beat a drum, felt one soon can­not cross this to close, some palm shiv­er­ing helps her give to slip off thou­sand skirts again, then the young girl­friend al­most only wears the un­der­wear to lie down in my arms, the Lin Wan Er cheek blushes, if still the rosy-col­ored clouds at dawn, the body shiv­ers slightly, said: „Good, this suf­ficed”I am thick the fa­cial skin say­ing: „, Has not re­moved com­pletely”„Cry­ing foul, you wants to do to me!” Lin Wan Er charm­ing vis­its me with a smile, I know, so long as I want, she cer­tainly will not re­ject, a girl likes you, you can only see from her look that but Lin Wan Er looks at my look gen­tly such as a deep pool of water, the af­fec­tion such as the con­tin­u­ous rosy cloud, if I can­not un­der­stand, that was re­ally an idiot.How­ever today in the Lin Wan Er fam­ily, Lin Tian­nan and his one group of body­guards also, me, if does any sound to come not quite to be as if good, ok, has a lot of time for that!Also helped Lin Wan Er cover the quilt, but I was not as be­fore will­ingly, there­fore put out a hand to try to find out in the bed­ding, grasped Lin Wan Er, the hard sled­ding helped her untie the scal­lop of un­der­wear, „” has un­tied, put out a hand to be able touch­ing of non- im­ped­i­ment she ten­der soft charm­ing stature, my pal­pi­ta­tion also stopped, the breath also quickly ob­structed to stop, will gather sev­eral sec­onds later be­fore up, a kiss on her lip, said with a smile gen­tly: „I rest, when to­mor­row will de­cide to go back?”Lin Wan Er said: „Fin­ished eat­ing the lunch, ac­com­pa­nies the fa­ther to eat meal, after the lunch, goes back, I know that your this fel­low af­firmed sharply was going back to make the daily train­ing task of palace guard, right?”I smile awk­wardly: „Um, in your fa­ther makes my se­ries play seven big em­pires, this duty is not sim­ple, I must make full use of the strength of good palace guard army, oth­er­wise uni­fies seven big em­pires is a dream, is im­prac­ti­cal.”„Um!”Lin Wan Er made an ef­fort to nod, re­turns to kiss my, said: „Relax the fool, I and leans shal­lowly, Li Mu, Wang Jian this group of peo­ple to help your, you are not a per­son are try­ing hard!”„Um!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Um, pertunjukan pria waktu agresif untuk!
Menempatkan tangan untuk merangkul Lin Wan Er ramping pinggang, putri pelukan pelukan nya di dada, secara bertahap bergerak ke arah samping tempat tidur, hanya berpikir bahwa di bawah kaki "", terutama, oleh garis pendaratan penghambat lampu meja, laju reaksi yang baik cepat, mengangkat tangan untuk membuang Lin Wan Er oleh kekuatan lentur lembut di tempat tidur, saya "bang" dahi hit di samping tempat tidur, meskipun itu jauh dari selimut wol, tapi merasa seperti sebelumnya dahi sakit terbakar, berdiri dari kegagalan buru-buru, semua benar!
Lin Wan Er merangkak ke samping tempat tidur mengunjungi saya, mengatakan bahwa mencintai mahal: "? Apakah Anda terluka"
aku menyentuh dahi, mengatakan: "Baiklah, saya berlatih orang yang membangun batas tubuh, fisik dan baja dan besi sama-sama kuat, apa yang hit kecil ini dianggap sebagai? "
" Tapi air mata Anda jatuh "Lin Wan Er untuk mengulurkan tangan di sudut saya mata untuk menghapus , kemudian ditempatkan mulut secukupnya, mengatakan: "Salty"
saya sangat berkata-kata, mengulurkan tangan dan memeluknya, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Wan Er pintar, sedikit lebih cepat pergi ke tempat tidur untuk istirahat, saya membantu Anda mengambil off mantel "
" Um, baik "
Menempatkan tangan untuk melonggarkan mantelnya, tergantung di sisi rak pakaian, di dalam sweater wol putih, ketika melepas dia hanya mengenakan kemeja lemah, saya mengalahkan drum, merasa satu segera tidak bisa menyeberang ini untuk menutup, beberapa menggigil kelapa membantu dia berikan kepada meleset ribu rok lagi, maka pacar muda hampir hanya memakai pakaian dalam untuk berbaring di lengan saya, Lin Wan Er pipi merona, jika masih awan kemerahan berwarna saat fajar, menggigil tubuh sedikit, mengatakan: "Baik, ini mencukupi"
saya tebal kulit wajah mengatakan: ", telah tidak dihapus sepenuhnya"
! "Menangis busuk, Anda ingin lakukan untuk saya" Lin Wan Er menarik kunjungan saya dengan senyum, aku tahu, selama aku inginkan, dia pasti tidak akan menolak, seorang gadis menyukai Anda, Anda hanya dapat melihat dari dia terlihat itu tapi Lin Wan Er terlihat pada tampilan saya lembut seperti kolam yang dalam air, kasih sayang seperti awan kemerahan terus menerus, jika saya tidak mengerti, itu benar-benar idiot.
Namun hari ini di keluarga Lin Wan Er, Lin Tiannan dan satu kelompoknya pengawal juga, saya, jika tidak setiap suara datang tidak cukup untuk menjadi seolah-olah baik, ok, memiliki banyak waktu untuk itu!
Juga membantu Lin Wan Er menutupi selimut, tapi aku tidak seperti sebelumnya rela, oleh karena itu mengulurkan tangan untuk mencoba untuk mencari tahu di tempat tidur, meraih Lin Wan Er, yang naik eretan keras membantu dia membuka kerang dari pakaian, "" telah mengikat, mengulurkan tangan untuk dapat menyentuh halangan non ia lembut bertubuh menawan lembut, palpitasi saya juga berhenti, nafas juga cepat terhalang untuk berhenti, akan mengumpulkan beberapa detik kemudian sebelum sampai , ciuman di bibir, mengatakan dengan senyum lembut: "saya beristirahat, ketika besok akan memutuskan untuk kembali"
kata Lin Wan Er: "Selesai makan siang, menyertai ayah untuk makan makanan, setelah makan siang, kembali , saya tahu bahwa Anda orang ini menegaskan tajam akan kembali membuat tugas pelatihan harian pengawal istana, benar "?
aku tersenyum canggung:" Um, di ayahmu membuat seri saya bermain tujuh kerajaan besar, tugas ini tidak sederhana, saya harus membuat penuh penggunaan kekuatan baik tentara pengawal istana, jika tidak menyatukan tujuh kerajaan besar adalah mimpi, tidak praktis ".
" Um! "
Lin Wan Er membuat upaya untuk mengangguk, kembali mencium saya, mengatakan:" Relax bodoh , saya dan bersandar dangkal, Li Mu, Wang Jian kelompok orang untuk membantu Anda, Anda tidak seseorang berusaha keras! "
" Um! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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