when new expensive medical therapiescome along, promising to cure peop terjemahan - when new expensive medical therapiescome along, promising to cure peop Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

when new expensive medical therapie

when new expensive medical therapies
come along, promising to cure people of
illness, one would think that the
manufacturers, doctors, and technicians,
along with the hospitals and state oversight agencies,
would take extreme caution in their application and
use. Often this is not the case. Contemporary
radiation therapy offers a good example of society
failing to anticipate and control the negative impacts
of a technology powerful enough to kill people.
For individuals and their families suffering
through a battle with cancer, technical advancements
in radiation treatment represent hope and a chance
for a healthy, cancer-free life. But when these highly
complex machines used to treat cancers go awry or
when medical technicians and doctors fail to follow
proper safety procedures, it results in suffering worse
than the ailments radiation aims to cure. A litany of
horror stories underscores the consequences when
hospitals fail to provide safe radiation treatment to
cancer patients. In many of these horror stories, poor
software design, poor human-machine interfaces,
and lack of proper training are root causes of the
The deaths of Scott Jerome-Parks and Alexandra
Jn-Charles, both patients of New York City hospitals,
are prime examples of radiation treatments going
awry. Jerome-Parks worked in southern Manhattan
near the site of the World Trade Center attacks, and
suspected that the tongue cancer he developed later
was related to toxic dust that he came in contact with
after the attacks. His prognosis was uncertain at first,
but he had some reason to be optimistic, given the
quality of the treatment provided by state-of-the-art
linear accelerators at St. Vincent’s Hospital, which he
selected for his treatment. But after receiving
erroneous dosages of radiation several times, his
condition drastically worsened.
For the most part, state-of-the-art linear accelerators
do in fact provide effective and safe care for
cancer patients, and Americans safely receive an
increasing amount of medical radiation each year.
Radiation helps to diagnose and treat all sorts of
cancers, saving many patients’ lives in the process,
and is administered safely to over half of all cancer
patients. Whereas older machines were only capable
of imaging a tumor in two dimensions and projecting
straight beams of radiation, newer linear accelerators
are capable of modeling cancerous tumors in three
dimensions and shaping beams of radiation to
conform to those shapes.
One of the most common issues with radiation
therapy is finding ways to destroy cancerous cells
while preserving healthy cells. Using this beamshaping
technique, radiation doesn’t pass through as
much healthy tissue to reach the cancerous areas.
Hospitals advertised their new accelerators as being
able to treat previously untreatable cancers because
of the precision of the beam-shaping method. Using
older machinery, cancers that were too close to
important bodily structures were considered too
dangerous to treat with radiation due to the
imprecision of the equipment.
How, then, are radiation-related accidents
increasing in frequency, given the advances in linear
acceleration technology? In the cases of Jerome-
Parks and Jn-Charles, a combination of machine
malfunctions and user error led to these frightening
mistakes. Jerome-Parks’s brain stem and neck were
exposed to excessive dosages of radiation on three
separate occasions because of a computer error.
The linear accelerator used to treat Jerome-Parks is
known as a multi-leaf collimator, a newer, more
powerful model that uses over a hundred metal
“leaves” to adjust the shape and strength of the beam.
The St. Vincent’s hospital collimator was made by
Varian Medical Systems, a leading supplier of
radiation equipment.
Dr. Anthony M. Berson, St. Vincent’s chief
radiation oncologist, reworked Mr. Jerome Parks’s
radiation treatment plan to give more protection to
his teeth. Nina Kalach, the medical physicist in
charge of implementing Jerome-Parks’s radiation
treatment plan, used Varian software to revise the
plan. State records show that as Ms. Kalach was
trying to save her work, the computer began seizing
up, displaying an error message. The error message
asked if Ms. Kalach wanted to save her changes
before the program aborted and she responded that
she did. Dr. Berson approved the plan.
Six minutes after another computer crash, the first
of several radioactive beams was turned on, followed
by several additional rounds of radiation the next few
days. After the third treatment, Ms. Kalach ran a test
to verify that the treatment plan was carried out as
prescribed, and found that the multileaf collimator,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
when new expensive medical therapiescome along, promising to cure people ofillness, one would think that themanufacturers, doctors, and technicians,along with the hospitals and state oversight agencies,would take extreme caution in their application anduse. Often this is not the case. Contemporaryradiation therapy offers a good example of societyfailing to anticipate and control the negative impactsof a technology powerful enough to kill people.For individuals and their families sufferingthrough a battle with cancer, technical advancementsin radiation treatment represent hope and a chancefor a healthy, cancer-free life. But when these highlycomplex machines used to treat cancers go awry orwhen medical technicians and doctors fail to followproper safety procedures, it results in suffering worsethan the ailments radiation aims to cure. A litany ofhorror stories underscores the consequences whenhospitals fail to provide safe radiation treatment tocancer patients. In many of these horror stories, poorsoftware design, poor human-machine interfaces,and lack of proper training are root causes of theproblems.The deaths of Scott Jerome-Parks and AlexandraJn-Charles, both patients of New York City hospitals,are prime examples of radiation treatments goingawry. Jerome-Parks worked in southern Manhattannear the site of the World Trade Center attacks, andsuspected that the tongue cancer he developed laterwas related to toxic dust that he came in contact with
after the attacks. His prognosis was uncertain at first,
but he had some reason to be optimistic, given the
quality of the treatment provided by state-of-the-art
linear accelerators at St. Vincent’s Hospital, which he
selected for his treatment. But after receiving
erroneous dosages of radiation several times, his
condition drastically worsened.
For the most part, state-of-the-art linear accelerators
do in fact provide effective and safe care for
cancer patients, and Americans safely receive an
increasing amount of medical radiation each year.
Radiation helps to diagnose and treat all sorts of
cancers, saving many patients’ lives in the process,
and is administered safely to over half of all cancer
patients. Whereas older machines were only capable
of imaging a tumor in two dimensions and projecting
straight beams of radiation, newer linear accelerators
are capable of modeling cancerous tumors in three
dimensions and shaping beams of radiation to
conform to those shapes.
One of the most common issues with radiation
therapy is finding ways to destroy cancerous cells
while preserving healthy cells. Using this beamshaping
technique, radiation doesn’t pass through as
much healthy tissue to reach the cancerous areas.
Hospitals advertised their new accelerators as being
able to treat previously untreatable cancers because
of the precision of the beam-shaping method. Using
older machinery, cancers that were too close to
important bodily structures were considered too
dangerous to treat with radiation due to the
imprecision of the equipment.
How, then, are radiation-related accidents
increasing in frequency, given the advances in linear
acceleration technology? In the cases of Jerome-
Parks and Jn-Charles, a combination of machine
malfunctions and user error led to these frightening
mistakes. Jerome-Parks’s brain stem and neck were
exposed to excessive dosages of radiation on three
separate occasions because of a computer error.
The linear accelerator used to treat Jerome-Parks is
known as a multi-leaf collimator, a newer, more
powerful model that uses over a hundred metal
“leaves” to adjust the shape and strength of the beam.
The St. Vincent’s hospital collimator was made by
Varian Medical Systems, a leading supplier of
radiation equipment.
Dr. Anthony M. Berson, St. Vincent’s chief
radiation oncologist, reworked Mr. Jerome Parks’s
radiation treatment plan to give more protection to
his teeth. Nina Kalach, the medical physicist in
charge of implementing Jerome-Parks’s radiation
treatment plan, used Varian software to revise the
plan. State records show that as Ms. Kalach was
trying to save her work, the computer began seizing
up, displaying an error message. The error message
asked if Ms. Kalach wanted to save her changes
before the program aborted and she responded that
she did. Dr. Berson approved the plan.
Six minutes after another computer crash, the first
of several radioactive beams was turned on, followed
by several additional rounds of radiation the next few
days. After the third treatment, Ms. Kalach ran a test
to verify that the treatment plan was carried out as
prescribed, and found that the multileaf collimator,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
ketika terapi medis baru yang mahal
datang, menjanjikan untuk menyembuhkan orang dari
penyakit, orang akan berpikir bahwa
produsen, dokter, dan teknisi,
bersama dengan rumah sakit dan lembaga pengawasan negara,
akan mengambil sangat hati-hati dalam aplikasi dan mereka
digunakan. Seringkali hal ini tidak terjadi. Kontemporer
terapi radiasi menawarkan contoh yang baik dari masyarakat
gagal untuk mengantisipasi dan mengendalikan dampak negatif
dari teknologi cukup kuat untuk membunuh orang.
Untuk individu dan keluarga mereka yang menderita
melalui pertempuran dengan kanker, kemajuan teknis
dalam pengobatan radiasi mewakili harapan dan kesempatan
untuk sehat, hidup bebas kanker. Tapi ketika sangat ini
mesin kompleks yang digunakan untuk mengobati kanker pergi kacau atau
ketika teknisi medis dan dokter gagal untuk mengikuti
prosedur keselamatan yang tepat, itu menghasilkan menderita lebih buruk
daripada penyakit radiasi bertujuan untuk menyembuhkan. Sebuah litani
cerita horor menggarisbawahi konsekuensi ketika
rumah sakit gagal untuk memberikan pengobatan radiasi yang aman untuk
pasien kanker. Dalam banyak cerita horor ini, miskin
desain perangkat lunak, antarmuka manusia-mesin yang buruk,
dan kurangnya pelatihan yang tepat adalah akar penyebab dari
Kematian Scott Jerome-Taman dan Alexandra
Yoh-Charles, kedua pasien dari rumah sakit New York City,
adalah contoh utama dari pengobatan radiasi akan
kacau. Jerome-Taman bekerja di Manhattan selatan
dekat lokasi serangan World Trade Center, dan
menduga bahwa kanker lidah dia dikembangkan kemudian
terkait dengan debu beracun bahwa ia datang dalam kontak dengan
setelah serangan. Prognosis nya tidak pasti pada awalnya,
tapi dia memiliki beberapa alasan untuk optimis, mengingat
kualitas perawatan yang diberikan oleh negara-of-the-art
akselerator linear di Rumah Sakit St. Vincent, yang ia
memilih untuk pengobatannya. Tapi setelah menerima
dosis yang salah radiasi beberapa kali, itu
kondisi drastis memburuk.
Sebagian besar, state-of-the-art akselerator linear
pada kenyataannya memberikan perawatan yang efektif dan aman untuk
pasien kanker, dan Amerika dengan aman menerima
peningkatan jumlah medis radiasi setiap tahun.
Radiasi membantu untuk mendiagnosa dan mengobati segala macam
kanker, menyelamatkan nyawa banyak pasien 'dalam proses,
dan dikelola dengan aman ke lebih dari setengah dari semua kanker
pasien. Sedangkan mesin yang lebih tua hanya mampu
pencitraan tumor dalam dua dimensi dan memproyeksikan
balok lurus radiasi, akselerator linear yang lebih baru
mampu pemodelan tumor kanker dalam tiga
dimensi dan membentuk balok radiasi untuk
menyesuaikan diri dengan mereka bentuk.
Salah satu masalah yang paling umum dengan radiasi
terapi adalah menemukan cara untuk menghancurkan sel-sel kanker
sambil menjaga sel-sel sehat. Menggunakan beamshaping ini
teknik, radiasi tidak melewati sebagai
banyak jaringan sehat untuk mencapai daerah kanker.
Rumah Sakit diiklankan akselerator baru mereka sebagai
mampu mengobati kanker sebelumnya tidak dapat diobati karena
dari ketepatan metode balok-membentuk. Menggunakan
mesin yang lebih tua, kanker yang terlalu dekat dengan
struktur tubuh yang penting yang dianggap terlalu
berbahaya untuk mengobati dengan radiasi karena
ketidaktepatan peralatan.
Bagaimana, kemudian, yang kecelakaan radiasi yang berhubungan dengan
peningkatan frekuensi, mengingat kemajuan linear
teknologi percepatan? Dalam kasus Jerome-
Taman dan Yoh-Charles, kombinasi mesin
malfungsi dan kesalahan pengguna menyebabkan ini menakutkan
kesalahan. Jerome-Taman ini batang otak dan leher yang
terkena dosis berlebihan radiasi pada tiga
kesempatan terpisah karena kesalahan komputer.
Akselerator linier digunakan untuk mengobati Jerome-Taman ini
dikenal sebagai kolimator multi-daun, yang baru, yang lebih
model yang kuat yang menggunakan lebih dari seratus logam
"daun" untuk menyesuaikan bentuk dan kekuatan balok.
The St. Vincent rumah sakit kolimator dibuat oleh
Varian Medical Systems, pemasok terkemuka
peralatan radiasi.
Dr. Anthony M. Berson, kepala St Vincent
onkologi radiasi, ulang Mr. Jerome Taman ini
rencana pengobatan radiasi untuk memberikan perlindungan lebih untuk
giginya. Nina Kalach, fisikawan medis di
bertugas melaksanakan radiasi Jerome-Taman ini
rencana perawatan, digunakan software Varian untuk merevisi
rencana. Catatan negara menunjukkan bahwa Ms. Kalach sedang
mencoba menyelamatkan pekerjaannya, komputer mulai merebut
up, menampilkan pesan kesalahan. Pesan kesalahan
bertanya apakah Ibu Kalach ingin menyimpan perubahan nya
sebelum program dibatalkan dan dia menjawab bahwa
dia lakukan. Dr Berson menyetujui rencana.
Enam menit setelah kecelakaan komputer lain, yang pertama
dari beberapa balok radioaktif dihidupkan, diikuti
oleh beberapa putaran tambahan radiasi beberapa berikutnya
hari. Setelah pengobatan ketiga, Ms. Kalach berlari tes
untuk memverifikasi bahwa rencana perawatan dilakukan sebagai
ditentukan, dan menemukan bahwa kolimator multileaf,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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