Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Aku menatap kakiku dan kemudian kembali naik kepadanya. "Saya benar-benar menyesal."Jake's hijau mata menyengat ke dalam tambang selama beberapa detik. "Aku tidak menggigit, Anda tahu," katanya dengan suara rendah."Excuse me?""Mengapa Anda masih berdiri di pintu, menggunakan buku Anda sebagai perisai?"Aku tertawa gugup karena saya masuk ke kamar. Dia adalah benar. Aku ragu. Tapi itu bukan untuk alasan yang mungkin pikirnya.... Aku berharap dia akan menggigit... dan itu adalah apa yang membuatku takut. Kontrol diri sendiri, Nina."Harus kita belajar di sini atau di ruang?" Saya bertanya."Itu adalah keputusan Anda. Anda adalah salah satu yang perlu fokus,"katanya."Oke. Berikut adalah baik-baik saja. Tarah dan Ryan mungkin akan datang rumah dan ingin ruang. "Pilihan buruk. Berada di kamar tidurnya jauh adalah tempat paling mengganggu."Mari kita mulai kemudian." Jake mengulurkan tangan-Nya. "Tunjukkan tugas."Saya menyerahkan buku dan silabus, ketika ia ditarik kursi kayu dan duduk, menendang kakinya ke kaki tempat tidur. Aku duduk di tanah dengan kaki disilangkan."Anda tidak perlu duduk di lantai. Aku duduk di sini, sehingga Anda bisa memiliki tempat tidur.""Oke, terima kasih," Aku berkata ketika aku bangun dan ditanam sendiri di tempat tidurnya. Kasur adalah perusahaan dan itu seperti berbaring di lautan aroma maskulin nya. Penghibur hitam mengejutkan lembut, dan aku berlari ujung jari saya di atasnya ketika saya melihat dia terlihat lebih dari silabus."Oke, omong kosong ini tidak akan mudah untuk Anda," katanya.“Thanks for the vote of confidence. That is certainly an understatement.”He looked up at me. “Let’s start with the linear programming problem.”I scratched my head and leaned in. “Okay.”“You have to create a problem like the one listed here, using the same model but your own variables, and then you need to solve it.” He grinned. “We can make this interesting if we want.”“Oh?”“Yes. All it says is that it has to involve transportation.”“Yes.” I nodded.I had no idea what he was talking about.“Okay, so the example in the book uses a lumber dealer transporting wood to warehouses.”“Yes.”“So, you could use, for example…a pimp transporting whores across the country.”“Excuse me?”“We need to keep you awake, so let’s go with that. The problem is to find the most economical way to transport the prostitutes to various cities.”I rubbed my temples and chuckled. “Oh my God. Okay.”“First, you have to determine your variables. There are two variables, x and y. If x represents the number of whores to be driven from New York to L.A., then since L.A. needs 25 whores, the number of whores to be shipped from Philadelphia to L.A. is 25 minus x.He looked up to see if I was paying attention and continued. “And if y represents the number of whores to be driven from New York to Las Vegas, then since Las Vegas needs 30 whores, the number of whores to be shipped from Philadelphia to Las Vegas is 30 minus y.”He then built a cost table showing the transportation routes, number of whores and various costs of each route. Eventually, he came up with a formula and made me run through the entire problem until I understood it. Even though it took over an hour, I finally did get it. I was amazed at how capable I could be when interested enough to apply myself.And I was definitely interested.There was also a nutrition problem where the object was to design a low-cost recipe that provided required levels of proteins, calories and vitamin B12. We had to choose variables again and assign different costs. Jake substituted the samples used in the book for things that would make me laugh. In this case, the recipe was for Mrs. Ballsworthy’s “shit cake,” and the ingredients were chocolate, shit and whole-wheat flour. Again, he built a table to organize the data, and after another hour, I was finally able to run through the formula myself.He was so animated and never seemed to tire when I couldn’t grasp what he was teaching. Instead, he would just find a new way of explaining the problem to me, like he enjoyed the challenge. His tables and graphs made things easy to understand, and after running through those two examples repeatedly, I was starting to think that maybe I could pass the exam tomorrow. If only I could just remember Jake’s methodology and apply it to whatever problem Professor Hernandez came up with.By the end of the night, we were both sitting on the floor, stretched out with white papers everywhere. I was so tired, but I wasn’t ready for the study session to end.I started to yawn. Jake bonked me on the forehead with a rolled up piece of paper. “What do you say…one more practice problem?”I yawned again and nodded. “Sure, one more.”“No falling asleep on me,” he said.I wish I were falling asleep on you.“Okay…let’s try this,” he said as he began writing out a new chart with different variables.Sitting on the floor with my legs crossed next to him, I stared at his intense expression as he wrote in bold, hard strokes. He was so focused and was one of the smartest people I had ever met. His intelligence made him even sexier in my mind and made me feel even more inadequate. He was a badass.My eyes were glued to the way his tongue moved back and forth over the bottom of his mouth as he concentrated, his tongue ring clanking against the metal of the ring on his lip. It was so erotic, and I was so out of line for thinking like that while he was trying to help me. As my gaze meandered down to his tattooed arms, I also concluded that his masculine scent mixed with cigarette smoke was just about the most arousing smell I had ever known.His eyes suddenly darted to the side at me, as if he could feel me staring, and I looked away instinctively.Even though I wasn’t facing toward him anymore, my mind still went to places I knew it shouldn’t, like what his tongue would feel like…on me. I knew the answer. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was overtired or merely the fact that I hadn’t been with a man in so long, but I was suddenly experiencing sensory overload when it came to him.He stopped writing and looked toward me. “Okay…so two trains 150 miles apart travel toward each other along the same track…” He paused and waved his hand in front of my face. “Earth to Nina.”
“Huh?” I then realized I had been staring at his mouth the entire time.
“You’re not paying attention,” he said firmly, his gravelly voice vibrating through me.
“I’m…I’m sorry,” I said.
“You want to just stop?” He sounded frustrated with me.
Instead of providing a yes or no answer, my exhausted (and horny) mind decided to take a detour.
“Did it hurt?” I asked.
Jake squinted his eyes. “Did what hurt?” he asked abruptly, almost seeming annoyed at me.
“That,” I said pointing to his lip ring. “The tongue ring, the lip ring, the brow ring…all of them. Was it painful?”
Shrugging his shoulders, he said, “I don’t really remember. I got them when I was like sixteen. I had way more of them back then, too. I don’t think it was that bad, though.” He lifted his brow with a smirk. “Why…are you considering getting one?”
I giggled like a drunk schoolgirl. “Me? No. Uh-uh. I don’t think I could withstand the pain.”
Jake’s eyes darkened and met mine. “Sometimes if you are willing to withstand a little pain in life, Nina, you might discover a pleasure that you never would have otherwise known existed.”
I felt flushed. “Are we still talking about piercings?” My voice lowered to a whisper. “Are you talking about…piercings…down there?”
His eyes widened, and he slammed the textbook down. “Down there? No, actually. I was referring to your fear of everything, Nina, but now I believe you might be referring to whether or not my cock is pierced.”
Mortified, I looked down at the ground and shook my head vigorously. “Oh my God. Forget I ever said anything! I think I am so tired that I am delirious. It’s probably time for me to hit the hay.”
I immediately started messily gathering papers, along with my textbook and stood up. Speed talking, I said, “Jake, thank you so much for this. I think I really get it now. I’ll let you know how I make out tomorrow.”
He got up but didn’t say anything.
I walked backwards out of the room, dropping things and tripped over his wastebasket which made him chuckle.
I practically ran to my room, and as I opened my bedroom door, Jake’s voice stopped me from down the hall.
“To answer your question, Nina, that pleasure is worth the pain too.”
Speechless, I entered my room and shut the door behind me, gearing up for another night of restlessness.
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