The White Rabbit storyThere once lived a white rabbit on a small islan terjemahan - The White Rabbit storyThere once lived a white rabbit on a small islan Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The White Rabbit storyThere once li

The White Rabbit story

There once lived a white rabbit on a small island. One day, when he was on the beach, he saw a large island in the distance.
“There must be a lot of good fresh grass on that island. But how can I go to it without a boat?” while he was thinking about what to do a big
shark swam close to the beach. The rabbit saw the shark and called to him. “Hello, Mr. Shark, you look a clever fellow. Do you think there are more sharks than rabbits in this world?”
“We would have to count them to find that out,” answered the shark.
“Well,” said the rabbit, “You line up your sharks between this island and that one and I’ll count them.”
“Very well,” said the shark, and he called to all of his friends to come and float side by side between the two islands. When they were ready, the rabbit jumped from one shark to the next counting them. “One, two, three …..” he had almost reached the other island when he laughed and said without thinking, “You stupid shark! What is the use of counting you? I only wanted to cross over to this island.”
At once, the sharks were very angry because they did not like being cheated. They began to bite the white rabbit who asked them to forgive him. Finally they let go but all of his lovely white fur was torn off. His skin was bare.
He sat down and cried. Soon three men came along and asked him why he was crying. The rabbit told them what had happened. The men looked at each other and then one of them said, “The best thing you can do is to wash yourself in the sea and then let the sun dry you. Your wounds will heal and your white fur will grow again.”
The rabbit ran back to the sea and then sat in the sun. But his skin was only more painful. It began to hurt so badly that he cried out, “Who will save my life? Help! Help!”
A young man, who was coming along the road, stopped when he heard the rabbit crying. “What has happened to you, Rabbit?”
He asked. He felt sorry for the rabbit. The poor creature could not stop crying and told his story as the tears ran down his face. The young man was annoyed when he heard how the rabbit had been treated. “The three men did not give you good advice. Please forgive them. I’ll help you. Now, go and wash your body in fresh river water and I’ll get a bed ready for you.”
The rabbit did as he was told and returned to rest on the soft grass bed which the young man had made ready for him. The poor rabbit rested and was warm and comfortable. His white fur grew again. He was so happy that he did not try to cheat anyone again.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The White Rabbit storyThere once lived a white rabbit on a small island. One day, when he was on the beach, he saw a large island in the distance.“There must be a lot of good fresh grass on that island. But how can I go to it without a boat?” while he was thinking about what to do a bigshark swam close to the beach. The rabbit saw the shark and called to him. “Hello, Mr. Shark, you look a clever fellow. Do you think there are more sharks than rabbits in this world?”“We would have to count them to find that out,” answered the shark.“Well,” said the rabbit, “You line up your sharks between this island and that one and I’ll count them.”“Very well,” said the shark, and he called to all of his friends to come and float side by side between the two islands. When they were ready, the rabbit jumped from one shark to the next counting them. “One, two, three …..” he had almost reached the other island when he laughed and said without thinking, “You stupid shark! What is the use of counting you? I only wanted to cross over to this island.”At once, the sharks were very angry because they did not like being cheated. They began to bite the white rabbit who asked them to forgive him. Finally they let go but all of his lovely white fur was torn off. His skin was bare.He sat down and cried. Soon three men came along and asked him why he was crying. The rabbit told them what had happened. The men looked at each other and then one of them said, “The best thing you can do is to wash yourself in the sea and then let the sun dry you. Your wounds will heal and your white fur will grow again.”The rabbit ran back to the sea and then sat in the sun. But his skin was only more painful. It began to hurt so badly that he cried out, “Who will save my life? Help! Help!”A young man, who was coming along the road, stopped when he heard the rabbit crying. “What has happened to you, Rabbit?”He asked. He felt sorry for the rabbit. The poor creature could not stop crying and told his story as the tears ran down his face. The young man was annoyed when he heard how the rabbit had been treated. “The three men did not give you good advice. Please forgive them. I’ll help you. Now, go and wash your body in fresh river water and I’ll get a bed ready for you.”The rabbit did as he was told and returned to rest on the soft grass bed which the young man had made ready for him. The poor rabbit rested and was warm and comfortable. His white fur grew again. He was so happy that he did not try to cheat anyone again.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kisah White Rabbit

Ada pernah tinggal kelinci putih di sebuah pulau kecil. Suatu hari, ketika ia berada di pantai, ia melihat sebuah pulau besar di kejauhan.
"Harus ada banyak rumput segar yang baik di pulau itu. Tapi bagaimana aku bisa pergi ke sana tanpa perahu? "Sementara ia sedang memikirkan apa yang harus dilakukan besar
hiu berenang dekat dengan pantai. Kelinci melihat hiu dan memanggilnya. "Hello, Mr. Shark, Anda melihat sesama pintar. Apakah Anda berpikir ada lebih hiu dari kelinci di dunia ini? "
" Kami akan harus menghitung mereka untuk menemukan bahwa keluar, "jawab hiu.
" Yah, "kata kelinci," Anda berbaris hiu Anda antara pulau ini dan itu satu dan saya akan menghitungnya. "
" Baiklah, "kata hiu, dan ia dipanggil untuk semua teman-temannya untuk datang dan melayang berdampingan antara dua pulau. Ketika mereka siap, kelinci melompat dari satu hiu ke yang berikutnya menghitung mereka. "Satu, dua, tiga ... .." ia hampir mencapai pulau lain ketika ia tertawa dan berkata tanpa berpikir, "Kamu hiu bodoh! Apa penggunaan menghitung Anda? Saya hanya ingin menyeberang ke pulau ini. "
Saat itu, hiu yang sangat marah karena mereka tidak suka ditipu. Mereka mulai menggigit kelinci putih yang meminta mereka untuk memaafkannya. Akhirnya mereka membiarkan pergi tapi semua bulu putih yang cantik robek. Kulitnya yang telanjang.
Dia duduk dan menangis. Segera tiga orang datang dan bertanya mengapa ia menangis. Kelinci mengatakan kepada mereka apa yang telah terjadi. Orang-orang saling memandang dan kemudian salah satu dari mereka berkata, "Hal terbaik yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah untuk mencuci diri di laut dan kemudian membiarkan matahari kering Anda. Luka Anda akan menyembuhkan dan bulu putih Anda akan tumbuh lagi. "
Kelinci berlari kembali ke laut dan kemudian duduk di bawah sinar matahari. Tapi kulitnya hanya lebih menyakitkan. Ini mulai sakit begitu parah sehingga ia berteriak, "Siapa yang akan menyelamatkan hidup saya? Membantu! Membantu! "
Seorang pemuda, yang datang di sepanjang jalan, berhenti ketika ia mendengar kelinci menangis. "Apa yang terjadi padamu, Rabbit?"
Tanyanya. Dia merasa kasihan kelinci. Makhluk miskin tidak bisa berhenti menangis dan menceritakan kisahnya sebagai air mata mengalir di wajahnya. Pemuda itu kesal ketika ia mendengar bagaimana kelinci telah diperlakukan. "Ketiga orang tidak memberikan nasihat yang baik. Maafkan mereka. Saya akan membantu Anda. Sekarang, pergi dan mencuci tubuh Anda dalam air sungai segar dan saya akan mendapatkan tempat tidur siap untuk Anda. "
Kelinci melakukan seperti yang diperintahkan dan kembali beristirahat di tempat tidur rumput yang lembut yang telah membuat pemuda siap untuk dia. Kelinci miskin beristirahat dan hangat dan nyaman. Bulu putih tumbuh lagi. Dia begitu senang bahwa ia tidak mencoba untuk menipu siapa pun lagi.
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