The search for life’s purpose and meaning is central to humandevelopme terjemahan - The search for life’s purpose and meaning is central to humandevelopme Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The search for life’s purpose and m

The search for life’s purpose and meaning is central to human
development. We suggest that in light of postmodern sociocultural
changes, this inherent human need becomes more
intense than before. The pluralist and complex postmodern
world challenges existing processes of continuity, socialization,
and transmission of traditional patterns (Gergen,
1991). The present open and eclectic cultural and developmental
context calls for individual exploration and choice
across a broad variety of beliefs, narratives, attitudes, and
social roles (Sutcliffe & Bowman, 2000). In this multitude
of possibilities, in a social world without clear and coherent
answers about the fundamental nature and purpose of worthy
life, people need to find and define their own life meaning.
This requires a more autonomous, eclectic, experiential, and
personal defining of one’s identity through a personal search
for one’s ‘‘true’’ or ‘‘authentic’’ self (Scharf & Mayseless,
2010). So the meta-narrative of finding what constitutes one’s
meaningful life becomes central in identity exploration
throughout life, but especially during emerging adulthood.
Consequently, finding a meaningful life is construed as a
major developmental task for the present generation of emerging
adults in Western industrialized societies. It is a developmental task in Havighurst’s (1948) sense: Succeeding
in finding meaning in life in this developmental period prefigures
success in later developmental tasks, whereas failure
will greatly hamper one’s happiness and success in these subsequent
tasks. Emerging adults are able to focus on their selfdevelopment,
test and retest possibilities, search for their true
authentic self, and probe for meaning and purpose in their
lives. It is a true ‘‘age of possibilities,’’ in which emerging
adults have ‘‘an unparalleled opportunity to transform’’ themselves
(Arnett, 2004, p. 8). Searching for meaning in emerging
adulthood can motivate commitment, give direction to
life, and increase its significance (Schnell, 2009). In this life
period, seeing one’s world as meaningful is fundamental
because it is the basis for investing in the future (Lanz &
Tagliabue, 2007).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pencarian untuk tujuan dan arti hidup sentral kepada manusiapengembangan. Kami menyarankan dalam terang postmodern peneranganperubahan, kebutuhan manusia yang melekat ini menjadi lebihintens daripada sebelumnya. Majemuk dan kompleks postmoderndunia tantangan proses yang ada kesinambungan, sosialisasi,dan transmisi pola tradisional (Gergen,1991). sekarang terbuka dan eklektik budaya dan perkembangankonteks panggilan untuk eksplorasi individu dan pilihandi berbagai macam keyakinan, narasi, sikap, danperan sosial (Sutcliffe & Bowman, 2000). Dalam banyak inikemungkinan, di dunia sosial tanpa jelas dan koherenjawaban tentang sifat dasar dan tujuan layakhidup, orang perlu untuk menemukan dan mendefinisikan arti kehidupan mereka sendiri.Hal ini memerlukan lebih otonom, eklektik, pengalaman, danmendefinisikan pribadi identitas melalui pencarian pribadiuntuk satu adalah '' benar '' atau '' otentik '' diri (Scharf & Mayseless,2010). jadi meta-narasi menemukan apa yang merupakan salah satukehidupan yang bermakna menjadi sentral dalam eksplorasi identitassepanjang hidup, tetapi terutama selama muncul dewasa.Akibatnya, menemukan kehidupan yang bermakna ditafsirkan sebagaitugas utama perkembangan bagi generasi sekarang berkembangorang dewasa dalam masyarakat negara Barat. Ini adalah tugas yang perkembangan dalam arti Havighurst's (1948): berhasildalam mencari arti hidup dalam periode perkembangan ini menggambarkan terlebih dahulusuccess in later developmental tasks, whereas failurewill greatly hamper one’s happiness and success in these subsequenttasks. Emerging adults are able to focus on their selfdevelopment,test and retest possibilities, search for their trueauthentic self, and probe for meaning and purpose in theirlives. It is a true ‘‘age of possibilities,’’ in which emergingadults have ‘‘an unparalleled opportunity to transform’’ themselves(Arnett, 2004, p. 8). Searching for meaning in emergingadulthood can motivate commitment, give direction tolife, and increase its significance (Schnell, 2009). In this lifeperiod, seeing one’s world as meaningful is fundamentalbecause it is the basis for investing in the future (Lanz &Tagliabue, 2007).
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