Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
2700:00:53, 818--> 00:00:55, 319Anda tidak datangdengan saya, Oracle.2800:00:56, 754--> 00:00:58, 821[♪]2900:01:02, 926--> 00:01:05, 928[jalan kota ramai]3000:01:05, 962--> 00:01:08, 964[drum poundperlahan-lahan, berirama]3100:01:10, 634--> 00:01:14, 43770 hari ia telahmemukul-mukul drum itu.3200:01:14, 471--> 00:01:15, 904Ketika pemecatan datang,3300:01:15, 939--> 00:01:17, 740Dialah yangAku akan membunuh pertama.3400:01:17, 774--> 00:01:20, 075Ketika pemecatan datang,3500:01:20, 110--> 00:01:22, 344kita semua akan matikelaparan.3600:01:22, 378--> 00:01:24, 980[Terengah-engah dan berseru]3700:01:25, 949--> 00:01:27, 950Ah! Menariknya keluar!3800:01:27, 984--> 00:01:29, 284[deru]3900:01:29, 318--> 00:01:31, 153[menangis kesakitan]4000:01:48, 304--> 00:01:50, 138Aku tahu aku terlihat seperti Minoa,4100:01:50, 173--> 00:01:51, 939tapi aku benar-benarseorang teman Athena.4200:01:51, 974--> 00:01:53, 408Saya di siniuntuk melihat raja.4300:01:53, 442--> 00:01:54, 409Dia adalah...4400:01:54, 443--> 00:01:55, 410Yah, ia adalah ayahku.4500:01:55, 444--> 00:01:57, 145Jadi, jika Anda hanyaBiarkan aku pergi,4600:01:57, 180--> 00:01:58, 980Aku berjanji tidakmelukai siapa pun...4700:01:59, 014--> 00:02:00, 114lain.4800:02:01, 550--> 00:02:02, 950RajaBapamu, apakah dia?4900:02:02, 985--> 00:02:06, 020Kami akan membawa Anda lebih baikbersama untuk melihat dia, kemudian.5000:02:34, 382--> 00:02:36, 217[berseru]5100:02:41, 021--> 00:02:43, 155[laki-laki jeritansebagai dia jatuh ke kematiannya]5200:02:45, 025--> 00:02:47, 927[♪]5300:02:55, 787--> 00:03:00, 787Sync dan koreksi oleh explosiveskullwww.addic7ed.com5400:03:08, 114--> 00:03:10, 048Ibu.5500:03:10, 082--> 00:03:11, 783Pergi menunggu untuk AndaMaster di kamar.5600:03:16, 155--> 00:03:19, 291Mana Apakah dia?5700:03:19, 325--> 00:03:20, 692Saya berharap diasetiap saat.5800:03:20, 727--> 00:03:22, 261-Ketika, persis?-Apakah yang dimaksud dengan minat Anda...5900:03:22, 295--> 00:03:23, 862... dalam inipelarian berkaki biru?6000:03:26, 498--> 00:03:28, 031Siapa saja yang telah Anda mengatakantentang hal ini?6100:03:28, 066--> 00:03:29, 767-Tidak ada yang.-Scribe Anda sayang?6200:03:29, 801--> 00:03:31, 402Kimon mencintaiku.6300:03:31, 436--> 00:03:33, 036Dialah makhluk Pallas'.6400:03:33, 071--> 00:03:34, 405Sekali, mungkin.6500:03:34, 439--> 00:03:36, 540Sekarang ia adalah milikku.6600:03:36, 575--> 00:03:38, 242Lykos.6700:03:38, 277--> 00:03:40, 778Lihat me dalam mata.6800:03:40, 812--> 00:03:43, 381Anda memiliki kepadanya?6900:03:43, 415--> 00:03:44, 882Wakakak7000:03:46, 351--> 00:03:47, 985Ingat...7100:03:48, 019--> 00:03:49, 754Satu-satunya orang yang dapat Anda percayadi dunia ini7200:03:49, 788--> 00:03:50, 721saya.7300:03:50, 756--> 00:03:52, 322Dan apa tentang Bapa?7400:03:52, 356--> 00:03:54, 224Dia memiliki hal-hal laindi dalam pikirannya.7500:03:54, 259--> 00:03:55, 392Seperti pendetabulan?7600:03:57, 128 00:03:58, 762-->Seperti perang,umat-Nya,7700:03:58, 797--> 00:04:00, 330beban negara,7800:04:00, 364--> 00:04:02, 399dan, ya,kehendak para dewa.7900:04:02, 433--> 00:04:03, 901Ia kehilanganPerang ini,8000:04:03, 935--> 00:04:05, 568dan sudahkehilangan umatNya.8100:04:05, 603 00:04:08, 571-->Dia adalah semua yang kita miliki.8200:04:08, 606--> 00:04:11, 374Saya lebih cocokmemimpin.8300:04:11, 409--> 00:04:14, 077Kau masihmuda, Lykos.8400:04:14, 112--> 00:04:15, 512Tetapi saya siap!8500:04:15, 546--> 00:04:17, 013Anda mungkin tidak melihat itu,8600:04:17, 047--> 00:04:19, 115tapi aku... Aku merasakannya.8700:04:19, 149--> 00:04:21, 284Apitelah memicu dalam diriku.8800:04:21, 319--> 00:04:22, 719Api membakar cerah8900:04:22, 753--> 00:04:24, 454dari hari ke hari.9000:04:24, 488--> 00:04:26, 756Anda jatuhuntuk scribe Anda.9100:04:26, 791--> 00:04:28, 858Tidak! Ianya leksikon.9200:04:29, 893--> 00:04:32, 462Aku dapat merasakandaya tumbuh,9300:04:32, 496--> 00:04:34, 263memanggil saya.9400:04:34, 298--> 00:04:35, 432Saya siap untuk memimpin, ibu.9500:04:41, 138--> 00:04:43, 605Berapa banyak kampanyeAnda berjuang?9600:04:45, 241--> 00:04:46, 408Waktu Anda akan datang...9700:04:46,443 --> 00:04:48,477I promise.9800:04:48,511 --> 00:04:51,213But you must be patient.Now is not your moment.9900:04:55,017 --> 00:04:58,620Bring me my fugitivethe moment you have him.10000:05:01,424 --> 00:05:03,392[♪]10100:05:03,426 --> 00:05:04,860[Lykos]:You gave your oath.10200:05:04,894 --> 00:05:06,795You saidyou've never failed.10300:05:06,830 --> 00:05:07,963Not so.10400:05:07,997 --> 00:05:11,165I said I've never failed,but once.10500:05:12,200 --> 00:05:13,133[Coins clack]10600:05:13,168 --> 00:05:15,236Your payment returned.10700:05:26,348 --> 00:05:28,750[bustle and din of camp]10800:05:30,885 --> 00:05:33,219Why would someonetie you to my bed10900:05:33,254 --> 00:05:34,721in the middleof the night?11000:05:34,756 --> 00:05:35,989Why indeed?11100:05:36,023 --> 00:05:38,759And how could you possiblynot notice it happening?11200:05:38,793 --> 00:05:41,261I'm a heavy sleeper.11300:05:42,229 --> 00:05:44,330You spent the nightwith the Oracle of Gaia?11400:05:44,365 --> 00:05:47,333Well...only the Oracle of Gaia,11500:05:47,368 --> 00:05:48,602I'm afraid to say.11600:05:48,636 --> 00:05:49,703Not the woman.11700:05:49,737 --> 00:05:51,237How could someoneslip into my quarters11800:05:51,272 --> 00:05:52,539in the middleof the night11900:05:52,573 --> 00:05:53,807and do this?12000:05:53,841 --> 00:05:56,209Obviously, it wasno ordinary someone.12100:05:56,243 --> 00:05:57,543What do you mean?12200:05:57,577 --> 00:06:00,113The Athenian spyescaped in the night.12300:06:00,147 --> 00:06:01,447Are you saying12400:06:01,481 --> 00:06:03,283he snuckpast my guards,12500:06:03,317 --> 00:06:04,583came in here,tied her up,12600:06:04,618 --> 00:06:06,752before he spiritedhimself away?12700:06:06,787 --> 00:06:07,787Was it him?12800:06:07,821 --> 00:06:10,089No.12900:06:10,124 --> 00:06:12,058So you didnotice who it was.13000:06:12,092 --> 00:06:14,961Well, I was half-asleep,of course,13100:06:14,995 --> 00:06:16,862but I thoughtit was your father, the King,13200:06:16,897 --> 00:06:17,964who tied me.13300:06:17,998 --> 00:06:20,066Why?13400:06:20,100 --> 00:06:22,001Fetch me a knife.13500:06:23,503 --> 00:06:25,871There will haveto be an inquest.13600:06:26,239 --> 00:06:29,542Athenian spies do notescape out of my prisons.13700:06:29,576 --> 00:06:31,444Should I callthe Captain of the Guard?13800:06:31,478 --> 00:06:32,511Yes.13900:06:34,213 --> 00:06:37,516I hope her interpretationsof your dreams were worth it.14000:06:37,551 --> 00:06:38,551All right.14100:06:38,585 --> 00:06:40,719I'm sickof both of you.14200:06:57,003 --> 00:06:58,937What happenedto your eyes,14300:06:58,972 --> 00:07:00,439you poor fellow?14400:07:00,473 --> 00:07:03,275An allergyto poisonous hornets.14500:07:03,309 --> 00:07:06,278I hope it doesn'tinterfere with your work.14600:07:06,312 --> 00:07:07,980No.14700:07:08,014 --> 00:07:10,414It's goingvery, very well.14800:07:10,449 --> 00:07:12,283See?14900:07:12,317 --> 00:07:14,586What's this?15000:07:14,620 --> 00:07:15,854A digging machine.15100:07:15,888 --> 00:07:19,256I call it"the digging machine."15200:07:19,291 --> 00:07:21,025What is it for?15300:07:21,059 --> 00:07:22,694Your troopswill march15400:07:22,728 --> 00:07:24,762into the heart of Athens...15500:07:24,797 --> 00:07:26,831underground.15600:07:26,866 --> 00:07:29,133That's ridiculous!Where's the glory in that?15700:07:29,167 --> 00:07:31,769I want to march through walls,not under them.15800:07:31,804 --> 00:07:33,170What'sthe difference?15900:07:33,205 --> 00:07:35,406[grumbles] Quiet.16000:07:35,440 --> 00:07:37,441I'm trying to sleep.16100:07:38,510 --> 00:07:40,844You must delegatemore, Daedalus.16200:07:40,879 --> 00:07:41,845My daughter tells me16300:07:41,880 --> 00:07:43,447this young manis very talented.16400:07:43,482 --> 00:07:45,316Use him.16500:07:49,754 --> 00:07:51,155Who would have guessed16600:07:51,189 --> 00:07:54,791a virgin would be so goodat manipulating men?16700:07:54,826 --> 00:07:58,161Perhaps that is whyyou are still a virgin.16800:08:05,503 --> 00:08:08,771What are yougoing to do with that oil?16900:08:09,806 --> 00:08:13,376Why would the Atheniansrisk so much to free him?17000:08:13,411 --> 00:08:15,678I don't know.He's cursed.17100:08:20,584 --> 00:08:22,852Perhaps...17200:08:22,886 --> 00:08:25,521I can help clear your mind.17300:08:30,761 --> 00:08:32,428[panicky, ragged breathing]17400:08:32,462 --> 00:08:35,164[♪]17500:08:39,803 --> 00:08:41,136[exhales in relief]17600:08:43,807 --> 00:08:46,875[♪]17700:08:53,415 --> 00:08:55,649He's gone.17800:08:57,319 --> 00:08:59,887But you're still here.17900:09:02,391 --> 00:09:04,559Tell me about you.18000:09:05,961 --> 00:09:09,997What doesthe virgin Oracle want?18100:09:15,437 --> 00:09:17,871[♪]18200:09:19,975 --> 00:09:22,375Relax.18300:09:28,782 --> 00:
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