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Gemini Forecast untuk September 2015Oleh Susan MillerPermulaan bulan akan membawa masalah karir untuk kepenuhan. Bulan penuh adalah pada 29 Agustus, tetapi Anda mungkin merasa efek sejauh September 3. Seperti yang saya tulis di akhir Agustus saya untuk Anda ramalan bulan lalu, bulan penuh ini akan jatuh di titik puncak sangat chart Anda matahari, sehingga orang akan berdengung tentang Anda. Jika Anda telah melakukan wawancara pekerjaan atas, Anda akan mendengar hasil dalam beberapa hari pertama. Neptune akan menggabungkan bulan penuh, jadi jika pekerjaan melibatkan proyek sangat kreatif, maka ini bulan purnama akan menjadi indah. Anda kemungkinan akan antusias tentang penugasan yang muncul. Jika proyek tidak kreatif, kemudian pastikan untuk mengajukan banyak pertanyaan, karena Anda mungkin kesalahpahaman sesuatu tentang pekerjaan.Pada tanggal 8 September, Anda dapat melakukan perjalanan, dan itu akan menjadi sangat sukses - mengejutkan begitu! Mars adalah sekarang beredar di rumah ketiga perjalanan di sudut sempurna Uranus kejutan-per-menit, jadi proyek mungkin murni jenius. Sesuatu tentang hal itu mewakili sesuatu Anda lama berharap untuk melakukan atau pergi, sehingga mungkin pemenuhan sesuatu yang sangat istimewa. Kemampuan Anda untuk menulis, mengatur, dan berkomunikasi akan datang ke dalam bermain. Aku suka waktu Anda. Karena Mercury, Anda planet yang berkuasa, akan segera mundur dari tanggal 17 September-9 Oktober, Anda akan mendapatkan sebelum menutup jendela kesempatan. Ini adalah aspek yang langka dan sangat berkilau, dan segala macam hal-hal yang gembira tak terduga mungkin untuk datang.Saat Anda terbesar bulan ini cenderung terjadi pada atau hanya setelah September 12-13, total gerhana matahari di Virgo 20 derajat, di rumah Anda rumah dan keluarga, pastikan untuk membuat perubahan di sana. Anda dapat memindahkan, memutuskan untuk merenovasi, atau melihat perubahan dramatis dalam kondisi rumah tangga Anda. Solar eclipse adalah bulan baru, jadi itu menandakan sebuah bab baru yang mulai naik. Gerhana sangat dramatis, dan sering membawa peristiwa lama kita ingat. Pluto akan sangat ramah dari rumah kedelapan dari uang orang lain (kredit, pinjaman, warisan, jalur kredit, hipotek, dan dana lain tersebut). Anda tampaknya memiliki akses ke uang untuk membuat impian Anda menjadi kenyataan. Aku tahu beberapa pembaca saya keliru menganggap semua gerhana menyusahkan, tetapi ini tidak benar. Gerhana membutuhkan semacam penyesuaian, tetapi mereka mendorong kita ke depan dan membawa kemajuan.Gerhana datang di pasang, sehingga kedua akan tiba 27 September di Aries di 5 derajat, dan cahaya rumah Anda persahabatan. Ini adalah bulan penuh, menunjukkan berakhir, jadi teman mungkin menjadi "terhalang keluar" dari hidup Anda, mungkin karena ia bergerak menjauh atau membuat perubahan gaya hidup yang dramatis. Peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi di akhir bulan akan secara langsung berhubungan dengan peristiwa yang terjadi awal tahun ini, di eclipse sebelumnya pada April 4. Gerhana itu adalah satu sulit, tapi yang ini harus sedikit lebih mudah untuk bertahan. Biasanya kita memiliki empat gerhana setahun. Gerhana bulan ini akan menjadi yang terakhir 2015.The eclipse family is turning to your personal life - your home or new property you might buy or inherit, as well as changes in your household. For example, you may have a baby or a member of your family may have one and the baby would be so cute you'd volunteer to babysit so that you can have more time with the baby.Or it may be that your older child will move out into his own apartment, leaving a space that hurts a little in your chest. I missed my daughters when they moved out. I was surprised how much I missed then, even though I am so busy - I was surprised by the impact of their exit. I never thought I would go through that aching vacuum. I found that I missed the laughing, the jokes, the surprises, the warmth of family life - it was fun to have them here. There is a family joke we have where I say all the time, "You can sleep over anytime you like!" My daughters laugh at me, and say, "We know! But we like our beds!" I keep saying it anyway.Their former room is completely redone and is the prettiest and most luxurious room in my apartment, including linens. (Well, I have to entice them!) My little one, Diana, does stay with me when she flies in from Los Angeles, but she also stays with her sister or friends to add a little variety in different neighborhoods in Manhattan. All I can say is things do change more than you would assume when your children graduate from college. It's an adjustment we all have to make. I think when they have children of their own someday, they will need me again. (I was very cut out for being a mother - I loved the role.) My mother helped me so much by cooking supper when children got home from grade and high school - Little Mom set the bar high, and I want to live up to her standard.The eclipse may work out slightly differently, in that your ex may move out and leave you with a much larger apartment or house, or you may see a roommate leave and realize you can cover the rent without getting a new roommate. Jupiter is working to see that you experience a much larger space, and that can involve moving to a new space or seeing people leave. If you do move, do not settle for anything less than a sunny large space that offers a view. Jupiter will make it so - you will simply have to keep looking. This eclipse can help you find the space of your dreams or get a chance to finally schedule the kitchen or bath renovation (as just two examples) you had promised yourself you would do. If you like, you may buy a vacation home or fix one up that you already have and plan to rent for next summer.To put much more emphasis on home and family, Mars will enter Virgo from September 24 to November 12. Having an important, fiery planet like Mars zooming through your fourth house of home can bring even more impetus to get your plans in place. You will be mixing more with family members, contractors, moving men, painters, repair men - you name the category - even if you have no plans to focus on your home or property.The full moon lunar eclipse, September 27 in Aries 5 degrees, will likely turn out to be more emotional than the solar eclipse of September 12-13. It is related to the eclipse of April 4, for all eclipses within a series of signs are joined together like pearls on a necklace. We are coming to the Aries-Libra family of eclipses with the final one due March 23, 2016. The first eclipse in the series came by on October 18, 2013, but was followed by a true monster of an eclipse April 15, 2014. There are more in this series (you can see the list under my logo on the black home page of www.astrologyzone.com.) There won't be any more eclipses in this series for many years after we get to March 23, 2016. The one this month in Aries will be very positive because Saturn will be so nicely oriented to it. Saturn always stabilizes situations, so that's a comforting thought.People sometimes get "eclipsed out" of our lives at these moments. You may see a friend get married or move away, and that may make you sentimental, realizing that the relationship will never quite be the same - but be of good cheer, for it will turn into something new.Or, because this eclipse will fall in your eleventh house, it may be that you will be voted into the leadership position in a charity, humanitarian, political, or professional organization. If you do take on duties, you will have a chance to leave your mark on the world by contributing much. Saturn will see to it that your efforts have staying power.
Fun this month will enter on travel to not-too-distant points. Venus and Mars will give you plenty of opportunity prior to September 24, so make it point to get out of town for a fun weekend and possible opportunity for romance. I especially like September 8-11 for you, dear Gemini, so if you can go then, do!
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