Model (Schaufeli & Bakker,2004) as a conceptual framework for understa terjemahan - Model (Schaufeli & Bakker,2004) as a conceptual framework for understa Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Model (Schaufeli & Bakker,2004) as

Model (Schaufeli & Bakker,2004) as a conceptual framework for understanding
the relationship between certain job characteristics and employee well-being. The
JD-R model distinguishes between two pathways that may affect employee wellbeing: an energetic and a motivational process. The former is sparked by high job
demands (and poor resources), whereas the latter is initiated by job resources. So far,
the JD-R model has mainly focused on burnout and work engagement as mediators
in the energetic and motivational processes, respectively. Specifically, high demands
and poor resources are, via burnout, associated with poor organizational commitment
and high turnover intention (the energetic process); resources are, via engagement,
related to organizational commitment and low turnover intention (the motivational
process; Hakanen, Schaufeli, & Ahola,2008; Schaufeli & Bakker 2004).
As yet, the JD-R model has not been applied to the combination of low energy
(due to low demands) and low motivation (due to low resources). This particular
combination of job characteristics produces an unchallenging work environment that
demands little activity and gives little pleasure (Russell, 1980, 2003), which
potentially results in boredom. On the basis of processes postulated by the JD-R
model as well as on what people experience when feeling bored (Daniels,2000), the
current study proposes that work boredom is a kind of employee unwell-being that
can theoretically and empirically be distinguished from burnout and engagement
(Hypothesis 1).
Nomological network of boredom at work
Although monotonous and repetitive jobs are associated with boredom (Hill &
Perkins,1985), not all workers in such jobs are equally susceptible to becoming
bored, as the notion of dispositional boredom suggests (Farmer & Sundberg,1986;
Zuckerman et al.,1978). Therefore, in the current research boredom at work is not
merely linked to the monotony or repetitiveness of the work tasks (Grubb,1975; Lee,
1986). Rather, the JD-R model suggests that boredom at work can originate from
tasks that are qualitatively and/or quantitatively undemanding (Parasuraman &
Further, job resources have been construed as potential buffers of the adverse
effects of dissatisfying tasks in inadequately stimulating situations on employees’
well-being (Parker & Ohly,2006). On the one hand, having abstract, unspecific work
goals (Fisher,1993), having few opportunities to make autonomous decisions, or
having little variety presumably increases the occurrence of boredom (Hill & Perkins,
1985). On the other hand, social support from coworkers may reduce boredom at
work (Parker & Ohly,2006). These findings are consistent with our view that
boredom is the result of having both low job demands and few resources. Therefore,
on the basis of JD-R model (Schaufeli & Bakker,2004) as well as on previous
research on boredom, we assume that low levels of demands and resources are
associated with low energy (arousal) and poor motivation in employees, that is, with
work boredom (Hypothesis 2).
As for the consequences of boredom, boredom-prone employees tend to report
low job involvement (Parasuraman & Purohit, 2000), and boredom at work is
associated with job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, and low organizational commitment
(Kass, Vodanovich, & Callender,2001). Hence, we assume that work boredom relates
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Model (Schaufeli & Bakker,2004) as a conceptual framework for understandingthe relationship between certain job characteristics and employee well-being. TheJD-R model distinguishes between two pathways that may affect employee wellbeing: an energetic and a motivational process. The former is sparked by high jobdemands (and poor resources), whereas the latter is initiated by job resources. So far,the JD-R model has mainly focused on burnout and work engagement as mediatorsin the energetic and motivational processes, respectively. Specifically, high demandsand poor resources are, via burnout, associated with poor organizational commitmentand high turnover intention (the energetic process); resources are, via engagement,related to organizational commitment and low turnover intention (the motivationalprocess; Hakanen, Schaufeli, & Ahola,2008; Schaufeli & Bakker 2004).As yet, the JD-R model has not been applied to the combination of low energy(due to low demands) and low motivation (due to low resources). This particularcombination of job characteristics produces an unchallenging work environment thatdemands little activity and gives little pleasure (Russell, 1980, 2003), whichpotentially results in boredom. On the basis of processes postulated by the JD-Rmodel as well as on what people experience when feeling bored (Daniels,2000), thecurrent study proposes that work boredom is a kind of employee unwell-being thatcan theoretically and empirically be distinguished from burnout and engagement(Hypothesis 1).Nomological network of boredom at workAlthough monotonous and repetitive jobs are associated with boredom (Hill &Perkins,1985), not all workers in such jobs are equally susceptible to becomingbored, as the notion of dispositional boredom suggests (Farmer & Sundberg,1986;Zuckerman et al.,1978). Therefore, in the current research boredom at work is notmerely linked to the monotony or repetitiveness of the work tasks (Grubb,1975; Lee,1986). Rather, the JD-R model suggests that boredom at work can originate fromtasks that are qualitatively and/or quantitatively undemanding (Parasuraman &Purohit,2000).Further, job resources have been construed as potential buffers of the adverseeffects of dissatisfying tasks in inadequately stimulating situations on employees’well-being (Parker & Ohly,2006). On the one hand, having abstract, unspecific workgoals (Fisher,1993), having few opportunities to make autonomous decisions, orhaving little variety presumably increases the occurrence of boredom (Hill & Perkins,1985). On the other hand, social support from coworkers may reduce boredom atwork (Parker & Ohly,2006). These findings are consistent with our view thatboredom is the result of having both low job demands and few resources. Therefore,on the basis of JD-R model (Schaufeli & Bakker,2004) as well as on previousresearch on boredom, we assume that low levels of demands and resources are
associated with low energy (arousal) and poor motivation in employees, that is, with
work boredom (Hypothesis 2).
As for the consequences of boredom, boredom-prone employees tend to report
low job involvement (Parasuraman & Purohit, 2000), and boredom at work is
associated with job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, and low organizational commitment
(Kass, Vodanovich, & Callender,2001). Hence, we assume that work boredom relates
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Model (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004) sebagai kerangka konseptual untuk memahami
hubungan antara karakteristik pekerjaan tertentu dan karyawan kesejahteraan. The
JD-R model yang membedakan antara dua jalur yang dapat mempengaruhi kesejahteraan karyawan: energik dan proses motivasi. Yang pertama dipicu oleh pekerjaan yang tinggi
tuntutan (dan sumber daya yang buruk), sedangkan yang terakhir ini diprakarsai oleh sumber pekerjaan. Sejauh ini,
model JD-R telah terutama difokuskan pada burnout dan bekerja keterlibatan sebagai mediator
dalam proses energik dan motivasi masing-masing. Secara khusus, permintaan yang tinggi
dan sumber daya miskin, melalui kelelahan, terkait dengan komitmen organisasi miskin
dan niat omset tinggi (proses energik); sumber daya, melalui keterlibatan,
terkait dengan komitmen organisasi dan niat omset rendah (motivasi
proses; Hakanen, Schaufeli, & Ahola, 2008; Schaufeli & Bakker 2004).
Sampai sekarang, model JD-R belum diterapkan pada kombinasi energi rendah
(karena tuntutan rendah) dan motivasi yang rendah (karena sumber daya yang rendah). Tertentu
kombinasi karakteristik pekerjaan menghasilkan lingkungan kerja tidak menantang yang
menuntut aktivitas kecil dan memberikan sedikit kesenangan (Russell, 1980, 2003), yang
berpotensi menyebabkan kebosanan. Atas dasar proses didalilkan oleh JD-R
model sekaligus pada apa pengalaman orang-orang ketika merasa bosan (Daniels, 2000),
penelitian ini mengusulkan bahwa kebosanan kerja adalah jenis karyawan sehat-makhluk yang
secara teoritis dan empiris dapat dibedakan dari kelelahan dan keterlibatan
(Hipotesis 1).
Jaringan nomological kebosanan di tempat kerja
Meskipun pekerjaan monoton dan berulang berhubungan dengan kebosanan (Hill &
Perkins, 1985), tidak semua pekerja dalam pekerjaan tersebut sama-sama rentan terhadap menjadi
bosan, sebagai gagasan disposisional kebosanan menunjukkan (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986;
Zuckerman et al, 1978.). Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian saat kebosanan di tempat kerja tidak
hanya terkait dengan monoton atau repetitiveness dari tugas pekerjaan (Grubb, 1975; Lee,
1986). Sebaliknya, model JD-R menunjukkan bahwa kebosanan di tempat kerja dapat berasal dari
tugas-tugas yang secara kualitatif dan / atau kuantitatif ringan (Parasuraman &
Purohit, 2000).
Lebih lanjut, sumber pekerjaan telah ditafsirkan sebagai buffer potensi merugikan
efek tugas tidak memuaskan di tidak cukup merangsang situasi pada karyawan
'kesejahteraan (Parker & Ohly, 2006). Di satu sisi, memiliki abstrak, tidak spesifik pekerjaan
gol (Fisher, 1993), memiliki beberapa peluang untuk membuat keputusan otonom, atau
memiliki sedikit variasi mungkin meningkatkan terjadinya kebosanan (Hill & Perkins,
1985). Di sisi lain, dukungan sosial dari rekan kerja dapat mengurangi kebosanan di
tempat kerja (Parker & Ohly, 2006). Temuan ini konsisten dengan pandangan kami bahwa
kebosanan adalah hasil dari memiliki kedua tuntutan pekerjaan rendah dan sedikit sumber daya. Oleh karena itu,
atas dasar model JD-R (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004) serta pada sebelumnya
penelitian tentang kebosanan, kita mengasumsikan bahwa rendahnya tingkat tuntutan dan sumber daya yang
terkait dengan energi rendah (gairah) dan motivasi miskin di karyawan, yang adalah, dengan
kebosanan kerja (Hipotesis 2).
Adapun konsekuensi dari kebosanan, karyawan kebosanan rawan cenderung melaporkan
keterlibatan kerja yang rendah (Parasuraman & Purohit, 2000), dan kebosanan di tempat kerja
terkait dengan ketidakpuasan kerja, absensi, dan rendah organisasi Komitmen
(Kass, Vodanovich, & Callender, 2001). Oleh karena itu, kita menganggap bahwa kebosanan kerja berkaitan
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