Therapeutic and prophylactic uses ofinvertebrates in contemporary Span terjemahan - Therapeutic and prophylactic uses ofinvertebrates in contemporary Span Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Therapeutic and prophylactic uses o

Therapeutic and prophylactic uses of
invertebrates in contemporary Spanish
ethnoveterinary medicine
José Antonio González1*, Francisco Amich1, Salvador Postigo-Mota2 and José Ramón Vallejo3
Zootherapeutic practices in ethnoveterinary medicine are important in many socio-cultural environments around
the world, particularly in developing countries, and they have recently started to be inventoried and studied in
Europe. In light of this, the purpose of this review is to describe the local knowledge and folk remedies based on
the use of invertebrates and their derivative products in contemporary Spanish ethnoveterinary medicine. An
overview in the fields of ethnozoology, ethnoveterinary medicine and folklore was made. Automated searches in
the most important databases were performed. All related works were examined thoroughly and use-reports were
obtained from 53 documentary sources. The traditional use of 18 invertebrate species and five ethnotaxa and a
total of 86 empirical remedies based on the use of a single species was recorded. The two most relevant zoological
groups were found to be insects and molluscs. A broad diversity of body parts or derivative products have been
and are used to treat or prevent ca. 50 animal diseases or conditions, in particular diseases of the skin and
subcutaneous tissue, different infectious livestock diseases, and disorders of the eye and adnexa. Cattle, sheep and
equines form the group of domestic animals in which the greatest number of remedies are mentioned. In addition,
seven magical remedies and practices are documented. In comparison with other culturally related areas, this is a
rich heritage. The use-reports included here will help in the search for new and low-cost drugs for treating livestock
and alternative materials for pharmaceutical purposes, future research addressing the validation of the effects and
the development of organic farming.
Keywords: Invertebrates, Ethnozoology, Ethnoveterinary medicine, Zootherapy, Spain
Several authors have argued that the medicinal use of animals and products derived from them is a worldwide
phenomenon, dating back to prehistoric times and coevolving with human communities [1, 2]. In this sense, invertebrates and derived products have been used for curing and preventing different diseases affecting humans
throughout the world [3–9]. Study of this group of animals, in particular insects, is of great interest owing to the
large number of chemical compounds they synthesise
[10–12]. According to Cherniack [13, 14], globally ubiquitous invertebrates potentially provide a cheap,
plentiful supply of healing substances in an economically
challenged world. Likewise, invertebrate-based medicine is
coming under increasing scrutiny for its incorporation
into evidence-based medicine [12–15].
In view of the above, the use of invertebrates in ethnoveterinary medicine (EVM), the scientific term for traditional animal health care [16, 17], is currently a major
topic in an increasing number of research projects (see, and the publication of
studies on certain territories or reviews in international
journals dealing with veterinary medicine or pharmacology is increasingly frequent around the world [18–20].
As in other developed countries, in Spain there are
few works addressing local EVM that include animalbased remedies; however, as we have recently highlighted
[21], there is valuable information disseminated in numerous anthropological or ethnographical studies.
* Correspondence:
1Grupo de Investigación de Recursos Etnobiológicos del Duero-Douro
(GRIRED), Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2016 The Author(s). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
González et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2016) 12:36
DOI 10.1186/s13002-016-0111-1
Thus, the aims of the present review were as follows:
(1) to document and analyse local knowledge about the
veterinary use of invertebrates and their derivative products in contemporary Spanish EVM; (2) to contribute to
the transfer of part of the traditional knowledge to new
generations; (3) to contribute to the dissemination of results within the scientific community in order to open a
door to research in other disciplines, for example future
research into the validation of the effects, and (4)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Therapeutic and prophylactic uses ofinvertebrates in contemporary Spanishethnoveterinary medicineJosé Antonio González1*, Francisco Amich1, Salvador Postigo-Mota2 and José Ramón Vallejo3AbstractZootherapeutic practices in ethnoveterinary medicine are important in many socio-cultural environments aroundthe world, particularly in developing countries, and they have recently started to be inventoried and studied inEurope. In light of this, the purpose of this review is to describe the local knowledge and folk remedies based onthe use of invertebrates and their derivative products in contemporary Spanish ethnoveterinary medicine. Anoverview in the fields of ethnozoology, ethnoveterinary medicine and folklore was made. Automated searches inthe most important databases were performed. All related works were examined thoroughly and use-reports wereobtained from 53 documentary sources. The traditional use of 18 invertebrate species and five ethnotaxa and atotal of 86 empirical remedies based on the use of a single species was recorded. The two most relevant zoologicalgroups were found to be insects and molluscs. A broad diversity of body parts or derivative products have beenand are used to treat or prevent ca. 50 animal diseases or conditions, in particular diseases of the skin andsubcutaneous tissue, different infectious livestock diseases, and disorders of the eye and adnexa. Cattle, sheep andequines form the group of domestic animals in which the greatest number of remedies are mentioned. In addition,seven magical remedies and practices are documented. In comparison with other culturally related areas, this is arich heritage. The use-reports included here will help in the search for new and low-cost drugs for treating livestockand alternative materials for pharmaceutical purposes, future research addressing the validation of the effects andthe development of organic farming.Keywords: Invertebrates, Ethnozoology, Ethnoveterinary medicine, Zootherapy, SpainBackgroundSeveral authors have argued that the medicinal use of animals and products derived from them is a worldwidephenomenon, dating back to prehistoric times and coevolving with human communities [1, 2]. In this sense, invertebrates and derived products have been used for curing and preventing different diseases affecting humansthroughout the world [3–9]. Study of this group of animals, in particular insects, is of great interest owing to thelarge number of chemical compounds they synthesise[10–12]. According to Cherniack [13, 14], globally ubiquitous invertebrates potentially provide a cheap,plentiful supply of healing substances in an economicallychallenged world. Likewise, invertebrate-based medicine iscoming under increasing scrutiny for its incorporationinto evidence-based medicine [12–15].In view of the above, the use of invertebrates in ethnoveterinary medicine (EVM), the scientific term for traditional animal health care [16, 17], is currently a majortopic in an increasing number of research projects (see, and the publication ofstudies on certain territories or reviews in internationaljournals dealing with veterinary medicine or pharmacology is increasingly frequent around the world [18–20].As in other developed countries, in Spain there arefew works addressing local EVM that include animalbased remedies; however, as we have recently highlighted[21], there is valuable information disseminated in numerous anthropological or ethnographical studies.* Correspondence: ja.gonzalez@usal.es1Grupo de Investigación de Recursos Etnobiológicos del Duero-Douro(GRIRED), Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, SpainFull list of author information is available at the end of the article© 2016 The Author(s). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.González et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2016) 12:36 DOI 10.1186/s13002-016-0111-1Thus, the aims of the present review were as follows:(1) to document and analyse local knowledge about theveterinary use of invertebrates and their derivative products in contemporary Spanish EVM; (2) to contribute tothe transfer of part of the traditional knowledge to newgenerations; (3) to contribute to the dissemination of results within the scientific community in order to open adoor to research in other disciplines, for example futureresearch into the validation of the effects, and (4)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Keperluan terapeutik dan profilaksis
invertebrata di kontemporer Spanyol
kedokteran ethnoveterinary
José Antonio González1 *, Francisco Amich1, Salvador Postigo-Mota2 dan José Ramón Vallejo3
Zootherapeutic praktik kedokteran ethnoveterinary penting di banyak lingkungan sosial-budaya di seluruh
dunia, terutama di negara-negara berkembang, dan mereka baru-baru ini mulai diinventarisasi dan belajar di
Eropa. Dalam terang ini, tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan pengetahuan dan rakyat setempat obat berdasarkan
penggunaan invertebrata dan produk turunannya di kedokteran ethnoveterinary Spanyol kontemporer. Sebuah
gambaran di bidang ethnozoology, obat ethnoveterinary dan cerita rakyat dibuat. Pencarian otomatis di
database yang paling penting dilakukan. Semua karya yang terkait diperiksa secara menyeluruh dan penggunaan-laporan yang
diperoleh dari 53 sumber dokumenter. Penggunaan tradisional 18 spesies invertebrata dan lima ethnotaxa dan
total 86 obat empiris berdasarkan pada penggunaan satu spesies tercatat. Kedua binatang yang paling relevan
kelompok yang ditemukan menjadi serangga dan moluska. Sebuah keragaman luas dari bagian tubuh atau produk derivatif telah
dan digunakan untuk mengobati atau mencegah ca. Penyakit 50 hewan atau kondisi, penyakit tertentu dari kulit dan
jaringan subkutan, penyakit ternak menular yang berbeda, dan gangguan mata dan adneksa. Sapi, domba dan
equines membentuk kelompok hewan domestik di mana jumlah terbesar dari obat yang disebutkan. Selain itu,
tujuh obat dan praktik magis didokumentasikan. Dibandingkan dengan daerah lain yang terkait budaya, ini adalah
warisan yang kaya. Penggunaan-laporan disertakan di sini akan membantu dalam mencari obat baru dan murah untuk mengobati ternak
dan alternatif bahan untuk keperluan farmasi, penelitian masa depan menangani validasi efek dan
pengembangan pertanian organik.
Kata kunci: Invertebrata, Ethnozoology, Ethnoveterinary kedokteran, Zootherapy, Spanyol
Latar belakang
Beberapa penulis berpendapat bahwa penggunaan obat hewan dan produk yang berasal dari mereka adalah seluruh dunia
fenomena, dating kembali ke zaman prasejarah dan coevolving dengan komunitas manusia [1, 2]. Dalam hal ini, invertebrata dan produk turunan telah digunakan untuk menyembuhkan dan mencegah berbagai penyakit yang mempengaruhi manusia
di seluruh dunia [3-9]. Studi kelompok hewan, pada serangga tertentu, sangat menarik karena untuk
sejumlah besar senyawa kimia yang mereka mensintesis
[10-12]. Menurut Cherniack [13, 14], invertebrata global di mana-mana berpotensi memberikan murah,
pasokan penyembuhan zat dalam ekonomi
dunia ditantang. Demikian juga, kedokteran berbasis invertebrata yang
datang di bawah pengawasan meningkat untuk penggabungan
ke dalam kedokteran berbasis bukti [12-15].
Dalam pandangan di atas, penggunaan invertebrata dalam pengobatan ethnoveterinary (EVM), istilah ilmiah untuk perawatan kesehatan hewan tradisional [16, 17], saat ini menjadi besar
topik dalam peningkatan jumlah proyek penelitian (lihat, dan publikasi
penelitian di wilayah tertentu atau ulasan di internasional
jurnal berurusan dengan kedokteran hewan atau farmakologi semakin sering di seluruh dunia [18-20].
Seperti di negara-negara maju lainnya, di Spanyol ada
beberapa karya menangani EVM lokal yang mencakup obat animalbased; Namun, seperti yang kita baru-baru ini disorot
[21], ada informasi berharga disebarluaskan dalam berbagai studi antropologi atau etnografi.
* Korespondensi:
1Grupo de Investigacion de Recursos Etnobiológicos del Duero-Douro
(GRIRED), Facultad de Biología , Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spanyol
daftar lengkap informasi penulis tersedia di akhir artikel
© 2016 penulis (s). Buka Akses Artikel ini didistribusikan di bawah ketentuan Creative Commons Atribusi 4.0
License International (, yang memungkinkan penggunaan tak terbatas, distribusi, dan
reproduksi dalam media apapun, asalkan Anda memberi kredit yang sesuai dengan penulis asli (s) dan sumber, menyediakan link ke
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( berlaku untuk data yang tersedia dalam artikel ini, kecuali dinyatakan lain.
González et al. Jurnal Ethnobiology dan ethnomedicine (2016) 00:36
DOI 10,1186 / s13002-016-0111-1
demikian, tujuan dari tinjauan ini adalah sebagai berikut:
(1) dokumen dan menganalisis pengetahuan lokal tentang
penggunaan hewan invertebrata dan mereka produk derivatif di EVM Spanyol kontemporer; (2) untuk berkontribusi
transfer bagian dari pengetahuan tradisional untuk baru
generasi; (3) untuk berkontribusi pada diseminasi hasil dalam komunitas ilmiah untuk membuka
pintu untuk penelitian dalam disiplin lain, misalnya masa
penelitian validasi efek, dan (4)
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