Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
76701:20:24,152 --> 01:20:25,915we see that there are huge76801:20:27,088 --> 01:20:31,149volcanic eruptions,massive, explosive eruptions that produced76901:20:31,693 --> 01:20:33,661thousands of cubic miles of pumice,77001:20:33,762 --> 01:20:37,562showering large parts of the Earthwith fine ash,77101:20:38,033 --> 01:20:42,026and these have been demonstratedto have had a strong impact on climate,77201:20:42,504 --> 01:20:45,996and one of the biggest of these events,74,000 years ago,77301:20:46,408 --> 01:20:49,502has been argued even to have affectedour human ancestors77401:20:49,611 --> 01:20:51,511and may have played an important role in77501:20:51,880 --> 01:20:55,316the origins and dispersaI of early humans.77601:20:58,653 --> 01:21:02,851So these events will recur, and I thinkthe more we understand about them,77701:21:02,958 --> 01:21:07,486the better we can prepare fortheir eventuality.77801:21:12,400 --> 01:21:17,394HERZOG: For this and many other reasons,our presence on this planet77901:21:17,639 --> 01:21:20,472does not seem to be sustainable.78001:21:20,575 --> 01:21:25,569Our technologicaI civilization makes usparticularly vulnerable.78101:21:27,048 --> 01:21:31,576There is talk all over the scientificcommunity about climate change.78201:21:32,954 --> 01:21:37,789Many of them agree the end of human lifeon this Earth is assured.78301:21:40,862 --> 01:21:44,628Human life is part ofan endless chain of catastrophes,78401:21:45,100 --> 01:21:49,298the demise of the dinosaurs being justone of these events.78501:21:50,972 --> 01:21:53,202We seem to be next.78601:21:59,347 --> 01:22:04,614And when we are gone, what will happenthousands of years from now in the future?78701:22:08,056 --> 01:22:11,492Will there be alien archeologistsfrom another planet78801:22:11,826 --> 01:22:16,058trying to find out what we were doingat the South Pole?78901:22:18,400 --> 01:22:23,235They will descend into the tunnelsthat we had dug deep under the pole.79001:22:25,407 --> 01:22:31,175It is still minus 70 degrees here,and that's why this place has outlived79101:22:31,313 --> 01:22:33,838all the large cities in the world.79201:22:37,519 --> 01:22:39,419They walk on and on.79301:22:59,107 --> 01:23:00,631And then this.79401:23:01,209 --> 01:23:06,112As if we had wanted to leave one remnantof our presence on this planet,79501:23:06,715 --> 01:23:11,118they would find a frozen sturgeon,mysteriously hidden away79601:23:11,619 --> 01:23:15,646beneath the mathematically precisetrue South Pole.79701:23:36,544 --> 01:23:41,481They stash it back awayinto its frozen shrine for another eternity.79801:23:44,753 --> 01:23:48,849And then they find more,memories of a world once green.79901:23:52,460 --> 01:23:57,727As if the human race wanted to preserveat least some lost beauty of this Earth,80001:23:58,199 --> 01:24:02,602they left this,framed in a garland of frozen popcorn.80101:24:12,981 --> 01:24:15,575Back at the base camp of Mount Erebus,80201:24:20,388 --> 01:24:22,982due to the considerable altitude,80301:24:23,324 --> 01:24:27,226once in a while the volcanologistsneed medicaI care.80401:24:31,332 --> 01:24:33,926But soon we find them back at work.80501:25:42,137 --> 01:25:44,128My face is frozen.80601:26:23,811 --> 01:26:25,779Quite cold up here today.80701:26:31,920 --> 01:26:36,755Just by having that fantastic lava lakedown there with all that energy,80801:26:37,025 --> 01:26:41,928we still have to bring old petrol generatorsup to the crater rim.80901:26:53,741 --> 01:26:59,441Man versus Machine, Chapter 53.Professor Clive Oppenheimer on Erebus.81001:27:01,549 --> 01:27:05,747Hands in pockets,waiting for it to start spontaneously.81101:27:07,155 --> 01:27:09,487He could be waiting a long time.81201:27:10,925 --> 01:27:14,793Have you ever seen two men kisson the top of Erebus before?81301:27:14,896 --> 01:27:16,659(BOTH LAUGHING)81401:27:16,764 --> 01:27:18,322OPPENHEIMER: Pushing back the frontiers.81501:27:18,433 --> 01:27:20,060It's R-18, okay?81601:27:22,637 --> 01:27:24,628I like working with Harry.81701:27:29,744 --> 01:27:32,110HERZOG: Along the slopes of the volcano81801:27:32,347 --> 01:27:38,479there are vents where steam createsso-called fumaroles, bizarre chimneys of ice,81901:27:38,820 --> 01:27:41,755sometimes reaching two stories in height.82001:27:49,631 --> 01:27:52,691It is possible to descend into some of them.82101:27:54,636 --> 01:27:59,972You only have to be carefuIto avoid the ones containing toxic gasses.82201:31:11,799 --> 01:31:15,200At the foot of Erebus, out on the sea ice,82301:31:15,303 --> 01:31:19,171the two tallest buildings on this continentare located.82401:31:19,907 --> 01:31:23,775In these hangars,scientific payloads are being readied82501:31:23,911 --> 01:31:26,937for their balloon launchinto the stratosphere.82601:31:40,862 --> 01:31:44,593We were interested inthe neutrino detection project.82701:31:44,699 --> 01:31:48,362Scientists are planningto lift an observation instrument82801:31:48,469 --> 01:31:51,73440 kilometers up into the stratosphere82901:31:51,839 --> 01:31:55,900in search of almostundetectable subatomic particles.83001:31:59,146 --> 01:32:00,579(ALL CHEERING)83101:32:02,350 --> 01:32:07,413As it rises, this small-looking bubbleof helium will expand83201:32:07,588 --> 01:32:12,082to fill the entire skin,which here still looks like a white rope.83301:32:13,127 --> 01:32:18,793It will eventually form a gigantic globemore than 300 feet in diameter.83401:32:21,002 --> 01:32:23,095When it reaches the stratosphere,83501:32:23,204 --> 01:32:27,197the detector will scanthousands of square miles of ice83601:32:27,308 --> 01:32:32,075without encountering electricaIdisturbances from the inhabited world.83701:32:33,247 --> 01:32:37,581Prior to the launch,we were inside the hangar.83801:32:37,685 --> 01:32:42,588The neutrino project is led byDr: Gorham of the University of Hawaii.83901:32:42,823 --> 01:32:48,386So, what we're trying to dowith this instrument is to be the first84001:32:48,496 --> 01:32:53,559scientific group to detect the highestenergy neutrinos in the universe, we hope.84101:32:54,068 --> 01:32:57,868HERZOG: Yeah, but, Dr. Gorham,what exactly is a neutrino?84201:32:58,539 --> 01:33:03,306The neutrino is:. It's the most ridiculousparticle you could imagine.84301:33:03,544 --> 01:33:07,640A billion neutrinos went through my noseas we were talking.84401:33:07,915 --> 01:33:11,316A trillion, a trillion of themwent through my nose just now,84501:33:11,419 --> 01:33:13,182and they did nothing to me.84601:33:13,287 --> 01:33:16,984They pass through all of the matteraround us continuously,84701:33:17,258 --> 01:33:22,423in a huge, huge blast of particlesthat does nothing at all.
01:33:22,730 --> 01:33:26,598
They're like:.
They almost exist in a separate universe,
01:33:26,701 --> 01:33:28,794
but we know, as physicists,
we can measure them,
01:33:28,903 --> 01:33:33,272
we can make precision predictions
and measurements. They exist,
01:33:33,374 --> 01:33:36,036
but we can't get our hands on them,
01:33:36,143 --> 01:33:38,976
because they seem to just exist
in another place,
01:33:39,413 --> 01:33:44,373
and yet without neutrinos, the beginning
of the universe would not have worked.
01:33:44,619 --> 01:33:47,144
We would not have the matter
that we have today,
01:33:47,254 --> 01:33:50,189
because you couldn't create
the elements without the neutrinos.
01:33:50,291 --> 01:33:53,852
In the very, very earliest few seconds
of the big bang,
01:33:53,961 --> 01:33:57,522
the neutrinos were the dominant particle,
and they actually determined
01:33:57,632 --> 01:34:02,126
much of the kinetics of the production
of the elements we know.
01:34:02,236 --> 01:34:05,262
So, the universe can't exist the way it is
without the neutrinos,
01:34:05,406 --> 01:34:08,967
but they seem
to be in their own separate universe,
01:34:09,076 --> 01:34:12,045
and we're trying to actually
make contact with that
01:34:12,146 --> 01:34:14,740
otherworldly universe of neutrinos.
01:34:15,916 --> 01:34:19,408
And as a physicist, even though
01:34:20,388 --> 01:34:24,449
I understand it mathematically
and I understand it intellectually,
01:34:24,592 --> 01:34:26,685
it still hits me in the gut
01:34:27,261 --> 01:34:30,662
that there is something here around
01:34:30,765 --> 01:34:34,565
surrounding me almost like
some kind of spirit or god
01:34:34,669 --> 01:34:36,500
that I can't touch,
01:34:36,837 --> 01:34:39,397
but I can measure it.
01:34:39,507 --> 01:34:40,633
I can make a measurement.
01:34:40,741 --> 01:34:44,006
It's like measuring the spirit world
or something like that.
01:34:44,111 --> 01:34:46,671
You can go out and touch these things.
01:34:48,182 --> 01:34:52,676
HERZOG: Not surprisingly, we found
this incantation in Hawaiian language
01:34:52,787 --> 01:34:5
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