Whether you are reading this before you meet me, or stumble upon it af terjemahan - Whether you are reading this before you meet me, or stumble upon it af Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Whether you are reading this before

Whether you are reading this before you meet me, or stumble upon it after, I want you to know a few things.

The reason I am writing this today is because I can’t stop thinking about you, and I can’t stop myself from imagining how happy we will be. Let this letter be a promise to you that I will do my best to be the man I want to be for you.

I may not yet know all of the difficulties that come with a lifetime commitment, but I have enough relationship experience to know what I want and how I picture my life with the person I will commit to: you.

Those around me are a continuous source of education and inspiration on how I want our relationship to be. So here and today, I vow to try my best to do the following:

I promise to do my best to make you beam daily, so count on many surprises. Your smile will be my priority. I get weak knees when anybody smiles, so just imagine the effort I will make to be the source of yours.

I promise I will always look at you with the same adoration as I did the moment I realized I loved you.

I promise to try to ignite the same sparkle in your eyes I see when you’re surprised, inspired, motivated or when you are about to lean in to kiss me.

I promise to hold your hand when we’re 80 years old with the same liveliness that I did when I crossed that line to hold yours for the first time. I vow never to let the excitement of dating me die down; I will surprise you with the location, the reason or the activity itself.

I promise to keep you guessing where we’re going next. I promise to do my best always to interest you. I will keep reinventing myself, gaining new hobbies, new knowledge and new interests to keep you — and myself — entertained.

I promise to have new stories to share with you, and maybe I’ll retell the best ones again if you insist. Our friendship will continue to grow over the years.

I vow to challenge you to challenge yourself for the better; to make you think differently. I promise to try to feed off of your illuminating energy that will inspire me to do the same with myself. I will do my best to ensure that being bored never crosses your mind.

Even in grief and darkness, I promise to show you the different shades of the dark, and to help you find the tiny rays of light that are always there if you seek them. After all, there’s always worse than worst and better than best; everything is relative.

I promise to kiss you throughout our life together, with the same passion I had the first time I felt my lips on yours. When we kiss, I want it to slow down time — just you and me engulfed in our feelings.

I promise to play the games you like to play.

I promise to do my best to remain physically attractive for you, and I will do my best to be healthy in order to keep up with our children and grandchildren; someone has got to teach them Muay Thai kickboxing. I’ll train you, too; I want you to know how to fight and defend yourself, just don’t use it against me.

I promise to help you to be healthy, both physically and mentally. I will cook and clean for us. Expect the best breakfast: traditional Armenian tomato and pepper omelets, followed by fruit salad with… well, I can’t give all the secrets out.

I promise to strive to be a role model for our children. I want both you and them to see me as a source of motivation. I want to inspire them in the same way that my father inspires me.

I promise to do my best to love your family as you love them and to be by their side as much as I am by yours.

I promise to always listen to you when you simply just want to be heard; when you want someone to vent to about something or when you want advice.

I will listen to you especially when you don’t feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with anybody else, and to the things you try to tell me when you’re not even speaking. I promise to always listen.

During our life together, I promise to make sure that you feel as though you are the center of the household — I know you will be — and I will always
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Apakah Anda membaca ini sebelum Anda bertemu dengan saya, atau tersandung pada setelah, saya ingin Anda untuk mengetahui beberapa hal.Alasan saya menulis hari ini adalah karena aku tidak bisa berhenti memikirkan Anda, dan aku tidak bisa menahan diri dari membayangkan betapa bahagianya kita akan. Biarkan Surat ini menjadi janji kepada Anda bahwa saya akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk menjadi orang yang saya ingin untuk Anda.Saya mungkin belum tahu semua kesulitan yang datang dengan komitmen seumur hidup, tapi aku punya cukup pengalaman hubungan untuk mengetahui apa yang saya inginkan dan bagaimana aku gambar hidup saya dengan orang yang saya akan berkomitmen untuk: Anda.Orang-orang di sekitar saya adalah sumber pendidikan dan inspirasi pada bagaimana saya ingin hubungan kita harus terus-menerus. Jadi di sini dan hari ini, aku bersumpah untuk mencoba yang terbaik untuk melakukan hal berikut:Aku berjanji untuk melakukan yang terbaik untuk membuat Anda balok setiap hari, jadi mengandalkan banyak kejutan. Senyum Anda akan menjadi prioritas saya. Saya mendapatkan lutut yang lemah ketika siapa pun tersenyum, jadi hanya membayangkan upaya akan kubuat menjadi sumber Anda.Aku berjanji aku akan selalu melihat Anda dengan pemujaan sama seperti yang saya lakukan saat aku menyadari bahwa aku mencintaimu.Aku berjanji untuk berusaha menyulut sama binar di mata saya lihat ketika Anda terkejut, terinspirasi, termotivasi atau Kapan Anda akan bersandar untuk menciumku.Aku berjanji akan memegang tangan Anda ketika kita 80 tahun dengan keaktifan yang sama yang saya lakukan ketika saya melintasi garis untuk menahan Anda untuk pertama kalinya. Aku bersumpah untuk tidak biarkan kegembiraan kencan saya mati turun; Saya akan mengejutkan Anda dengan lokasi, alasan atau kegiatan itu sendiri.I promise to keep you guessing where we’re going next. I promise to do my best always to interest you. I will keep reinventing myself, gaining new hobbies, new knowledge and new interests to keep you — and myself — entertained.I promise to have new stories to share with you, and maybe I’ll retell the best ones again if you insist. Our friendship will continue to grow over the years.I vow to challenge you to challenge yourself for the better; to make you think differently. I promise to try to feed off of your illuminating energy that will inspire me to do the same with myself. I will do my best to ensure that being bored never crosses your mind.Even in grief and darkness, I promise to show you the different shades of the dark, and to help you find the tiny rays of light that are always there if you seek them. After all, there’s always worse than worst and better than best; everything is relative.I promise to kiss you throughout our life together, with the same passion I had the first time I felt my lips on yours. When we kiss, I want it to slow down time — just you and me engulfed in our feelings.I promise to play the games you like to play.I promise to do my best to remain physically attractive for you, and I will do my best to be healthy in order to keep up with our children and grandchildren; someone has got to teach them Muay Thai kickboxing. I’ll train you, too; I want you to know how to fight and defend yourself, just don’t use it against me.I promise to help you to be healthy, both physically and mentally. I will cook and clean for us. Expect the best breakfast: traditional Armenian tomato and pepper omelets, followed by fruit salad with… well, I can’t give all the secrets out.I promise to strive to be a role model for our children. I want both you and them to see me as a source of motivation. I want to inspire them in the same way that my father inspires me.I promise to do my best to love your family as you love them and to be by their side as much as I am by yours.I promise to always listen to you when you simply just want to be heard; when you want someone to vent to about something or when you want advice.I will listen to you especially when you don’t feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with anybody else, and to the things you try to tell me when you’re not even speaking. I promise to always listen.During our life together, I promise to make sure that you feel as though you are the center of the household — I know you will be — and I will always
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