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store evoked the era of the socialist worker: each day, Harbin No. X openedits doors to a highly operatic broadcast of the store song, steeped in revol-utionary fervor and sung in military chorus style, entitled ‘Soar, Harbin No.X!’ The song was infused with the language of the Chinese revolution andextolled the contributions of China’s workers to a glorious future. Physi-cally, the store was a socialist behemoth, a massive eight-storey structureengulfing a full square block of land in one of the city’s central districts.Inside, working-class sales clerks dealt with mostly blue-collar shoppers.Rural families in town for a day of shopping and working-class urbanitesin blue or white work smocks enhanced the store’s populist and proletarianfeel.It was here I worked for two-and-a-half months as a uniformed salesclerk selling down coats in the women’s department. My assigned positionat Harbin No. X was on the Ice Day counter, where I joined a team of threesales clerks: Big Sister Zhao, in her early 40s; Big Sister Lin, in her late 30s;and Little Xiao, in his late 20s. I worked an unpaid ‘internship’, so that Idid not compete with my co-workers for sales commissions. My fellowclerks received me with enthusiasm and wasted no time in showing me thesales counter ‘ropes’.Distinction work, social change, and postsocialist trajectoriesAs my weeks at the Ice Day down coat counter slipped by, I marveled atthe time and attention our customers devoted to the purchase of a singleitem: a down coat. Skeptical shoppers would interrogate sales clerks aboutprice, brand name, quality of the merchandise, and store return policies. Inresponse, sales clerks would not only answer these queries but alsochallenge the very basis of customer concerns. They did this in two ways:first, workers evoked Harbin No. X’s status as a reliable state enterprise.Second, Harbin No. X sales clerks engaged in frank, sociable service inter-actions that evoked a nostalgic working-class culture in order to convey theunderlying message that Harbin No. X was the appropriate place for elderlyand working-class consumers seeking to avoid the perils of the reform-eramarketplace.The emergence of skeptical shopping at the store and worker responsesto it signaled that the sharp lines that once had defined the store’s repu-tation as a reliable state-owned retailer and that set it apart from the riskygetimarketplace were no longer distinct. Largely a class-coded practice,skeptical shopping was a clear reaction to the perceived risks of the market-place, especially at its lower tiers. For while wealthier shoppers could buytheir way out of China’s risky urban marketplaces by shopping in exclus-ive settings, shoppers with more modest incomes honed skeptical shoppingHanser■Sales floor trajectories465461-492 073147 Hanser (D) 7/11/06 08:52 Page 465© 2006 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.by HARWAN ANDI KUNNA on November 3, 2007 http://eth.sagepub.comDownloaded from practices in the inexpensive bazaars and small-scale private merchants theyincreasingly patronized.Sales clerk counter strategies that sought to affirm Harbin No. X as theappropriate place for working-class consumers to shop, however, are bestunderstood within a theoretical framework of social distinctions, symbolicboundaries, and social change. In particular, Bourdieu’s notion of ‘distinc-tion’ helps explain why sales clerks worked to shore up the symbolic bound-aries between Harbin No. X and its new competitors, especially the getimarketplace. At the same time, Bourdieu’s concept of ‘trajectory’ suggeststhat the nostalgic appeals made by sales clerks to customers were shapednot only by a reconfigured retail sector but also by the general downwardmobility of China’s urban working class.Other scholars have argued that service settings and service interactionscan act as key sites for the production and reproduction of symbolic bound-aries and social hierarchies (Williams, 2006; Sherman, forthcoming). Isuggest that at Harbin No. X, we find the rise of what can be character-ized more specifically as what I term ‘distinction work’. Distinction workis interactive service work (Leidner, 1993, 1996) that produces and recog-nizes social distinctions. Here I borrow the idea Bourdieu developed inDistinction(1984) that the production and consumption of cultural goods– in this case, the ‘good’ of customer service – involves a struggle oversymbolic categories that enables social groups to define and assert them-selves through simultaneously hierarchical and relational differences(Bourdieu, 1984, 1998). Distinction work is fundamentally about socialrelations – among managers, workers, and customers, and even relationsamongworkplaces, in that work activities communicate a relationship toother workplaces and the people found there. Service work organized asdistinction work seeks to attract customers and win their loyalty by distin-guishing a store and its clientele from settings located elsewhere – usuallylower down – in the social hierarchy.Under China’s socialist planned economy, service sector work (andretail work more specifically) wasnotdistinction work: customers had fewchoices and state retailers enjoyed a monopolistic stranglehold on the saleof consumer goods. Customer patronage was a non-issue, and in fact theservice work performed inside settings like department stores wasconducted in ways far more similar to industrial work than it is today.However, with the rise of a market economy and new social relations,retailers compete in an increasingly stratified field of competition. In thiscontext, the state-sector retail workers I studied mobilized a set of distinc-tions meant to stake out the store’s rightful place within a reconfiguredenvironment.But sales clerk counter strategies also engaged in a form of postsocialistnostalgia that only took on meaning in the context of a downward slide
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