AN OVERVIEW OF THE VALUATION PROCESSPsychologists suggest that the suc terjemahan - AN OVERVIEW OF THE VALUATION PROCESSPsychologists suggest that the suc Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


Psychologists suggest that the success or failure of an individual can be caused as much by his
or her social, economic, and family environment as by genetic gifts. Extending this idea to the
valuation of securities means we should consider a firm’s economic and industry environment
during the valuation process. Regardless of the qualities or capabilities of a firm and its management,
the economic and industry environment will have a major influence on the success
of a firm and the realized rate of return on its stock.
As an example, assume you own shares of the strongest and most successful firm producing
home furnishings. If you own the shares during a strong economic expansion, the sales and
earnings of the firm will increase and your rate of return on the stock should be quite high.
In contrast, if you own the same stock during a major economic recession, the sales, earnings,
and cash flows of this firm (and probably most or all of the firms in the industry) would likely
experience a decline, and the price of its stock would be stable or decline. Therefore, when assessing
the future value of a security, it is necessary to analyze the outlook for the aggregate
economy and the firm’s specific industry.
The valuation process is like the chicken-and-egg dilemma. Do you start by analyzing the
macroeconomy and various industries before individual stocks, or do you begin with individual
securities and gradually combine these firms into industries and the industries into the entire
economy? For reasons discussed in the next section, we contend that the discussion should
begin with an analysis of aggregate economies and overall securities markets and progress to
different industries with a global perspective. Only after a thorough analysis of a global industry
are you in a position to properly evaluate the securities issued by individual firms within
the better industries. Thus, we recommend a three-step, top-down valuation process in which
you first examine the influence of the general economy on all firms and the security markets,
then analyze the prospects for alternative global industries in this economic environment, and
finally turn to the analysis of individual firms in the alternative industries and to the common
stock of these firms. Exhibit 11.1 indicates the procedure recommended.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
AN OVERVIEW OF THE VALUATION PROCESSPsychologists suggest that the success or failure of an individual can be caused as much by hisor her social, economic, and family environment as by genetic gifts. Extending this idea to thevaluation of securities means we should consider a firm’s economic and industry environmentduring the valuation process. Regardless of the qualities or capabilities of a firm and its management,the economic and industry environment will have a major influence on the successof a firm and the realized rate of return on its stock.As an example, assume you own shares of the strongest and most successful firm producinghome furnishings. If you own the shares during a strong economic expansion, the sales andearnings of the firm will increase and your rate of return on the stock should be quite high.In contrast, if you own the same stock during a major economic recession, the sales, earnings,and cash flows of this firm (and probably most or all of the firms in the industry) would likelyexperience a decline, and the price of its stock would be stable or decline. Therefore, when assessingthe future value of a security, it is necessary to analyze the outlook for the aggregateeconomy and the firm’s specific industry.The valuation process is like the chicken-and-egg dilemma. Do you start by analyzing themacroeconomy and various industries before individual stocks, or do you begin with individualsecurities and gradually combine these firms into industries and the industries into the entireeconomy? For reasons discussed in the next section, we contend that the discussion shouldbegin with an analysis of aggregate economies and overall securities markets and progress todifferent industries with a global perspective. Only after a thorough analysis of a global industryare you in a position to properly evaluate the securities issued by individual firms withinthe better industries. Thus, we recommend a three-step, top-down valuation process in whichyou first examine the influence of the general economy on all firms and the security markets,then analyze the prospects for alternative global industries in this economic environment, andfinally turn to the analysis of individual firms in the alternative industries and to the commonstock of these firms. Exhibit 11.1 indicates the procedure recommended.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Psikolog menyarankan bahwa keberhasilan atau kegagalan seorang individu dapat disebabkan oleh banyak nya
sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan keluarga atau sebagai oleh hadiah genetik. Memperluas ide ini ke
penilaian efek berarti kita harus mempertimbangkan lingkungan ekonomi dan industri suatu perusahaan
selama proses penilaian. Terlepas dari kualitas atau kemampuan dari suatu perusahaan dan manajemen,
lingkungan ekonomi dan industri akan memiliki pengaruh besar pada keberhasilan
dari sebuah perusahaan dan tingkat realisasi pengembalian sahamnya.
Sebagai contoh, asumsikan Anda memiliki saham yang terkuat dan paling sukses perusahaan yang memproduksi
perabot rumah. Jika Anda memiliki saham selama ekspansi ekonomi yang kuat, penjualan dan
pendapatan perusahaan akan meningkat dan tingkat Anda pengembalian saham harus cukup tinggi.
Sebaliknya, jika Anda memiliki saham yang sama selama resesi ekonomi utama, penjualan , laba,
dan arus kas perusahaan ini (dan mungkin sebagian besar atau semua perusahaan dalam industri) kemungkinan akan
mengalami penurunan, dan harga sahamnya akan stabil atau menurun. Oleh karena itu, ketika menilai
nilai masa depan keamanan, perlu untuk menganalisis prospek untuk agregat
ekonomi dan industri tertentu perusahaan.
Proses penilaian adalah seperti dilema ayam-dan-telur. Apakah Anda mulai dengan menganalisis
ekonomi makro dan berbagai industri sebelum saham individu, atau apakah Anda mulai dengan individu
sekuritas dan secara bertahap menggabungkan perusahaan-perusahaan ini dalam industri dan industri ke seluruh
perekonomian? Untuk alasan dibahas pada bagian berikutnya, kami berpendapat bahwa diskusi harus
dimulai dengan analisis ekonomi agregat dan pasar surat berharga secara keseluruhan dan kemajuan untuk
industri yang berbeda dengan perspektif global. Hanya setelah analisis mendalam dari industri global
yang Anda dalam posisi untuk benar mengevaluasi surat berharga yang diterbitkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan individual dalam
industri yang lebih baik. Dengan demikian, kami merekomendasikan tiga langkah, proses penilaian top-down di mana
Anda pertama meneliti pengaruh ekonomi secara umum di semua perusahaan dan pasar keamanan,
kemudian menganalisis prospek industri global yang alternatif dalam lingkungan ekonomi ini, dan
akhirnya beralih ke analisis perusahaan individual dalam industri alternatif dan untuk umum
saham dari perusahaan-perusahaan. Pameran 11.1 menunjukkan prosedur yang direkomendasikan.
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