“You ready?” Will asked Sunday afternoon, slipping into my bedroom and terjemahan - “You ready?” Will asked Sunday afternoon, slipping into my bedroom and Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“You ready?” Will asked Sunday afte

“You ready?” Will asked Sunday afternoon, slipping into my bedroom and pressing a quick kiss to my cheek. The majority of the morning had played out this way: a covert kiss in an empty hallway, a rushed grope session in the kitchen.
“Almost. Just packing a few things Mom is sending home with me.” I felt his arms fold solid around my waist and I leaned back, melting into him. I’d never noticed how much Will touched me until he couldn’t do it freely. He’d always been tactile—small brushes of his fingers, a hand lingering at my hip, his shoulder bumping against mine—but I’d grown so used to it, so comfortable, I hardly noticed anymore. This weekend I’d felt the loss of every one of those small moments, and now I couldn’t get enough. I was already debating how many miles we’d need to put between the car and this place before I could tell him to pull over and make good on his offer to take me in the backseat.
He pushed my ponytail out of the way as his lips moved along my neck, stopping just below my ear. I heard the tinkling of his keys in his hand, felt the cool metal against my stomach where my shirt had ridden up the tiniest bit.
“I shouldn’t be doing this,” he said. “I think Jensen’s been trying to corner me since brunch and I don’t really have a death wish.”
His words cooled my blood and I stepped away, reaching for a shirt on the opposite side of the bed. “Sounds like pretty standard Jensen,” I murmured with a shrug. I knew it would be weird for my oldest brother—hell, it would be weird for Will and me, too, when the family knew about us—but all morning long I’d been replaying the previous night in the guest room. I wanted to ask him in the light of day: did you really mean it when you said you wanted only me? Because I was finally ready to take the leap.
I zipped my bag, started to lug it off the bed.
He reached around my body, grabbing the handle. “Can I take that?”
I felt the heat of him, the scent of his shampoo. When he straightened he didn’t step away, didn’t move to put distance between us. I closed my eyes, felt myself grow dizzy with how his proximity seemed to suck all the air out of the room. He tilted my chin and pressed his lips to mine, just a slow, lingering touch and I moved toward him, chasing the kiss.
He smiled. “Let me get this stuff in the car and we’ll get out of here, okay?”
He brushed his thumb over my lower lip. “We’ll be home soon,” he whispered. “And I’m not going to my apartment.”
“Okay,” I said again, legs shaking.
He grinned, lifted the bag, and I watched, barely able to stand, as he left the room.
Going downstairs, I found my sister in the kitchen.
“Leaving?” Liv asked, rounding the counter to hug me.
I leaned into her, nodding. “Is Will already outside?” I glanced out the kitchen window but didn’t see him. I was anxious to get on the road, to say everything in the light of day where it couldn’t be ignored.
“Think he went out back to say goodbye to Jens,” she said, walking back to the bowl of berries she’d been rinsing. “You two sure are cute together.”
“What? No.” Cookies cooled on the counter and I reached for a handful, tucking them away in brown paper sack. “I told you, it’s not like that, Liv.”
“Say what you want, Hanna. That boy is smitten. Frankly, I’d be surprised if I’m the only one who’s noticed.”
Beginning to feel warm, I shook my head. Pulling two Styrofoam cups from the cupboard, I filled them with coffee from a huge stainless steel carafe, adding sugar and cream to mine and cream only to Will’s. “I think pregnancy’s mottled your brain. That’s not what this is about.” My sister wasn’t an idiot; I’m sure she heard the lie in my voice as plainly as I had.
“Maybe not for you,” she said with a skeptical shake of her head. “Though I don’t really buy that one, either.”
I stared blankly out the back window. I knew where Will and I stood . . . at least I thought I did. Things had shifted over the past few days and now I was eager to define this relationship. I’d been so afraid to give it limits because I thought I wanted more room to breathe. I thought it would upset me to hear how he slotted me into his schedule as conveniently as he did other women. Lately, my desire to avoid the conversation felt more about keeping my own heart caged than about how free he was with his. But it was a useless exercise. I knew we needed to have the full conversation now—the one he’d tried to have before. The one we’d touched on last night.
I would need to put myself out there, take a risk. It was time.
A door shut loudly somewhere and I jumped, blinking back to the coffee I was still stirring. Liv touched my shoulder. “I have to be big sister for just one minute, though. Be careful, okay?” she said. “This is the infamous Will Sumner we’re talking about.”
And that, right there, was reason number one I was terrified I was making a mistake.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“You ready?” Will asked Sunday afternoon, slipping into my bedroom and pressing a quick kiss to my cheek. The majority of the morning had played out this way: a covert kiss in an empty hallway, a rushed grope session in the kitchen.“Almost. Just packing a few things Mom is sending home with me.” I felt his arms fold solid around my waist and I leaned back, melting into him. I’d never noticed how much Will touched me until he couldn’t do it freely. He’d always been tactile—small brushes of his fingers, a hand lingering at my hip, his shoulder bumping against mine—but I’d grown so used to it, so comfortable, I hardly noticed anymore. This weekend I’d felt the loss of every one of those small moments, and now I couldn’t get enough. I was already debating how many miles we’d need to put between the car and this place before I could tell him to pull over and make good on his offer to take me in the backseat.He pushed my ponytail out of the way as his lips moved along my neck, stopping just below my ear. I heard the tinkling of his keys in his hand, felt the cool metal against my stomach where my shirt had ridden up the tiniest bit.“I shouldn’t be doing this,” he said. “I think Jensen’s been trying to corner me since brunch and I don’t really have a death wish.”Kata-katanya didinginkan darah saya dan saya melangkah, meraih kemeja di sisi berlawanan dari tempat tidur. "Kedengarannya cukup standar Jensen," saya bersungut dengan mengangkat bahu. Aku tahu itu akan menjadi aneh untuk adikku tertua — neraka, itu akan menjadi aneh bagi akan dan saya, juga, ketika keluarga tahu tentang kami — tetapi sepanjang pagi panjang saya telah memutar malam sebelumnya di ruang tamu. Saya ingin bertanya dalam terang hari: Apakah Anda benar-benar berarti itu ketika Anda mengatakan Anda ingin hanya saya? Karena aku akhirnya siap untuk mengambil lompatan.Aku melesat tas saya, mulai membawa dari tempat tidurnya.Ia mencapai sekitar tubuh saya, meraih pegangan. "Dapatkah saya mengambil itu?"Saya merasakan panas dia, aroma sampo nya. Ketika ia menegakkan dia tidak melangkah pergi, tidak bergerak untuk menempatkan jarak antara kami. Aku memejamkan mata, merasa diriku tumbuh pusing dengan bagaimana kedekatan nya tampak untuk menghisap semua udara keluar dari ruangan. Ia miring daguku dan ditekan bibirnya penambangan, hanya yang lambat, sentuhan berlama-lama dan aku pindah ke arahnya, mengejar ciuman.Dia tersenyum. "Biarkan aku mendapatkan barang-barang ini di mobil dan kami akan bisa keluar dari sini, oke?""Oke."Ia disikat ibu jari atas bibir bawahnya. "Kami akan pulang segera," ia berbisik. "Dan aku tidak akan apartemen saya.""Oke," kataku lagi, kaki gemetar.Dia menyeringai, mengangkat tas, dan saya melihat, hampir tidak dapat berdiri, ketika ia meninggalkan kamar.Akan turun, saya menemukan kakak saya di dapur."Meninggalkan?" Liv bertanya, pembulatan counter untuk memelukku.Aku bersandar ke dia, mengangguk. "Ini akan telah di luar?" Aku melirik ke luar jendela dapur tapi tidak melihatnya. Saya sangat ingin untuk mendapatkan di jalan, untuk mengatakan semua dalam terang hari yang mana itu tidak bisa diabaikan."Berpikir dia pergi kembali untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada Jens," katanya, berjalan kembali ke mangkuk buah dia telah pembilasan. "Kalian berdua yakin lucu bersama-sama.""Apa? No." Cookie didinginkan di meja dan aku mencapai untuk beberapa, menyelipkan mereka di karung kertas cokelat. "Saya mengatakan Anda, hal ini tidak seperti itu, Liv.""Katakan apa yang Anda inginkan, Hanna. Anak itu dipukul. Terus terang, aku akan terkejut jika saya satu-satunya yang melihat."Mulai merasa hangat, saya menganggukkan kepala. Menarik dua cangkir Styrofoam dari lemari, aku mengisi mereka dengan kopi dari teko besar stainless steel, menambahkan gula dan krim untuk tambang dan krim hanya untuk Will. "Saya pikir kehamilan 's bintik otak Anda. Itulah tidak apa yang hal ini adalah tentang." Kakakku bukan idiot; Saya yakin dia mendengar kebohongan dalam suara jelas aku."Mungkin tidak untuk Anda," katanya dengan skeptis menggelengkan kepalanya. "Meskipun saya tidak benar-benar membeli yang satu itu, baik."I stared blankly out the back window. I knew where Will and I stood . . . at least I thought I did. Things had shifted over the past few days and now I was eager to define this relationship. I’d been so afraid to give it limits because I thought I wanted more room to breathe. I thought it would upset me to hear how he slotted me into his schedule as conveniently as he did other women. Lately, my desire to avoid the conversation felt more about keeping my own heart caged than about how free he was with his. But it was a useless exercise. I knew we needed to have the full conversation now—the one he’d tried to have before. The one we’d touched on last night.I would need to put myself out there, take a risk. It was time.A door shut loudly somewhere and I jumped, blinking back to the coffee I was still stirring. Liv touched my shoulder. “I have to be big sister for just one minute, though. Be careful, okay?” she said. “This is the infamous Will Sumner we’re talking about.”And that, right there, was reason number one I was terrified I was making a mistake.
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