IntroductionInflation is a key factor in things that affect interest r terjemahan - IntroductionInflation is a key factor in things that affect interest r Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

IntroductionInflation is a key fact

Inflation is a key factor in things that affect interest rates. When a surge in inflation occurs, a corresponding increase in interest rates takes place. Over time, prices of things tend to steadily increase. Therefore the value of money decreases. Lenders are very aware that inflation will erode the value of their money over the time period of a loan, so they increase interest rates to compensate for the loss. This is how lenders are able to stay visible over time with multiple borrowers and multiple outstanding loans. Adjustments are made to interest to recoup the loss made when money loses value.
Whenever there is any news on interest rates, it is accompanied by inflation. It is a known fact that there exists a relationship between interest rates and inflation. But, the extent to which one affects the other for different time periods is not certain. The well-known Fisher hypothesis, introduced by Irving Fisher in 1930 maintains that the nominal interest rate is the sum of the constant real rate and the expected decline in the purchasing power of money. Starting with Fisher and extending to the present, this seemingly simple and intuitive hypothesis has found limited empirical support. Fisher hypothesis provides the relationship between the expected inflation and interest rates. Fisher’s hypothesis is that the nominal interest rate (Rt) can be taken to be the sum of real rate of interest (Pt) and the rate of inflation anticipated by the public (Πt). Previous studies show that there is a positive relationship between interest rates and inflation (Research department, National Bank of Poland). Studies have shown that Fisher hypothesis is true in Bangladesh and that there is a long run relationship between interest rates and inflation rates, and interest rates can be modeled considering expected inflation and other macroeconomic variable to arrive at a more valid model of forecasting interest rates.
Fisher hypothesis is the proposition by Irving Fisher that the real interest rate is independent of monetary measures, especially the nominal interest rate. The Fisher equation is
This means, the real interest rate (
) equals the nominal interest rate (
) minus expected rate of inflation (
). Here all the rates are continuously compounded. For simple rates, the Fisher equation takes form of
is assumed to be constant,
must rise when
rises. Fisher Effect: The one for one adjustment of the nominal interest rate to the expected inflation rate.
To understand the relationship between money, inflation and interest rates it is important to understand nominal interest rate and real interest rate. The nominal interest rate is the interest rate you hear about at your bank. If you have a savings account, for instance, the nominal interest rate tells you how fast the number of dollars in your account will rise over time. The real interest rate corrects the nominal rate for the effect of inflation in order to tell you how fast the purchasing power of your savings account will rise over time. An easy estimation of the real interest rate is the nominal interest rate minus the expected inflation rate (Note that this estimate is unwise when looking at compounded savings.)
Real interest rate = Nominal Interest Rate - Expected Inflation Rate
Nominal Interest Rate = Real interest Rate + Expected Inflation Rate
If inflation permanently rises from a constant level, let's say 4%/yr., to a constant level, say 8%/yr., that currency's interest rate would eventually catch up with the higher inflation, rising by 4 points a year from their initial level. These changes leave the real return on that currency unchanged. The Fisher Effect evident that in the long-run, purely monetary developments will have no effect on that country's relative prices (Kwong, Mary; Bigman, David; Taya, Teizo-2002)
Interest rate: An interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from a lender. Interest rates are normally expressed as a percentage rate over the period of one year.
Nominal interest rate: The rate of interest before adjustment for inflation. Suppose ‘A’ deposits Tk. 100 with a bank for 1 year and they receive interest of Tk.10. At the end of the year their balance is Tk. 110. In this case, the nominal interest rate is 10% perannum.
Real interest rate: The real interest rate is the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate. It is a measure of cost to the borrower because it takes into account the fact that the value of money changes due to inflation over the course of the loan period. Except for loans of a very short duration, the inflation rate will not be known in advance.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
IntroductionInflation is a key factor in things that affect interest rates. When a surge in inflation occurs, a corresponding increase in interest rates takes place. Over time, prices of things tend to steadily increase. Therefore the value of money decreases. Lenders are very aware that inflation will erode the value of their money over the time period of a loan, so they increase interest rates to compensate for the loss. This is how lenders are able to stay visible over time with multiple borrowers and multiple outstanding loans. Adjustments are made to interest to recoup the loss made when money loses value.Whenever there is any news on interest rates, it is accompanied by inflation. It is a known fact that there exists a relationship between interest rates and inflation. But, the extent to which one affects the other for different time periods is not certain. The well-known Fisher hypothesis, introduced by Irving Fisher in 1930 maintains that the nominal interest rate is the sum of the constant real rate and the expected decline in the purchasing power of money. Starting with Fisher and extending to the present, this seemingly simple and intuitive hypothesis has found limited empirical support. Fisher hypothesis provides the relationship between the expected inflation and interest rates. Fisher’s hypothesis is that the nominal interest rate (Rt) can be taken to be the sum of real rate of interest (Pt) and the rate of inflation anticipated by the public (Πt). Previous studies show that there is a positive relationship between interest rates and inflation (Research department, National Bank of Poland). Studies have shown that Fisher hypothesis is true in Bangladesh and that there is a long run relationship between interest rates and inflation rates, and interest rates can be modeled considering expected inflation and other macroeconomic variable to arrive at a more valid model of forecasting interest rates.Fisher hypothesis is the proposition by Irving Fisher that the real interest rate is independent of monetary measures, especially the nominal interest rate. The Fisher equation isThis means, the real interest rate () equals the nominal interest rate () minus expected rate of inflation (). Here all the rates are continuously compounded. For simple rates, the Fisher equation takes form ofIfis assumed to be constant,must rise whenrises. Fisher Effect: The one for one adjustment of the nominal interest rate to the expected inflation rate.To understand the relationship between money, inflation and interest rates it is important to understand nominal interest rate and real interest rate. The nominal interest rate is the interest rate you hear about at your bank. If you have a savings account, for instance, the nominal interest rate tells you how fast the number of dollars in your account will rise over time. The real interest rate corrects the nominal rate for the effect of inflation in order to tell you how fast the purchasing power of your savings account will rise over time. An easy estimation of the real interest rate is the nominal interest rate minus the expected inflation rate (Note that this estimate is unwise when looking at compounded savings.)Real interest rate = Nominal Interest Rate - Expected Inflation RateNominal Interest Rate = Real interest Rate + Expected Inflation RateIf inflation permanently rises from a constant level, let's say 4%/yr., to a constant level, say 8%/yr., that currency's interest rate would eventually catch up with the higher inflation, rising by 4 points a year from their initial level. These changes leave the real return on that currency unchanged. The Fisher Effect evident that in the long-run, purely monetary developments will have no effect on that country's relative prices (Kwong, Mary; Bigman, David; Taya, Teizo-2002)Interest rate: An interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from a lender. Interest rates are normally expressed as a percentage rate over the period of one year.
Nominal interest rate: The rate of interest before adjustment for inflation. Suppose ‘A’ deposits Tk. 100 with a bank for 1 year and they receive interest of Tk.10. At the end of the year their balance is Tk. 110. In this case, the nominal interest rate is 10% perannum.
Real interest rate: The real interest rate is the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate. It is a measure of cost to the borrower because it takes into account the fact that the value of money changes due to inflation over the course of the loan period. Except for loans of a very short duration, the inflation rate will not be known in advance.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Inflasi merupakan faktor kunci dalam hal yang mempengaruhi tingkat suku bunga. Ketika lonjakan inflasi terjadi, peningkatan yang sesuai pada tingkat suku bunga terjadi. Seiring waktu, harga hal cenderung terus meningkat. Oleh karena itu nilai uang menurun. Lender sangat menyadari bahwa inflasi akan mengikis nilai uang mereka selama periode waktu pinjaman, sehingga mereka meningkatkan suku bunga untuk mengkompensasi kerugian. Ini adalah bagaimana pemberi pinjaman dapat tetap terlihat dari waktu ke waktu dengan beberapa peminjam dan beberapa pinjaman. Penyesuaian dilakukan terhadap bunga untuk menutup kerugian dibuat ketika uang kehilangan nilai.
Setiap kali ada berita tentang suku bunga, disertai dengan inflasi. Ini adalah fakta diketahui bahwa ada hubungan antara tingkat suku bunga dan inflasi. Namun, sejauh mana yang mempengaruhi yang lain untuk periode waktu yang berbeda tidak pasti. The terkenal Fisher hipotesis, diperkenalkan oleh Irving Fisher pada tahun 1930 menyatakan bahwa tingkat bunga nominal adalah jumlah tingkat bunga riil konstan dan penurunan yang diharapkan dalam daya beli uang. Dimulai dengan Fisher dan memperluas hingga saat ini, hipotesis yang tampaknya sederhana dan intuitif ini telah menemukan dukungan empiris yang terbatas. Fisher hipotesis memberikan hubungan antara inflasi dan suku bunga yang diharapkan. Hipotesis Fisher adalah bahwa tingkat bunga nominal (Rt) dapat diambil sebagai jumlah tingkat suku bunga riil (Pt) dan tingkat inflasi diantisipasi oleh publik (Πt). Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara tingkat suku bunga dan inflasi (Riset departemen, Bank Nasional Polandia). Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa Fisher hipotesis benar di Bangladesh dan bahwa ada hubungan jangka panjang antara tingkat suku bunga dan tingkat inflasi, dan tingkat suku bunga dapat dimodelkan mempertimbangkan ekspektasi inflasi dan variabel ekonomi makro lainnya untuk sampai pada model yang lebih valid suku bunga peramalan.
Fisher hipotesis adalah proposisi oleh Irving Fisher bahwa tingkat bunga riil adalah independen dari moneter, khususnya tingkat bunga nominal. Persamaan Fisher adalah
Artinya, tingkat bunga riil (
) sama dengan tingkat bunga nominal (
) dikurangi tingkat inflasi yang diharapkan (
). Di sini semua persentasenya terus ditambah. Untuk tingkat sederhana, persamaan Fisher mengambil bentuk
diasumsikan konstan,
harus bangkit saat
naik. Efek Fisher:. Yang satu untuk satu penyesuaian tingkat bunga nominal untuk tingkat inflasi yang diharapkan
Untuk memahami hubungan antara uang, inflasi dan suku bunga adalah penting untuk memahami tingkat bunga nominal dan tingkat bunga riil. Tingkat bunga nominal adalah tingkat bunga Anda mendengar tentang di bank Anda. Jika Anda memiliki rekening tabungan, misalnya, tingkat bunga nominal memberitahu Anda seberapa cepat jumlah dolar dalam account Anda akan naik dari waktu ke waktu. Tingkat bunga riil mengoreksi tingkat nominal untuk efek inflasi untuk memberitahu Anda seberapa cepat daya beli rekening tabungan Anda akan naik dari waktu ke waktu. Mudah estimasi tingkat bunga riil adalah tingkat bunga nominal dikurangi tingkat inflasi yang diharapkan (Perhatikan bahwa perkiraan ini tidak bijaksana ketika melihat tabungan ditambah.)
Tingkat bunga riil = Nominal Suku Bunga - Diharapkan Laju Inflasi
Suku Bunga Nominal = Tingkat bunga riil + Diharapkan Laju Inflasi
Jika inflasi secara permanen naik dari tingkat yang konstan, katakanlah 4% / tahun., ke tingkat yang konstan, mengatakan 8% / tahun., suku bunga mata uang yang akhirnya akan mengejar ketinggalan dengan inflasi yang lebih tinggi, naik 4 poin satu tahun dari tingkat awal mereka. Perubahan ini meninggalkan pengembalian riil mata uang yang tidak berubah. Fisher Effect jelas bahwa dalam jangka panjang, murni perkembangan moneter tidak akan berpengaruh pada harga relatif negara itu (Kwong, Mary, Bigman, David, Taya, Teizo-2002)
Tingkat bunga: Sebuah suku bunga adalah tingkat di mana bunga dibayar oleh peminjam untuk penggunaan uang yang mereka meminjam dari pemberi pinjaman. Suku bunga biasanya dinyatakan sebagai tingkat persentase selama periode satu tahun.
Tingkat bunga nominal: Tingkat bunga sebelum penyesuaian untuk inflasi. Misalkan 'A' deposito Tk. 100 dengan bank selama 1 tahun dan mereka menerima bunga dari Tk.10. Pada akhir tahun saldo mereka Tk. 110. Dalam hal ini, tingkat bunga nominal adalah perannum 10%.
Tingkat bunga riil: Tingkat bunga riil adalah tingkat bunga nominal dikurangi tingkat inflasi. Ini adalah ukuran dari biaya untuk peminjam karena memperhitungkan fakta bahwa nilai uang berubah karena inflasi selama jangka waktu pinjaman. Kecuali untuk pinjaman jangka waktu yang sangat singkat, tingkat inflasi tidak akan diketahui sebelumnya.
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