Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
1. What is the synonym of quotation: sample, catalogue, invoice, offer, price list
2. The reply of the inquiry letter is usually include by: seller, whole buyer, no one, buyer, customer
3. A complaint letter usually sent if, except: there are defect goods, there are wrong product, there are correct invoice, there are change products.
4. This part of the business letter is put in between the complimentary close and the sender’s name. What is the name of it? Signature, letter cops, salutation, letter head, cek
5. Your shipment of file cabinets arrived damaged on march 12. Above is a statment used in? Order letter, quotation, application letter, complaint letter, memorandum
6. This is not part of letter head? Name of company, branch address, office address, signature, telegrapic number
7. The term of tembusan in english is? Letterhead, disclosure, enclosure, attachment, subject line
8. A business letter has four major sections, except? Body, closing, returning, heading, signature
9. The example of the complimentary close is? Dear sir, goodd bye, your sincerely, we wnclose, thank you
10. Elements of letter are, except? Salutation, intial name, inside address, heading, complimentary
11. Some items are still awaiting for next delivery. Item means?
12. Thank you for the summary you sent me recently? Look like, in advance, lately, lateness, likely
13. The..of this company is in underground? Department, warehouse, distribution, office, sample
14. A letter sent by a businessman who wants some information especially about supply etc. We are saved? Introducing letter, inquiry letter, order letter, complaint letter, reservation letter
15. FOB stand for Free On Board, meaning that? Price includes all costs including insurance to the named defination, price includes delivery to part and loading on the ship
16. Which of the following is correct complimentary close format in British Style? Very truly yours, yours sincerely, yours truly, best regard, yours faitfully
17. The content of the reply of an inquiry letter commonly are below, except? Try not to answer the inquiry but also try to interest his correspondent, try to take opportunity to welcome customer, try to reject all of customer need, try to draw attention to other products, try to get welcome customer well
18. A letter represent you when you cannot be.. there? Arrive, present, bring, go, exists
19. It is a greet to someone, that you send the letter? Dear sir, good bye, thankyou, we enclosed , very truly
20. The contents of order letter are, except? Delivery method, payment, specifications, amounts, claim
21. The conditions are written on. The underlined is similiar to? Insist, noted on, import, custom, duties.
22. It is designed which provides the reader of the letter with essential information about the organization sending it. It is called? Reference, inside address, letter head, signature, date
Thank yo for your letter of first june,....about the jf71 pocket calculator. This model is no longer...as it has been superseded by the jf73 solar powered. As you will se from the...,thr new model has several...of an extremely.
In production, enclosed leaflet, for details, in addition, range
Thank you for your...of 14 march and we should be... if you would....us various...of parker pens together with your...prices
Circular, competitive, models, pleased, send
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