The Empress vision fills gently looks at Xi Yu, the right hand is clea terjemahan - The Empress vision fills gently looks at Xi Yu, the right hand is clea Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Empress vision fills gently loo

The Empress vision fills gently looks at Xi Yu, the right hand is cleaning the blood on Xi Yu face gently, the incarnadine blood, already Empress that pair of white and tender palm dyeing blood red, said with the sound of shivering: „Silly child, let alone the nonsense, the parents were cruel-hearted in the past discard you, has no alternative, mother knows that you hate us, mother also knows that you are unable to forgive us, but since now found you, mother will go to compensate you with the entire remaining years of life well.”
Xi Emperor also walked, sighed lightly: „Yu'er, these years, making you suffer hardships. Such that just like your mother said that discarded you in the past outside, completely is in one type to your protection, the specific reason, later the father will explain like you clearly, now you tell the father, among this surrounding person, which people have to bully you, the father takes responsibility for you.”
Hears Xi Emperor this saying, nine prince and the others, all are the facial color changes, at this moment, even if they are God King boundary Expert, is the innermost feelings of not being able to bear trembles.
Nine prince are also in the heart secret anxious, he summon went back, but how the father emperor has not arrived.
He does not doubt, if Blood Sun Empire does not come the human, Xi Emperor will have killed him without hesitation, will not care about his status.
After all, Xi Emperor very ruthless and heartlessness, but became famous.
This time, Xi Yu has struggled from the bosom of Empress finally, thinks that now Tianyuan Clan bitter experience, this makes in her brain quickly grasp the meaning of something immediately, actually immediately could not attend to the present person is parents' status, the vision took a fast look around rapidly.
„Bi Si!” Suddenly, Xi Yu leaves one to call out in alarm, an arrow step runs up to side Bi Si.
Sees only Bi Si to open eye to lie down on the ground, in his top of the head, the skull has disrupted, Primordial Spirit had been seized.
Xi Yu item of zi wants to crack, in both eyes has been full of anger of hatred, painful sound track: „Your you have killed Bi Si.” Bi Si, is the Jian Chen good friend, Xi Yu does not know, when Jian Chen knew when Bi Si death news, actually to have sorrowfully how.
Listened to this saying, that seizes Bi Si Primordial Spirit God King facial color immediately one white, hurries saying: „The princess is not not anxious, his he has not died, his Primordial Spirit also.” This God King manner, came 180 degrees transformation, the words not to say immediately that he was busy the non- place extraction Bi Si Primordial Spirit, in the vision is bringing in front of disturbed, handing Xi Yu cautiously.
Even is, his both hands and his body, at this moment in slight is shivering, in the heart has filled scared.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Empress vision fills gently looks at Xi Yu, the right hand is cleaning the blood on Xi Yu face gently, the incarnadine blood, already Empress that pair of white and tender palm dyeing blood red, said with the sound of shivering: „Silly child, let alone the nonsense, the parents were cruel-hearted in the past discard you, has no alternative, mother knows that you hate us, mother also knows that you are unable to forgive us, but since now found you, mother will go to compensate you with the entire remaining years of life well.”Xi Emperor also walked, sighed lightly: „Yu'er, these years, making you suffer hardships. Such that just like your mother said that discarded you in the past outside, completely is in one type to your protection, the specific reason, later the father will explain like you clearly, now you tell the father, among this surrounding person, which people have to bully you, the father takes responsibility for you.”Hears Xi Emperor this saying, nine prince and the others, all are the facial color changes, at this moment, even if they are God King boundary Expert, is the innermost feelings of not being able to bear trembles.Nine prince are also in the heart secret anxious, he summon went back, but how the father emperor has not arrived.He does not doubt, if Blood Sun Empire does not come the human, Xi Emperor will have killed him without hesitation, will not care about his status.After all, Xi Emperor very ruthless and heartlessness, but became famous.This time, Xi Yu has struggled from the bosom of Empress finally, thinks that now Tianyuan Clan bitter experience, this makes in her brain quickly grasp the meaning of something immediately, actually immediately could not attend to the present person is parents' status, the vision took a fast look around rapidly.„Bi Si!” Suddenly, Xi Yu leaves one to call out in alarm, an arrow step runs up to side Bi Si.Sees only Bi Si to open eye to lie down on the ground, in his top of the head, the skull has disrupted, Primordial Spirit had been seized.Xi Yu item of zi wants to crack, in both eyes has been full of anger of hatred, painful sound track: „Your you have killed Bi Si.” Bi Si, is the Jian Chen good friend, Xi Yu does not know, when Jian Chen knew when Bi Si death news, actually to have sorrowfully how.Listened to this saying, that seizes Bi Si Primordial Spirit God King facial color immediately one white, hurries saying: „The princess is not not anxious, his he has not died, his Primordial Spirit also.” This God King manner, came 180 degrees transformation, the words not to say immediately that he was busy the non- place extraction Bi Si Primordial Spirit, in the vision is bringing in front of disturbed, handing Xi Yu cautiously.Even is, his both hands and his body, at this moment in slight is shivering, in the heart has filled scared.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The Empress visi fill lembut terlihat di Xi Yu, tangan kanan membersihkan darah di Xi Yu wajah lembut, darah merah jambu, sudah permaisuri yang sepasang putih dan lembut sawit merah darah pencelupan, mengatakan dengan suara menggigil: "anak Konyol , apalagi omong kosong, orang tua yang kejam-hati dalam membuang masa lalu Anda, tidak memiliki alternatif, ibu tahu bahwa Anda membenci kami, ibu juga tahu bahwa Anda tidak dapat mengampuni kita, tapi karena sekarang menemukan Anda, ibu akan pergi ke kompensasi Anda dengan tahun sisa seluruh hidup dengan baik ".
Xi Kaisar juga berjalan, mendesah ringan:" Yu'er, tahun ini, membuat Anda menderita kesulitan. Seperti yang seperti ibumu mengatakan bahwa dibuang Anda di masa lalu luar, benar-benar berada dalam satu jenis perlindungan Anda, alasan tertentu, kemudian ayah akan menjelaskan seperti Anda jelas, sekarang Anda memberitahu ayah, di antara orang sekitarnya ini, yang orang harus menggertak Anda, ayah bertanggung jawab untuk Anda. "
Mendengar Xi Kaisar pepatah ini, sembilan pangeran dan yang lainnya, semua adalah perubahan warna wajah, pada saat ini, bahkan jika mereka adalah Tuhan Raja batas Ahli, adalah perasaan terdalam dari tidak mampu menanggung gemetar.
Sembilan pangeran juga dalam hati rahasia cemas, ia memanggil kembali, tapi bagaimana kaisar ayah belum tiba.
dia tidak ragu, jika darah Sun Empire tidak datang manusia, Xi Kaisar akan memiliki membunuhnya tanpa ragu-ragu, tidak akan peduli tentang statusnya.
Setelah semua, Xi Kaisar sangat kejam dan tidak berbelas kasihan, tapi menjadi terkenal.
kali ini, Xi Yu telah berjuang dari dada Empress akhirnya, berpikir bahwa sekarang Tianyuan Clan pengalaman pahit, ini membuat di otaknya cepat menangkap makna dari sesuatu yang segera, sebenarnya segera tidak bisa hadir untuk orang ini adalah statusnya orang tua, visi mengambil melihat cepat sekitar dengan cepat.
"Bi Si!" Tiba-tiba, Xi Yu daun satu untuk memanggil di alarm , langkah panah berjalan sampai ke sisi Bi Si.
Sees hanya Bi Si membuka mata untuk berbaring di tanah, di atas nya kepala, tengkorak telah terganggu, Roh Primordial telah disita.
Xi Yu item zi ingin retak, di kedua mata telah penuh kemarahan kebencian, menyakitkan sound track: ". Anda Anda telah membunuh Bi Si" Bi Si, adalah teman baik Jian Chen, Xi Yu tidak tahu, ketika Jian Chen tahu kapan Bi Si kematian berita, sebenarnya memiliki sedih bagaimana.
Dengarkan kata ini, yang merebut Bi Si Primordial Roh Allah Raja warna wajah segera putih, bergegas mengatakan: ". Sang putri tidak tidak cemas, ia belum meninggal, Roh Primordial nya juga" cara Allah Raja ini, datang 180 derajat transformasi, kata-kata tidak untuk mengatakan langsung bahwa dia sibuk non tempat ekstraksi Bi Si Primordial Roh, dalam visi membawa di depan terganggu, menyerahkan Xi Yu hati-hati.
Bahkan yaitu, nya baik tangan dan tubuhnya, pada saat ini dalam sedikit menggigil, di dalam hati telah mengisi takut.
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