Yuan Que King whole body all strength com­plete re­leases, the body ha terjemahan - Yuan Que King whole body all strength com­plete re­leases, the body ha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Yuan Que King whole body all streng

Yuan Que King whole body all strength com­plete re­leases, the body has al­most linked guard Pro­found Strength not to stay be­hind not aw­fully, the sword of Yun Che merely 20% strengths, his body such as one pile of rot­ten meat by far were then thrown to fly.
Yuan Que King body heav­ily falls to the ground, the whole body is the blood, but Yun Che be­comes to other party, is the bro­ken bone breaks the in­ter­nal in­jury of mus­cle, his blood is be­cause can­not with­stand the too heavy load large sur­face area to crack to be the re­sult.
The mas­sive blood flow off from the Yuan Que King fore­head, body and hand back, his straight lying down there, the top of main hall both eyes are look­ing at blur, a vi­sion piece of delay is va­cant, seems ex­pe­ri­enc­ing un­real one to the ex­treme dream­land, he opened mouth, but has not made a sound even­tu­ally, the con­scious­ness then com­pletely passes, head one crooked, faints thor­oughly.
Yuan Que King, de­feat!
An en­tire main hall deathly still­ness, falling the nee­dle may hear.
The Duke Zhong palace, faces the whole body is being the blood, faints in place Yuan Que King, for a very long time did not have the sound is com­pletely ig­no­rant the past.
„Big Brother was too fierce! Big Brother you were too fierce!!”
The ex­cited big call re­sounds in main hall, Xiao Yun is ex­cited danc­ing with joy, the los­ing one's voice rave.
Shout­ing of Xiao Yun, was sim­i­lar to lights the lead wire of blast­ing ex­plo­sive, the Demon Em­peror main hall has blasted out the giant voice im­me­di­ately.
„Was Yun Che wins Yun Che to win un­ex­pect­edly!! My God! This sim­ply sim­ply sim­ply”
„Yuan Que King strength full, unique skill com­pletely leaves, but also did not hes­i­tate to use banned the tech­nique, but be­fore Yun Che, has fought four, and four matches were shake Il­lu­sory Demon Realm char­ac­ter ex­tremely, Yun Che ac­tu­ally still won this sim­ply is a mon­ster!”
„I was wit­ness­ing one peer­less tal­ent Yao date with own eyes across the sky! This comes Demon Im­pe­r­ial City, can wit­ness this kind of myth tal­ent, this kind of com­pe­ti­tion con­soles fully al­ways!”
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Yuan Que King whole body all strength com­plete re­leases, the body has al­most linked guard Pro­found Strength not to stay be­hind not aw­fully, the sword of Yun Che merely 20% strengths, his body such as one pile of rot­ten meat by far were then thrown to fly.Bang!Yuan Que King body heav­ily falls to the ground, the whole body is the blood, but Yun Che be­comes to other party, is the bro­ken bone breaks the in­ter­nal in­jury of mus­cle, his blood is be­cause can­not with­stand the too heavy load large sur­face area to crack to be the re­sult.The mas­sive blood flow off from the Yuan Que King fore­head, body and hand back, his straight lying down there, the top of main hall both eyes are look­ing at blur, a vi­sion piece of delay is va­cant, seems ex­pe­ri­enc­ing un­real one to the ex­treme dream­land, he opened mouth, but has not made a sound even­tu­ally, the con­scious­ness then com­pletely passes, head one crooked, faints thor­oughly.Yuan Que King, de­feat!An en­tire main hall deathly still­ness, falling the nee­dle may hear.The Duke Zhong palace, faces the whole body is being the blood, faints in place Yuan Que King, for a very long time did not have the sound is com­pletely ig­no­rant the past.„Big Brother was too fierce! Big Brother you were too fierce!!”The ex­cited big call re­sounds in main hall, Xiao Yun is ex­cited danc­ing with joy, the los­ing one's voice rave.Shout­ing of Xiao Yun, was sim­i­lar to lights the lead wire of blast­ing ex­plo­sive, the Demon Em­peror main hall has blasted out the giant voice im­me­di­ately.
„Was Yun Che wins Yun Che to win un­ex­pect­edly!! My God! This sim­ply sim­ply sim­ply”
„Yuan Que King strength full, unique skill com­pletely leaves, but also did not hes­i­tate to use banned the tech­nique, but be­fore Yun Che, has fought four, and four matches were shake Il­lu­sory Demon Realm char­ac­ter ex­tremely, Yun Che ac­tu­ally still won this sim­ply is a mon­ster!”
„I was wit­ness­ing one peer­less tal­ent Yao date with own eyes across the sky! This comes Demon Im­pe­r­ial City, can wit­ness this kind of myth tal­ent, this kind of com­pe­ti­tion con­soles fully al­ways!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Yuan Que Raja seluruh tubuh semua kekuatan rilis lengkap, tubuh telah hampir terkait guard Mendalam Kekuatan untuk tidak tinggal di belakang tidak sangat, pedang Yun Che hanya 20% kekuatan, tubuhnya seperti salah satu tumpukan daging busuk jauh kemudian dilemparkan ke terbang.
Yuan Que Raja tubuh berat jatuh ke tanah, seluruh tubuh darah, tapi Yun Che menjadi kepada pihak lain, adalah patah tulang istirahat cedera internal otot, darahnya karena tidak dapat menahan beban terlalu berat area permukaan besar untuk crack menjadi hasilnya.
mengalir darah besar off dari dahi Yuan Que Raja, tubuh dan tangan kembali, lurus berbaring di sana, bagian atas ruang utama kedua mata melihat kabur, sepotong visi delay adalah kosong, tampaknya mengalami satu nyata ke alam mimpi yang ekstrim, ia membuka mulut, tapi tidak membuat suara akhirnya, kesadaran kemudian benar-benar berlalu, kepala salah satu bengkok, pingsan secara menyeluruh.
Yuan Que Raja, kekalahan!
Seluruh aula utama mematikan keheningan, jatuh jarum mungkin mendengar.
The Duke Zhong istana, menghadapi seluruh tubuh sedang darah, pingsan di tempat Yuan Que Raja, untuk waktu yang sangat lama tidak memiliki suara yang benar-benar bodoh masa lalu.
"Big Brother itu terlalu sengit! Big Brother Anda terlalu galak !! "
Panggilan besar bersemangat bergema di aula utama, Xiao Yun bersemangat menari dengan sukacita, yang kehilangan seseorang rave suara.
Teriakan dari Xiao Yun, itu mirip dengan lampu kawat memimpin peledakan bahan peledak, Demon yang Kaisar aula utama telah mengecam keluar suara raksasa segera.
"Apakah Yun Che menang Yun Che menang tiba-tiba !! Tuhanku! Hanya hanya hanya "ini
" Yuan Que Raja kekuatan penuh, keterampilan yang unik benar-benar pergi, tetapi juga tidak segan-segan menggunakan dilarang teknik, tapi sebelum Yun Che, telah berjuang empat, dan empat pertandingan yang mengguncang Ilusi karakter Iblis Realm sangat, Yun Che sebenarnya masih memenangkan ini hanya merupakan sebuah rakasa! "
" saya menyaksikan salah satu taranya bakat tanggal Yao dengan mata sendiri di langit! Ini datang Iblis Imperial City, dapat menyaksikan jenis bakat mitos, jenis konsol kompetisi penuh selalu! "
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