#1444: A warning! 16 daysMeng Hao in this Transcendence sacrificial al terjemahan - #1444: A warning! 16 daysMeng Hao in this Transcendence sacrificial al Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1444: A warning! 16 daysMeng Hao i

#1444: A warning!

16 days
Meng Hao in this Transcendence sacrificial altar, insisted that 16 th day, this matter already let all around boundless faction people mind reacted to peak, innermost feelings have filled shock.
Gold robe youth or Shajiu Dong, or are the Headmaster old men, at this moment by of Meng Hao in sacrificial altar, had been thundered the mind.
Especially Meng Hao in the instance of opening eyes, his body, in this moment, the Transcendence aura that lends, making all person innermost feelings tremble, the scarlet in Meng Hao, shows indescribable savage, looks at Meng Hao two eyes merely, will make the human have to plant such as faces directly ancient times the feeling of ominous beast.
Meng Hao does not have Transcendence, his Ninth Hex mark, the third collapse disrupts at this moment, may in the collapse the instance that instant, he opens eyes, along with the collapse of Ninth Hex, along with his separation of consciousness with this Transcendence sacrificial altar, his all around, the meaning of Transcendence, thunders dreadfully all directions, has formed piece of infinite vortex, changed to the shakes the heavens storm.
This storm rumbling within curls up, resembles and Vault of Heaven connects, looks from afar, alarmed.
Strong winds endless, retreats that Headmaster old man facial color change, the body immediately retreats, the gold robe youth and Shajiu Dong, are also without hesitation, as for other people, is so, the people flicker to go far away ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), with this sacrificial altar has spread out at the same time, felt the wild aura on this moment sacrificial altar.
Rumbling sound reverberation, that hurricane soars to the heavens, resembles to drive out Vault of Heaven, enters the starry sky boundlessly within.
In this hurricanes, sacrificial altar peak, Meng Hao this moment both eyes open and close, he gains ground, stubbornly is staring at Vault of Heaven, as if on the day of his vision can penetrate spatial, sees boundlessly, sees existence that the bystander cannot see.
„Is you” Meng Hao two eyes is even more red, when his Ninth Hex three collapses, the first time makes Meng Hao obscure, when the second time lets his reacted, third time he has verified the guess finally, saw the answer
Indeed the strength silent emergence, disturbs his practicing. Collapses his Ninth Hex, as if changed to one not to be possible the anti- strength, prevents Meng Hao Ninth Hex to appear.
Said accurately that does not prevent Ninth Hex. But prevents Meng Hao from the monster, transforms into the immortal once more
„Heaven's Crown fears immortal” the Meng Hao sound cloudy and cold, when muttered, he also understood all, if were not he in the underground channel. Saw related Heaven's Crown, saw a that final Heaven's Crown figure extinguishes the world, he will not be realizing at this moment real reason that Ninth Hex is unable to condense.
But now, his clear feeling, preventing oneself to transform Immortal Ascension, preventing oneself Ninth Hex to condense with the mural , a figure extinguishes the world Heaven's Crown, in aura and feeling exactly the same
That distinct, is the same stock strength
Even Meng Hao also collapsed through these three Ninth Hex, had a fearful discovery. This so-called Heaven's Crown strength, to a certain extent, unexpectedly with his monster nearly homology
The collapse of Ninth Hex, is the disturbance of Heaven's Crown, rather is the monster strength of Meng Hao within the body this body, is disturbing together
„Heaven's Crown” Meng Hao is silent, regarding Heaven's Crown, he has too many questions, has too many doubts, may not have the answer. Heart of hearts, since seeing murals in channel, he regarding Mountains and Seas Plane, regarding Immortal God Continent. Regarding the demon mainland, regarding the boundless star, raised many guesses.
Does not have the accurate answer, does not have too many clues to confirm, even in the Meng Hao heart does not believe that he just did not step into practicing now. Knows every so often, oneself see is not real.
May until the present, he regarding existence of Heaven's Crown, have the determination.
This boundless starry sky, truly exists, its Heaven's Crown
This existence, with, there is a some strange connection, most minimum Meng Hao can determine that now a matter, he transforms into the monster from the immortal the process, among must have some propelling force to erupt in secret
In the Meng Hao eye the murderous intention dodges, the body stands up fiercely, in instant, Vault of Heaven that he stands up thunders, storm tearing, if there is strength of the pressure to arrive, direct extinguishes all broken.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1444: peringatan! 16 hariMeng Hao di mezbah korban transendensi, bersikeras bahwa 16 th hari, hal ini sudah membiarkan seluruh tak terbatas faksi pikiran orang bereaksi terhadap puncak, perasaan terdalam memiliki penuh kejutan.Emas jubah pemuda atau Shajiu Dong, atau apakah orang tua kepala sekolah, saat ini oleh Meng Hao di altar korban, itu telah menggelegar pikiran.Terutama Meng Hao dalam contoh pembukaan mata, tubuh-Nya, pada saat ini, aura transendensi yang meminjamkan, membuat semua orang terdalam perasaan gemetar, scarlet pada Meng Hao, menunjukkan tak terlukiskan buas, terlihat pada Meng Hao dua mata hanya, akan membuat manusia harus menanam seperti wajah langsung zaman perasaan menyenangkan binatang.Meng Hao tidak memiliki transendensi, tanda kesembilan Hex, runtuhnya ketiga mengganggu saat ini, mungkin runtuhnya contoh bahwa instan, dia membuka mata, bersama dengan runtuhnya kesembilan Hex, bersama dengan pemisahan nya kesadaran dengan mezbah korban transendensi, nya semua sekitar, arti transendensi, guruh sangat segala arah, telah membentuk sepotong vortex tak terbatas , berubah menjadi getar badai langit.Badai ini bergemuruh dalam ikal, menyerupai dan Vault surga menghubungkan, tampak dari kejauhan, khawatir.Tak berujung, angin yang kuat retret bahwa kepala sekolah tua manusia perubahan warna wajah, tubuh segera retret, jubah emas pemuda dan Shajiu Dong, juga tanpa ragu-ragu, untuk orang lain, jadi, kerlip orang untuk pergi jauh sepuluh ribu zhang (3,33 m), dengan mezbah korban telah menyebar pada waktu yang sama, merasakan aura liar di atas mezbah korban saat ini.Gemuruh suara dengung, bahwa badai menjulang ke langit, menyerupai untuk mengusir Vault surga, memasuki langit berbintang boundlessly dalam.Dalam badai ini, puncak altar pengorbanan, Meng Hao saat ini kedua mata terbuka dan menutup, ia perolehan tanah, keras kepala menatap Vault surga, seolah-olah pada hari nya visi dapat menembus spasial, melihat boundlessly, melihat keberadaan yang pengamat tidak dapat melihat."Apakah Anda" Meng Hao dua mata adalah lebih merah, ketika Hex kesembilan nya tiga runtuh, pertama kali membuat Meng Hao mengaburkan, ketika kedua kalinya memungkinkan nya bereaksi, ketiga kalinya ia telah diverifikasi kira akhirnya, melihat jawabannyaMemang kemunculan diam kekuatan, mengganggu nya berlatih. Runtuh nya kesembilan Hex, seolah-olah berubah menjadi satu tidak mungkin anti-kekuatan, mencegah Meng Hao kesembilan Hex muncul.Kata akurat yang tidak mencegah kesembilan Hex. Tapi Meng Hao mencegah rakasa, berubah menjadi abadi sekali lagiKarena"Heaven Crown ketakutan abadi" Meng Hao suara hujan dan dingin, ketika bergumam, dia juga mengerti semua, jika yang tidak dia dalam saluran bawah tanah. Melihat surga terkait Crown, melihat bahwa surga akhir Crown gambar memadamkan dunia, ia akan tidak akan menyadari di saat nyata alasan kesembilan Hex mampu mengembun.Tapi sekarang, jelas perasaan, mencegah diri untuk mengubah kenaikan abadi, mencegah diri kesembilan Hex mengembun dengan mural, sosok memadamkan surga dunia Crown, di aura dan merasa persis samaYang berbeda, adalah kekuatan saham yang samaBahkan Meng Hao juga runtuh melalui tiga kesembilan Hex, memiliki sebuah penemuan mengerikan. Ini disebut surga Crown kekuatan, sampai batas tertentu, tiba-tiba dengan rakasa nya hampir HomologiRuntuhnya kesembilan Hex, adalah gangguan surga Crown, agak adalah kekuatan rakasa Meng Hao dalam tubuh badan ini, mengganggu bersama"Heaven Crown" Meng Hao diam, mengenai surga mahkota, ia memiliki terlalu banyak pertanyaan, memiliki terlalu banyak keraguan, mungkin tidak memiliki jawaban. Hati hati, sejak melihat mural di saluran, dia mengenai pegunungan dan laut pesawat, mengenai Abadi Tuhan benua. Mengenai setan daratan, mengenai bintang tak terbatas, menimbulkan banyak dugaan.Tidak memiliki jawaban yang akurat, tidak memiliki terlalu banyak petunjuk untuk mengkonfirmasi, bahkan di Meng Hao jantung tidak percaya bahwa ia hanya melakukan tidak melangkah ke berlatih sekarang. Tahu setiap begitu sering, diri Lihat itu tidak nyata.May until the present, he regarding existence of Heaven's Crown, have the determination.This boundless starry sky, truly exists, its Heaven's CrownThis existence, with, there is a some strange connection, most minimum Meng Hao can determine that now a matter, he transforms into the monster from the immortal the process, among must have some propelling force to erupt in secretIn the Meng Hao eye the murderous intention dodges, the body stands up fiercely, in instant, Vault of Heaven that he stands up thunders, storm tearing, if there is strength of the pressure to arrive, direct extinguishes all broken.
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