I with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „No need, these ven­tur­ers were solved by o terjemahan - I with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „No need, these ven­tur­ers were solved by o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „No need,

I with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „No need, these ven­tur­ers were solved by our ven­tur­ers were good, the duty of palace guard was to wait for the hot lion armed forces and dark blue navies in Lin­hai city ap­pears, then hit hard , to con­tinue main­tains scouts the dis­tance to ex­tend.”
„Yes, Sir.”
Early morn­ing in game, dense fog raises in the low jun­gle of front plain, has been en­clos­ing fine gauze for the waist of jun­gle trees likely, the dew lightly falling in the thick patch of grass, si­lence that the bird happy cry, could not say, but after this was quiet, was hid­ing said that end­less killing in­tent, this was the op­por­tu­nity in In­dian war zone, the clear pupil de­vel­oped the ink is im­pos­si­ble to let off.
In the guild, Lin Wan Er marked on the big map the [Zhan Long] al­to­gether 6 ten thou­sand peo­ple of team Co­or­di­nate, we spread not strongly, the fire Ze plain, asked that the day ice­field and starry sky for­est of three maps had al­most our peo­ple, but Tian Ling Em­pire other trade unions also dis­persed ap­pear on each big map, sev­eral maps were too big, but the player of bi­lat­eral server has not turned out in full strength, mak­ing this fight truly ap­pear likely is one hunts.
Or­ders the palace guard and Dragon’s den Armed forces to stand by and wait for or­ders, I in­sti­gated the god fierce fine horse to leave Wu Shenhe, was good while this early morn­ing mood, gains the in­te­gral that a King hunted to say again.
The fire Ze plain sur­passes 70% area is the plain of length and breadth, suits the cav­alry sol­dier to fight, but other ear 30% area are bush, jun­gle, rivers and lakes and other maps, I have the thick patch of grass tech­nique, the nat­ural se­lec­tion the bush and jun­gle map as the line of march, on the plain of dis­tant place pre­sented gangs of Chi­nese play­ers , some In­dian play­ers, both sides in the ex­ploratory ad­vance and back­lash, have not erupted the true fight.
The horse's hoof is tread­ing the fallen leaf in jun­gle, leads the way slowly, I also pas­sive en­tered the stealth con­di­tion of thick patch of grass tech­nique, walked not far, first fa­cil­i­tates to hear the speak­ing voice: „On that side small hill­side has about 100 + Chi­nese play­ers, Level in 165-170 lev­els, is not high, we have the op­por­tu­nity group to ex­tin­guish their, we ‚peak war-god’ trade union col­lected 500 peo­ple, can­not make the clear pupil de­velop black ink and maple­wood to be drunk again these peo­ple to look down upon, this fight must show our im­pos­ing man­ners and styles comes!”
I open out the leaf in jun­gle, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that the gang is gath­er­ing here, the per­son of speech is one is rais­ing the mid­dle-aged In­dian of tom­a­hawk, the ap­pear­ance of hav­ing an ugly and fierce look, looks like very omi­nous, but is as­sem­bling two vice- guild­mas­ter in his week with 4 el­ders, more peo­ple in the dis­tant place bends down in the jun­gle waits for the fight op­por­tu­nity, sub­or­di­nates in the trade union of Lin­hai city, is called the peak war-god, the sys­tem in­quires the ma­te­r­ial, 3 lev­els of trade unions, have not been kept at full strength, only re­ceived 50% peo­ple, ev­i­dently in con­spir­ing to do to fall some to astray the Chi­nese war zone hun­dred per­son groups of this re­gion, good, Op­er­ated with this group of peo­ple!
I sum­moned the an­tiq­uity god tiger cau­tiously, drew out town Yue Dao and but­ter­fly slowly, con­firmed around the player lay­out in map, launched an at­tack rapidly, lifts the hand to throw the but­ter­fly, im­me­di­ately this han­dle five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment changed into to­gether the spi­ral cy­clone di­rect im­pact on guild­mas­ter of op­po­site party trade union, the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin con­sec­u­tively for three stag­gered cuts, this trade union guild­mas­ter had not even seen where I had been killed by the sec­ond, in­jured 7 W + each time, al­to­gether sur­passed the HP in­j
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „No need, these ven­tur­ers were solved by our ven­tur­ers were good, the duty of palace guard was to wait for the hot lion armed forces and dark blue navies in Lin­hai city ap­pears, then hit hard , to con­tinue main­tains scouts the dis­tance to ex­tend.”„Yes, Sir.”Early morn­ing in game, dense fog raises in the low jun­gle of front plain, has been en­clos­ing fine gauze for the waist of jun­gle trees likely, the dew lightly falling in the thick patch of grass, si­lence that the bird happy cry, could not say, but after this was quiet, was hid­ing said that end­less killing in­tent, this was the op­por­tu­nity in In­dian war zone, the clear pupil de­vel­oped the ink is im­pos­si­ble to let off.In the guild, Lin Wan Er marked on the big map the [Zhan Long] al­to­gether 6 ten thou­sand peo­ple of team Co­or­di­nate, we spread not strongly, the fire Ze plain, asked that the day ice­field and starry sky for­est of three maps had al­most our peo­ple, but Tian Ling Em­pire other trade unions also dis­persed ap­pear on each big map, sev­eral maps were too big, but the player of bi­lat­eral server has not turned out in full strength, mak­ing this fight truly ap­pear likely is one hunts.Or­ders the palace guard and Dragon’s den Armed forces to stand by and wait for or­ders, I in­sti­gated the god fierce fine horse to leave Wu Shenhe, was good while this early morn­ing mood, gains the in­te­gral that a King hunted to say again.The fire Ze plain sur­passes 70% area is the plain of length and breadth, suits the cav­alry sol­dier to fight, but other ear 30% area are bush, jun­gle, rivers and lakes and other maps, I have the thick patch of grass tech­nique, the nat­ural se­lec­tion the bush and jun­gle map as the line of march, on the plain of dis­tant place pre­sented gangs of Chi­nese play­ers , some In­dian play­ers, both sides in the ex­ploratory ad­vance and back­lash, have not erupted the true fight.
The horse's hoof is tread­ing the fallen leaf in jun­gle, leads the way slowly, I also pas­sive en­tered the stealth con­di­tion of thick patch of grass tech­nique, walked not far, first fa­cil­i­tates to hear the speak­ing voice: „On that side small hill­side has about 100 + Chi­nese play­ers, Level in 165-170 lev­els, is not high, we have the op­por­tu­nity group to ex­tin­guish their, we ‚peak war-god’ trade union col­lected 500 peo­ple, can­not make the clear pupil de­velop black ink and maple­wood to be drunk again these peo­ple to look down upon, this fight must show our im­pos­ing man­ners and styles comes!”
I open out the leaf in jun­gle, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that the gang is gath­er­ing here, the per­son of speech is one is rais­ing the mid­dle-aged In­dian of tom­a­hawk, the ap­pear­ance of hav­ing an ugly and fierce look, looks like very omi­nous, but is as­sem­bling two vice- guild­mas­ter in his week with 4 el­ders, more peo­ple in the dis­tant place bends down in the jun­gle waits for the fight op­por­tu­nity, sub­or­di­nates in the trade union of Lin­hai city, is called the peak war-god, the sys­tem in­quires the ma­te­r­ial, 3 lev­els of trade unions, have not been kept at full strength, only re­ceived 50% peo­ple, ev­i­dently in con­spir­ing to do to fall some to astray the Chi­nese war zone hun­dred per­son groups of this re­gion, good, Op­er­ated with this group of peo­ple!
I sum­moned the an­tiq­uity god tiger cau­tiously, drew out town Yue Dao and but­ter­fly slowly, con­firmed around the player lay­out in map, launched an at­tack rapidly, lifts the hand to throw the but­ter­fly, im­me­di­ately this han­dle five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment changed into to­gether the spi­ral cy­clone di­rect im­pact on guild­mas­ter of op­po­site party trade union, the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin con­sec­u­tively for three stag­gered cuts, this trade union guild­mas­ter had not even seen where I had been killed by the sec­ond, in­jured 7 W + each time, al­to­gether sur­passed the HP in­j
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya tanpa ragu-ragu: "Tidak perlu, venturer ini diselesaikan oleh venturer kami yang baik, tugas pengawal istana adalah untuk menunggu angkatan bersenjata singa panas dan angkatan laut biru gelap di kota Linhai muncul, lalu tekan keras, untuk melanjutkan mempertahankan pramuka yang jarak untuk memperpanjang. "
" Ya, Sir. "
dini hari dalam permainan, kabut tebal menimbulkan di hutan rendah polos depan, telah melampirkan kasa halus untuk pinggang pohon hutan mungkin, embun ringan jatuh di patch rumput tebal , keheningan bahwa burung senang menangis, tidak bisa mengatakan, tapi setelah ini tenang, itu bersembunyi mengatakan bahwa tak berujung pembunuhan maksud, ini adalah kesempatan di zona perang India, pupil jelas dikembangkan tinta mungkin untuk melepaskan.
dalam serikat , Lin Wan Er ditandai pada peta besar yang [Zhan panjang] sama sekali 6 sepuluh ribu orang dari tim Koordinasi, kami menyebar tidak kuat, api Ze polos, meminta bahwa hari icefield dan hutan langit berbintang tiga peta memiliki hampir orang-orang kami, tapi Tian Ling Empire serikat pekerja lain perdagangan juga tersebar muncul di setiap peta besar, beberapa peta yang terlalu besar, tapi pemain server bilateral belum berubah dalam kekuatan penuh, membuat laga ini benar-benar muncul mungkin adalah salah satu perburuan.
Pesanan pengawal istana dan Angkatan bersenjata den naga untuk berdiri dan menunggu perintah, saya menghasut dewa sengit kuda yang baik untuk meninggalkan Wu Shenhe, baik sementara suasana pagi ini, keuntungan integral bahwa Raja diburu mengatakan lagi.
api Ze polos melampaui 70% daerah dataran panjang dan lebarnya, sesuai dengan tentara kavaleri untuk melawan, tetapi% daerah lainnya telinga 30 yang semak, hutan, sungai dan danau dan peta lainnya, saya memiliki patch tebal teknik rumput, seleksi alam semak dan hutan peta sebagai baris berbaris, di dataran yang jauh tempat disajikan geng pemain Cina, beberapa pemain India, kedua belah pihak di muka dan reaksi eksplorasi, belum meletus pertarungan sejati.
kuku kuda itu adalah menginjak daun jatuh di hutan, memimpin jalan perlahan, saya juga pasif memasuki kondisi siluman patch tebal teknik rumput, berjalan tidak jauh, pertama memfasilitasi mendengar suara berbicara: "di sisi bukit kecil telah sekitar 100 + pemain Cina, Tingkat di 165 -170 tingkat, tidak tinggi, kita memiliki kelompok kesempatan untuk memadamkan mereka, kita, serikat buruh puncak perang-tuhan 'yang dikumpulkan dari 500 orang, tidak bisa membuat murid jelas mengembangkan tinta hitam dan maplewood diminum lagi orang-orang ini untuk memandang rendah , laga ini harus menunjukkan sopan santun kami memaksakan dan gaya datang! "
aku membuka keluar daun di hutan, benar-benar menemukan bahwa geng yang berkumpul di sini, orang berbicara adalah salah satu adalah menaikkan India setengah baya dari tomahawk, penampilan memiliki tampilan jelek dan sengit, tampak seperti sangat menyenangkan, tetapi perakitan dua Guildmaster wakil dalam seminggu dengan 4 tua-tua, lebih banyak orang di tempat yang jauh membungkuk di menunggu hutan untuk kesempatan bertarung, bawahan dalam serikat buruh dari kota Linhai , disebut puncak perang-dewa, sistem bertanya bahan, 3 tingkat serikat buruh, belum disimpan pada kekuatan penuh, hanya menerima 50% orang, jelas di bersekongkol untuk melakukan jatuh beberapa untuk tersesat zona perang Cina ratus kelompok orang dari daerah ini, baik, Dioperasikan dengan sekelompok orang!
aku memanggil kuno dewa harimau hati-hati, menarik keluar kota Yue Dao dan kupu-kupu perlahan, dikonfirmasi di sekitar tata letak pemain di peta, melancarkan serangan cepat, mengangkat tangan untuk membuang kupu-kupu, segera ini menangani bintang lima instrumen magis berubah menjadi bersama-sama spiral siklon dampak langsung pada Guildmaster dari berlawanan serikat pekerja partai, pisau tajam spasial berputar berturut-turut selama tiga luka terhuyung, Guildmaster serikat pekerja ini bahkan tidak melihat di mana saya memiliki dibunuh oleh kedua, terluka 7 W + setiap kali, sama sekali melampaui inj HP
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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