The Ernst Institute did not make public high level magical incantation terjemahan - The Ernst Institute did not make public high level magical incantation Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Ernst Institute did not make pu

The Ernst Institute did not make public high level magical incantations of the seventh rank or higher.

If you wanted to learn these higher rank spells, you would have to decide to join a faction.

“Thank you, Lord Guillermo, Lord Lampson.” Linley said thankfully.

Linley couldn’t help but think back to the power of the higher ranked wind spells as described in the books he had read. The higher ranked the spell, the more terrifying its offensive potential, especially in the wind-style. Its offensive spells, in fact, could be considered the number one amongst all styles.

For example, the forbidden-level ‘Dimensional Edge’ spell, or the ninth-ranked spell “Void Extermination” spell.

“Linley, how about this. When we return to Fenlai City, I will send someone to inform Clayde of your decision. Clayde will, in short order, confer a writ of nobility upon you, and grant you a manor as well.” Guillermo laughed.

Linley nodded.

“Linley.” The nearby Lampson patted Linley on the shoulders. “You don’t need to worry about any official matters for now. The only thing you need to do is train hard. I very much want to see our Radiant Church have yet another Saint-level combatant in our midst within fifty years.”

“Fifty years?”

Linley was confident that within fifty years, he could become a Saint-level Dragonblood Warrior. But as for becoming a Saint-level Grand Magus in fifty years, the difficulty was too great.

“Work hard.” Guillermo also patted Linley on his shoulders in a friendly way.

As the resplendent carriages made their way through the village roads, the nearby trees and lakes soon receded into the distance. In front and behind the carriages, there were rows of knights. Under this resplendent escort, they reached Fenlai City by lunchtime.

Fenlai City. Within the Debs clan’s manor.

“Alice, can you forgive me?” Kalan was holding Alice’s hands, staring into her eyes.

A look of helplessness was on Alice’s face. She gently nodded.

What else could she do?

“Rowling [Luo’lin] is about to arrive.” Alice said softly. “I’m about to go back.”

Despite everything, as of right now, Alice and Kalan still were not formally man and wife. Even if they got engaged, they still would not yet be husband and wife. Only after the formal ceremony would they become husband and wife. Before the wedding, Alice still had to observe the proprieties. Every day, she would go back to her own home.

“Rowling?” Kalan couldn’t help but frown upon hearing this name.

Rowling was Kalan’s principal wife.

Because of the fame of the sculpture, ‘Awakening From the Dream’, that female figure who was the inspiration for the sculpture had also been deeply imprinted into everyone’s mind. Once Kalan formally announced his engagement, many people would be able to recognize Alice as that inspiration. In a very short period of time, the Debs family had already selected a principal wife for Kalan.


A happy voice rang out. A golden haired girl, her hair in pleats, ran over to them happily. This girl looked extremely pure and innocent, yet still possessed the aura of nobility. Especially those large, liquid eyes; they made her seem all the more adorable.

“Rowling. You came.” Kalan forced a smile on his face.

Kalan had to admit that Rowling was a very adorable girl. Perhaps nobody would refuse to be together with Rowling. Only, in Kalan’s heart, the one he truly loved really was Alice.

“Where’s Uncle Bernard?” Rowling swept the area with her big eyes.

“Father went out to handle some affairs. I expect he’ll be back soon.” Kalan replied.

Kalan knew exactly where his father had gone and what he was doing. Thanks to the pressure of the Dawson Conglomerate, the businesses of the Debs clan in the city of Fenlai had reached the point of collapse. Every day, they were losing money. If they continued suffering such losses, they might be able to hold out for another year or half year, but as time went on, even their deep pockets would eventually run dry.

What’s more, the clan couldn’t just sit there and do nothing. After all, many of the other clans in Fenlai City were eying them covetously and circling around them.

Thus…his father, Bernard, had made a very dangerous decision. To engage in the illicit mining and smuggling of water jade.

Water jade was a type of extremely valuable gemstone. Generally, it was inlaid on top of magistaffs, and was very beneficial to water-style magi. In the Kingdom of Fenlai, there was a fairly large amount of water jade deposits, and the Kingdom of Fenlai had generated an astonishing amount of wealth through water jade mining.

Because water jade was so precious, naturally there were many people who tried to engage in water jade smuggling.

But his Majesty, King Clayde, bitterly detested the smuggling of water jade. Every single merchant whom had been discovered to be smuggling water jade, King Clayde had ordered to be put to death. But because the profit margin for the smuggling of water jade was simply too enormous, perhaps 500% to 600%, there were still always merchants who were willing to brave this risk.

In the past, there was no need for the Debs clan to take such a dangerous route. But now, things were different.

Since all normal business paths had been sealed off by the Dawson Conglomerate, the only choice for the Debs clan was to smuggle!

“There shouldn’t be any problems.” Kalan said to himself. “The business partner which father has selected is the Minister of Finance for the Kingdom of Fenlai, the younger brother of his Majesty, Duke Patterson. With him as our partner, the chance of there being any problems should be fairly low.”

Patterson was the Minister of Finance for the entire Kingdom of Fenlai.

Clayde naturally had selected the person he himself trusted the most to assume the weighty responsibility of being in charge of managing the finances of the entire kingdom.

“Uncle Bernard is back.” Rowling’s bright voice sounded out.

Kalan raised his head.

Bernard, his face covered with smiles, walked through the door. Seeing Rowling, he laughed. “Rowling, you are here? Have you had dinner yet?”

“Not yet,” Rowling replied.

Bernard nodded. “Tonight, stay here and have dinner with your big brother Kalan. Oh, right, there’s something I need to discuss with your big brother Kalan. Why don’t you and Alice have a nice chat? Later, I’ll have your big brother Kalan spend some time with you.” As he spoke, Bernard flicked a glance at Kalan.

Kalan obediently followed by Bernard’s side as the two entered a private room.

Closing the stone door, they lit the lamps.

“Father, what is it?” Kalan asked hurriedly.

A hint of satisfaction was on Bernard’s face. “I’ve already completed my discussions with Duke Patterson. He’s already agreed. But we will have to split the profits on this endeavor, fifty-fifty.”

“Fifty-fifty?” Kalan stared. “Father, this Duke Patterson is too greedy. Our clan is carrying out the actual smuggling work and spending all of the upfront costs. We are even paying for the horses out of pocket. All he’s doing is arranging some safe smuggling routes for us.”

It wasn’t that Kalan didn’t understand the importance of these smuggling routes.

But for this project, the Debs clan truly had invested a massive amount of money, while Duke Patterson didn’t have to spend a single coin. All he had to do was to use some of his official powers, and he would earn a huge amount of money.

“Fifty-fifty is within our range of acceptability.” Bernard laughed calmly. “Duke Patterson isn’t just providing us with safe smuggling routes. More importantly, he’s betraying his country and betraying his elder brother. If King Clayde found out, even though Duke Patterson is his own younger brother, he most likely wouldn’t be merciful to him.”

Kalan nodded slightly.

Their partner was a Duke and the Minister of Finance. With him taking on such enormous risks for the sake of arranging a safe smuggling route for their clan, it was fair that he claimed half of the profits.

Bernard and Kalan exited the secret room and returned to the living room. Alice and Rowling were currently engaged in conversation.

“Oh, right. Kalan. I just heard from Patterson that in three more days, his Majesty will personally confer a rank of nobility upon Linley in the royal palace.” Bernard instructed, “Prepare a gift for me. In a few days, I will give it to Linley.”

Kalan nodded.

Alice, who was chatting with Rowling not too far away, couldn’t help but turn her head and glance at them.

“Big brother Linley is being conferred a rank of nobility?” Alice murmured to herself.

Within the royal palace of Fenlai City.

Dozens of important ministers were lined up in orderly fashion in the court, while King Clayde was sitting up high, overlooking at everyone below.

“Everyone. Today, I have something important to announce.” The smile on Clayde’s face was radiant, and he spoke in a bright voice. The major ministers who had received the news in advance all knew what King Clayde was going to say. Clayde glanced at an attendant by his side. Instantly, the attendant shouted in a loud voice, “Linley Baruch, enter the palace!”

His voice echoed in the palace. Shortly afterwards, Linley, dressed in black and gold magus robes, entered the palace. All of the nobles and ministers in the palace turned to look at him.

“I pay my respects to his Majesty.” Linley bowed as he spoke.

Clayde looked at Linley, and a smile appeared on his face like a flower blooming. “Linley, for you to be willing to labor on behalf of our kingdom is something I am extremely gratified about. I now confer upon you the title of Prime Court Magus, and also bequeath upon you the rank of Marquis.”

“Does anyone have an objection?” Clayde swept the court with his gaze.

All the nobles and ministers stared enviously at Linley, but none of them voiced any objections.

“Your Servant thanks
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Ernst Institute did not make public high level magical incantations of the seventh rank or higher.If you wanted to learn these higher rank spells, you would have to decide to join a faction.“Thank you, Lord Guillermo, Lord Lampson.” Linley said thankfully.Linley couldn’t help but think back to the power of the higher ranked wind spells as described in the books he had read. The higher ranked the spell, the more terrifying its offensive potential, especially in the wind-style. Its offensive spells, in fact, could be considered the number one amongst all styles.For example, the forbidden-level ‘Dimensional Edge’ spell, or the ninth-ranked spell “Void Extermination” spell.“Linley, how about this. When we return to Fenlai City, I will send someone to inform Clayde of your decision. Clayde will, in short order, confer a writ of nobility upon you, and grant you a manor as well.” Guillermo laughed.Linley nodded.“Linley.” The nearby Lampson patted Linley on the shoulders. “You don’t need to worry about any official matters for now. The only thing you need to do is train hard. I very much want to see our Radiant Church have yet another Saint-level combatant in our midst within fifty years.”“Fifty years?”Linley was confident that within fifty years, he could become a Saint-level Dragonblood Warrior. But as for becoming a Saint-level Grand Magus in fifty years, the difficulty was too great."Kerja keras." Guillermo juga menepuk Linley di atas bahunya dengan cara yang ramah.Sebagai kereta gemerlapan membuat jalan mereka melalui jalan desa, pohon-pohon yang terdekat dan Danau segera surut ke kejauhan. Di depan dan di belakang kereta, ada baris ksatria. Di bawah ini megah escort, mereka mencapai kota Fenlai makan siang.Kota Fenlai. Dalam manor klan Debs."Alice, dapat Anda memaafkan aku?" Kalan memegang tangan Alice, menatap ke matanya.Lihat tidak berdaya adalah Alice's wajah. Dia lembut mengangguk.Apa lagi yang bisa ia lakukan?"Rowling [Luo'lin] adalah tentang untuk tiba." Alice mengatakan lembut. "Aku akan kembali."Meskipun semuanya, sampai sekarang, Alice dan Kalan masih yang tidak resmi pria dan istri. Bahkan jika mereka bertunangan, mereka masih tidak belum akan suami dan istri. Hanya setelah upacara formal mereka akan menjadi suami dan istri. Sebelum pernikahan, Alice masih harus mengamati sopan santun. Setiap hari, dia akan pergi kembali ke rumahnya sendiri."Rowling?" Kalan tidak bisa membantu tetapi mengerutkan kening atas mendengar nama ini.Rowling adalah istrinya yang paling utama Kalan's.Karena ketenaran dari patung, 'Kebangkitan dari the Dream', bahwa sosok perempuan yang menjadi inspirasi untuk patung telah juga telah sangat tercetak ke dalam pikiran setiap orang. Setelah Kalan secara resmi mengumumkan pertunangannya, banyak orang akan mampu mengenali Alice sebagai inspirasi. Dalam waktu yang sangat singkat waktu, keluarga Debs telah memilih seorang istri kepala untuk Kalan."Kalan."Suara bahagia berdering. Cewek berambut emas, rambutnya di lipatan, berlari ke mereka bahagia. Gadis ini tampak sangat murni dan polos, namun masih memiliki aura bangsawan. Terutama orang-orang besar, cair mata; mereka membuatnya tampak lebih manis."Rowling. Anda datang." Kalan memaksa senyum di wajahnya.Kalan harus mengakui bahwa Rowling adalah seorang gadis sangat menggemaskan. Mungkin tak seorang pun akan menolak untuk bersama-sama dengan Rowling. Hanya, Kalan di jantung, yang ia benar-benar mencintai benar-benar adalah Alice."Mana adalah paman Bernard?" Rowling menyapu daerah dengan matanya yang besar."Ayah pergi untuk menangani urusan beberapa. Saya berharap dia akan kembali segera." Kalan menjawab.Kalan tahu persis mana ayahnya telah pergi dan apa yang dia lakukan. Berkat tekanan dari konglomerat Dawson, bisnis klan Debs di kota Fenlai telah mencapai titik kehancuran. Setiap hari, mereka kehilangan uang. Jika mereka terus menderita kerugian tersebut, mereka mungkin bisa bertahan selama satu tahun atau setengah tahun, tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu, bahkan dalam saku mereka akan akhirnya menjalankan kering.What's lebih, klan tidak bisa hanya duduk di sana dan melakukan apa-apa. Setelah semua, banyak dari klan yang lain di Fenlai kota eying mereka covetously dan berputar-putar di sekitar mereka.Dengan demikian... ayahnya, Bernard, telah membuat keputusan yang sangat berbahaya. Untuk terlibat dalam pertambangan ilegal dan penyelundupan dari jade air.Water jade was a type of extremely valuable gemstone. Generally, it was inlaid on top of magistaffs, and was very beneficial to water-style magi. In the Kingdom of Fenlai, there was a fairly large amount of water jade deposits, and the Kingdom of Fenlai had generated an astonishing amount of wealth through water jade mining.Because water jade was so precious, naturally there were many people who tried to engage in water jade smuggling.But his Majesty, King Clayde, bitterly detested the smuggling of water jade. Every single merchant whom had been discovered to be smuggling water jade, King Clayde had ordered to be put to death. But because the profit margin for the smuggling of water jade was simply too enormous, perhaps 500% to 600%, there were still always merchants who were willing to brave this risk.In the past, there was no need for the Debs clan to take such a dangerous route. But now, things were different.Since all normal business paths had been sealed off by the Dawson Conglomerate, the only choice for the Debs clan was to smuggle!“There shouldn’t be any problems.” Kalan said to himself. “The business partner which father has selected is the Minister of Finance for the Kingdom of Fenlai, the younger brother of his Majesty, Duke Patterson. With him as our partner, the chance of there being any problems should be fairly low.”Patterson was the Minister of Finance for the entire Kingdom of Fenlai.Clayde naturally had selected the person he himself trusted the most to assume the weighty responsibility of being in charge of managing the finances of the entire kingdom.“Uncle Bernard is back.” Rowling’s bright voice sounded out.Kalan raised his head.Bernard, his face covered with smiles, walked through the door. Seeing Rowling, he laughed. “Rowling, you are here? Have you had dinner yet?”“Not yet,” Rowling replied.Bernard nodded. “Tonight, stay here and have dinner with your big brother Kalan. Oh, right, there’s something I need to discuss with your big brother Kalan. Why don’t you and Alice have a nice chat? Later, I’ll have your big brother Kalan spend some time with you.” As he spoke, Bernard flicked a glance at Kalan.Kalan obediently followed by Bernard’s side as the two entered a private room.Closing the stone door, they lit the lamps.“Father, what is it?” Kalan asked hurriedly.A hint of satisfaction was on Bernard’s face. “I’ve already completed my discussions with Duke Patterson. He’s already agreed. But we will have to split the profits on this endeavor, fifty-fifty.”“Fifty-fifty?” Kalan stared. “Father, this Duke Patterson is too greedy. Our clan is carrying out the actual smuggling work and spending all of the upfront costs. We are even paying for the horses out of pocket. All he’s doing is arranging some safe smuggling routes for us.”
It wasn’t that Kalan didn’t understand the importance of these smuggling routes.

But for this project, the Debs clan truly had invested a massive amount of money, while Duke Patterson didn’t have to spend a single coin. All he had to do was to use some of his official powers, and he would earn a huge amount of money.

“Fifty-fifty is within our range of acceptability.” Bernard laughed calmly. “Duke Patterson isn’t just providing us with safe smuggling routes. More importantly, he’s betraying his country and betraying his elder brother. If King Clayde found out, even though Duke Patterson is his own younger brother, he most likely wouldn’t be merciful to him.”

Kalan nodded slightly.

Their partner was a Duke and the Minister of Finance. With him taking on such enormous risks for the sake of arranging a safe smuggling route for their clan, it was fair that he claimed half of the profits.

Bernard and Kalan exited the secret room and returned to the living room. Alice and Rowling were currently engaged in conversation.

“Oh, right. Kalan. I just heard from Patterson that in three more days, his Majesty will personally confer a rank of nobility upon Linley in the royal palace.” Bernard instructed, “Prepare a gift for me. In a few days, I will give it to Linley.”

Kalan nodded.

Alice, who was chatting with Rowling not too far away, couldn’t help but turn her head and glance at them.

“Big brother Linley is being conferred a rank of nobility?” Alice murmured to herself.

Within the royal palace of Fenlai City.

Dozens of important ministers were lined up in orderly fashion in the court, while King Clayde was sitting up high, overlooking at everyone below.

“Everyone. Today, I have something important to announce.” The smile on Clayde’s face was radiant, and he spoke in a bright voice. The major ministers who had received the news in advance all knew what King Clayde was going to say. Clayde glanced at an attendant by his side. Instantly, the attendant shouted in a loud voice, “Linley Baruch, enter the palace!”

His voice echoed in the palace. Shortly afterwards, Linley, dressed in black and gold magus robes, entered the palace. All of the nobles and ministers in the palace turned to look at him.

“I pay my respects to his Majesty.” Linley bowed as he spoke.

Clayde looked at Linley, and a smile appeared on his face like a flower blooming. “Linley, for you to be willing to labor on behalf of our kingdom is something I am extremely gratified about. I now confer upon you the title of Prime Court Magus, and also bequeath upon you the rank of Marquis.”

“Does anyone have an objection?” Clayde swept the court with his gaze.

All the nobles and ministers stared enviously at Linley, but none of them voiced any objections.

“Your Servant thanks
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ernst Institute tidak membuat tingkat tinggi mantra magis publik dari peringkat ketujuh atau lebih tinggi. Jika Anda ingin belajar ini lebih tinggi mantra peringkat, Anda harus memutuskan untuk bergabung faksi. "Terima kasih, Tuhan Guillermo, Tuhan Lampson." Linley kata untungnya. Linley tidak bisa membantu tetapi berpikir kembali ke kekuatan mantra angin peringkat yang lebih tinggi seperti yang dijelaskan dalam buku-buku yang telah dibacanya. Semakin tinggi peringkat mantra, yang lebih menakutkan potensi ofensif, terutama di angin-gaya. Mantra ofensif, pada kenyataannya, bisa dianggap nomor satu di antara semua gaya. Misalnya, dilarang-tingkat 'Edge Dimensi' mantra, atau mantra kesembilan peringkat "Void Pembasmian" mantra. "Linley, bagaimana dengan ini. Ketika kita kembali ke Fenlai City, saya akan mengirim seseorang untuk menginformasikan Clayde dari keputusan Anda. Clayde akan, dalam waktu singkat, memberi surat perintah bangsawan pada Anda, dan memberikan Anda manor juga. "Guillermo tertawa. Linley mengangguk." Linley. "Dekat Lampson menepuk Linley di pundak. "Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang hal-hal resmi untuk saat ini. Satu-satunya hal yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah berlatih keras. Saya sangat ingin melihat Gereja Radiant kami belum lagi kombatan Saint-tingkat di tengah-tengah kita dalam lima puluh tahun. "" Lima puluh tahun? "Linley yakin bahwa dalam lima puluh tahun, ia bisa menjadi Saint-tingkat Dragonblood prajurit. Tapi untuk menjadi Saint-tingkat Grand Magus di lima puluh tahun, kesulitan itu terlalu besar. "Bekerja keras." Guillermo juga menepuk Linley di pundaknya dengan cara yang ramah. Sebagai gerbong gemilang membuat jalan mereka melalui jalan desa, pohon dan danau di dekatnya segera surut ke kejauhan. Di depan dan di belakang gerbong, ada deretan ksatria. Di bawah pengawalan gemilang ini, mereka mencapai Fenlai Kota oleh makan siang. Fenlai City. Dalam manor Debs klan. "Alice, bisa Anda memaafkan saya?" Kalan memegang tangan Alice, menatap matanya. Ekspresi ketidakberdayaan itu di wajah Alice. Dia lembut mengangguk. Apa lagi yang bisa dia lakukan? "Rowling [Luo'lin] adalah tentang untuk datang." Kata Alice pelan. "Aku akan kembali." Meskipun segala sesuatu, seperti yang sekarang, Alice dan Kalan masih tidak resmi suami-istri. Bahkan jika mereka bertunangan, mereka masih akan belum menjadi suami dan istri. Hanya setelah upacara resmi akan mereka menjadi suami dan istri. Sebelum pernikahan, Alice masih harus mengamati norma. Setiap hari, dia akan kembali ke rumahnya sendiri. "Rowling?" Kalan tidak bisa membantu tetapi cemberut setelah mendengar nama ini. Rowling adalah istri kepala Kalan ini. Karena ketenaran patung, 'Kebangkitan Dari Mimpi', yang sosok wanita yang menjadi inspirasi untuk patung juga telah sangat terpatri dalam pikiran setiap orang. Setelah Kalan resmi mengumumkan pertunangannya, banyak orang akan mampu mengenali Alice sebagai inspirasi itu. Dalam waktu yang sangat singkat, keluarga Debs telah memilih istri utama untuk Kalan. "Kalan." Sebuah suara terdengar bahagia. Seorang gadis berambut emas, rambutnya di pleats, berlari ke mereka bahagia. Gadis ini tampak sangat murni dan polos, namun masih memiliki aura bangsawan. Terutama mereka yang besar, mata cair; mereka membuatnya tampak semakin manis. "Rowling. Anda datang. "Kalan memaksa senyum di wajahnya. Kalan harus mengakui bahwa Rowling adalah seorang gadis yang sangat manis. Mungkin ada yang akan menolak untuk bersama dengan Rowling. Hanya, dalam hati Kalan ini, yang ia benar-benar mencintai benar-benar Alice. "Di mana Paman Bernard?" Rowling menyapu daerah dengan matanya yang besar. "Ayah pergi keluar untuk menangani beberapa urusan. Aku berharap dia akan segera kembali. "Jawab Kalan. Kalan tahu persis di mana ayahnya telah pergi dan apa yang dia lakukan. Berkat tekanan dari Konglomerat Dawson, bisnis klan Debs di kota Fenlai telah mencapai titik keruntuhan. Setiap hari, mereka kehilangan uang. Jika mereka terus menderita kerugian tersebut, mereka mungkin bisa bertahan untuk satu tahun lagi atau setengah tahun, tapi seiring berjalannya waktu, bahkan kantong mereka yang mendalam akhirnya akan kering. Terlebih lagi, klan tidak bisa hanya duduk di sana dan melakukan apa-apa . Setelah semua, banyak dari klan lain di Fenlai Kota yang eying mereka covetously dan berputar-putar di sekitar mereka. Jadi ... ayahnya, Bernard, telah membuat keputusan yang sangat berbahaya. Untuk terlibat dalam pertambangan ilegal dan penyelundupan batu giok air. Giok Air adalah jenis batu permata yang sangat berharga. Umumnya, itu hias di atas magistaffs, dan sangat bermanfaat untuk air-gaya majus. Di Kerajaan Fenlai, ada jumlah yang cukup besar deposito batu giok air, dan Kerajaan Fenlai telah dihasilkan jumlah yang menakjubkan dari kekayaan melalui pertambangan batu giok air. Karena giok air begitu berharga, tentu ada banyak orang yang mencoba untuk terlibat dalam air penyelundupan batu giok. Tapi Mulia, Raja Clayde, pahit membenci penyelundupan batu giok air. Setiap pedagang tunggal yang telah ditemukan untuk penyelundupan batu giok air, Raja Clayde telah memerintahkan untuk dihukum mati. Tetapi karena margin keuntungan untuk penyelundupan batu giok air terlalu besar, mungkin 500% sampai 600%, masih ada selalu pedagang yang bersedia untuk berani risiko ini. Di masa lalu, tidak ada kebutuhan untuk klan Debs untuk mengambil seperti rute yang berbahaya. Tapi sekarang, hal-hal yang berbeda. Karena semua jalur bisnis normal telah ditutup oleh Konglomerat Dawson, satu-satunya pilihan bagi klan Debs adalah menyelundupkan! "Seharusnya tidak ada masalah." Kalan berkata kepada dirinya sendiri. "The mitra bisnis yang ayahnya telah dipilih adalah Menteri Keuangan untuk Kerajaan Fenlai, adik dari Mulia, Duke Patterson. Dengan dia sebagai mitra kami, kemungkinan ada menjadi masalah harus cukup rendah. "Patterson adalah Menteri Keuangan untuk seluruh Kerajaan Fenlai. Clayde alami telah memilih orang yang dia sendiri dipercaya paling memikul tanggung jawab berat menjadi bertugas mengelola keuangan seluruh kerajaan. "Paman Bernard kembali." Suara terang Rowling terdengar keluar. Kalan mengangkat kepalanya. Bernard, wajahnya ditutupi dengan senyum, berjalan melalui pintu. Melihat Rowling, ia tertawa. "Rowling, Anda berada di sini? Apakah Anda makan malam belum? "" Belum, "jawab Rowling. Bernard mengangguk. "Malam ini, tinggal di sini dan makan malam dengan kakak Anda Kalan. Oh, benar, ada sesuatu yang perlu membicarakan dengan kakak Anda Kalan. Mengapa Anda dan Alice tidak memiliki a nice chat? Kemudian, saya akan memiliki kakak Anda Kalan menghabiskan waktu dengan Anda. "Sambil berbicara, Bernard menjentikkan melirik Kalan. Kalan patuh diikuti oleh sisi Bernard sebagai dua memasuki ruang pribadi. Menutup pintu batu, mereka menyalakan lampu. "Bapa, apa itu?" tanya Kalan buru-buru. Sebuah petunjuk kepuasan pada wajah Bernard. "Saya sudah menyelesaikan diskusi saya dengan Duke Patterson. Dia sudah setuju. Tapi kita harus membagi keuntungan pada usaha ini, fifty-fifty. "" Lima puluh lima puluh? "Kalan menatap. "Ayah, ini Duke Patterson terlalu serakah. Klan kami adalah melaksanakan pekerjaan penyelundupan aktual dan menghabiskan semua biaya dimuka. Kami bahkan membayar untuk kuda keluar dari saku. Semua dia lakukan adalah mengatur beberapa rute penyelundupan aman bagi kita. "Itu bukan yang Kalan tidak memahami pentingnya rute-rute penyelundupan. Tapi untuk proyek ini, klan Debs benar-benar telah menginvestasikan sejumlah besar uang, sementara Duke Patterson tidak harus menghabiskan koin tunggal. Semua ia lakukan adalah menggunakan beberapa kekuatan resminya, dan ia akan mendapatkan sejumlah besar uang. "Fifty-fifty berada dalam jangkauan kami penerimaan." Bernard tertawa dengan tenang. "Duke Patterson tidak hanya menyediakan kami dengan aman rute penyelundupan. Lebih penting lagi, dia mengkhianati negaranya dan mengkhianati kakaknya. Jika Raja Clayde menemukan, meskipun Duke Patterson adalah saudaranya sendiri yang lebih muda, dia kemungkinan besar tidak akan berbelas kasihan kepadanya. "Kalan mengangguk sedikit. Pasangan mereka adalah Duke dan Menteri Keuangan. Dengan dia mengambil risiko yang sangat besar tersebut demi mengatur rute penyelundupan aman untuk klan mereka, itu adil bahwa ia mengklaim setengah dari keuntungan. Bernard dan Kalan keluar dari ruang rahasia dan kembali ke ruang tamu. Alice dan Rowling yang saat ini terlibat dalam percakapan. "Oh, benar. Kalan. Aku hanya mendengar dari Patterson bahwa dalam tiga hari lagi, Yang Mulia pribadi akan memberi peringkat bangsawan pada Linley di istana kerajaan. "Bernard diperintahkan," Siapkan hadiah bagi saya. Dalam beberapa hari, saya akan memberikannya kepada Linley. "Kalan mengangguk. Alice, yang sedang mengobrol dengan Rowling tidak terlalu jauh, tidak bisa membantu tetapi mengubah kepala dan pandangannya pada mereka." Kakak Linley sedang diberikan pangkat bangsawan? "gumam Alice untuk dirinya sendiri. Dalam istana kerajaan dari Fenlai City. Puluhan menteri penting berbaris tertib di pengadilan, sementara Raja Clayde sedang duduk tinggi, menghadap pada orang di bawah." Semua orang. Hari ini, saya memiliki sesuatu yang penting untuk mengumumkan. "Senyum di wajah Clayde itu berseri-seri, dan dia berbicara dengan suara yang cerah. Para menteri utama yang telah menerima berita di muka semua tahu apa Raja Clayde akan mengatakan. Clayde melirik petugas sisinya. Seketika, petugas berteriak dengan suara keras, "Linley Baruch, masuk istana!" Suaranya menggema di istana. Tak lama setelah itu, Linley, mengenakan jubah hitam dan tukang sihir emas, memasuki istana. Semua bangsawan dan menteri di istana berpaling untuk melihat dia. "Saya memberikan penghormatan saya kepada Yang Mulia." Linley membungkuk saat ia berbicara. Clayde melihat Linley, dan senyum muncul di wajahnya seperti mekar bunga. "Linley, bagi Anda untuk bersedia kerja atas nama kerajaan kita adalah sesuatu yang saya sangat bersyukur tentang. Saya sekarang menganugerahkan kepada Anda judul Perdana Pengadilan Magus, dan juga mewariskan pada Anda pangkat Marquis. "" Apakah ada yang punya keberatan? "Clayde menyapu pengadilan dengan tatapannya. Semua para bangsawan dan menteri menatap iri pada Linley, tapi tidak satupun dari mereka menyuarakan keberatan. "Anda Hamba berkat

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