Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
1. IntroductionMarket orientation and subsequent firm innovation arewidely recognized to be essential for the survival and growthof organizations (Bello, Lohtia, & Sangtani, 2004; Damanpour& Gopalakrishnan, 2001; Hurley & Hult, 1998). Porter (1990)suggested that by the late twentieth century, most industrialeconomies had moved to an ‘‘innovation-driven’’ stage, duringwhich firms competed on how to rapidly and profitablyinnovate. In this context, it is especially important to gain abetter understanding of factors influencing the successfuldevelopment of firm innovations.Different definitions of innovation have been proposed (e.g.,Knight, 1967; Zaltman, Duncan, & Holbek, 1973). Weaccepted for our work the definition of innovation stated bythe Product Development and Management Association(PDMA, 2004): ‘‘A new idea, method, or device. The act ofcreating a new product or process. The act includes invention as well as the work required to bring an idea or concept intofinal form’’.Although firm innovation is widely prescribed as a means toimprove organizational performance, many firms do not orcannot properly develop it. Researchers have urged attention towhat makes it possible for firms to develop innovation, lookingfor answers ‘‘beyond semiautomatic stimulus-response processes’’(Zollo & Winter, 2002, p. 341). Many authors havefocused their attention on analyzing whether specific managerialcharacteristics influence the generation of innovation inorganizations, while others have focused on analysis oforganizational factors. We want to highlight the simultaneousinfluence of both kinds of factors.Leadership style has been emphasized as one of the mostimportant individual influences on firm innovation, becauseleaders can directly decide to introduce new ideas into anorganization, set specific goals, and encourage innovationinitiatives from subordinates (Harbone & Johne, 2003;McDonough, 2000; Sethi, 2000). Specifically, several writershave linked ‘‘transformational leadership’’ to innovation (e.g.Howell & Avolio, 1993).
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