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#1422: Keeps a symbol! e, the high-

#1422: Keeps a symbol!

e, the high-speed entire writing online read
This sixth Paragon words, all around sheet ice is cold immediately, this ice cold is not the frost cold meaning, but is one type is similar to the space by the feeling of division, his right hand lifts wields at will, body that immediately outside these nine sacrificial altars, that two eight source Paragon of Meng Hao general's subordinates, look big change, their original this led the way, unexpectedly uncontrolled retreats.
As if the strength of counter- space, affected on their bodies, caused these two people in this subjective vanguard with retreats of body, such as the stature was pulled.
Has formed the separation sign of soul and body, even around them void, as if must rip open in this moment, thunders, two people of blood spout, when body retreats, gains ground fiercely, in that Xin Yue eye the cold glow dodges, as for Su Yi, is in the look has Anger to fill the air, roars lowly, thinks that the stronger line takes a step.
In front of ninth Paragon, their was so humiliated, these two people are supercilious, if Meng Hao to them so, they can also accept, but other nine source Paragon so, how could they endure.
„Overreaches oneself.” That sixth Paragon coldly snorted, the right hand is just about to lift, may at this moment, probably ice the cold non- several fold compared with his aura the murderous intention, disperses instantaneously from Meng Hao of ninth sacrificial altar.
„This is my subordinate.” The Meng Hao sound is still reverberating, his body direct one step went out, when the footsteps fall, the world thunders, on gang of intrepid strength from the beginning him explodes, changed to vortex, when bang toward all around crazy proliferation, causes the world discoloration, the wind and cloud rolls up and pushes along, he appeared before the body of that sixth Paragon, a fist falls directly.
Regarding this sixth Paragon, Meng Hao root this does not need any magical powers, but with the most direct way, a fist falls, world startled, when all directions thunders, as if in the fist of Meng Hao, is hiding black hole, immediately the entire half stars were in starry sky, the strength of world come in waves, cause the fist of Meng Hao, is similar to brandishes the entire in starry sky.
The sixth Paragon two eyes contraction, right hand takes advantage of opportunity to lift, toward a fist that Meng Hao approaches, separates spatially presses.
The bang is dreadful, under a fist, Meng Hao stood in the sixth sacrificial altar, the mark silk has not moved, but that sixth Paragon, the whole person such as was swept away by the strong winds, disorderly, whole body clothing crazy waving, even the body was shivering, faces as well as all dew outside skin, obvious hollow getting down.
Under a bang, this sixth Paragon blood blowout, body uncontrolled suddenly retreats, after continually withdrew from more than ten zhang (3.33 m), bears probably the blood that forcefully continues to spout, when gains ground, his look is fierce, leaves a low roar, the both arms outstretch, immediately whole body, the strength of this source explodes dreadfully, has the meaning of space to fill the air, as if has formed the invisible blade, divides all in his all around.
„When Old Nine, you court death” this sixth Paragon bellows, all around other Paragon, item, by Meng Hao this fist is shaken the mind, but has not actually gone to prevent, when only that Headmaster old man, frowned at this moment, looks to sixth Paragon, reveals disgruntledly.
Almost while that sixth Paragon to open mouth, the Meng Hao right hand wields at will, immediately depends on vigorously air burst, has formed the storm, inside and outside this sacrificial altar strength of Teleportation extinguishes a channel directly broken, has covered his general's subordinates that two eight source Paragon.
These two people of mind intense reacted, Su Yi is at this moment better, this is his second time sees Meng Hao act, the first time is to suppress that Black Dragon, but Xin Yue there, is the first time.
She is looking at Meng Hao, in the mind flood the rough seas, the breath shortness, that fist looks in her the bang extinguishes a side world sufficiently.
Especially this channel, is optional directly was launched by Meng Hao, two people of breathes deeply, have not hesitated, directly soars in the sacrificial altar following the channel, when appears, already in the Meng Hao side.
„Pays a visit Paragon, is the evening,” Two people do obeisance immediately.
„The evening of coming is not late, is my matter” Meng Hao light to open mouth, goes out forward once more one step, moves toward that sixth Paragon.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1422: membuat simbol! e, membaca online menulis seluruh berkecepatan tinggiIni keenam Paragon kata-kata, seluruh lembar es dingin segera, ini es dingin tidak dingin frost berarti, tetapi adalah salah satu tipe ini mirip dengan ruang dengan perasaan divisi, Lift kanan Nya wields di akan, tubuh yang segera di luar mezbah-mezbah korban sembilan ini, bahwa dua delapan sumber Paragon dari Meng Hao umum bawahan, melihat perubahan besar , yang asli ini memimpin jalan, tiba-tiba tidak terkendali retret.Seolah-olah kekuatan ruang counter, terpengaruh pada tubuh mereka, menyebabkan dua orang di pelopor ini subjektif dengan retret tubuh, seperti bertubuh ditarik.Telah membentuk tanda pemisahan jiwa dan tubuh, bahkan di sekitar mereka kosong, seolah-olah harus merobek terbuka di saat ini, guruh, dua orang dari cerat darah, ketika tubuh retret, keuntungan tanah sengit, di mata Xin Yue cahaya dingin dodges, seperti Su Yi, adalah di tampilan memiliki kemarahan untuk mengisi udara, mengaum sangat rendah, berpikir bahwa garis kuat mengambil langkah.Di depan kesembilan Paragon, mereka sangat dipermalukan, dua orang congkak, jika Meng Hao kepada mereka jadi, mereka juga dapat menerima, tapi sembilan sumber Paragon Jadi, bagaimana mereka bisa bertahan."Overreaches diri sendiri." Keenam yang Paragon dingin mendengus, tangan kanan hanya tentang untuk angkat, Mei pada saat ini, mungkin es dingin non - beberapa kali lipat dibandingkan dengan aura nya niat pembunuh, menyebar secara instan dari Meng Hao mezbah korban kesembilan."Ini adalah bawahan saya." Suara Meng Hao masih bergema, tubuhnya langsung pergi satu langkah keluar, ketika jejak jatuh, guruh dunia, pada geng pemberani kekuatan dari awal dia meledak, berubah menjadi pusaran, Kapan bang terhadap semua di sekitar proliferasi gila, menyebabkan perubahan warna dunia, angin dan awan gulungan dan mendorong bersama, dia muncul di hadapan tubuh yang keenam Paragon , kepalan tangan jatuh langsung.Tentang Paragon keenam ini, Meng Hao akar ini tidak memerlukan kekuatan magis apapun, tetapi dengan cara yang paling langsung, tinju falls, dunia terkejut, ketika semua arah guruh, seolah-olah di tinju Meng Hao, bersembunyi lubang hitam, segera setengah bintang seluruh berada di langit berbintang, kekuatan dunia datang dalam gelombang, menyebabkan tinju Meng Hao , mirip mengacung-acungkan seluruh langit berbintang.Keenam Paragon dua mata kontraksi, tangan kanannya mengambil keuntungan dari kesempatan untuk mengangkat, menuju kepalan tangan yang Meng Hao pendekatan, memisahkan spasial menekan.GemuruhBang mengerikan, di bawah kepalan tangan, Meng Hao berdiri dalam mezbah korban keenam, sutra mark telah tidak bergerak, tetapi bahwa keenam Paragon, seluruh orang seperti adalah tersapu oleh angin yang kuat, kacau, seluruh tubuh gila pakaian melambai, bahkan tubuh gemetar, wajah serta semua embun di luar kulit, jelas berongga semakin turun.Under a bang, this sixth Paragon blood blowout, body uncontrolled suddenly retreats, after continually withdrew from more than ten zhang (3.33 m), bears probably the blood that forcefully continues to spout, when gains ground, his look is fierce, leaves a low roar, the both arms outstretch, immediately whole body, the strength of this source explodes dreadfully, has the meaning of space to fill the air, as if has formed the invisible blade, divides all in his all around.„When Old Nine, you court death” this sixth Paragon bellows, all around other Paragon, item, by Meng Hao this fist is shaken the mind, but has not actually gone to prevent, when only that Headmaster old man, frowned at this moment, looks to sixth Paragon, reveals disgruntledly.Almost while that sixth Paragon to open mouth, the Meng Hao right hand wields at will, immediately depends on vigorously air burst, has formed the storm, inside and outside this sacrificial altar strength of Teleportation extinguishes a channel directly broken, has covered his general's subordinates that two eight source Paragon.These two people of mind intense reacted, Su Yi is at this moment better, this is his second time sees Meng Hao act, the first time is to suppress that Black Dragon, but Xin Yue there, is the first time.She is looking at Meng Hao, in the mind flood the rough seas, the breath shortness, that fist looks in her the bang extinguishes a side world sufficiently.Especially this channel, is optional directly was launched by Meng Hao, two people of breathes deeply, have not hesitated, directly soars in the sacrificial altar following the channel, when appears, already in the Meng Hao side.„Pays a visit Paragon, is the evening,” Two people do obeisance immediately.„The evening of coming is not late, is my matter” Meng Hao light to open mouth, goes out forward once more one step, moves toward that sixth Paragon.
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