UnobservableFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAn unobservable (also terjemahan - UnobservableFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAn unobservable (also Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

UnobservableFrom Wikipedia, the fre

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An unobservable (also called impalpable) is an entity whose existence, nature, properties, qualities or relations are not directly observable by humans. In philosophy of science typical examples of "unobservables" are atomic particles, the force of gravity, causation and beliefs or desires.[citation needed] However, some philosophers (ex. George Berkeley) also characterize all objects — trees, tables, other minds, microbiological things and so on to which humans ascribe as the thing causing their perception — as unobservable.

"Unobservables" is a reference similar to Immanuel Kant's distinction between noumena (things-in-themselves, i.e., raw things in their necessarily unknowable state,[1] before they pass through the formalizing apparatus of the senses and the mind in order to become perceived objects) and phenomena (the perceived object). According to Kant, humans can never know noumena; all that humans know is the phenomena. Kant's distinction is similar to John Locke's distinction between primary and secondary qualities. Secondary qualities are what humans perceive such as redness, chirping, heat, mustiness or sweetness. Primary qualities would be the actual qualities of the things themselves which give rise to the secondary qualities which humans perceive.[citation needed]

The ontological nature and epistemological issues concerning unobservables is a central topic in philosophy of science. The notion that a given unobservable exists is referred to as scientific realism, in contrast to instrumentalism, the notion that unobservables such as atoms are useful models but don't necessarily exist.

Metcalf[2] distinguishes three kinds of unobservables. One is the logically unobservable, which involves a contradiction. An example would be a length which is both longer and shorter than a given length. The second is the practically unobservable, that which we can conceive of as observable by the known sense-faculties of man but we are prevented from observing by practical difficulties. The third kind is the physically unobservable, that which can never be observed by any existing sense-faculties of man.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
UnobservableFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAn unobservable (also called impalpable) is an entity whose existence, nature, properties, qualities or relations are not directly observable by humans. In philosophy of science typical examples of "unobservables" are atomic particles, the force of gravity, causation and beliefs or desires.[citation needed] However, some philosophers (ex. George Berkeley) also characterize all objects — trees, tables, other minds, microbiological things and so on to which humans ascribe as the thing causing their perception — as unobservable."Unobservables" is a reference similar to Immanuel Kant's distinction between noumena (things-in-themselves, i.e., raw things in their necessarily unknowable state,[1] before they pass through the formalizing apparatus of the senses and the mind in order to become perceived objects) and phenomena (the perceived object). According to Kant, humans can never know noumena; all that humans know is the phenomena. Kant's distinction is similar to John Locke's distinction between primary and secondary qualities. Secondary qualities are what humans perceive such as redness, chirping, heat, mustiness or sweetness. Primary qualities would be the actual qualities of the things themselves which give rise to the secondary qualities which humans perceive.[citation needed]The ontological nature and epistemological issues concerning unobservables is a central topic in philosophy of science. The notion that a given unobservable exists is referred to as scientific realism, in contrast to instrumentalism, the notion that unobservables such as atoms are useful models but don't necessarily exist.Metcalf[2] distinguishes three kinds of unobservables. One is the logically unobservable, which involves a contradiction. An example would be a length which is both longer and shorter than a given length. The second is the practically unobservable, that which we can conceive of as observable by the known sense-faculties of man but we are prevented from observing by practical difficulties. The third kind is the physically unobservable, that which can never be observed by any existing sense-faculties of man.See also
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas Sebuah teramati (juga disebut teraba) adalah sebuah entitas yang keberadaannya, alam, sifat, kualitas atau hubungan tidak langsung diamati oleh manusia. Dalam filsafat ilmu contoh khas "unobservables" adalah partikel atom, gaya gravitasi, sebab-akibat dan keyakinan atau keinginan [rujukan?] Namun, beberapa filsuf juga mencirikan semua objek. (Ex George Berkeley.) - Pohon, tabel, pikiran lainnya , hal mikrobiologi dan sebagainya yang manusia menganggap sebagai hal yang menyebabkan persepsi mereka -. sebagai unobservable "Unobservables" adalah referensi mirip dengan perbedaan Immanuel Kant antara nomena (hal dalam dirinya, yaitu, hal baku di negara tentu diketahui mereka, [1] sebelum mereka melewati aparat memformalkan indra dan pikiran agar menjadi objek yang dirasakan) dan fenomena (objek yang dirasakan). Menurut Kant, manusia tidak pernah bisa tahu nomena; semua bahwa manusia tahu adalah fenomena. Perbedaan Kant mirip dengan perbedaan John Locke antara kualitas primer dan sekunder. Kualitas sekunder adalah apa yang manusia anggap seperti kemerahan, kicau, panas, kelapukan atau manis. Kualitas utama akan kualitas sebenarnya dari hal itu sendiri yang menimbulkan kualitas sekunder yang manusia anggap. [Rujukan?] Sifat ontologis dan epistemologis masalah mengenai unobservables adalah topik sentral dalam filsafat ilmu. Gagasan bahwa teramati diberikan ada yang disebut sebagai realisme ilmiah, berbeda dengan instrumentalisme, gagasan bahwa unobservables seperti atom adalah model yang berguna tetapi tidak selalu ada. Metcalf [2] membedakan tiga jenis unobservables. Salah satunya adalah logis teramati, yang melibatkan kontradiksi. Sebuah contoh akan menjadi panjang yang baik lagi dan lebih pendek dari panjang yang diberikan. Yang kedua adalah praktis tidak dapat diamati, bahwa yang kita dapat membayangkan seperti diamati oleh dikenal rasa-fakultas manusia tapi kami dicegah dari mengamati dengan kesulitan praktis. Yang ketiga adalah tidak teramati secara fisik, yang yang tidak pernah dapat diamati oleh setiap ada rasa-fakultas manusia. Lihat juga

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