A. Generalized Multilevel TopologyExisting multilevel converters such  terjemahan - A. Generalized Multilevel TopologyExisting multilevel converters such  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A. Generalized Multilevel TopologyE

A. Generalized Multilevel Topology
Existing multilevel converters such as diode-clamped and capacitor-clamped multilevel
converters can be derived from the generalized converter topology called P2topology proposed
by Peng [34] as illustrated in Figure 31.8. The generalized multilevel converter topology can
balance eachvoltage level by it self regard less of load characteristics, active or reactive power
conversion and without any assistance fromother circuits at any number of levels automatically.
Thus, the topology provides a complete multilevel topology that embraces the existing multilevel
converters in principle.
Figure 31.8 shows the P2multilevel converter structure per phase leg.Each switching
device, diode, or capacitor’s voltage is 1Vdc, for instance, 1/ (m-1)ofthe DC-link voltage. Any
converter with any number of levels, including the conventional bi-level converter can be
obtained using this generalized topology [1, 34].
B. Mixed-Level Hybrid Multilevel Converter
To reduce the number of separate DC sources for high-voltage, high-power applications
with multilevel converters, diode-clamped or capacitor-clamped converters couldbe used to
replace the full-bridge cell in a cascaded converter [35]. An example is shown in Figure 31.9.
The nine-level cascade converter incorporates a three-level diode-clamped converter as the cell.
The original cascaded H-bridge multilevel converterrequiresfour separate DC sources for one
phase leg and twelve for a three-phase converter. Ifa five-level converter replaces the full-bridge
cell, the voltage level is effectively doubled for each cell. Thus, toachieve the same nine voltage
levels for each phase,only two separate DC sources are needed for one phase leg and six for a
three-phase converter. The configuration has mixed-level hybrid multilevel units because it
embeds multilevel cells as the building block of the cascade converter. The advantage of the
topology is it needs less separate DC sources.The disadvantage for the topology is its control
will be complicated due to its hybrid structure
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A. generalized bertingkat topologiAda bertingkat konverter seperti menutup dioda dan menutup kapasitor bertingkatpengubah bisa berasal dari topologi umum konverter yang disebut P2topology yang diusulkan oleh Peng [34] seperti yang digambarkan dalam gambar 31.8. Topologi umum bertingkat Konverter dapatmenyeimbangkan tingkat eachvoltage oleh itu menganggap diri kurang karakteristik beban, kekuatan aktif atau reaktifkonversi dan tanpa bantuan fromother sirkuit setiap jumlah tingkat secara otomatis. Dengan demikian, menyediakan topologi topologi bertingkat lengkap yang mencakup bertingkat yang ada Konverter pada prinsipnya. Gambar 31.8 menunjukkan struktur converter P2multilevel per kaki fase.Setiap beralih perangkat, dioda, kapasitor di tegangan adalah 1Vdc, misalnya, 1 / (1 m) dari tegangan DC-link. SetiapConverter dengan sejumlah tingkat, termasuk Konverter Superstrat konvensional dapat Diperoleh dengan menggunakan topologi ini umum [1, 34]. B. dicampur-tingkat hibrida bertingkat ConverterUntuk mengurangi jumlah sumber DC terpisah untuk aplikasi tegangan tinggi, daya tinggi dengan Konverter bertingkat, menutup dioda atau menutup kapasitor Konverter dariucup digunakan untuk menggantikan sel penuh-jembatan di Konverter mengalir [35]. Contoh yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar 31.9.Konverter sembilan tingkat cascade menggabungkan tiga tingkat menutup dioda Konverter sebagai sel.Asli mengalir H-jembatan converterrequiresfour bertingkat sumber DC terpisah untuk satu tahap kaki dan dua belas untuk konverter tiga fase. Ifa lima tingkat converter menggantikan Jembatan penuh sel, tingkat tegangan efektif berlipat ganda untuk setiap sel. Dengan demikian, toachieve sembilan sama tegangan tingkat untuk setiap tahap, hanya dua terpisah DC sumber yang diperlukan untuk satu tahap kaki dan enam untuk tiga fase converter. Konfigurasi memiliki tingkat dicampur hibrida bertingkat unit karena itu komprehensif bertingkat sel sebagai blok bangunan Konverter cascade. Keuntungan dari topologi ini dibutuhkan kurang terpisah sumber DC.Kerugian untuk topologi adalah kontrol akan menjadi rumit karena struktur hibrida
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
A. Generalized Multilevel Topology
Existing multilevel converters such as diode-clamped and capacitor-clamped multilevel
converters can be derived from the generalized converter topology called P2topology proposed
by Peng [34] as illustrated in Figure 31.8. The generalized multilevel converter topology can
balance eachvoltage level by it self regard less of load characteristics, active or reactive power
conversion and without any assistance fromother circuits at any number of levels automatically.
Thus, the topology provides a complete multilevel topology that embraces the existing multilevel
converters in principle.
Figure 31.8 shows the P2multilevel converter structure per phase leg.Each switching
device, diode, or capacitor’s voltage is 1Vdc, for instance, 1/ (m-1)ofthe DC-link voltage. Any
converter with any number of levels, including the conventional bi-level converter can be
obtained using this generalized topology [1, 34].
B. Mixed-Level Hybrid Multilevel Converter
To reduce the number of separate DC sources for high-voltage, high-power applications
with multilevel converters, diode-clamped or capacitor-clamped converters couldbe used to
replace the full-bridge cell in a cascaded converter [35]. An example is shown in Figure 31.9.
The nine-level cascade converter incorporates a three-level diode-clamped converter as the cell.
The original cascaded H-bridge multilevel converterrequiresfour separate DC sources for one
phase leg and twelve for a three-phase converter. Ifa five-level converter replaces the full-bridge
cell, the voltage level is effectively doubled for each cell. Thus, toachieve the same nine voltage
levels for each phase,only two separate DC sources are needed for one phase leg and six for a
three-phase converter. The configuration has mixed-level hybrid multilevel units because it
embeds multilevel cells as the building block of the cascade converter. The advantage of the
topology is it needs less separate DC sources.The disadvantage for the topology is its control
will be complicated due to its hybrid structure
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