Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Tanpa menarik banyak perhatian, Pramuka memelihara dia kepala rendah dan kecepatan berjalan melalui lobi Patras. Seorang pria mengenakan murni Patras corak menahan pintu kaca berat ketika ia melangkah keluar dari hotel temaram dan menyipit di jalan cerah. Taksi berjajar pinggir jalan sebagai halus berpakaian tamu diturunkan kepada pelari berpohon emas merah di bagian bawah tangga marmer grand. Kuningan Bagasi gerobak ditumpuk dengan kasus desain dan kantong-kantong pakaian, dan dia tidak pernah merasa lebih seperti jempol sakit dalam hidupnya.Pramuka bergeser ransel dia compang-camping atas bahunya dan mencari Lucian. Ia tidak di luar sana. Melangkah jauh ke dalam bayang-bayang dan keluar dari jalan sebanyak mungkin, dicarinya.Seorang pria dengan rapi bertepi hat dan Patras blazer berbicara dalam bahasa Prancis cepat untuk tamu. Orang pasukan berjalan kaki diperdagangkan kunci dengan valets, dan jalur kendaraan pindah. Limusin hitam mengkilap mengambil sebagian besar bahu sebagai seorang sopir tepat berdiri dan menunggu penumpang nya.Matahari melayang di balik gedung pencakar langit tinggi. Berangin kencang angin merayap di atas jalur, berbaur dan keluar dari orang-orang yang lewat, dan dia badan menggigil, fisting tangannya jauh di dalam saku depan bertudung nya. Denim jeans nya telah lama dipakai tipis dan tidak berbuat banyak untuk memerisai dinginnya November gusty.Sopir memutar sebagai jendela hitam ramping limusin diturunkan setengah inci. Ia mendengarkan kemudian berubah. Tatapan mendarat di Maria dan alis lebat melompat. Mulutnya tetap ketat di bawah setang kumisnya. Meluruskan bahunya, dia berjalan di arah.Her back stiffened. Lucian would be furious if she wasn’t waiting for him when he got here. If this man was approaching to chase her away, he had an argument coming. She had every right to be here. She’d be interested to see what he had to say when he learned she was waiting for the owner of Patras, Lucian Patras himself.Squaring her shoulders Scout opened her mouth, prepared to tell him she wasn’t moving, when he surprised her by saying, “Ms. Keats?”She fumbled. “Y-yes?”“Mr. Patras is right this way. If you’ll follow me?”Her lip trembled as she got hold of her bearings and followed the chauffeur. He was quite an enormous man up close. Returning to his position beside the shiny black door of the limo, he opened it with a gentle click as she stepped nearer. The interior was low and dark. Scout bent to peek inside.Lucian sat, a look of exasperation on his face, amber drink in his hand. He glanced at his watch dramatically and back at her and sighed. She quickly scurried into the car.The soft leather seats cushioned her inelegant landing and she scooted in as the door closed with a quiet snick behind her. Blue lights accented small wooden compartments and a crystal decanter held securely on a small counter.“Drink?”The car pulled away from the curb and she lurched back in her seat, not used to being in cars. She looked at Lucian. “No, thank you. I don’t drink.”He raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more on the subject. They drove a few blocks in silence. Lucian’s gaze raked over her, scrutinizing her attire. She tried not to fidget, but failed.The clink of ice in his now empty glass drew her attention. “I can see we’ll have our work cut out for us.”Scout’s spine stiffened. She didn’t appreciate his comment. If he didn’t want such an undertaking he should’ve asked someone else for their “company.” She sighed. This wasn’t how she imagined this going. He’d done nothing he hadn’t said he planned to do. It was her own wavering thoughts that were making her irritable and jumpy. She needed to jump into this thing with both feet or back out now.“Lucian, I’m sorry about earlier. I’ve been up since three a.m. and I’m not at my best.”He frowned. “If you were tired you should’ve told me. This could’ve waited.”She had been tired, exhausted really, but since stepping into the limo her adrenaline kicked in. “I’m okay now. I must’ve gotten a second wind.”He studied her face a moment then said, “I expect you to be at your best, Evelyn. If you require eight hours’ sleep, take it. If you need ten, then make sure you get them.”His words were bossy and rude, but there was also a bit of concern beneath his censure. Underneath all of the gruff and growl, she suspected there was a soft little puppy. No, not a puppy, more like a bear cub or baby lion. She hid her smile.They arrived in a section of the city she had never visited before. “Is this still Folsom?”“Yes, the upper west side.”Scout looked out the tinted window as the lavish stores and boutiques rolled by. Shoppers patronized the ritzy strip in high heels and designer suits. Glancing down at her tattered clothing and worn through sneakers, she frowned.The limousine pulled to a stop outside of a pristine store she couldn’t read the name of. She swallowed as a lump formed in her stomach. Lucian placed his glass aside and flattened the front of his suit jacket. He’d forgone the casual air she’d grown used to seeing him in while in the comfort of his penthouse. Scout liked that Lucian better.Dugan came around and opened the passenger door. She couldn’t move. Well-dressed patrons bustled past her vantage with dogs dressed finer than her. Her breath was coming too fast and she was going to be sick.“Evelyn? We’re here.”She looked at Lucian and he frowned. He leaned over her lap and said to Dugan, “Give us a minute.” He then pulled the door closed, submerging the heated car in silence.“What’s the matter, Evelyn?”“When you said shopping for personal items I thought you meant we’d hit a drugstore or something.”He pressed his lips together and, again, took visual inventory of her clothing. His fingers pinched a loose flap of her bag distastefully, rubbing together as if he touched something unsavory.“You can’t expect what you’re wearing to be appropriate for the places we’ll visit. You need clothes.”“But you said the dinner wasn’t until tomorrow.”“That’s right, we have a function tomorrow, but we still need to eat tonight. I have no problem with lunch or breakfast in the penthouse, but dining out is something I enjoy. What difference is there if we purchase some items tonight or tomorrow? Either way, you need an entirely new wardrobe.”He was right, of course. Dressed the way she was, Scout was an embarrassment to a man like him. She looked out the window. But did they have to shop here? She’d be uncomfortable at a department store. This was beyond swank.“Come on,” he said, nudging her leg and smiling. “Let me treat you. Clothing is armor. I prefer you feisty and I’m prepared to spend a great deal of money on you in order to have you that way. Let’s go buy some courage.”“People will stare at me.”“You’re beautiful, Evelyn. People will stare at you no matter what you wear.”His words were sweet and warmed her heart, chasing away some of her trepidation, but not all of it. She sighed, resigned, and he tapped on the ceiling. The door opened and Dugan took her arm as she climbed onto the sidewalk.Scout shivered and Lucian stepped out beside her. “Where’s your coat?” he asked, again frowning.“I don’t have one.”Her words seemed to render him momentarily speechless. He didn’t comment, merely nodded and headed toward their first courage outlet.A woman with hair the color of silken wheat greeted them. Her nails were long and painted white at the tips. She carefully ignored Scout’s presence and purred up at Lucian. Scout’s brow pinched and she decided not to like her right off the bat.“Mr. Patras!” she cooed. “What a pleasure to have your company today. Is there something particular I can show you?”Scout curled her lip at the woman’s ridiculous advance. Lucian typed something into his phone. Without even looking at the woman he said, “Evelyn here requires an entirely new wardrobe. Do you think you can help her with that, Simone?”The woman pouted. “Sonia.”Lucian tucked his phone back in his pocket and looked at her in confusion. “Excuse me?”“My name’s Sonia, sir.”“Of course.” He nodded a halfhearted apology and came to Scout’s side. Slipping his hand around hers, lending some of his power and strength to her, he squeezed her fingers and smiled, sending her a sidelong glance.Did he know the attendant’s name? Was he fucking with her? Scout’s lips twitched as she hid her smile. She squeezed his hand back. It was the first time he made her feel with him rather than against him or below him.They were taken to the back of the store. Dugan arrived with Lucian’s laptop and the ladies of the boutique brought him coffee and a table. He soon had himself his own little squatter office. He worked as one woman after another presented her with beautiful garments and accessories.Lucian might have been otherwise occupied, but he always had a bead on what was happening around him. All Scout had to do was look in his direction and she’d find his gaze on her. He’d offer a slight nod or a shake of his head, and the women of the boutique would either discard or hang the garment he was rating. She found it amusing that a piece of clothing the women would rave about one moment could become a travesty of fashion in the next if it was something Lucian didn’t favor.
Scout was soon bustled into a large room with mirrored walls and a button-upholstered round ottoman that reminded her of the inside of a genie bottle. Sonia began to tug at her clothes and she backed away. The attendant smiled, but some of the sincerity she recalled from when they were on the floor had left her eyes.
“You have to undress if you plan to try on clothes, honey.”
Scout scowled at her patronizing tone. “I’ve been undressing myself since I was a child. I’d like some privacy.”
The snobby attendant pursed her lips and shrugged. She backed out of the dressing room and left Scout there with a variety of outfit.
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