Fred didn’t deliver that package so just don’t open any that aren’t fr terjemahan - Fred didn’t deliver that package so just don’t open any that aren’t fr Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Fred didn’t deliver that package so

Fred didn’t deliver that package so just don’t open any that aren’t from him. Okay?” I nod. Jesus. I really don’t want to have to deal with this again. But if Reese is dealing with it then I’m sure it will be dealt with, in a very Reese like manner no less. “But after tonight, Dylan, I don’t want you there by yourself.” His hands grip my waist and pull me closer to him, our foreheads falling together.

“I don’t want to be there by myself either, but I want to keep an eye on my shop. It’s important to me. It’s mine and I’ve worked hard for it.” His hand reaches up and pulls my bun loose, letting my hair fall down my back. “I’m going to have a door installed at the top of the stairs. I’ll call about getting it done along with the window repair and a security system tomorrow. I can’t believe I never thought about having some type of system in place already.” He nods at me but I know that isn’t what he wants to hear. I lean in and kiss him gently. “I’ll be fine, I’ve lived there on my own for three years. Plus, I have you and you’re only five minutes away if something happens.”

His hands brush lightly down my back, playing with the ends of my hair. “It will never take me five minutes to get to you. I think I made it there in two tonight.” I giggle slightly and see his lips curl up. “I might be getting a few red light camera notifications in the mail.”

“Worth it?” I ask, running my hands through his hair.

“Worth it. You hungry?”

I nod frantically and he laughs, the infectious sound pulling me in with him. “Sit tight.” I’m slid off as he hops out of bed, disappearing down the hallway as I watch his glorious backside stride away. Laughing quietly at the realization that he always asks me if I’m hungry after sex, I grab one of his pillows and press it to my face, inhaling deeply as his voice comes down the hallway.

“Do you like your pizza cold or heated up?

“Cold.” Yum. Cold pizza and a sleepover with Reese? Yes please. Glancing around the room, I spot his iPad on his dresser. I scramble out of bed and grab it, flipping it open and turning it on. I have some googling of a certain CPA to do. The screen comes to life. Oh. Oh my. The wallpaper is a picture of me, in this bed. I’m sleeping, curled up on my side with the sheets covering me up to show only a tiny bit of cleavage. My hair is a mess of blond waves that are spilling down my right shoulder and my lips are parted. The camera is mainly focused on my face and I look to be in a deep sleep. I look up and see Reese staring at me, stopped in the doorway carrying our food.

“Umm, you found my iPad I see.” He moves towards the bed and puts the plates down on his nightstand, his eyes only momentarily leaving mine. “Nobody sees that. I would never show that to anybody.”

Placing it down on the bed, I get up on my knees and crawl to the edge where he’s standing, pulling him towards me and wrapping my arms around his neck. After a moment’s hesitation, he wraps his arms around me and relaxes against my body. “You’re not mad? I can take it off.”

I reach around and place my hand over his mouth, silencing him. “I’m not mad. It can stay on there.” Dropping my hands, I scoot back over and reach out for my plate playfully as his smile returns.

“Cold pizza huh? I thought I was the only other person that still preferred it cold to heated.”

I take a bite and shake my head. “I hate heated leftover pizza. The cheese gets all rubbery and gross.” He drops a chilled bottled water in my lap and I yelp. “So, why did you take that picture of me?”

He stops chewing briefly, looking over at the iPad on the bed. “I don’t know. I think I just wanted a reminder of you in my bed, just in case you refused to get back in it.” I laugh and he winks at me. “I watched you for hours before I took it. Do you know you make little noises while you sleep?”

I swallow my bite and arch my brow at him. “Little noises? Like what?”

“Like moans. Tiny little whimpers.”

“What? No I don’t.” I unscrew my bottle and take a big sip while he nods at me. “I do not make any noises when I sleep.”

He turns and places his empty plate on his nightstand. Jesus, the man devours his food in a matter of seconds. “Yes you do. You even said my name a few times.” My mouth drops open.

I place my plate down on the night stand before I trample him. “No I did not. Take that back, Carroll.” I’m poking him everywhere, trying to find a weak ticklish spot on his body and he’s only laughing at me in amusement.

“Reese. Oh Reese. Right there.”

I feel my face redden. “You’re evil.” I scoff before I roll off him and lie back on my pillow, pulling the covers up over my head. Good Lord, I hope he’s joking because if he isn’t, how embarrassing is this?

His laugh shakes the bed and I feel the covers slowly slide down to reveal his face hovering over mine. “Love.”

“What?” I try to pull the covers back up but he holds them down. I’ve never been told I talk in my sleep before or make any weird noises,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Fred didn’t deliver that package so just don’t open any that aren’t from him. Okay?” I nod. Jesus. I really don’t want to have to deal with this again. But if Reese is dealing with it then I’m sure it will be dealt with, in a very Reese like manner no less. “But after tonight, Dylan, I don’t want you there by yourself.” His hands grip my waist and pull me closer to him, our foreheads falling together.“I don’t want to be there by myself either, but I want to keep an eye on my shop. It’s important to me. It’s mine and I’ve worked hard for it.” His hand reaches up and pulls my bun loose, letting my hair fall down my back. “I’m going to have a door installed at the top of the stairs. I’ll call about getting it done along with the window repair and a security system tomorrow. I can’t believe I never thought about having some type of system in place already.” He nods at me but I know that isn’t what he wants to hear. I lean in and kiss him gently. “I’ll be fine, I’ve lived there on my own for three years. Plus, I have you and you’re only five minutes away if something happens.”His hands brush lightly down my back, playing with the ends of my hair. “It will never take me five minutes to get to you. I think I made it there in two tonight.” I giggle slightly and see his lips curl up. “I might be getting a few red light camera notifications in the mail.”“Worth it?” I ask, running my hands through his hair.“Worth it. You hungry?”I nod frantically and he laughs, the infectious sound pulling me in with him. “Sit tight.” I’m slid off as he hops out of bed, disappearing down the hallway as I watch his glorious backside stride away. Laughing quietly at the realization that he always asks me if I’m hungry after sex, I grab one of his pillows and press it to my face, inhaling deeply as his voice comes down the hallway.“Do you like your pizza cold or heated up?“Cold.” Yum. Cold pizza and a sleepover with Reese? Yes please. Glancing around the room, I spot his iPad on his dresser. I scramble out of bed and grab it, flipping it open and turning it on. I have some googling of a certain CPA to do. The screen comes to life. Oh. Oh my. The wallpaper is a picture of me, in this bed. I’m sleeping, curled up on my side with the sheets covering me up to show only a tiny bit of cleavage. My hair is a mess of blond waves that are spilling down my right shoulder and my lips are parted. The camera is mainly focused on my face and I look to be in a deep sleep. I look up and see Reese staring at me, stopped in the doorway carrying our food.“Umm, you found my iPad I see.” He moves towards the bed and puts the plates down on his nightstand, his eyes only momentarily leaving mine. “Nobody sees that. I would never show that to anybody.”Placing it down on the bed, I get up on my knees and crawl to the edge where he’s standing, pulling him towards me and wrapping my arms around his neck. After a moment’s hesitation, he wraps his arms around me and relaxes against my body. “You’re not mad? I can take it off.”I reach around and place my hand over his mouth, silencing him. “I’m not mad. It can stay on there.” Dropping my hands, I scoot back over and reach out for my plate playfully as his smile returns.“Cold pizza huh? I thought I was the only other person that still preferred it cold to heated.”I take a bite and shake my head. “I hate heated leftover pizza. The cheese gets all rubbery and gross.” He drops a chilled bottled water in my lap and I yelp. “So, why did you take that picture of me?”He stops chewing briefly, looking over at the iPad on the bed. “I don’t know. I think I just wanted a reminder of you in my bed, just in case you refused to get back in it.” I laugh and he winks at me. “I watched you for hours before I took it. Do you know you make little noises while you sleep?”I swallow my bite and arch my brow at him. “Little noises? Like what?”“Like moans. Tiny little whimpers.”“What? No I don’t.” I unscrew my bottle and take a big sip while he nods at me. “I do not make any noises when I sleep.”He turns and places his empty plate on his nightstand. Jesus, the man devours his food in a matter of seconds. “Yes you do. You even said my name a few times.” My mouth drops open.I place my plate down on the night stand before I trample him. “No I did not. Take that back, Carroll.” I’m poking him everywhere, trying to find a weak ticklish spot on his body and he’s only laughing at me in amusement.“Reese. Oh Reese. Right there.”I feel my face redden. “You’re evil.” I scoff before I roll off him and lie back on my pillow, pulling the covers up over my head. Good Lord, I hope he’s joking because if he isn’t, how embarrassing is this?His laugh shakes the bed and I feel the covers slowly slide down to reveal his face hovering over mine. “Love.”“What?” I try to pull the covers back up but he holds them down. I’ve never been told I talk in my sleep before or make any weird noises,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Fred tidak memberikan paket yang jadi tidak membuka yang tidak dari dia. Oke? "Aku mengangguk. Yesus. Aku benar-benar tidak ingin harus berurusan dengan ini lagi. Tetapi jika Reese berurusan dengan itu maka saya yakin itu akan ditangani, dengan cara seperti yang sangat Reese tidak kurang. "Tapi setelah malam ini, Dylan, aku tidak ingin kau ada sendiri." Tangannya mencengkeram pinggang saya dan menarik saya lebih dekat kepadanya, dahi kami jatuh bersama-sama. "Saya tidak ingin berada di sana sendiri baik, tapi saya ingin mengawasi toko saya. Ini penting bagi saya. Ini milikku dan aku telah bekerja keras untuk itu. "Tangannya mencapai dan menarik bun saya longgar, membiarkan rambut saya jatuh punggungku. "Aku akan memiliki pintu dipasang di atas tangga. Aku akan menelepon tentang mendapatkan itu dilakukan bersama dengan jendela perbaikan dan sistem keamanan besok. Aku tidak percaya aku tidak pernah berpikir tentang memiliki beberapa jenis sistem di tempat yang sudah. ​​"Dia mengangguk padaku tapi aku tahu itu bukan apa yang ingin ia dengar. Aku bersandar di dan menciumnya dengan lembut. "Aku akan baik-baik, aku sudah tinggal di sana saya sendiri selama tiga tahun. Plus, aku punya kau dan kau hanya lima menit jika terjadi sesuatu. "Tangan-Nya sikat ringan punggungku, bermain dengan ujung rambutku. "Ini tidak akan pernah membawa saya lima menit untuk sampai ke Anda. Saya pikir saya dibuat di sana dalam dua malam ini. "Aku tertawa sedikit dan melihat bibirnya meringkuk. "Saya mungkin akan mendapatkan pemberitahuan kamera lampu merah beberapa pos." "Worth it?" Aku bertanya, berjalan tangan saya melalui rambutnya. "Worth it. Anda lapar? "Aku mengangguk panik dan dia tertawa, suara menular menarikku bersamanya. "Duduklah ketat." Aku meluncur dari saat ia melompat dari tempat tidur, menghilang di lorong saat aku menonton belakang langkahnya mulia pergi. Tertawa diam-diam ketika menyadari bahwa dia selalu bertanya apakah aku lapar setelah berhubungan seks, saya ambil salah satu bantal dan tekan ke wajah saya, menghirup dalam-dalam karena suaranya turun lorong. "Apakah Anda seperti pizza Anda dingin atau dipanaskan up? "Dingin." Yum. Dingin pizza dan menginap di rumah dengan Reese? Ya tolong. Melirik ke sekeliling ruangan, aku melihat iPad-nya di lemari nya. Saya berebut keluar dari tempat tidur dan ambil itu, membalik terbuka dan menyalakannya. Saya memiliki beberapa googling dari CPA tertentu untuk melakukan. Layar datang untuk hidup. Oh. Astaga. Wallpaper adalah gambar saya, di tempat tidur ini. Aku tidur, meringkuk di sisi saya dengan lembar meliputi saya untuk menunjukkan hanya sedikit belahan dada. Rambut saya berantakan gelombang pirang yang mengalir di bahu kanan saya dan bibir saya yang berpisah. Kamera terutama difokuskan pada wajah saya dan saya melihat ke dalam tidur nyenyak. Aku melihat ke atas dan melihat Reese menatapku, berhenti di ambang pintu membawa makanan kita. "Umm, Anda menemukan iPad saya, saya melihat." Dia bergerak menuju tempat tidur dan menempatkan piring di atas meja, matanya hanya sesaat meninggalkan saya. "Tidak ada yang melihat bahwa. Saya tidak akan pernah menunjukkan bahwa kepada siapa pun. "Menempatkannya di tempat tidur, saya bangun berlutut dan merangkak ke tepi di mana dia berdiri, menariknya ke arahku dan membungkus lenganku di lehernya. Setelah ragu-ragu sejenak, ia membungkus tangannya di sekitar saya dan melemaskan terhadap tubuh saya. "Kau tidak marah? Saya bisa melepasnya. "Aku mencapai sekitar dan menempatkan tanganku di mulutnya, membungkam dia. "Aku tidak marah. Hal ini dapat tinggal di sana. "Menjatuhkan tangan saya, saya bergeser kembali lagi dan menjangkau untuk piring main-main sebagai pengembalian senyumnya." Pizza dingin ya? Saya pikir saya adalah satu-satunya orang lain yang masih lebih suka dingin untuk dipanaskan. "Aku menggigit dan menggeleng. "Aku benci pizza sisa dipanaskan. Keju mendapat semua karet dan kotor. "Dia menjatuhkan botol air dingin di pangkuanku dan aku menyalak. "Jadi, mengapa Anda mengambil gambar saya?" Dia berhenti mengunyah sebentar, melihat dari atas di iPad di tempat tidur. "Saya tidak tahu. Saya pikir saya hanya ingin mengingatkan Anda di tempat tidur, hanya dalam kasus Anda menolak untuk mendapatkan kembali itu. "Aku tertawa dan dia mengedipkan padaku. "Aku melihat Anda selama berjam-jam sebelum aku mengambilnya. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa Anda membuat suara sedikit saat Anda tidur? "Aku menelan gigitan saya dan melengkungkan alis saya padanya. "Sedikit suara? Seperti apa? "" Seperti rintihan. Merintih kecil kecil. "" Apa? Tidak, aku tidak. "Aku membuka tutup botol dan menyesap besar sementara ia mengangguk padaku. "Saya tidak membuat suara ketika saya tidur." Dia berbalik dan menempatkan piring kosong di meja nya. Yesus, orang itu memakan makanannya dalam hitungan detik. "Ya Anda lakukan. Anda bahkan mengatakan nama saya beberapa kali. "Mulutku menganga. Saya menempatkan piring di atas malam berdiri sebelum aku menginjak-injak dia. "Tidak, aku tidak melakukannya. Mengambil kembali, Carroll. "Aku menusuk dia di mana-mana, mencoba untuk menemukan tempat geli lemah di tubuhnya dan dia hanya tertawa pada saya geli." Reese. Oh Reese. Di sana. "Saya merasa memerahkan wajahku. "Kau jahat." Saya mengejek sebelum aku roll off dia dan berbaring di bantal, menarik selimut di atas kepala saya. Ya Tuhan, aku berharap dia bercanda karena jika dia tidak, bagaimana memalukan ini? Tawanya getar tidur dan saya merasa selimut perlahan geser ke bawah untuk mengungkapkan wajahnya melayang di atas saya. "Cinta." "Apa?" Aku mencoba menarik selimut kembali tapi dia memegang mereka. Aku tidak pernah diberitahu saya berbicara dalam tidur saya sebelum atau membuat suara-suara aneh,

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