Ukraine conflict: US tanks in Baltics as Nato drills start US tanks an terjemahan - Ukraine conflict: US tanks in Baltics as Nato drills start US tanks an Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ukraine conflict: US tanks in Balti

Ukraine conflict: US tanks in Baltics as Nato drills start
US tanks and fighting vehicles started arriving in Riga on Monday
Hundreds of US military vehicles have arrived in the Baltic states and are to stay in Europe, in a mission to reassure Nato allies unsettled by Russia's actions in Ukraine.
The shipment coincides with the deployment of a US infantry division and Nato navy drills in the Black Sea.
Although a ceasefire is in place in Ukraine, the conflict has heightened distrust between Russia and the West.
Russia said on Tuesday it was pulling out of a European arms control pact.
'Escalating confrontation'
The Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) treaty, signed in 1990 as the Cold War was coming to an end, was originally aimed at limiting the numbers of tanks, combat aircraft and heavy artillery between the Atlantic Ocean and the Ural mountains in Russia.
Russia had already suspended involvement in 2007, and the foreign ministry in Moscow said the practical work of the treaty's consultative group in Vienna had been almost entirely wound down.
But the announcement came within hours of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov launching an attack on the European Union.
The Russian foreign minister singled out Donald Tusk, head of the European Council, for criticism
"EU bureaucrats in Brussels are intentionally escalating confrontation between Russia and the EU," he said, complaining that they were trying to postpone the political terms of the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine.
He also singled out European Council President Donald Tusk, accusing him of apologising to US President Barack Obama for the EU not acting as swiftly against Russia as the US.
The former Polish prime minister said in Washington that if the EU and US were united they would be able to "put a stop to the aggressive policy of Russia against her neighbours".
Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Monday night that government forces had withdrawn most of their rocket and heavy artillery systems, while pro-Russian rebels had also "withdrawn a significant amount".
However, there is widespread concern among the governments of the Baltic states at Russia's involvement in eastern Ukraine.
The Kremlin says its forces have not been directly involved in combat, but its denials have been rejected by Ukraine, the West and independent experts.
Italian ships joined the seven-nation Nato exercises in the Black Sea
UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said on Tuesday that President Vladimir Putin's actions "fundamentally undermine the security of sovereign nations of Eastern Europe".
Lithuania is bringing back conscription and President Dalia Grybauskaite told the BBC last week that the threats to her country's security were "very real". She spoke of increased Russian military activity in the Baltic Sea and across the border in the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad.
Russian soldiers also took part in drills in the Pskov region that borders Estonia and Latvia last month. And last September an Estonian security service official was seized by Russian agents and taken to Moscow.
Black Sea manoeuvres
A US military official told the BBC that some 250 heavy vehicles, out of a total of 750 vehicles, were arriving in the Latvian capital, Riga, and in northern Germany, and would be "pre-positioned for deployment so we can more quickly react to crises".
The hardware would be based in the Baltics and Poland for the 90-day Nato training exercise, but would then be spread throughout Europe in "controlled storage".
Arrangements still had to be made with host nations, he said.
A Nato naval exercise was also under way in the Black Sea on Tuesday, involving seven members of the Western alliance including Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey.
Russia's annexation of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine a year ago has alarmed Nato. Last week Russia began military exercises in several southern areas, including Crimea and the pro-Russian breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ukraine conflict: US tanks in Baltics as Nato drills start US tanks and fighting vehicles started arriving in Riga on MondayHundreds of US military vehicles have arrived in the Baltic states and are to stay in Europe, in a mission to reassure Nato allies unsettled by Russia's actions in Ukraine.The shipment coincides with the deployment of a US infantry division and Nato navy drills in the Black Sea.Although a ceasefire is in place in Ukraine, the conflict has heightened distrust between Russia and the West.Russia said on Tuesday it was pulling out of a European arms control pact.'Escalating confrontation'The Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) treaty, signed in 1990 as the Cold War was coming to an end, was originally aimed at limiting the numbers of tanks, combat aircraft and heavy artillery between the Atlantic Ocean and the Ural mountains in Russia.Russia had already suspended involvement in 2007, and the foreign ministry in Moscow said the practical work of the treaty's consultative group in Vienna had been almost entirely wound down.But the announcement came within hours of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov launching an attack on the European Union. The Russian foreign minister singled out Donald Tusk, head of the European Council, for criticism"EU bureaucrats in Brussels are intentionally escalating confrontation between Russia and the EU," he said, complaining that they were trying to postpone the political terms of the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine.He also singled out European Council President Donald Tusk, accusing him of apologising to US President Barack Obama for the EU not acting as swiftly against Russia as the US.The former Polish prime minister said in Washington that if the EU and US were united they would be able to "put a stop to the aggressive policy of Russia against her neighbours".Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Monday night that government forces had withdrawn most of their rocket and heavy artillery systems, while pro-Russian rebels had also "withdrawn a significant amount".However, there is widespread concern among the governments of the Baltic states at Russia's involvement in eastern Ukraine.The Kremlin says its forces have not been directly involved in combat, but its denials have been rejected by Ukraine, the West and independent experts. Italian ships joined the seven-nation Nato exercises in the Black SeaUK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said on Tuesday that President Vladimir Putin's actions "fundamentally undermine the security of sovereign nations of Eastern Europe".Lithuania is bringing back conscription and President Dalia Grybauskaite told the BBC last week that the threats to her country's security were "very real". She spoke of increased Russian military activity in the Baltic Sea and across the border in the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad.Russian soldiers also took part in drills in the Pskov region that borders Estonia and Latvia last month. And last September an Estonian security service official was seized by Russian agents and taken to Moscow.Black Sea manoeuvresA US military official told the BBC that some 250 heavy vehicles, out of a total of 750 vehicles, were arriving in the Latvian capital, Riga, and in northern Germany, and would be "pre-positioned for deployment so we can more quickly react to crises".The hardware would be based in the Baltics and Poland for the 90-day Nato training exercise, but would then be spread throughout Europe in "controlled storage".Arrangements still had to be made with host nations, he said.A Nato naval exercise was also under way in the Black Sea on Tuesday, involving seven members of the Western alliance including Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey.Russia's annexation of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine a year ago has alarmed Nato. Last week Russia began military exercises in several southern areas, including Crimea and the pro-Russian breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Konflik Ukraina: tank AS di Baltik sebagai NATO latihan mulai
US tank dan kendaraan tempur mulai tiba di Riga, Senin
Ratusan kendaraan militer AS telah tiba di negara-negara Baltik dan tinggal di Eropa, dalam sebuah misi untuk meyakinkan sekutu NATO resah oleh Rusia tindakan di Ukraina.
Pengiriman bertepatan dengan penyebaran divisi infanteri AS dan NATO latihan angkatan laut di Laut Hitam.
Meskipun gencatan senjata di tempat di Ukraina, konflik telah meningkat ketidakpercayaan antara Rusia dan Barat.
Rusia mengatakan pada hari Selasa itu menarik diri dari perjanjian pengawasan senjata Eropa.
"Meningkatnya konfrontasi '
Angkatan Bersenjata Konvensional di Eropa (CFE), yang ditandatangani pada tahun 1990 sebagai Perang Dingin itu akan segera berakhir, pada awalnya ditujukan untuk membatasi jumlah tank, pesawat tempur dan artileri berat antara Samudera Atlantik dan pegunungan Ural di Rusia.
Rusia telah ditangguhkan keterlibatan pada tahun 2007, dan Kementerian Luar Negeri di Moskow mengatakan kerja praktek kelompok konsultatif perjanjian di Wina telah hampir seluruhnya luka bawah.
Tapi pengumuman itu datang dalam jam Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergei Lavrov meluncurkan serangan terhadap Uni Eropa.
Menteri luar negeri Rusia dikhususkan Donald Tusk, kepala Dewan Eropa, untuk kritik
"birokrat Uni Eropa di Brussels sengaja konfrontasi antara Rusia dan Uni Eropa," katanya , mengeluh bahwa mereka mencoba untuk menunda hal politik gencatan senjata di timur Ukraina.
Dia juga dipilih Presiden Dewan Eropa Donald Tusk, menuduhnya meminta maaf kepada Presiden AS Barack Obama untuk Uni Eropa tidak bertindak secepat melawan Rusia seperti Amerika Serikat.
Mantan perdana menteri Polandia mengatakan di Washington bahwa jika Uni Eropa dan AS bersatu mereka akan mampu "menghentikan kebijakan agresif Rusia terhadap tetangganya".
Sementara itu, Presiden Ukraina Petro Poroshenko mengatakan pada Senin malam bahwa pasukan pemerintah telah ditarik sebagian besar roket dan sistem artileri berat, sementara pemberontak pro-Rusia juga telah "ditarik jumlah yang signifikan".
Namun, ada kekhawatiran yang meluas di kalangan pemerintah negara-negara Baltik pada keterlibatan Rusia di timur Ukraina.
Kremlin mengatakan pasukannya memiliki tidak terlibat langsung dalam pertempuran, namun penolakan yang telah ditolak oleh Ukraina, Barat dan ahli independen.
kapal Italia bergabung dengan tujuh negara NATO latihan di Laut Hitam
Inggris Menteri Luar Negeri Philip Hammond mengatakan pada hari Selasa bahwa tindakan Presiden Vladimir Putin "fundamental merusak keamanan negara berdaulat Eropa Timur ".
Lithuania adalah membawa kembali wajib militer dan Presiden Dalia Grybauskaite mengatakan kepada BBC pekan lalu bahwa ancaman terhadap keamanan negaranya adalah "sangat nyata". Dia berbicara tentang peningkatan aktivitas militer Rusia di Laut Baltik dan di seberang perbatasan di wilayah kantong Rusia Kaliningrad.
tentara Rusia juga ambil bagian dalam latihan di wilayah Pskov yang berbatasan dengan Estonia dan Latvia bulan lalu. Dan September lalu seorang pejabat dinas keamanan Estonia ditangkap oleh agen-agen Rusia dan dibawa ke Moskow.
manuver Laut Hitam
Seorang pejabat militer AS mengatakan kepada BBC bahwa sekitar 250 kendaraan berat, dari total 750 kendaraan, tiba di ibukota Latvia, Riga , dan di Jerman utara, dan akan "pra-diposisikan untuk penyebaran sehingga kita bisa lebih cepat bereaksi terhadap krisis".
Perangkat keras akan berbasis di Baltik dan Polandia untuk 90-hari NATO latihan, namun kemudian akan menyebar ke seluruh Eropa "storage dikendalikan".
Pengaturan masih harus dibuat dengan negara-negara tuan rumah, katanya.
Sebuah latihan angkatan laut NATO juga berlangsung di Laut Hitam pada hari Selasa, yang melibatkan tujuh anggota aliansi Barat termasuk Bulgaria, Rumania dan Turki.
Rusia aneksasi semenanjung Krimea dari Ukraina tahun lalu telah khawatir NATO. Pekan lalu Rusia mulai latihan militer di beberapa daerah selatan, termasuk Crimea dan wilayah Georgia yang memisahkan diri pro-Rusia Abkhazia.
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