Max Weber was among the first great social theorists to stress the imp terjemahan - Max Weber was among the first great social theorists to stress the imp Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Max Weber was among the first great

Max Weber was among the first great social theorists to stress the importance of legitimacy. In his definitional foundations of the types of social action, he gave particular attention to those forms of action that were guided by a belief in the existence of a legitimate order: a set of "determinable maxims," a model regarded by the actor as "in some way obligatory or exemplary for him" (Weber, 1968: 31). In his own work, Weber applied the concept to the legitimation of power structures, both corporate and governmental. His widely rehearsed typology of administrative systems de- pends on whether the subordinate actor regards the order as binding because of its traditional nature, the charismatic qualities of its leader, or because it has been legally constituted. Variations in such beliefs have been shown to have implications for the structure, stability, and operations of the system, and this work spawned a large number of empirical studies of different types of power and authority systems
(e.q. French and Raven, 1959; Dornbusch and Scott, 1975; Kelman and Hamilton, 1989), While analyzing legal order, Weber (1968: 313) developed a distinction between general social norms and what he termed guaranteed law: the existence of a "coercive apparatus, that is, that there are one or more persons whose special task it is to hold themselves ready to apply specially provided means of coercion (legal coercion) for the purpose of norm enforcement." Thus, Weber regarded regulatory institutions as clearly distinctive from other, normative elements,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Max Weber was among the first great social theorists to stress the importance of legitimacy. In his definitional foundations of the types of social action, he gave particular attention to those forms of action that were guided by a belief in the existence of a legitimate order: a set of "determinable maxims," a model regarded by the actor as "in some way obligatory or exemplary for him" (Weber, 1968: 31). In his own work, Weber applied the concept to the legitimation of power structures, both corporate and governmental. His widely rehearsed typology of administrative systems de- pends on whether the subordinate actor regards the order as binding because of its traditional nature, the charismatic qualities of its leader, or because it has been legally constituted. Variations in such beliefs have been shown to have implications for the structure, stability, and operations of the system, and this work spawned a large number of empirical studies of different types of power and authority systems(e.q. French and Raven, 1959; Dornbusch and Scott, 1975; Kelman and Hamilton, 1989), While analyzing legal order, Weber (1968: 313) developed a distinction between general social norms and what he termed guaranteed law: the existence of a "coercive apparatus, that is, that there are one or more persons whose special task it is to hold themselves ready to apply specially provided means of coercion (legal coercion) for the purpose of norm enforcement." Thus, Weber regarded regulatory institutions as clearly distinctive from other, normative elements,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Max Weber merupakan salah satu teori sosial pertama yang besar untuk menekankan pentingnya legitimasi. Dalam yayasan definisi tentang jenis aksi sosial, ia memberikan perhatian khusus kepada mereka bentuk tindakan yang dipandu oleh keyakinan akan adanya suatu tatanan yang sah: satu set "maksim ditentukan," model dianggap oleh aktor sebagai " dalam beberapa cara wajib atau teladan baginya "(Weber, 1968: 31). Dalam karyanya sendiri, Weber diterapkan konsep ke legitimasi dari struktur kekuasaan, baik perusahaan dan pemerintah. Nya tipologi banyak berlatih sistem administrasi de- pends apakah aktor bawahan menganggap urutan mengikat karena sifat tradisional, kualitas karismatik pemimpinnya, atau karena telah dibentuk secara hukum. Variasi dalam keyakinan tersebut telah terbukti memiliki implikasi untuk struktur, stabilitas, dan operasi sistem, dan pekerjaan ini melahirkan sejumlah besar studi empiris dari berbagai jenis kekuasaan dan otoritas sistem
(eq Perancis dan Raven, 1959; Dornbusch dan Scott, 1975; Kelman dan Hamilton, 1989), Sementara menganalisis tatanan hukum, Weber (1968: 313) mengembangkan perbedaan antara norma-norma sosial umum dan apa yang disebut dijamin hukum: adanya "aparat koersif, yaitu, bahwa ada satu atau lebih orang yang bertugas khusus itu adalah untuk menahan diri siap untuk menerapkan cara-cara khusus disediakan pemaksaan (pemaksaan hukum) untuk tujuan penegakan norma. " Dengan demikian, Weber dianggap lembaga pengawas sebagai jelas berbeda dari lainnya, unsur-unsur normatif,
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