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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
BAHAN DAN METODEPertanyaan TinjauanPertanyaannya review adalah sejauh BMSC transplantasi dalam kombinasidengan CABG mempengaruhi fungsi ventrikel kiri pada pasien dengankronis penyakit jantung iskemik dibandingkan dengan CABG sendirian.Kriteria kelayakanDua penelaah (P.D dan A.K.) dinilai kelayakan studi di duplikatdan mandiri. Uji yang memenuhi syarat harus memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:RCTs atau kelompok belajar desain membandingkan rutin perawatan bedahkronis penyakit jantung iskemik oleh CABG dengan perawatan oleh intramyocardialBMSC injeksi selain CABG; minimal 3 bulan ikutansetelah terapi sel induk; dan injeksi intramyocardial BMSCs kedaerah iskemik. Kriteria pengecualian yang intracoronary sel induk injeksidan metode berbasis kateter injeksi; injeksi sel induk tanpa CABG;pengobatan infark miokard akut; RCTs dan Studi kohort dengandata yang tidak lengkap ejeksi ventrikel kiri sebagian kecil (LVEF); dan batang atau leluhursel-sel yang berasal dari sumber-sumber lain dari sumsum tulang.Strategi pencarianUntuk mengidentifikasi studi yang relevan, database elektronik PUBMED, MEDLINE,Cochrane Controlled uji mendaftar, dan ClinicalTrials (semua dariawal-Mei 2009) yang dicari dengan databaseappropriate berikutSyarat: sumsum tulang, sel-sel induk, nenek moyang sel, intramyocardial,bedah bypass arteri koroner, CABG, transplantasi dan percobaan.Bahasa pembatasan tidak dipaksakan. Daftar referensi diidentifikasi artikeland relevant review articles on the topic were also reviewed. Finally,the included articles were limited to English description, and articles on animalexperiments were excluded.Data AbstractionTwo reviewers (P.D. and A.K.) independently assessed included studiesaccording to author of the study, year of publication, geographic location ofthe study, study type, study population, follow-up period, treatmentgroup, control group, LVEF at baseline (LVEFbaseline) and follow-up(LVEFfollow-up), LVEF change from baseline to follow-up for the treatment(LVEFBMSC change) and the control group (LVEFcontrol change), left ventricularend-diastolic volume at baseline (LVEDVbaseline) and follow-up(LVEDVfollow-up), and LVEDV change from baseline to follow-up. Moreover,the number of bypass grafts performed, number of ischemic/akineticterritories, target areas of cell injection, and timing of CABG with combinedcell therapy after infarction were assessed (Tables 1–4). The majoradverse cardiovascular events (MACE) (Table 5) include ventriculararrhythmias and the composite of other serious cardiovascular events(cardiac death, recurrent myocardial infarction, additional coronary revascularizationprocedures, and stroke). Relevant data were extracted from theincluded articles, put into tables, and combined according to the compositeoutcome definition.
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