I take to look, in con­ster­na­tion, the at­tribute of this bow is ver terjemahan - I take to look, in con­ster­na­tion, the at­tribute of this bow is ver Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I take to look, in con­ster­na­tion

I take to look, in con­ster­na­tion, the at­tribute of this bow is very im­me­di­ately good
【The string of dragon shade】( Saint sun­light)
At­tack: 2770-3300
Agile: + 75
Phys­i­cal strength: + 72
Strength: + 70
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 40% long-dis­tance physics strik­ing power
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 50% hit prob­a­bil­i­ties
Spe­cial ef­fect: Long Ying, has 5% prob­a­bil­i­ties to trig­ger Long Ying, next one will strike will cause 3 times of dam­age to the goal
Needs Level: 115
Man­u­fac­tur­ers: One dream thou­sand cities
Looks at the at­tribute of long bow, my burst­ing out laugh­ing: „Is this the player makes? The at­tribute is quite good de­pends, un­ex­pect­edly has that strong strik­ing power, more­over this dragon shade ef­fect ap­proves, con­trols the good words, under the trig­ger­ing dragon shade strikes in­de­pen­dently changes into rises Long Jian, that at­tack out­put cer­tain com­par­i­son was over­whelmed with emo­tion!”
Song Han nod­ded to say with a smile ex­cit­edly: „You said in­clud­ing the ram­ble elder brother that re­ally did not have what issue! This is the bow that dream thou­sand city beau­ti­ful women make, she now is our [Zhan Long] first makes the bow mas­ter, the same ma­te­r­ial, she makes the JP prob­a­bil­ity is oth­ers' over 2 times, I to this that you look at am only the or­di­nary goods, she made string of the strongest dragon shade, the strik­ing power upper limit ex­plodes 3824 points, Long Ying trig­gered the prob­a­bil­ity is 9%, prob­a­bly was in her hand this that took”
Song Han be­hind, dream thou­sand cities raised the long bow to walk, said with a smile: „Can guild­mas­ter, scru­ti­nize this string of JP dragon shade pre­sents rarely?”
I re­ceived her bow, looked at one, se­cret as­ton­ished: „Truly ap­proves!”
Song Han­dao: „The string of dragon shade is 11 lev­els to make the bow tech­nique the end prod­uct goods, we in oc­cu­py­ing the bro­ken blade edge canyon later 11 lev­els of iron ore have not been a prob­lem, can there­fore string of the vol­ume pro­duc­tion this dragon shade, every time the con­struc­tion cost of bow ap­prox­i­mately in 100 G about, if the free elder brother per­mits, I let the fox true mass pro­duc­tion.”
I nod: „Um, not hav­ing the issue, fund to pull out from the Dragon’s den in­come di­rectly, I al­ready gave the ju­ris­dic­tion that the fox draws cash di­rectly.”
Song Han laughed: „Fox is an ac­coun­tant came, but this fel­low is quite rea­son­able, each sum of money has the de­tailed state­ment of ac­counts, this will look to you, right ram­ble elder brother, the ore of bro­ken blade edge canyon has given us very big boost, we have the first-class mak­ing axe mas­ter, to make the spear mas­ter, to make the stick mas­ter now and cast Ar­mour mas­ter, so long as gives up the in­vest­ment, our weapon Gen­eral equip­ment will lead other Tian Ling Em­pire trade union about 20%, but, we did not have the se­nior sword­smith tem­porar­ily, cast the carte and tierce the blue­print to be too rare, [Zhan Long] cur­rent high­est also on. Is 10 lev­els of sword­smiths, can only build day plume, can­not fol­low the use de­mand.”
I knit the brows, said: „This can­not de­mand, well dili­gently and that's the end, the mat­ter about lot man­u­fac­tur­ing equip­ment, you and fox con­sul­ta­tion was good, does not need every­thing to ask me, I must think the mat­ter of war in the fu­ture well.”
„Um, that ram­ble elder brother we walks!”
Goes down the bateau-bridge, I deep frown, is think­ing as be­fore makes the equip­ment mat­ter about the player.
A Lin Wan Er two stars pupil vis­its me, can com­pletely un­der­stand that likely my thoughts, said with a smile: „Pig, you thought that sword­smith is Class that [Zhan Long] most needs, right?”
I did not deny that said: „Cor­rupt wolf rode the run­ning amuck world, Wan Er you also saw, the cor­rupt wolves of thou­sand peo­ple of tombs rode are over half are the swords­man are the play­ers, shook c
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I take to look, in con­ster­na­tion, the at­tribute of this bow is very im­me­di­ately good【The string of dragon shade】( Saint sun­light)At­tack: 2770-3300Agile: + 75Phys­i­cal strength: + 72Strength: + 70Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 40% long-dis­tance physics strik­ing powerAd­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 50% hit prob­a­bil­i­tiesSpe­cial ef­fect: Long Ying, has 5% prob­a­bil­i­ties to trig­ger Long Ying, next one will strike will cause 3 times of dam­age to the goalNeeds Level: 115Man­u­fac­tur­ers: One dream thou­sand citiesLooks at the at­tribute of long bow, my burst­ing out laugh­ing: „Is this the player makes? The at­tribute is quite good de­pends, un­ex­pect­edly has that strong strik­ing power, more­over this dragon shade ef­fect ap­proves, con­trols the good words, under the trig­ger­ing dragon shade strikes in­de­pen­dently changes into rises Long Jian, that at­tack out­put cer­tain com­par­i­son was over­whelmed with emo­tion!”Song Han nod­ded to say with a smile ex­cit­edly: „You said in­clud­ing the ram­ble elder brother that re­ally did not have what issue! This is the bow that dream thou­sand city beau­ti­ful women make, she now is our [Zhan Long] first makes the bow mas­ter, the same ma­te­r­ial, she makes the JP prob­a­bil­ity is oth­ers' over 2 times, I to this that you look at am only the or­di­nary goods, she made string of the strongest dragon shade, the strik­ing power upper limit ex­plodes 3824 points, Long Ying trig­gered the prob­a­bil­ity is 9%, prob­a­bly was in her hand this that took”Song Han be­hind, dream thou­sand cities raised the long bow to walk, said with a smile: „Can guild­mas­ter, scru­ti­nize this string of JP dragon shade pre­sents rarely?”I re­ceived her bow, looked at one, se­cret as­ton­ished: „Truly ap­proves!”Song Han­dao: „The string of dragon shade is 11 lev­els to make the bow tech­nique the end prod­uct goods, we in oc­cu­py­ing the bro­ken blade edge canyon later 11 lev­els of iron ore have not been a prob­lem, can there­fore string of the vol­ume pro­duc­tion this dragon shade, every time the con­struc­tion cost of bow ap­prox­i­mately in 100 G about, if the free elder brother per­mits, I let the fox true mass pro­duc­tion.”I nod: „Um, not hav­ing the issue, fund to pull out from the Dragon’s den in­come di­rectly, I al­ready gave the ju­ris­dic­tion that the fox draws cash di­rectly.”Song Han laughed: „Fox is an ac­coun­tant came, but this fel­low is quite rea­son­able, each sum of money has the de­tailed state­ment of ac­counts, this will look to you, right ram­ble elder brother, the ore of bro­ken blade edge canyon has given us very big boost, we have the first-class mak­ing axe mas­ter, to make the spear mas­ter, to make the stick mas­ter now and cast Ar­mour mas­ter, so long as gives up the in­vest­ment, our weapon Gen­eral equip­ment will lead other Tian Ling Em­pire trade union about 20%, but, we did not have the se­nior sword­smith tem­porar­ily, cast the carte and tierce the blue­print to be too rare, [Zhan Long] cur­rent high­est also on. Is 10 lev­els of sword­smiths, can only build day plume, can­not fol­low the use de­mand.”I knit the brows, said: „This can­not de­mand, well dili­gently and that's the end, the mat­ter about lot man­u­fac­tur­ing equip­ment, you and fox con­sul­ta­tion was good, does not need every­thing to ask me, I must think the mat­ter of war in the fu­ture well.”„Um, that ram­ble elder brother we walks!”„Good!”Goes down the bateau-bridge, I deep frown, is think­ing as be­fore makes the equip­ment mat­ter about the player.A Lin Wan Er two stars pupil vis­its me, can com­pletely un­der­stand that likely my thoughts, said with a smile: „Pig, you thought that sword­smith is Class that [Zhan Long] most needs, right?”I did not deny that said: „Cor­rupt wolf rode the run­ning amuck world, Wan Er you also saw, the cor­rupt wolves of thou­sand peo­ple of tombs rode are over half are the swords­man are the play­ers, shook c
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku mengambil melihat, dalam ketakutan, atribut busur ini sangat segera baik
【String naga warna】 (Saint sinar matahari)
Attack: 2770-3300
Agile: + 75
kekuatan fisik: + 72
Kekuatan: + 70
Tambahan: Mempromosikan pengguna 40% fisika jarak jauh kekuatan mencolok
tambahan: Mempromosikan pengguna 50% hit probabilitas
efek khusus: Long Ying, memiliki 5% probabilitas untuk memicu Long Ying, yang berikutnya akan menyerang akan menyebabkan 3 kali kerusakan gawang
kebutuhan level: 115
Produsen: satu mimpi ribu kota
Tampak pada atribut busur panjang, saya meledak tertawa: "Apakah ini pemain membuat? Atribut cukup baik tergantung, tiba-tiba memiliki kekuatan mencolok yang kuat, apalagi ini efek bayangan naga menyetujui, mengontrol kata-kata yang baik, di bawah memicu naga warna pemogokan secara independen berubah menjadi naik Panjang Jian, bahwa serangan keluaran perbandingan tertentu kewalahan dengan emosi! "
lagu Han mengangguk untuk mengatakan dengan senyum penuh semangat: "Kau bilang termasuk kakak mengoceh yang benar-benar tidak memiliki apa masalah! Ini adalah busur yang bermimpi ribu kota wanita cantik membuat, dia sekarang adalah kami [Zhan Panjang] pertama membuat master busur, bahan yang sama, dia membuat kemungkinan JP adalah orang lain lebih dari 2 kali, saya ini bahwa Anda melihat am hanya barang biasa, dia membuat string naga warna terkuat, kekuatan mencolok atas meledak batas 3824 poin, Long Ying dipicu probabilitas adalah 9%, mungkin itu di tangannya ini yang mengambil "
Lagu Han belakang, bermimpi ribu kota mengangkat busur panjang untuk berjalan, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Bisa Guildmaster, meneliti string ini dari JP naga naungan menyediakan jarang?"
saya menerima busur, menatap satu, heran rahasia: "Sesungguhnya menyetujui!"
Lagu Handao: "string naga warna adalah 11 tingkat untuk membuat teknik busur barang produk akhir, kami menduduki rusak tepi pisau canyon kemudian 11 tingkat bijih besi belum masalah, bisa karena string volume produksi naga warna ini, setiap kali biaya konstruksi dari busur sekitar 100 G tentang, jika bebas izin kakak, aku membiarkan rubah produksi massal benar ".
saya mengangguk:" Um, tidak memiliki masalah, dana untuk menarik keluar dari laba den Naga langsung, saya sudah memberikan . yurisdiksi yang rubah menarik uang tunai secara langsung "
Lagu Han tertawa:" Fox adalah seorang akuntan datang, tapi orang ini cukup masuk akal, masing-masing sejumlah uang memiliki pernyataan rinci rekening, ini akan melihat Anda, benar mengoceh kakak, yang bijih rusak tepi pisau canyon telah memberi kita dorongan yang sangat besar, kita memiliki kelas pembuatan kapak induk, untuk membuat master tombak, untuk membuat master tongkat sekarang dan dilemparkan Armour menguasai, asalkan menyerah investasi, senjata kami peralatan umum akan memimpin serikat buruh Tian Ling Empire lainnya sekitar 20%, tapi, kami tidak memiliki swordsmith senior yang sementara, cor carte dan Tierce cetak biru untuk menjadi terlalu jarang, [Zhan panjang] tertinggi saat ini juga. . Apakah 10 tingkat swordsmiths, hanya bisa membangun hari membanggakan, tidak bisa mengikuti permintaan penggunaan "
Saya merajut alis, mengatakan:" Ini tidak bisa menuntut, baik rajin dan itu akhirnya, masalah tentang banyak manufaktur peralatan, Anda dan konsultasi fox adalah baik, tidak perlu semuanya bertanya kepada saya, saya harus berpikir soal perang di masa depan juga. "
" Um, yang mengoceh kakak kami berjalan! "
" baik! "
Goes bawah bateau-jembatan, aku mengernyit dalam, yang . berpikir seperti sebelumnya membuat masalah peralatan tentang pemain
A Lin Wan Er dua bintang murid mengunjungi saya, benar-benar dapat memahami bahwa mungkin pikiran saya, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Babi, Anda berpikir bahwa swordsmith adalah kelas yang [Zhan panjang] sebagian besar kebutuhan ?, benar "
aku tidak menyangkal bahwa berkata:" serigala Corrupt naik berjalan amuk dunia, Wan Er Anda juga melihat, serigala korup ribu orang dari berkuda makam yang lebih dari setengah adalah pendekar pedang adalah pemain, mengguncang c
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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