„Does not want dead here, does not take four to look randomly that only before looking at your body , the human, this section of road, must walk three days , if smooth, three days later we can from this surrounding, enter the single layer earth of Patriarch deep palace.” Front Headmaster old man to open mouth, did not speak slowly afterward, careful computation vanguard.
Meng Hao is silent, after two eyes flashes, looks to cultivator before body, maintains the speed of leading the way.
The time passes, one day later, Meng Hao sketchy considers as finished, they have passed through nearly 70% distances, at present even more approaches the first mainland.
But in this process, although is shocking but not dangerous, may eight source Paragon deaths, he not change to the person skin to dissipate, but when had not realized that in the vanguard the body is rotten.
When his behind person calls out in alarm, turning around of these eight source Paragon surprise, his eyeball fell, body in people, in several breath, became the bloody water, sprinkles under.
This, making Meng Hao more vigilant, all around meteorite sends out the weak light from time to time, the entire nihility, from beginning to end, is a silence, death silence.
But Headmaster old man there, the speed is also getting more and more slow, to finally, almost must be very long, can pass through a range. Meng Hao observed for a long time, has discovered some clue gradually, pushing of Headmaster old man spread out the computation, as if decided according to the path of here meteorite float.
When Meng Hao looking pensive, suddenly, his behind spreads calling out in alarm of Su Yi, Meng Hao turns around immediately, his eyes saw behind Xin Yue.
This female look is beautiful, at this moment is bringing at a loss, plus side looks to the side, opens to open mouth, seemed speaking with any person, the expression change was quick, to finally, as if nodded, on the face revealed pleasantly surprised.
In instance that she nods, the body of this Xin Yue, naked eye obvious withering, Meng Hao frowned unexpectedly, the right hand lifts suddenly, figure of this Xin Yue forehead.
The Xin Yue body shakes, withers slowly, may actually not stop.
Nearby Su Yi facial color change, reveals the anxious meaning, will help together, may suddenly, his appear at a loss, has turned the head to look to the side, in the look has unable to believe that the right hand lifts, as if must hold nearby nihility, but his stature, in this flickers, started withering.
This, making Meng Hao frown, his forehead Dao Eye, opens in an instant, the aura in within the body proliferated loudly, has formed vortex, rolled up and pushed along the all directions aura.
Also at this time, walked in the front Headmaster old men as well as several other people, immediately turns head, particularly that Headmaster old man, was the facial color changes, after hesitating, clenching teeth maliciously, turns around to directly soar Meng Hao here immediately, several other Paragon also look changes, but saw Headmaster so, approached.
Almost in instant, the Meng Hao right hand that they approach lifts suddenly, presses toward the people.
„Cannot approach, I should.” His look is serious, when the words spread, the body raised gradually faint trace malignant influences, this malignant influences are rich, suddenly dreadfully.
Other Headmaster old men as well as Paragon, any this life slaughters endless, but now, after seeing the Meng Hao malignant influences, in abundance the two eyes contraction, particularly that sixth Paragon, is breathes deeply.
Meng Hao the thickness of malignant influences, is far from the average man can the comparison, even if they, might as well too.
„This must kill many lives”
„This person of slaughtering, old man this lives rarely”
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Tidak ingin mati di sini, tidak mengambil empat untuk melihat secara acak yang hanya sebelum melihat tubuh manusia, Bagian ini Road, harus berjalan tiga hari, jika halus, tiga hari kemudian kita dapat dari sekitarnya ini, masukkan satu lapisan bumi patriak dalam istana." Depan kepala sekolah tua untuk membuka mulut, tidak berbicara perlahan-lahan sesudahnya, pelopor komputasi berhati-hati.Meng Hao diam, setelah dua mata berkedip, terlihat untuk beralih sebelum tubuh, mempertahankan kecepatan memimpin jalan.Berjalannya waktu, satu hari kemudian, Meng Hao samar menganggap sebagai selesai, mereka telah melewati hampir 70% jarak, pendekatan lebih hadir daratan pertama.Tapi dalam proses ini, meskipun adalah mengejutkan tapi tidak berbahaya, delapan Mei sumber Paragon kematian, dia berubah kulit orang untuk mengusir, tetapi ketika tidak menyadari bahwa di barisan depan tubuh busuk.Ketika dia di belakang orang panggilan keluar di alarm, berbalik sumber delapan ini mengejutkan Paragon, nya jatuh bola mata, tubuh pada orang, dalam beberapa napas, menjadi air berdarah, taburan di bawah.Ini, membuat Meng Hao lebih waspada, Semua di sekitar meteorit mengirimkan cahaya lemah dari waktu ke waktu, nihility seluruh, dari awal hingga akhir, adalah kesunyian, keheningan kematian.Tetapi kepala sekolah tua itu ada, kecepatan juga semakin lebih dan lebih lambat, untuk akhirnya, hampir harus sangat panjang, dapat melewati berbagai. Meng Hao diamati untuk waktu yang lama, telah menemukan beberapa petunjuk secara bertahap, mendorong kepala sekolah tua menyebar komputasi, seolah-olah memutuskan menurut jalan sini meteorit mengambang.Ketika Meng Hao melihat termenung, tiba-tiba, nya di belakang spread memanggil dalam alarm Su Yi, Meng Hao berbalik segera, matanya melihat di belakang Xin Yue.Tampilan perempuan ini indah, ini saat ini adalah membawa kehilangan, plus terlihat sisi ke sisi, buka untuk membuka mulut, tampaknya berbicara dengan orang, perubahan ekspresi adalah cepat, untuk akhirnya, seolah-olah mengangguk, pada wajah mengungkapkan sangat terkejut.Dalam contoh yang ia mengangguk, tubuh ini Xin Yue, telanjang mata jelas layu, Meng Hao mengerutkan kening tiba-tiba, tangan kanan mengangkat tiba-tiba, tokoh dahi Xin Yue ini.Xin Yue tubuh getar, withers perlahan-lahan, dapat benar-benar tidak berhenti.Dekat perubahan warna wajah Su Yi, mengungkapkan makna cemas, akan membantu bersama-sama, mungkin tiba-tiba, dia muncul di kerugian, telah berubah kepala untuk melihat ke sisi, di tampilan telah tidak bisa percaya bahwa mengangkat tangan kanan, seolah-olah harus terus dekat nihility, namun kedudukannya di Ghost ini, mulai layu.Ini, membuat Meng Hao cemberut, dahinya mata Dao, membuka dalam sekejap, aura di dalam tubuh bertumbuh pesat keras, telah membentuk pusaran, digulung dan mendorong sepanjang semua arah aura.Juga pada saat ini, yang berjalan di depan kepala sekolah orang tua serta beberapa orang lain, segera berubah kepala, khususnya bahwa kepala sekolah orang tua, adalah perubahan warna wajah, setelah ragu-ragu, mengepalkan gigi jahat, berbalik langsung melambung Meng Hao di sini segera, beberapa Paragon lain juga terlihat perubahan, tetapi melihat kepala Jadi, mendekati.Almost in instant, the Meng Hao right hand that they approach lifts suddenly, presses toward the people.„Cannot approach, I should.” His look is serious, when the words spread, the body raised gradually faint trace malignant influences, this malignant influences are rich, suddenly dreadfully.Other Headmaster old men as well as Paragon, any this life slaughters endless, but now, after seeing the Meng Hao malignant influences, in abundance the two eyes contraction, particularly that sixth Paragon, is breathes deeply.Meng Hao the thickness of malignant influences, is far from the average man can the comparison, even if they, might as well too.„This must kill many lives”„This person of slaughtering, old man this lives rarely”
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