Shin and Girard ran between the trees, they were headed straight towar terjemahan - Shin and Girard ran between the trees, they were headed straight towar Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Shin and Girard ran between the tre

Shin and Girard ran between the trees, they were headed straight towards the center of the forest. By the way, Larua Grand Woods was quite spacious. One could imagine the vastness, when it was said to be wider than Hokkaido in the real world.

They went towards the center to keep the damage to the surroundings to a minimum. To really ensure safety, they should be at least 20 kemels away from the spectators.

Wouldn’t it make so that they couldn’t be seen by the【Far Sight】 skill if they were that far away? It was probably a concern, but it would never happen. Because, on the route where Shin and Girard ran through, clouds of dust looking like explosions and thousands of sliced trees flying off could be seen. Even though their figures couldn’t be seen, that track of destruction informed the others of their existence.

The two people ran side by side for a while, and divided into two groups on the way. While heading toward the center, they gradually separated from each other. It was about 10 minutes later, that the earth and sand that was flying up due to their tracks disappeared, and so they knew that the two people stopped moving.

About 5 kemels apart, both of them faced each other. Among a few of the dueling methods of the beasts, it was the oldest dueling principle that was chosen this time.

With that settled, the duel that took place in Larua Grand Woods was where they set a distance according to the ability of the people who were fighting. This was intended to get rid of the handicap of each other’s weapon specialty.

Though it might seem to be disadvantageous for the short distance type, the dense trees that obstructed the view made it easy to dish out a surprise attack.

As for the long distance type, though the distance was reduced, that meant it was harder to make a line of fire with the trees in the way.

Now that it came to this, whoever found the opponent first, was the most important point. Normally the distance would be roughly 50 mels, but because it was these two’s ability that were having showdown this time, what was said to be the best distance was not decided. Both of them spontaneously decided the distance.

There was also no referee for this match. Though it wasn’t just because it would put the referee’s body into danger; to begin with, victory or defeat was not significant between Shin and Girard. The fight itself was the goal. A referee, and the likes, would only be a hindrance instead.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Shin dan Girard berlari antara pohon-pohon, mereka sedang menuju lurus menuju pusat hutan. By the way, Larua Grand Woods adalah cukup luas. Satu bisa membayangkan luasnya, ketika dikatakan lebih luas dari Hokkaido di dunia nyata.Mereka pergi menuju pusat untuk menjaga kerusakan lingkungan ke minimum. Untuk benar-benar memastikan keamanan, mereka harus setidaknya 20 kemels menjauh dari penonton.Bukankah itu membuat sehingga mereka tidak bisa dilihat oleh the【Far Sight】 keterampilan jika mereka yang jauh? Itu mungkin keprihatinan, tetapi tidak pernah akan terjadi. Karena, di mana Shin dan Girard berlari melalui rute, awan debu yang tampak seperti ledakan dan ribuan pohon irisan terbang dapat dilihat. Meskipun angka-angka mereka tidak bisa melihat, bahwa lagu pemusnahan informasi yang lain keberadaan mereka.Dua orang berlari berdampingan untuk sementara, dan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok di jalan. Sementara menuju pusat, mereka secara bertahap dipisahkan dari satu sama lain. Itu adalah sekitar 10 menit kemudian, bahwa bumi dan pasir yang terbang naik karena jejak mereka menghilang, dan begitu mereka tahu bahwa dua orang berhenti bergerak.Sekitar 5 kemels apart, keduanya menghadapi satu sama lain. Di antara beberapa metode duel binatang, itu prinsip duel tertua yang dipilih saat ini.Dengan itu diselesaikan, duel yang terjadi di Larua Grand hutan adalah mana mereka mengatur jarak sesuai kemampuan orang-orang yang berjuang. Ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan Cacat saling senjata khusus.Meskipun mungkin tampak menjadi tidak menguntungkan bagi tipe jarak pendek, pohon-pohon padat yang menghalangi pandangan membuatnya mudah untuk hidangan keluar serangan kejutan.Adapun jenis jarak jauh, meskipun jarak berkurang, itu berarti lebih sulit untuk membuat garis api dengan pohon-pohon di jalan.Sekarang bahwa datang ke ini, siapa pun menemukan lawan pertama, adalah yang paling penting. Biasanya jarak akan kira-kira 50 mels, tetapi karena itu adalah dua kemampuan yang mengalami showdown saat ini, apa yang dikatakan menjadi jarak terbaik tidak diputuskan. Mereka berdua secara spontan memutuskan jarak.Ada juga tidak ada wasit untuk pertandingan ini. Meskipun itu bukan hanya karena itu akan dimasukkan wasit tubuh ke dalam bahaya; untuk mulai dengan, kemenangan atau kekalahan itu tidak signifikan antara Shin dan Girard. Pertarungan itu sendiri adalah tujuan. Wasit, dan sebagainya, akan hanya menjadi penghalang sebaliknya.
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