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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1196: Carries off the soldier burial puppet! Planet South Heaven head of the clan Fang Clan big ritual, finally finished perfectly, when the entire Ninth Mountain sea, all Sect influences, after this day, sees Fang Xiufeng, is polite, because of Fang Xiufeng representative, is entire Fang Clan!Planet South Heaven, has henceforth guarded the massive Fang Clan clansmen, along with opening of Spell formation, with Planet East Victory in some sense, has connected in one.Similarly, protection of Planet South Heaven, along with guarding of Fang Xiufeng, became the matter of Fang Clan, no longer is he, this point, Fang Shoudao is also good, Fang Yanxu, does not have any shirking.Protects Mountains and Seas Plane, this is ... The pledge of Heaven's Crown family!Meng Hao departed, after his father big ritual had finished third day, he said goodbye to the parents, departed Planet South Heaven, he does not know when one next time come back is, therefore before then, some old friends, must meet, some foreign loans, must demand.His first station, is Planet East Victory!When Meng Hao form, with the aid of Planet South Heaven Spell formation, direct Teleportation to Planet East Victory, he flew to home whereabouts, went to the Dao of alchemy branch mountain peak, visited Old Pill, has met the old friend, finally Fang Shoudao helped him open Ancestral Land of family!Meng Hao looks that huge vortex that in the world presents, looks in this vortex, in familiar Ancestral Land, that makes his innermost feelings reacted change to the mountain peak the soldier burial puppet, in the Meng Hao mind, reappeared once more Ke Yunhai.„Father ...” When Meng Hao muttered, took a step, stepped into vortex, appeared in the front of that soldier burial puppet, almost in instant, this soldier burial puppet originally deep sleep that Meng Hao appeared. May, the body awaken suddenly the aura, opening eyes slowly. The body thunders, standing up when slowly, Quasi-Dao imposing manner, loudly eruption.It and other arrivals of Meng Hao, waits for Meng Hao to carry off it!On this day, finally arrived!„I will take away you ... Forever, along with me side.” The Meng Hao right hand lifts. Strokes the soldier burial puppet gently, from soldier burial puppet aura. Is he remembers the recollection of father.„Another soldier burial puppet, I must look.” When Meng Hao breathes deeply, the right hand lifts wields, immediately this soldier burial puppet changes to a rainbow. Flies into Meng Hao the place of immortal ruins must come from Hai Meng Paragon there!The soldier burial puppet, already with the immortal ruins assimilation, it assimilated, is not the earth, but is the aura of immortal ruins, therefore it is unable to leave Ancestral Land, once departs, did not have the aura of immortal ruins, it will die.Oleh karena itu. Meng Hao dari Hai Meng Paragon, menuntut peregangan bumi abadi reruntuhan, dia untuk... Adalah wayang pemakaman prajurit ini. Pada saat ini tampak bahwa prajurit pemakaman wayang lalat ke dalam tempat reruntuhan abadi nya, Meng Hao perasaan terdalam intens, setelah semua adalah penghakiman-Nya, secara bertahap, setelah dia melihat pemakaman prajurit boneka ini tidak sakit, perasaan terdalam Meng Hao kemudian santai."Setelah ini. Kami bersama-sama... Goes seluruh pegunungan dan laut pesawat!" Dalam Meng Hao mengungkapkan cahaya halus, nya jauh istana yang mendalam terhadap tempat jauh Apakah menyembah. Ketika akan berangkat, tiba-tiba, dari Istana yang mendalam, penyebaran pertama patriak generasi kuno suara."Warisan Tuhan Li, awalnya di Planet Selatan surga, kemudian dalam Planet Timur kemenangan, sekarang... Dalam delapan gunung dan laut." Ketika suara dengung, jade slip, berangkat dari Istana yang mendalam dalam sekejap, berkedip-kedip muncul di depan Meng Hao, tertangkap oleh Meng Hao."Di sini, adalah posisi yang Li Tuhan warisan adalah, Anda memegang slip ini jade, dapat menemukan!""Warisan ini, adalah bidang Dao adalah dapat dimenangkan, tetapi oleh budidaya Anda hadir, sama-sama layak... Menemukan warisan, memperoleh warisan, kemudian kepada Anda... Memiliki sangat besar bantuan." Suara generasi pertama patriak perlahan-lahan lemah.Pengertian rohani meng Hao terintegrasi jade slip, segera terasa, dalam jarak di sini remote starry langit, telah memanggil, memanggil ini sangat lemah, tapi benar-benar semua tanpa henti, begitu lama sebagai berikut untuk mencari, dapat menemukan.Tapi Meng Hao berpikir sangat aneh, karena ia merasa samar-samar, yang ada dalam Tuhan Li warisan Gunung kedelapan, tiba-tiba tidak statis, tetapi migrasi."Surga Selatan planet, Planet Timur kemenangan dan kedelapan gunung..." meng Hao kedua mata membuka tiba-tiba, dalam pikirannya telah kira tak terbayangkan."Tidak bisa..." Ketika Meng Hao bergumam, yang kedelapan Gunung starry langit, kura-kura besar, mendengus lagu, penerbangan ceria, di sekelilingnya, beberapa ratus beralih, adalah menggertak dan omong, ini mirip dengan penjaga.
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