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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Ahreupen Empire’s Sealed Memories“Ahreupen’s seal!”Weed obtained the seal that the Ahreupen Emperor, one of the master sculptors, had created as a reward for the quest. The first emperor to create a unified empire in the Continent of Versailles.The Seal of the Ahreupen Empire!Weed wiped away the small tears in his eyes. Rather than the tears that he usually had when he was yawning, these were tears of joy.“They say heaven helps those who help themselves. The words hold true to their meaning. I did not think I would get a reward this good.”It was one of the few century old antiques to have appeared from the Continent of Versailles.The Ahreupen Imperial Seal had more than one option on it, it was a coveted item that anyone would want to get their hands on.“It took so much work and its still not in a complete state…”As of now, the sculpture was at least a hundred times more valuable than jewelry.Everyone wanted sacred items that had magical properties. He managed to repair the Ahreupen Seal to a nearly perfect condition so now its true power will be revealed.Ttiring!- The Ahreupen Empire appreciated buildings from the Classical Era.As a sculptor and the owner of this province, you can now construct buildings from the Classical Era. Buildings from the Classical Era were known to be very solemn and elegant, as well as big enough to accommodate large populations. The construction costs are very high but they give an effect of increasing fertility. -You can now build special buildings. Imperial Palace of the Ahreupen EmpireAt least 8 million gold in construction costs.Only one can be constructed on the entire continent.Political influence extends to the whole continent.Loyalty and morale of knights will soar.Reduces the likelihood of betrayal from the nobility.It has a lot of maids.You will need a very large territory to construct.If the Imperial Palace is constructed on farmland, then discontent from the civilians will increase dramatically.Has a special effect over the city:Increases the likelihood of wandering knights to pledge their loyalty.Diplomatic effects. He had gotten the skill Sculptural Memories from the quest. He could see the historical buildings of the Classical Era and build them. He was not expecting such a reward. Weed did not think about building this at all. It even had a cost to hire workers to pull weeds out of the castle gardens. Large ColosseumAt least 300 thousand gold in construction costs.A place for gladiators.Watching the fierce battles will relieve the stress of the citizens.Admission will increase the city’s revenue.The Lord’s reputation will increase when built.The Colosseum will create a lot of brave gladiators.Special Effects:Gladiators will come to test their strength.Rapidly increase the training of soldiers. Rock FortAt least 500 thousand gold in construction costs.Can serve as a citadel for the city.Can be build in mountains and high cliffs.Has essential shops and housing for soldiers.Depending on the terrain, a number of blessings can be granted and it can be used as an outpost against monster raids.The number of quests available to fight against monsters increase significantly and materials gathered from monsters will become available on the market.If the fort falls, then the Lord’s reliability to provide the residents safety drops sharply.Special Effects:Expansion of territory. Special Ahreupen Grainery.At least 40 thousand gold in construction costs.This is a very special building.A very large building towering towards the sky!The Ahreupen Empire created multiple layers inside the grainery to store large amounts of grain.Can store large amounts of grain, alcohol, and fruit underground for very long periods of time.Reduces the number of starving residents and stabilizes the price of food.Residents will not need to worry about food and children like to look at the large granaries.When the continent was united under the Ahreupen Empire, this was the most essential building for safety, fertility, and the economy.City wide festivals can be triggered.Special Effects:Neighboring residents will immigrate because they will not need to worry about starving. Mysterious Fairy PondConstruction Cost: 1000 goldA small, quiet natural ponds with clear water is a favorite for Fairies. It is difficult to find a place to build it. Once the pond is built, then fairies will come to play around. In most cases the fairies will not pull malicious pranks. The Fairy Queen may present unexpected gifts.Special Effects:Increase nature affinity and mysterious events may occur. Ahreupen HousesConstruction Costs: 2000 gold.A four story building made out of stone. Sturdy and does not break easily. These middle class houses can house many generations of residents together. It will become more popular if built next to a lake or a river. Increases public security and the satisfaction of the residents.Special Effects:Increase the resistance to natural disaster and reduces damaging to the structure. Sculptor’s Cave ComplexAt least 30 thousand gold in construction costs.A place for sculptors to gather and learn new sculpting techniques.Helps to develops the city’s culture. Castle RuinsAt least 70 thousand in construction costs.To build this structure the city’s culture, art, and technology must be evenly developed.A special building from the Ahreupen Empire that spirits live in.Spirits like to play tricks on young children.Spirits can not be caught.Spirits reduce the number of children attacked by monsters.This building increases the development of magic. Ahruepen Merchant CenterAt least 25 thousand gold to construct.The Ahreuepn Empire preferred artists and merchants.Independent free traders can rest here.Built in places with good public security so their wagons can be stored here.It is possible to increase bargaining skills and the movement speed of wagons for a few days after resting here. Tilted Leaning TowerAt least 150 thousand gold in construction costs.Questions will be raised as to the nature of the Leaning TowerRaises elemental affinity with mages.Special Effects: Raises elemental affinity based on the nature of the surrounding area. Leather Production Center.At least 1200 gold in construction costs.This place will sell leather and leather products.There were as many as 300 buildings from the Ahreupen Empire that raised military, economics, or education. They required large amounts of money and stone by default as well as some needed jewelry and other precious metals.Seeing as the large amount of materials that were required for construction, Weed as the Lord thought that they didn’t have much value because the levels of technology, culture, and economy were low. That meant the construction would be mediocre.The Ahreupen Empire Imperial Palace required a monstrous amount of precious metals.Weed looked through the list again.- The Ahreupen Empire gathered information on blacksmithing skills to make weapons and armors. The Ahreupen Empire was in a ceaseless war of conquest.They had to fight humans for territory and hunt large monsters.Despite their low skill levels, the Ahreupen Empire used padded leather to make heavy weight, high defense armors.
You can now make clothing and armor from the Imperial Knights and Guard.
-You have acquired the sewing skills of Ahreupen Empire clothing.Clothing such as the wizard robes, royal clothing, the imperial chef, the palace maid, and a variety of other clothing.
-There are still things unknown to the Sculptural Memories skill because the Seal of the Emperor could not be read completely. There are still parts of the sculpture that is damaged that require restoration.
It was true that hard work cultivated art!
Since Weed learned the Sculptural Memories skill, he could not earn more money.
He had learned the sewing methods for a large number of different types of equipment for his Sewing skill.
Weed had a twisted smile.
“Ah..to think that in this world that you can achieve things without having to give up on life.”
You could not go wrong living a life of hard work!
The Seal of the Emperor was a very old historical item so there were still things unknown about it. Even so, he still managed to get a way to earn a wide variety of income.
That much was going to be obvious!
A crazed laugh came from Weed’s mouth.
Even more than the laugh when he found a sword or armor from hunting!
“If it’s this much then it’s going to be much better than the Demon Sword or the Ancient Shield.”
That is what came out when he finished his calculations.
For such a treasure to come to a sculptor was like a lifeline to increase the art stat.
However, somewhere along the line, the Ahreupen Kingdom collapsed.
He needed to restore the rest of the sculpture if he wanted to read the remaining memories.
Weed’s Sculpture Repair skill was significantly low since he hardly repaired sculptures!
“I need to break a few sculptures and repair them.”
He needed to raise his skill to finish the S rank quest but he expected a good reward.
“Well, I better go.”
The old mercenary that was with Weed finally left. In the River of Wailing, he drunk a lot of expensive alcohol. He would even sing while he drank. It was hard taking care of him and now he was finally gone. He had gotten the Imperial Seal from the mercenary. Now the mercenary was going back.
Weed’s eyes became sharp.
‘It was tough to obtain.’
Of course it was going to be difficult to contact the mercenary now. He could just check up on him some other time of course. Weed grasped both of the old mercenary’s hands.
“It was an honor. So it’s goodbye until we meet again? Try not to eat or drink too much. Here’s some snacks you can eat.”
He was pretending like it was a regretful parting that was both tender and heartwarming.
“I’m sorry to burden you, be sure to take care of yourself now old man.”
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