Old an­ces­tor ~~~~~” at this mo­ment, Im­mor­tal Ex­e­cu­tion Arch­i­ terjemahan - Old an­ces­tor ~~~~~” at this mo­ment, Im­mor­tal Ex­e­cu­tion Arch­i­ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Old an­ces­tor ~~~~~” at this mo­me

Old an­ces­tor ~~~~~” at this mo­ment, Im­mor­tal Ex­e­cu­tion Arch­i­pel­ago peo­ple, im­me­di­ately ashen-faced, thor­ough in same place, crossed a mo­ment later, slowly re­sponded that great shouts of being deeply grieved.
Be­cause re­gard­ing them, Murong Mingt­ian was too im­por­tant, in their mind, Murong Mingt­ian quite Yu Shen, com­mands them sim­ply, con­trols the world the Deity.
Now, their gods make the human cut to kill un­ex­pect­edly, how this asked them to ac­cept, did not have the be­lief like the fol­lower sim­ply, did not have the di­rec­tion.
„We must re­venge for the old an­ces­tor ~~~”
When is deeply grieved, the Im­mor­tal Ex­e­cu­tion Arch­i­pel­ago peo­ple, were the grief and in­dig­na­tion occur si­mul­ta­ne­ously, start to kill to go to the Crip­pling Night Demon Sect army who break­necked, have dis­played the to de­stroy in­dis­crim­i­nately man­ner, wanted to put to­gether a fight in which both sides per­ish.
Al­though, they can melt an­grily are the strengths, how­ever Crip­pling Night Demon Sect per­son, after see­ing Murong Mingt­ian was killed, is the im­pos­ing man­ner rises sud­denly, there­fore not only had not been break­necked counter-at­tack Im­mor­tal Ex­e­cu­tion Arch­i­pel­ago that fright­ens, in­stead started the slaugh­ter of sav­age.
Under this sit­u­a­tion, orig­i­nally the army of sup­pressed Im­mor­tal Ex­e­cu­tion Arch­i­pel­ago as well as three big mon­ster clans, is the hard to imag­ine sup­port.
„This feel­ing, is it pos­si­ble that”
How­ever, after the Murong Mingt­ian corpse scrap, ac­tu­ally the light strengths, emerged Chu Feng within the body, after just that strength en­ters the body, Chu Feng is ac­tu­ally the brow slightly wrin­kle, in the eye flashes through wipes the anx­i­ety.
„~~” in a time of Chu Feng god, Jiang Qisha is seizes the chance to stim­u­late to move­ment one­self that Hu­man-class Taboo Skill, wants to cross Chu Feng White Tiger Slaugh­ter­ing Tech­nique, sneak at­tacks Chu Feng.
„Bang ~~.” Just, he too has ac­tu­ally un­der­es­ti­mated White Tiger Slaugh­ter­ing Tech­nique, al­though Chu Feng has not con­cen­trated on, but White Tiger Slaugh­ter­ing Tech­nique also has the abil­ity that dis­plays freely, Jiang Qisha Hu­man-class Taboo Skill, ex­plains un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly once again.
„~~.” After that White Tiger breaks the Jiang Qisha of­fen­sive, then roars again and again, threw to Jiang Qisha.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Old an­ces­tor ~~~~~” at this mo­ment, Im­mor­tal Ex­e­cu­tion Arch­i­pel­ago peo­ple, im­me­di­ately ashen-faced, thor­ough in same place, crossed a mo­ment later, slowly re­sponded that great shouts of being deeply grieved.Be­cause re­gard­ing them, Murong Mingt­ian was too im­por­tant, in their mind, Murong Mingt­ian quite Yu Shen, com­mands them sim­ply, con­trols the world the Deity.Now, their gods make the human cut to kill un­ex­pect­edly, how this asked them to ac­cept, did not have the be­lief like the fol­lower sim­ply, did not have the di­rec­tion.„We must re­venge for the old an­ces­tor ~~~”When is deeply grieved, the Im­mor­tal Ex­e­cu­tion Arch­i­pel­ago peo­ple, were the grief and in­dig­na­tion occur si­mul­ta­ne­ously, start to kill to go to the Crip­pling Night Demon Sect army who break­necked, have dis­played the to de­stroy in­dis­crim­i­nately man­ner, wanted to put to­gether a fight in which both sides per­ish.Al­though, they can melt an­grily are the strengths, how­ever Crip­pling Night Demon Sect per­son, after see­ing Murong Mingt­ian was killed, is the im­pos­ing man­ner rises sud­denly, there­fore not only had not been break­necked counter-at­tack Im­mor­tal Ex­e­cu­tion Arch­i­pel­ago that fright­ens, in­stead started the slaugh­ter of sav­age.Under this sit­u­a­tion, orig­i­nally the army of sup­pressed Im­mor­tal Ex­e­cu­tion Arch­i­pel­ago as well as three big mon­ster clans, is the hard to imag­ine sup­port.„This feel­ing, is it pos­si­ble that”
How­ever, after the Murong Mingt­ian corpse scrap, ac­tu­ally the light strengths, emerged Chu Feng within the body, after just that strength en­ters the body, Chu Feng is ac­tu­ally the brow slightly wrin­kle, in the eye flashes through wipes the anx­i­ety.
„~~” in a time of Chu Feng god, Jiang Qisha is seizes the chance to stim­u­late to move­ment one­self that Hu­man-class Taboo Skill, wants to cross Chu Feng White Tiger Slaugh­ter­ing Tech­nique, sneak at­tacks Chu Feng.
„Bang ~~.” Just, he too has ac­tu­ally un­der­es­ti­mated White Tiger Slaugh­ter­ing Tech­nique, al­though Chu Feng has not con­cen­trated on, but White Tiger Slaugh­ter­ing Tech­nique also has the abil­ity that dis­plays freely, Jiang Qisha Hu­man-class Taboo Skill, ex­plains un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly once again.
„~~.” After that White Tiger breaks the Jiang Qisha of­fen­sive, then roars again and again, threw to Jiang Qisha.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Old leluhur ~~~~~ "pada saat ini, Immortal Eksekusi Archipelago orang, segera wajah pucat, menyeluruh di tempat yang sama, menyeberangi sesaat kemudian, perlahan-lahan menjawab bahwa teriakan besar yang sangat berduka.
Karena mengenai mereka, Murong Mingtian terlalu penting, dalam pikiran mereka, Murong Mingtian cukup Yu Shen, memerintahkan mereka sederhana, mengendalikan dunia dewa.
Sekarang, dewa-dewa mereka membuat cut manusia untuk membunuh tiba-tiba, bagaimana ini meminta mereka untuk menerima, tidak memiliki keyakinan seperti pengikut hanya , tidak memiliki arah.
"Kita harus balas dendam untuk leluhur tua ~~~"
Ketika sangat sedih, Eksekusi Archipelago orang Immortal, adalah kesedihan dan kemarahan terjadi secara bersamaan, mulai membunuh untuk pergi ke tentara melumpuhkan Malam Siluman Sect yang breaknecked, telah ditampilkan untuk menghancurkan tanpa pandang bulu dengan cara, ingin mengumpulkan pertarungan di mana kedua belah pihak binasa.
Meskipun, mereka dapat mencairkan marah adalah kekuatan, namun melumpuhkan Malam Siluman Sekte orang, setelah melihat Murong Mingtian tewas, adalah mengesankan cara naik tiba-tiba, karena itu tidak hanya belum breaknecked serangan balik Immortal Archipelago Eksekusi yang menakutkan, bukan mulai pembantaian biadab.
dalam situasi ini, awalnya tentara ditekan Archipelago Eksekusi Immortal serta tiga klan rakasa besar, adalah sulit membayangkan dukungan.
"perasaan ini, adalah mungkin bahwa"
Namun, setelah Murong Mingtian mayat memo, sebenarnya kekuatan cahaya, muncul Chu Feng dalam tubuh, setelah hanya bahwa kekuatan masuk ke dalam tubuh, Chu Feng sebenarnya alis sedikit kerut , di berkedip mata melalui tisu kecemasan.
"~~" dalam waktu Chu Feng dewa, Jiang Qisha adalah merebut kesempatan untuk merangsang gerakan diri sendiri bahwa manusia kelas Keterampilan Taboo, ingin menyeberang Chu Feng White Tiger Pemotongan Teknik, menyelinap menyerang Chu Feng.
"Bang ~~." Hanya, dia juga telah benar-benar meremehkan White Tiger Pemotongan Teknik, meskipun Chu Feng belum berkonsentrasi pada, tapi White Tiger Pemotongan Teknik juga memiliki kemampuan yang menampilkan bebas, Jiang Qisha Manusia kelas Taboo keterampilan, menjelaskan tiba-tiba langsung sekali lagi.
"~~." Setelah itu Macan Putih istirahat Jiang Qisha ofensif, maka mengaum lagi dan lagi, melemparkan ke Jiang Qisha.
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