Finding the Causes of Mental RetardationA number of implications for s terjemahan - Finding the Causes of Mental RetardationA number of implications for s Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Finding the Causes of Mental Retard

Finding the Causes of Mental Retardation
A number of implications for society arise from the fact that it is now possible
to predict which infants are likely to be intellectually delayed later in life. Perhaps
the most salient implication is that the lead time for the prospective study of the
causes of mental retardation has been greatly reduced. With conventional IQ tests,
3 to 6 years must typically pass before retardation in the 50-70 IQ range can be
diagnosed--an IQ range encompassing almost 90% of retarded children. The
development of an intelligence test for infants that is based on the definition of
intelligence as processing has meant that the lead time on prospective studies of
the causes of mild mental retardation can be cut to less than a year. Investigators
have been quick to take advantage of a test of intelligence that is based on
processing, to search for the causes of mental retardation (Fagan, 1992). The
Fagan test is now in use in over 200 research centers around the world. Some are
using the Fagan test to study the effect that exposure to various chemical agents,
such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), alcohol, cocaine, lead, and mercury
have on intellectual development. Others are concerned with the role of nutrition,
iron supplements, and fatty acids on early intelligence. The intellectual sequelae
of thyroid deficiency, maternal HIV infection, intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary
dysplasia, failure to thrive, intrauterine growth retardation, very
preterm birth, genetic anomalies, various neurological abnormalities, and the
effects of early surgical procedures also are being assessed.
I hope that researchers using tests of processing may discover the etiology of
certain cases of mental retardation (e.g., by identifying teratogens). Capitalizing
on such identification, legislators will, presumably, institute programs to prevent
specific causes of retardation. Obviously, any legislation to prevent identified
causes of mental retardation must accommodate conflicting social and economic
interests. Even a very limited success, however, in discovering the causes of
mental retardation and eliminating those causes would be of enormous social
benefit. To put that benefit into perspective, consider the fact that we currently
invest about $14 million a year to screen infants for phenylketonuria (PKU), a
highly worthwhile endeavor, which no one would question. However, finding and
eliminating the causes of just 1% of mild-to-moderate retardation would save
more children from intellectual deficit each year than are now saved by screening
and treatment for PKU. Economically, as Baumeister, Bacharach, and Baumeister
(1997) have pointed out, the savings to society of preventing even a small
percentage of the cases of mental retardation each year can be measured in
billions of dollars. Added to the monetary savings is the personal value to children
and parents, a value that cannot be measured in dollars but is a great sum in
emotional currency. In effect, the cost to society of supporting research aimed at
discovering the causes of poor processing is trivial compared with the benefits to
be gained.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Finding the Causes of Mental RetardationA number of implications for society arise from the fact that it is now possibleto predict which infants are likely to be intellectually delayed later in life. Perhapsthe most salient implication is that the lead time for the prospective study of thecauses of mental retardation has been greatly reduced. With conventional IQ tests,3 to 6 years must typically pass before retardation in the 50-70 IQ range can bediagnosed--an IQ range encompassing almost 90% of retarded children. Thedevelopment of an intelligence test for infants that is based on the definition ofintelligence as processing has meant that the lead time on prospective studies ofthe causes of mild mental retardation can be cut to less than a year. Investigatorshave been quick to take advantage of a test of intelligence that is based onprocessing, to search for the causes of mental retardation (Fagan, 1992). TheFagan test is now in use in over 200 research centers around the world. Some areusing the Fagan test to study the effect that exposure to various chemical agents,such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), alcohol, cocaine, lead, and mercuryhave on intellectual development. Others are concerned with the role of nutrition,iron supplements, and fatty acids on early intelligence. The intellectual sequelaeof thyroid deficiency, maternal HIV infection, intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonarydysplasia, failure to thrive, intrauterine growth retardation, verypreterm birth, genetic anomalies, various neurological abnormalities, and theeffects of early surgical procedures also are being assessed.I hope that researchers using tests of processing may discover the etiology ofcertain cases of mental retardation (e.g., by identifying teratogens). Capitalizingon such identification, legislators will, presumably, institute programs to preventspecific causes of retardation. Obviously, any legislation to prevent identifiedcauses of mental retardation must accommodate conflicting social and economicinterests. Even a very limited success, however, in discovering the causes ofmental retardation and eliminating those causes would be of enormous socialbenefit. To put that benefit into perspective, consider the fact that we currentlyinvest about $14 million a year to screen infants for phenylketonuria (PKU), ahighly worthwhile endeavor, which no one would question. However, finding andeliminating the causes of just 1% of mild-to-moderate retardation would savemore children from intellectual deficit each year than are now saved by screeningand treatment for PKU. Economically, as Baumeister, Bacharach, and Baumeister(1997) have pointed out, the savings to society of preventing even a smallpercentage of the cases of mental retardation each year can be measured inbillions of dollars. Added to the monetary savings is the personal value to childrenand parents, a value that cannot be measured in dollars but is a great sum inemotional currency. In effect, the cost to society of supporting research aimed atdiscovering the causes of poor processing is trivial compared with the benefits tobe gained.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menemukan Penyebab Retardasi Mental
Sejumlah implikasi bagi masyarakat timbul dari kenyataan bahwa sekarang mungkin
untuk memprediksi bayi kemungkinan akan tertunda intelektual di kemudian hari. Mungkin
implikasi paling menonjol adalah bahwa lead time untuk studi prospektif dari
penyebab keterbelakangan mental telah sangat berkurang. Dengan tes IQ konvensional,
3 sampai 6 tahun harus biasanya dilewati sebelum keterbelakangan dalam kisaran 50-70 IQ dapat
didiagnosis - berbagai IQ meliputi hampir 90% dari anak-anak terbelakang. The
pengembangan tes kecerdasan untuk bayi yang didasarkan pada definisi
kecerdasan pemrosesan berarti bahwa lead time pada studi prospektif dari
penyebab retardasi mental ringan dapat dipotong untuk kurang dari satu tahun. Penyidik
​​telah cepat untuk mengambil keuntungan dari tes kecerdasan yang didasarkan pada
pengolahan, untuk mencari penyebab keterbelakangan mental (Fagan, 1992). The
Fagan uji sekarang digunakan di lebih dari 200 pusat penelitian di seluruh dunia. Beberapa
menggunakan uji Fagan untuk mempelajari pengaruh bahwa paparan berbagai bahan kimia,
seperti PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls), alkohol, kokain, timbal, dan merkuri
terhadap perkembangan intelektual. Lainnya prihatin dengan peran nutrisi,
suplemen zat besi, dan asam lemak intelijen awal. Gejala sisa intelektual
kekurangan tiroid, infeksi HIV pada ibu, perdarahan intraventrikular, bronkopulmonal
displasia, gagal tumbuh, retardasi pertumbuhan intrauterin, sangat
kelahiran prematur, anomali genetik, kelainan neurologis berbagai, dan
efek dari prosedur bedah dini juga sedang dinilai.
Saya berharap bahwa para peneliti menggunakan tes pengolahan dapat menemukan etiologi
kasus tertentu keterbelakangan mental (misalnya, dengan mengidentifikasi teratogen). Memanfaatkan
pada identifikasi tersebut, legislator akan, mungkin, program lembaga untuk mencegah
penyebab spesifik dari keterbelakangan. Jelas, undang-undang apa pun untuk mencegah diidentifikasi
penyebab keterbelakangan mental harus mengakomodasi sosial dan ekonomi yang saling bertentangan
kepentingan. Bahkan keberhasilan yang sangat terbatas, namun, dalam menemukan penyebab
keterbelakangan mental dan menghilangkan penyebab tersebut akan sosial yang sangat besar
manfaatnya. Untuk menempatkan manfaat yang dalam perspektif, mempertimbangkan fakta bahwa saat ini kita
berinvestasi sekitar $ 14 juta per tahun untuk bayi layar untuk fenilketonuria (PKU), sebuah
usaha yang sangat berharga, yang tak seorang pun akan mempertanyakan. Namun, menemukan dan
menghilangkan penyebab hanya 1% dari retardasi ringan sampai sedang akan menyelamatkan
lebih banyak anak dari defisit intelektual setiap tahun dari sekarang diselamatkan oleh skrining
dan pengobatan untuk PKU. Secara ekonomi, seperti Baumeister, Bacharach, dan Baumeister
(1997) telah menunjukkan, tabungan kepada masyarakat untuk mencegah bahkan kecil
persentase kasus keterbelakangan mental setiap tahun dapat diukur dalam
miliaran dolar. Ditambahkan ke tabungan moneter adalah nilai pribadi untuk anak-anak
dan orang tua, nilai yang tidak dapat diukur dalam dolar tetapi jumlah besar dalam
mata uang emosional. Akibatnya, biaya untuk masyarakat mendukung penelitian yang bertujuan
menemukan penyebab pengolahan miskin sepele dibandingkan dengan manfaat yang
bisa diperoleh.
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