Trading CompaniesA trading company provides a link between buyers and  terjemahan - Trading CompaniesA trading company provides a link between buyers and  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Trading CompaniesA trading company

Trading Companies
A trading company provides a link between buyers and sellers in different countries.
A trading company, as its name implies, is not involved in manufacturing or owning
assets related to manufacturing. It buys products in one country at the lowest price
consistent with quality and sells to buyers in another country. An important function of
trading companies is taking title to products and performing all the activities necessary
to move the products from the domestic country to a foreign country. For example,
large grain-trading companies operating out of home offices both in the United States
and overseas control a major portion of the world’s trade in basic food commodities.
These trading companies sell homogeneous agricultural commodities that can be stored
and moved rapidly in response to market conditions.
In the early 1990s, many developing nations had major restrictions on converting
domestic currency into foreign currency. Therefore, exporters had to resort to barter
agreements with importers. Countertrade is essentially an international barter
transaction in which goods and services are exchanged for different goods and services.
Examples include Saudi Arabia’s purchase of ten 747 jets from Boeing with payment
in crude oil and Philip Morris’s sale of cigarettes to Russia in return for chemicals used
to make fertilizers.
Multinational Firms
A multinational enterprise is a firm that operates on a worldwide scale without ties
to any specific nation or region. The multinational firm represents the highest level of
involvement in international business. It is equally “at home” in most countries of the
world. In fact, as far as the operations of the multinational enterprise are concerned,
national boundaries exist only on maps. It is, however, organized under the laws of its
home country.
Table 3.3 shows the ten largest foreign and U.S. public multinational companies;
the ranking is based on a composite score reflecting each company’s best three out of
four rankings for sales, profits, assets, and market value. Table 3.4 describes steps in
entering international markets.
The Ten Largest Foreign and U.S. Multinational Corporations

Steps in Entering International Markets
Step Activity Marketing Tasks
1 Identify exportable products. Identify key selling features.
Identify needs that they satisfy.
Identify the selling constraints that are imposed.
2 Identify key foreign markets for the
Determine who the customers are.
Pinpoint what and when they will buy.
Do market research.
Establish priority, or “target,” countries.
3 Analyze how to sell in each priority
market (methods will be affected by
product characteristics and unique
features of country/market).
Locate available government and private-sector resources.
Determine service and backup sales requirements.
4 Set export prices and payment terms,
methods, and techniques.
Establish methods of export pricing.
Establish sales terms, quotations, invoices, and conditions of sale.
Determine methods of international payments, secured and unsecured.
5 Estimate resource requirements and
Estimate financial requirements.
Estimate human resources requirements (full- or part-time export
department or operation?).
Estimate plant production capacity.
Determine necessary product adaptations.
6 Establish overseas distribution network. Determine distribution agreement and other key marketing decisions
(price, repair policies, returns, territory, performance, and termination).
Know your customer (use U.S. Department of Commerce international
marketing services).
7 Determine shipping, traffic, and
documentation procedures and
Determine methods of shipment (air or ocean freight, truck, rail).
Finalize containerization.
Obtain validated export license.
Follow export-administration documentation procedures.
8 Promote, sell, and be paid. Use international media, communications, advertising, trade shows, and
Determine the need for overseas travel (when, where, and how often?).
Initiate customer follow-up procedures.
9 Continuously analyze current marketing,
economic, and political situations.
Recognize changing factors influencing marketing strategies.
Constantly re-evaluate.

Step Activity Marketing Tasks
1 Identify exportable products. Identify key selling features.
Identify needs that they satisfy.
Identify the selling constraints that are imposed.
2 Identify key foreign markets for the
Determine who the customers are.
Pinpoint what and when they will buy.
Do market research.
Establish priority, or “target,” countries.
3 Analyze how to sell in each priority
market (methods will be affected by
product characteristics and unique
features of country/market).
Locate available government and private-sector resources.
Determine service and backup sales requirements.
4 Set export prices and payment terms,
methods, and techniques.
Establish methods of export pricing.
Establish sales terms, quotations, invoices, and conditions of sale.
Determine methods of international payments, secured and unsecured.
5 Estimate resource requirements and
Estimate financial requirements.
Estimate human resources requirements (full- or part-time export
department or operation?).
Estimate plant production capacity.
Determine necessary product adaptations.
6 Establish overseas distribution network. Determine distribution agreement and other key marketing decisions
(price, repair policies, returns, territory, performance, and termination).
Know your customer (use U.S. Department of Commerce international
marketing services).
7 Determine shipping, traffic, and
documentation procedures and
Determine methods of shipment (air or ocean freight, truck, rail).
Finalize containerization.
Obtain validated export license.
Follow export-administration documentation procedures.
8 Promote, sell, and be paid. Use international media, communications, advertising, trade shows, and
Determine the need for overseas travel (when, where, and how often?).
Initiate customer follow-up procedures.
9 Continuously analyze current marketing,
economic, and political situations.
Recognize changing factors influencing marketing strategies.
Constantly re-evaluate.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Trading CompaniesA trading company provides a link between buyers and sellers in different countries.A trading company, as its name implies, is not involved in manufacturing or owningassets related to manufacturing. It buys products in one country at the lowest priceconsistent with quality and sells to buyers in another country. An important function oftrading companies is taking title to products and performing all the activities necessaryto move the products from the domestic country to a foreign country. For example,large grain-trading companies operating out of home offices both in the United Statesand overseas control a major portion of the world’s trade in basic food commodities.These trading companies sell homogeneous agricultural commodities that can be storedand moved rapidly in response to market conditions.CountertradeIn the early 1990s, many developing nations had major restrictions on convertingdomestic currency into foreign currency. Therefore, exporters had to resort to barteragreements with importers. Countertrade is essentially an international bartertransaction in which goods and services are exchanged for different goods and services.Examples include Saudi Arabia’s purchase of ten 747 jets from Boeing with paymentin crude oil and Philip Morris’s sale of cigarettes to Russia in return for chemicals usedto make fertilizers.Multinational FirmsA multinational enterprise is a firm that operates on a worldwide scale without tiesto any specific nation or region. The multinational firm represents the highest level ofinvolvement in international business. It is equally “at home” in most countries of theworld. In fact, as far as the operations of the multinational enterprise are concerned,national boundaries exist only on maps. It is, however, organized under the laws of itshome country.Table 3.3 shows the ten largest foreign and U.S. public multinational companies;the ranking is based on a composite score reflecting each company’s best three out offour rankings for sales, profits, assets, and market value. Table 3.4 describes steps inentering international markets.The Ten Largest Foreign and U.S. Multinational Corporations89Steps in Entering International MarketsStep Activity Marketing Tasks1 Identify exportable products. Identify key selling features.Identify needs that they satisfy.Identify the selling constraints that are imposed.2 Identify key foreign markets for theproducts.Determine who the customers are.Pinpoint what and when they will buy.Do market research.Establish priority, or “target,” countries.3 Analyze how to sell in each prioritymarket (methods will be affected byproduct characteristics and uniquefeatures of country/market).Locate available government and private-sector resources.Determine service and backup sales requirements.4 Set export prices and payment terms,methods, and techniques.Establish methods of export pricing.
Establish sales terms, quotations, invoices, and conditions of sale.
Determine methods of international payments, secured and unsecured.
5 Estimate resource requirements and
Estimate financial requirements.
Estimate human resources requirements (full- or part-time export
department or operation?).
Estimate plant production capacity.
Determine necessary product adaptations.
6 Establish overseas distribution network. Determine distribution agreement and other key marketing decisions
(price, repair policies, returns, territory, performance, and termination).
Know your customer (use U.S. Department of Commerce international
marketing services).
7 Determine shipping, traffic, and
documentation procedures and
Determine methods of shipment (air or ocean freight, truck, rail).
Finalize containerization.
Obtain validated export license.
Follow export-administration documentation procedures.
8 Promote, sell, and be paid. Use international media, communications, advertising, trade shows, and
Determine the need for overseas travel (when, where, and how often?).
Initiate customer follow-up procedures.
9 Continuously analyze current marketing,
economic, and political situations.
Recognize changing factors influencing marketing strategies.
Constantly re-evaluate.

Step Activity Marketing Tasks
1 Identify exportable products. Identify key selling features.
Identify needs that they satisfy.
Identify the selling constraints that are imposed.
2 Identify key foreign markets for the
Determine who the customers are.
Pinpoint what and when they will buy.
Do market research.
Establish priority, or “target,” countries.
3 Analyze how to sell in each priority
market (methods will be affected by
product characteristics and unique
features of country/market).
Locate available government and private-sector resources.
Determine service and backup sales requirements.
4 Set export prices and payment terms,
methods, and techniques.
Establish methods of export pricing.
Establish sales terms, quotations, invoices, and conditions of sale.
Determine methods of international payments, secured and unsecured.
5 Estimate resource requirements and
Estimate financial requirements.
Estimate human resources requirements (full- or part-time export
department or operation?).
Estimate plant production capacity.
Determine necessary product adaptations.
6 Establish overseas distribution network. Determine distribution agreement and other key marketing decisions
(price, repair policies, returns, territory, performance, and termination).
Know your customer (use U.S. Department of Commerce international
marketing services).
7 Determine shipping, traffic, and
documentation procedures and
Determine methods of shipment (air or ocean freight, truck, rail).
Finalize containerization.
Obtain validated export license.
Follow export-administration documentation procedures.
8 Promote, sell, and be paid. Use international media, communications, advertising, trade shows, and
Determine the need for overseas travel (when, where, and how often?).
Initiate customer follow-up procedures.
9 Continuously analyze current marketing,
economic, and political situations.
Recognize changing factors influencing marketing strategies.
Constantly re-evaluate.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Perusahaan Perdagangan
Sebuah perusahaan perdagangan menyediakan link antara pembeli dan penjual di negara yang berbeda.
Sebuah perusahaan perdagangan, seperti namanya, tidak terlibat dalam pembuatan atau memiliki
aset yang terkait dengan manufaktur. Ini membeli produk di satu negara dengan harga terendah
konsisten dengan kualitas dan menjual ke pembeli di negara lain. Fungsi penting dari
perusahaan perdagangan yang mengambil judul untuk produk dan melakukan semua kegiatan yang diperlukan
untuk memindahkan produk dari negara domestik ke luar negeri. Misalnya,
gandum perusahaan perdagangan besar beroperasi dari kantor rumah kedua di Amerika Serikat
dan kontrol di luar negeri sebagian besar dari perdagangan dunia pada komoditas makanan pokok.
Perusahaan-perusahaan perdagangan menjual komoditas pertanian homogen yang dapat disimpan
dan bergerak cepat dalam menanggapi kondisi pasar.
Pada awal 1990-an, banyak negara berkembang memiliki pembatasan besar pada mengkonversi
mata uang domestik ke mata uang asing. Oleh karena itu, eksportir harus resor untuk barter
perjanjian dengan importir. Countertrade dasarnya adalah barter internasional
transaksi di mana barang dan jasa dipertukarkan untuk barang dan jasa yang berbeda.
Contohnya termasuk pembelian Arab Saudi dari sepuluh 747 jet dari Boeing dengan pembayaran
minyak mentah dan penjualan Philip Morris rokok ke Rusia dengan imbalan bahan kimia yang digunakan
untuk membuat pupuk.
Perusahaan Multinasional
Sebuah perusahaan multinasional adalah perusahaan yang beroperasi pada skala dunia tanpa ikatan
apapun bangsa atau wilayah tertentu. Perusahaan multinasional merupakan tingkat tertinggi
keterlibatan dalam bisnis internasional. Hal ini sama "di rumah" di sebagian besar negara di
dunia. Bahkan, sejauh operasi dari perusahaan multinasional yang bersangkutan,
batas-batas nasional hanya ada di peta. Hal ini, bagaimanapun, yang diselenggarakan berdasarkan hukum
yang. Negara asal
Tabel 3.3 menunjukkan sepuluh perusahaan multinasional terbesar asing dan US publik;
peringkat didasarkan pada skor komposit mencerminkan masing-masing perusahaan terbaik tiga dari
empat peringkat untuk penjualan, keuntungan, aset , dan nilai pasar. Tabel 3.4 menjelaskan langkah-langkah dalam
memasuki pasar internasional.
Sepuluh Terbesar Perusahaan Asing dan US Multinasional
89 Langkah-langkah dalam Memasuki Pasar Internasional Langkah Kegiatan Tugas Pemasaran 1 Mengidentifikasi produk ekspor. Mengidentifikasi fitur jual kunci. Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan mereka memenuhi. Mengidentifikasi kendala penjualan yang dipaksakan. 2 mengidentifikasi pasar luar negeri utama untuk produk. Menentukan siapa pelanggan. Tepat apa dan kapan mereka akan membeli. Lakukan penelitian pasar. Menetapkan prioritas, atau "Target," negara. 3 Menganalisis bagaimana menjual di setiap prioritas pasar (metode akan dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik produk dan unik fitur dari negara / pasar). Cari sumber daya yang tersedia pemerintah dan sektor swasta. Menentukan layanan dan persyaratan penjualan cadangan. 4 Set harga dan syarat pembayaran, ekspor metode, dan teknik. Menetapkan metode penetapan harga ekspor. Menetapkan hal penjualan, kutipan, faktur, dan kondisi penjualan. Tentukan metode pembayaran internasional, aman dan tidak aman. kebutuhan sumber daya 5 Memperkirakan dan pengembalian. Perkirakan kebutuhan keuangan . Perkirakan kebutuhan sumber daya manusia (ekspor penuh atau paruh waktu departemen atau operasi?). Kapasitas produksi pabrik Estimate. Tentukan adaptasi produk yang diperlukan. 6 Membangun jaringan distribusi di luar negeri. Menentukan perjanjian distribusi dan keputusan pemasaran kunci lainnya (harga, kebijakan perbaikan, pengembalian, wilayah, kinerja, dan penghentian). Tahu pelanggan Anda (penggunaan US Department of Commerce internasional jasa pemasaran). 7 menentukan pengiriman, lalu lintas, dan prosedur dokumentasi dan persyaratan. menentukan metode pengiriman (udara atau angkutan laut, truk, kereta api). Finalisasi containerization. Mendapatkan izin ekspor divalidasi. Ikuti prosedur dokumentasi ekspor-administrasi. 8 Promosikan, menjual, dan harus dibayar. Gunakan media internasional, komunikasi, iklan, pameran dagang, dan pameran. Tentukan kebutuhan untuk perjalanan ke luar negeri (kapan, di mana, dan seberapa sering?). Lakukan prosedur tindak lanjut pelanggan. 9 Terus menganalisis pemasaran saat ini, ekonomi, dan situasi politik. mengenali faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan strategi pemasaran. Terus mengevaluasi kembali. Langkah Kegiatan Pemasaran Tugas 1 Mengidentifikasi produk ekspor. Mengidentifikasi fitur jual kunci. Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan mereka memenuhi. Mengidentifikasi kendala penjualan yang dipaksakan. 2 mengidentifikasi pasar luar negeri utama untuk produk. Menentukan siapa pelanggan. Tepat apa dan kapan mereka akan membeli. Lakukan penelitian pasar. Menetapkan prioritas, atau "Target," negara. 3 Menganalisis bagaimana menjual di setiap prioritas pasar (metode akan dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik produk dan unik fitur dari negara / pasar). Cari sumber daya yang tersedia pemerintah dan sektor swasta. Menentukan layanan dan persyaratan penjualan cadangan. 4 Set harga dan syarat pembayaran, ekspor metode, dan teknik. Menetapkan metode penetapan harga ekspor. Menetapkan hal penjualan, kutipan, faktur, dan kondisi penjualan. Tentukan metode pembayaran internasional, aman dan tidak aman. kebutuhan sumber daya 5 Memperkirakan dan pengembalian. Perkirakan kebutuhan keuangan . Perkirakan kebutuhan sumber daya manusia (ekspor penuh atau paruh waktu departemen atau operasi?). Kapasitas produksi pabrik Estimate. Tentukan adaptasi produk yang diperlukan. 6 Membangun jaringan distribusi di luar negeri. Menentukan perjanjian distribusi dan keputusan pemasaran kunci lainnya (harga, kebijakan perbaikan, pengembalian, wilayah, kinerja, dan penghentian). Tahu pelanggan Anda (penggunaan US Department of Commerce internasional jasa pemasaran). 7 menentukan pengiriman, lalu lintas, dan prosedur dokumentasi dan persyaratan. menentukan metode pengiriman (udara atau angkutan laut, truk, kereta api). Finalisasi containerization. Mendapatkan izin ekspor divalidasi. Ikuti prosedur dokumentasi ekspor-administrasi. 8 Promosikan, menjual, dan harus dibayar. Gunakan media internasional, komunikasi, iklan, pameran dagang, dan pameran. Tentukan kebutuhan untuk perjalanan ke luar negeri (kapan, di mana, dan seberapa sering?). Lakukan prosedur tindak lanjut pelanggan. 9 Terus menganalisis pemasaran saat ini, ekonomi, dan situasi politik. mengenali faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi strategi pemasaran berubah. Terus mengevaluasi kembali. 90

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Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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