FIONA WONDERED WHERE her husband slept these days. Four nights had pas terjemahan - FIONA WONDERED WHERE her husband slept these days. Four nights had pas Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


FIONA WONDERED WHERE her husband slept these days. Four nights had passed since he’d left her and his sister on the road heading back to Dempsey. And during those days, he’d been cordial but cool, arriving each morning to change his clothes and then be on his way again. During meals, he might come to the hall and join them, but he just as often dined in his father’s chamber. Fiona passed her time with Vivi and Alyssa. Marietta remained remote, gracious but aloof. So much so that even her own sister began whispering comments into Fiona’s ear.
“Take heart. It’s isn’t you she doesn’t like. She has always been this way.”
Fiona reminded herself it didn’t matter what the wife of Cedric Campbell thought, yet in some tiny corner of her mind, it did.
The ladies were together, sewing in Vivi’s chamber, when a shout rang out, and soon after, a fast rapping sounded on the door. One servant opened it, and there stood another, beaming.
“My ladies. Lord Tavish has returned. And he’s brought Lord Robert with him.”
Alyssa squeaked with joy as she and Vivienne set their mending aside. “Oh, Fiona, you’re sure to adore Robert. But you mustn’t let him tease you. He is notorious for jests.”
Fiona’s heart gave a thump. One more Campbell to be wary of? Wonderful.
Alyssa was out the door, skipping down the hall. Vivienne and Fiona followed at a more leisurely place.
“You look grim,” Vivi said.
“More so than usual?” Fiona had taken to her own kind of teasing with Myles’s aunt, and their friendship seemed to blossom from it.
Vivienne’s laugh was light as she tipped her head to look more closely at Fiona’s face. “No, not more grim than usual. And certainly not so grim as that very first night.”
The women walked through the hall and into the bailey, where Tavish and Myles’s brother were being greeted as conquering heroes of the realm. Fiona spotted Robert instantly, for he bore the look of Cedric but with the more angular jaw afforded by youth. His coloring was lighter than Myles’s, and he had a light-brown mop of curls. He tipped up his face, and his eyes met hers. She nearly faltered in her step, for those eyes of his were the deepest, brightest blue she’d ever seen, more violet than indigo. No wonder women succumbed to him.
Vivienne giggled beside her and whispered, “Mind yourself. He’s an utter rapscallion.”
Myles stepped up next to his brother and turned to follow his gaze. When his eyes landed on Fiona, he frowned and stepped in front of Robert, saying something she could not hear. Robert laughed and nodded.
Fiona felt color heating her cheeks, for whatever was said was most certainly about her.
When her husband turned back in her direction, the lines of his face were more relaxed, and the brothers made their way toward Fiona and Vivienne.
Robert leaned in to kiss his aunt’s cheek. “Vivi, you saucy wench, you haven’t aged a day. Are you some kind of witch?”
“Something like that. Welcome home, Robert.” She kissed his cheek in return.
“I’d have been home sooner, but Tavish slowed me down. Age and too much ale has got to him.” His smile brightened as he teased, for Tavish was right behind him.
“I could still show you a thing or two in the yard, boy. Meet me there tomorrow.”
“Is that a challenge, Uncle?”
Tavish grinned. “’Tis a promise.”
Robert nodded. “Tomorrow, then.” He turned his gaze once more to settle on Fiona. She hoped her face wasn’t bright with pink. The man had a ridiculous amount of appeal, with dimples deep in each cheek and another set in his square chin.
Myles stepped closer, reaching out to clasp her hand and tuck it close into the crook of his arm as if they were the most intimate of partners.
“Robert, ’tis my great pleasure to introduce Fiona Campbell. My wife.” The word was ripe with hidden meaning. Or perhaps not so hidden.
But Robert displayed the most appropriate, impeccable manners, taking her other hand and bowing over it, quick and succinct. “’Tis my honor to meet you, Lady Fiona. I am in your debt.”
Her voice was unsteady. “In my debt, sir? How so?”
He smiled wide. “With my esteemed brother preoccupied by one so lovely as you, I shall have all the available ladies for myself.”
“And a few of the less available ones,” Tavish murmured. “Get along with you, now. Your father is waiting.”
Robert nodded once more and winked at Fiona. “I look forward to becoming much better acquainted, my lady.”
Myles squeezed her hand and pressed her more securely to his side as the party moved toward the great hall.
“Robert has been at court, my dear,” Myles said. “Forgive his forward manner. Now, I shall be with my father for a bit. I trust you can find some entertainment while I’m gone.”
She looked at her husband’s face. ’Twas more words than he had said to her in as many days. And how solicitous they sounded. She’d been left to her own for nearly a week, so why his sudden inter—ah, his brother. Of course. Myles would play the adoring husband for Robert’s sake. What silly folly, for surely Robert was clever enough to know there was no love between her and Myles. Perhaps she should erase any doubt and snatch her hand away from her husband’s arm.
But she glanced over at Robert and found him staring back, a keen glimmer in his eyes. Perhaps that’s how things were managed at court, but she hoped her own face showed indifference, for it would do her no good to create friction between the brothers. And just as Myles was her enemy, so too was Robert. No matter that he had an archangel’s face and a rogue’s smile.
“I shall find some way to pass the time without you,” Fiona told her husband, keeping her voice and expression deliberately bland.
Myles returned a smile that seemed both grateful and strained. “In that case, I look forward to seeing you at dinner.” Then he caught her chin with his fingertips and pressed his lips to hers, so hard and fast it felt more a brand than a kiss. She knew it was for Robert’s sake, but it tingled nonetheless and left a hollowness in her chest when her husband pulled away.
Myles’s mother was with the earl, fussing about as ever, when the men entered the chamber. She spotted Robert and dropped the brush from her hands into her husband’s lap.
“Robert! How grand!” She crossed the room fast, wrapping satin-covered arms around her son. “Goodness! You’re too thin.”
“I’ve missed you, Mother. There’s been no one haranguing me for months. And I’m not too thin. I’m solid muscle.”
“You are thin. Doesn’t the king feed you?” She pulled him over toward Cedric.
“Mother, I’ve been on campaign in the borderlands, and the food was putrid, but you may fatten me up while I’m at Dempsey, if you wish.”
Cedric laughed. “Come here, son. Let me get a good long look at you.”
Myles stood to the side, watching as his younger brother sat down on their father’s bed and leaned back against the post, his manner so relaxed it felt as if he’d never left. “Tell me, lad, how fares the king?” asked Cedric.
“Full of plans, as always. He married Marie de Guise a few weeks past and, in her honor, has renovated much of Linlithgow. ’Tis a finer place than Falkland now, though the hunting’s not as good. And he plans to sail around the Highlands toward summer’s end. He’s asked me to join him. And you too, Myles, if Father can spare you here.”
Myles felt a rush of enthusiasm. ’Twas a great honor to sail with the king. But fast on that came the thought of leaving Fiona so soon. Things were as yet unsettled between them, and he should like to be around to put them in a better place before abandoning her. The notion startled him, that he should put her needs, and even his own, before the king’s. The girl was like a ripple in a pond, her every action causing movement all around.
“And what of Douglas and his ilk? Have they been causing problems?” Cedric asked. He gestured for Tavish to come closer. “Did you discover anything?”
Tavish eased into a chair. “King James has sent scouts to scour the area where we were attacked. It’s not likely they’ll find anything, but he has his spies and perhaps they’ll learn something of some use.”
Myles walked over, grasping the post behind Robert’s head and leaning closer. “We were on Fraser land when we were attacked.”
Robert nodded. “Just north of Inverness, Tavish told me. If that’s the case, then likely it was Frasers, with aid from their Douglas cousins. Both clans are riled beyond measure because the king has accused Lady Janet Douglas of conspiring to poison him. She is Archibald Douglas’s sister, of course, and suspect by association. Still, ’tis treason to communicate with Douglas, and the king has evidence they’ve exchanged numerous messages.”
“What messages?” Cedric asked.
Robert shrugged. “I don’t know, exactly, but if the king wants a reason to dispose of someone, he’ll find it. Or create it, if it pleases him.”
“Watch what you say, lad. Talk like that could well put you at the end of a noose,” Tavish warned.
“He’s right, son,” Cedric agreed. “James trusts no one unconditionally. Not even us.”
“So, what happens next?” Myles asked. This talk of treason made him uneasy, for even though it seemed his wife’s family had nothing to do with the ambush, not so long ago the Sinclairs were a target of the king’s wrath. ’Twas only his marriage that protected them now, and his father’s determination to keep them safe. The fragility of the situation chilled his blood.
Robert stood up. “Next, I suggest we have dinner. If Mother says I am too skinny, she must be right.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
FIONA bertanya-tanya mana suaminya tidur hari ini. Empat malam telah berlalu sejak dia meninggalkan Suster Maria dan jalan menuju kembali ke Dempsey. Dan selama masa itu, ia telah ramah tapi dingin, tiba setiap pagi untuk mengubah pakaiannya dan kemudian berada di nya cara lagi. Selama makan, ia mungkin datang ke aula dan bergabung dengan mereka, tapi dia sering makan di ruang ayahnya. Fiona berlalu waktu dengan Vivi dan Alyssa. Marietta tetap terpencil, ramah tapi menyendiri. Begitu banyak sehingga bahkan adiknya sendiri mulai berbisik komentar ke Fiona di telinga."Ambil hati. Bukan Anda dia tidak suka. Dia selalu cara ini."Fiona mengingatkan dirinya sendiri tidak peduli apa yang istri Cedric Campbell pikir, namun di beberapa sudut kecil dari pikirannya, itu.Wanita itu bersama-sama, menjahit di ruang Vivi, ketika berteriak berdering, dan segera setelah itu, cepat mengetuk terdengar di pintu. Satu hamba membukanya, dan tidak berdiri lain, berseri-seri."Wanita saya. Tuhan Tavish telah kembali. Dan ia telah membawa Robert Tuhan bersamanya.Alyssa squeaked dengan sukacita sebagai dia dan Vivienne menyisihkan memperbaiki mereka. "Oh, Fiona, Anda yakin untuk memuja Robert. Tetapi Anda tidak boleh membiarkan dia menggoda Anda. Dia terkenal melucu."Fiona di jantung memberikan berdebar-debar. Satu lebih Campbell untuk waspada terhadap? Hebat.Alyssa adalah keluar dari pintu, melompat-lompat menyusuri lorong. Vivienne dan Fiona diikuti di tempat yang lebih santai."Kau tampak suram," kata Vivi."Lebih dari biasanya?" Fiona telah diambil untuk dirinya sendiri jenis menggoda dengan bibi Myles's, dan persahabatan mereka tampaknya berkembang dari itu.Vivienne's tertawa adalah cahaya sebagai dia yang dimiringkan kepalanya untuk melihat lebih dekat pada dariotto wajah. "Tidak, tidak lebih suram dari biasanya. Dan tentu saja tidak begitu muram sebagai malam pertama itu.Para wanita berjalan melalui lorong dan ke bailey, dimana Tavish dan Myles's saudara yang disambut sebagai menaklukkan pahlawan dunia. Fiona melihat Robert seketika, karena ia menanggung tampilan Cedric tetapi dengan lebih sudut rahang diberikan oleh pemuda. Mewarnai-nya adalah lebih ringan daripada Myles's, dan ia pel coklat-terang ikal. Dia yang dimiringkan wajahnya, dan matanya bertemu miliknya. Dia hampir goyah pada langkah-nya, karena mata Nya terdalam, biru terang dia pernah, violet lebih daripada indigo. Tidak heran perempuan menyerah kepadanya.Vivienne terkikik sampingnya dan berbisik, "pikiran sendiri. Ia adalah rapscallion mengucapkan."Myles melangkah di saudaranya dan berpaling, untuk mengikuti dengan tatapan. Ketika matanya mendarat di Fiona, dia akan mengerutkan kening dan melangkah di depan Robert, mengatakan sesuatu yang dia tidak bisa mendengar. Robert tertawa dan mengangguk.Fiona merasa warna Penghangat Ruangan pipi, untuk apa pun yang dikatakan adalah jelas tentang dirinya.Ketika suaminya berbalik arah nya garis wajah yang lebih santai, dan saudara-saudara membuat jalan mereka ke arah Fiona dan Vivienne.Robert membungkuk untuk mencium pipi bibinya. "Vivi, Anda cakep Dara, Anda belum berusia sehari. Apakah Anda semacam penyihir?""Sesuatu seperti itu. Selamat datang, Robert." Dia mencium pipinya kembali."Aku akan menjadi lebih cepat, tapi Tavish diperlambat saya turun. Usia dan ale terlalu banyak punya kepadanya." Senyum cerah seperti dia menggoda, untuk Tavish tepat di belakangnya."Aku bisa masih menunjukkan Anda satu atau dua di halaman, anak laki-laki. Temui aku tidak besok.""Apakah itu sebuah tantangan, paman?"Tavish tersenyum. "'Tis janji."Robert mengangguk. "Tomorrow, kemudian." Dia mengalihkan perhatiannya sekali lagi untuk menetap pada Fiona. Dia berharap wajahnya tidak cerah dengan pink. Pria memiliki jumlah konyol banding, dengan lesung dalam setiap pipi dan lain terletak di keningnya persegi.Myles melangkah lebih dekat, menjangkau gesper tangannya dan menyelipkan ini dekat ke lekuk tangannya seolah-olah mereka yang paling intim mitra."Robert, ' tis besar saya kesenangan untuk memperkenalkan Fiona Campbell. Istri saya." Firman adalah masak dengan makna tersembunyi. Atau mungkin tidak tersembunyi.Tapi Robert ditampilkan sikap yang paling tepat, sempurna, membawanya sisi lain dan membungkuk lebih dari itu, cepat dan ringkas. "'Tis kehormatan bertemu Anda, Lady Fiona. Aku sedang dalam utang Anda."Suaranya goyah. "Dalam utang saya, sir? Bagaimana begitu?"Dia tersenyum lebar. "Dengan saudaraku yang terhormat disibukan oleh satu begitu indah seperti Anda, saya akan memiliki semua wanita tersedia untuk diriku sendiri.""Dan beberapa yang kurang tersedia," Tavish bersungut. "Dapatkan bersama dengan Anda, sekarang. Ayahmu adalah menunggu."Robert nodded once more and winked at Fiona. “I look forward to becoming much better acquainted, my lady.”Myles squeezed her hand and pressed her more securely to his side as the party moved toward the great hall.“Robert has been at court, my dear,” Myles said. “Forgive his forward manner. Now, I shall be with my father for a bit. I trust you can find some entertainment while I’m gone.”She looked at her husband’s face. ’Twas more words than he had said to her in as many days. And how solicitous they sounded. She’d been left to her own for nearly a week, so why his sudden inter—ah, his brother. Of course. Myles would play the adoring husband for Robert’s sake. What silly folly, for surely Robert was clever enough to know there was no love between her and Myles. Perhaps she should erase any doubt and snatch her hand away from her husband’s arm.But she glanced over at Robert and found him staring back, a keen glimmer in his eyes. Perhaps that’s how things were managed at court, but she hoped her own face showed indifference, for it would do her no good to create friction between the brothers. And just as Myles was her enemy, so too was Robert. No matter that he had an archangel’s face and a rogue’s smile.“I shall find some way to pass the time without you,” Fiona told her husband, keeping her voice and expression deliberately bland.Myles returned a smile that seemed both grateful and strained. “In that case, I look forward to seeing you at dinner.” Then he caught her chin with his fingertips and pressed his lips to hers, so hard and fast it felt more a brand than a kiss. She knew it was for Robert’s sake, but it tingled nonetheless and left a hollowness in her chest when her husband pulled away.Myles’s mother was with the earl, fussing about as ever, when the men entered the chamber. She spotted Robert and dropped the brush from her hands into her husband’s lap.“Robert! How grand!” She crossed the room fast, wrapping satin-covered arms around her son. “Goodness! You’re too thin.”“I’ve missed you, Mother. There’s been no one haranguing me for months. And I’m not too thin. I’m solid muscle.”“You are thin. Doesn’t the king feed you?” She pulled him over toward Cedric.“Mother, I’ve been on campaign in the borderlands, and the food was putrid, but you may fatten me up while I’m at Dempsey, if you wish.”Cedric laughed. “Come here, son. Let me get a good long look at you.”Myles stood to the side, watching as his younger brother sat down on their father’s bed and leaned back against the post, his manner so relaxed it felt as if he’d never left. “Tell me, lad, how fares the king?” asked Cedric.“Full of plans, as always. He married Marie de Guise a few weeks past and, in her honor, has renovated much of Linlithgow. ’Tis a finer place than Falkland now, though the hunting’s not as good. And he plans to sail around the Highlands toward summer’s end. He’s asked me to join him. And you too, Myles, if Father can spare you here.”Myles felt a rush of enthusiasm. ’Twas a great honor to sail with the king. But fast on that came the thought of leaving Fiona so soon. Things were as yet unsettled between them, and he should like to be around to put them in a better place before abandoning her. The notion startled him, that he should put her needs, and even his own, before the king’s. The girl was like a ripple in a pond, her every action causing movement all around.“And what of Douglas and his ilk? Have they been causing problems?” Cedric asked. He gestured for Tavish to come closer. “Did you discover anything?”Tavish eased into a chair. “King James has sent scouts to scour the area where we were attacked. It’s not likely they’ll find anything, but he has his spies and perhaps they’ll learn something of some use.”Myles walked over, grasping the post behind Robert’s head and leaning closer. “We were on Fraser land when we were attacked.”Robert nodded. “Just north of Inverness, Tavish told me. If that’s the case, then likely it was Frasers, with aid from their Douglas cousins. Both clans are riled beyond measure because the king has accused Lady Janet Douglas of conspiring to poison him. She is Archibald Douglas’s sister, of course, and suspect by association. Still, ’tis treason to communicate with Douglas, and the king has evidence they’ve exchanged numerous messages.”“What messages?” Cedric asked.Robert shrugged. “I don’t know, exactly, but if the king wants a reason to dispose of someone, he’ll find it. Or create it, if it pleases him.”“Watch what you say, lad. Talk like that could well put you at the end of a noose,” Tavish warned.“He’s right, son,” Cedric agreed. “James trusts no one unconditionally. Not even us.”“So, what happens next?” Myles asked. This talk of treason made him uneasy, for even though it seemed his wife’s family had nothing to do with the ambush, not so long ago the Sinclairs were a target of the king’s wrath. ’Twas only his marriage that protected them now, and his father’s determination to keep them safe. The fragility of the situation chilled his blood.Robert stood up. “Next, I suggest we have dinner. If Mother says I am too skinny, she must be right.”
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