● Enforcement. The degree of enforcement of company policies, procedur terjemahan - ● Enforcement. The degree of enforcement of company policies, procedur Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

● Enforcement. The degree of enforc

● Enforcement. The degree of enforcement of company policies, procedures, and
ethical codes is a major force affecting opportunity. When violations are dealt with
consistently and firmly, the opportunity to be unethical is reduced.
Do you make personal telephone calls on company time? Many individuals do.
Although most employees limit personal calls to a few minutes, some make personal
calls in excess of 30 minutes. Whether you use company time and equipment to make
personal calls is an example of a personal ethical decision.
Now that we have considered some of the factors believed to influence the level of
ethical behavior in the workplace, let us explore what can be done to encourage ethical
behavior and to discourage unethical behavior.
enCOuRaging ethiCal BehaViOR
Most authorities agree that there is room for improvement in business ethics. A more
problematic question is: Can business be made more ethical in the real world? The
majority opinion on this issue suggests that government, trade associations, and
individual firms indeed can establish acceptable levels of ethical behavior.
government’s Role in encouraging ethics
The government can encourage ethical behavior by legislating more stringent
regulations. For example, the landmark Sarbanes–Oxley act of 2002 provides
sweeping new legal protection for those who report corporate misconduct. At the
signing ceremony, President George W. Bush stated, “The act adopts tough new
provisions to deter and punish corporate and accounting fraud and corruption,
ensure justice for wrongdoers, and protect the interests of workers and shareholders.”
Among other things, the law deals with corporate responsibility, conflicts of
interest, and corporate accountability. However, rules require enforcement, and the
unethical businessperson frequently seems to “slip something by” without getting
caught. Increased regulation may help, but it surely cannot solve the entire ethics
trade associations’ Role in encouraging ethics
Trade associations can and often do provide ethical guidelines
for their members. These organizations, which operate within
particular industries, are in an excellent position to exert pressure
on members who stoop to questionable business practices. For
example, recently, a pharmaceutical trade group adopted a
new set of guidelines to halt the extravagant dinners and other
gifts sales representatives often give to physicians. However,
enforcement and authority vary from association to association.
Because trade associations exist for the benefit of their members,
harsh measures may be self-defeating.
individual Companies’ Role
in encouraging ethics
Codes of ethics that companies provide to their employees are
perhaps the most effective way to encourage ethical behavior.
A code of ethics is a written guide to acceptable and ethical
behavior as defined by an organization; it outlines uniform
policies, standards, and punishments for violations. Because
employees know what is expected of them and what will happen
if they violate the rules, a code of ethics goes a long way toward
encouraging ethical behavior. However, codes cannot possibly
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
● Enforcement. The degree of enforcement of company policies, procedures, andethical codes is a major force affecting opportunity. When violations are dealt withconsistently and firmly, the opportunity to be unethical is reduced.Do you make personal telephone calls on company time? Many individuals do.Although most employees limit personal calls to a few minutes, some make personalcalls in excess of 30 minutes. Whether you use company time and equipment to makepersonal calls is an example of a personal ethical decision.Now that we have considered some of the factors believed to influence the level ofethical behavior in the workplace, let us explore what can be done to encourage ethicalbehavior and to discourage unethical behavior.enCOuRaging ethiCal BehaViORMost authorities agree that there is room for improvement in business ethics. A moreproblematic question is: Can business be made more ethical in the real world? Themajority opinion on this issue suggests that government, trade associations, andindividual firms indeed can establish acceptable levels of ethical behavior.government’s Role in encouraging ethicsThe government can encourage ethical behavior by legislating more stringentregulations. For example, the landmark Sarbanes–Oxley act of 2002 providessweeping new legal protection for those who report corporate misconduct. At thesigning ceremony, President George W. Bush stated, “The act adopts tough newprovisions to deter and punish corporate and accounting fraud and corruption,ensure justice for wrongdoers, and protect the interests of workers and shareholders.”Among other things, the law deals with corporate responsibility, conflicts ofinterest, and corporate accountability. However, rules require enforcement, and theunethical businessperson frequently seems to “slip something by” without gettingcaught. Increased regulation may help, but it surely cannot solve the entire ethicsproblem.trade associations’ Role in encouraging ethicsTrade associations can and often do provide ethical guidelinesfor their members. These organizations, which operate withinparticular industries, are in an excellent position to exert pressureon members who stoop to questionable business practices. Forexample, recently, a pharmaceutical trade group adopted anew set of guidelines to halt the extravagant dinners and othergifts sales representatives often give to physicians. However,enforcement and authority vary from association to association.Because trade associations exist for the benefit of their members,harsh measures may be self-defeating.individual Companies’ Rolein encouraging ethicsCodes of ethics that companies provide to their employees areperhaps the most effective way to encourage ethical behavior.A code of ethics is a written guide to acceptable and ethicalbehavior as defined by an organization; it outlines uniformpolicies, standards, and punishments for violations. Becauseemployees know what is expected of them and what will happenif they violate the rules, a code of ethics goes a long way towardencouraging ethical behavior. However, codes cannot possibly
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
● Penegakan. Tingkat penegakan kebijakan perusahaan, prosedur, dan
kode etik merupakan kekuatan utama yang mempengaruhi peluang. Ketika pelanggaran ditangani dengan
konsisten dan tegas, kesempatan untuk menjadi etis berkurang.
Apakah Anda membuat panggilan telepon pribadi pada waktu perusahaan? Banyak orang melakukan.
Meskipun sebagian besar karyawan membatasi panggilan pribadi untuk beberapa menit, beberapa membuat pribadi
panggilan lebih dari 30 menit. Apakah Anda menggunakan waktu perusahaan dan peralatan untuk membuat
panggilan pribadi adalah contoh dari keputusan etis pribadi.
Sekarang kita telah mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor diyakini mempengaruhi tingkat
perilaku etis di tempat kerja, mari kita menjelajahi apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendorong etika
perilaku dan untuk mencegah perilaku yang tidak etis.
Mendorong perilaku etis
Kebanyakan pihak setuju bahwa ada ruang untuk perbaikan dalam etika bisnis. Yang lebih
pertanyaan bermasalah adalah: Dapatkah bisnis dibuat lebih etis di dunia nyata? The
pendapat mayoritas dalam masalah ini menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah, asosiasi perdagangan, dan
perusahaan-perusahaan individu memang bisa menetapkan tingkat yang dapat diterima dari perilaku etis.
Peran pemerintah dalam mendorong etika
Pemerintah dapat mendorong perilaku etis oleh legislatif lebih ketat
peraturan. Sebagai contoh, landmark Sarbanes-Oxley tindakan 2002 memberikan
perlindungan hukum baru sweeping bagi mereka yang melaporkan perbuatan korporasi. Pada
upacara penandatanganan, Presiden George W. Bush menyatakan, "Tindakan itu mengadopsi baru yang keras
ketentuan untuk mencegah dan menghukum penipuan perusahaan dan akuntansi dan korupsi,
menjamin keadilan bagi pelaku kejahatan, dan melindungi kepentingan pekerja dan pemegang saham."
Antara lain, hukum berkaitan dengan tanggung jawab perusahaan, konflik
kepentingan, dan akuntabilitas perusahaan. Namun, aturan membutuhkan penegakan hukum, dan
pengusaha tidak etis sering tampaknya "tergelincir sesuatu dengan" tanpa mendapatkan
tertangkap. Peningkatan regulasi dapat membantu, tapi itu pasti tidak bisa memecahkan seluruh etika
Peran asosiasi perdagangan 'dalam mendorong etika
Asosiasi perdagangan dapat dan sering memberikan panduan etis
bagi anggotanya. Organisasi-organisasi ini, yang beroperasi dalam
industri tertentu, berada di posisi yang sangat baik untuk menekan
pada anggota yang membungkuk untuk praktek bisnis dipertanyakan. Untuk
contoh, baru-baru ini, sebuah kelompok perdagangan farmasi mengadopsi
set baru pedoman untuk menghentikan makan malam mewah dan lainnya
hadiah perwakilan penjualan sering memberikan ke dokter. Namun,
penegakan hukum dan otoritas bervariasi dari asosiasi untuk asosiasi.
Karena asosiasi perdagangan yang ada untuk kepentingan anggota mereka,
tindakan keras mungkin diri sendiri.
Peran Perusahaan individu
dalam mendorong etika
Kode etik yang menyediakan perusahaan kepada karyawan mereka
mungkin yang paling cara yang efektif untuk mendorong perilaku etis.
Sebuah kode etik adalah panduan tertulis untuk diterima dan etika
perilaku seperti yang didefinisikan oleh sebuah organisasi; itu menguraikan seragam
kebijakan, standar, dan hukuman untuk pelanggaran. Karena
karyawan tahu apa yang diharapkan dari mereka dan apa yang akan terjadi
jika mereka melanggar aturan, kode etik pergi jauh ke arah
mendorong perilaku etis. Namun, kode tidak bisa mungkin
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